3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Data Mining for Software Engineering

In computer science, software engineering plays part in the design and analysis of projects for computer and other electronic gadgets. In software development processes, the work is part into particular stages with specific tasks in each, with the aim of improving planning and management. The most usually utilized procedures incorporate waterfall, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, RAD, extreme programming and different sorts of agile procedure. While SDLC 'model' is a more general term for a category of procedures,...
7 Pages 3108 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Post-Quantum Cryptography as a Possible Solution to the Crypto Apocalypse

Due to the widespread adoption of various digital technologies, sharing of digital information has become a vital aspect of people’s lives. Through the Internet, one can have access to their personal medical records, financial data and carry out transactions online. As a result of this, information security is now considered pivotal in ensuring that one does not become a target of interest for adversaries whom may try to intercept this online data. Cryptography has been designed with this in mind,...
6 Pages 2813 Words

Free Trade Vs Protectionism: An Essay

With the increase in the interconnectedness of the world trade between countries has been increasing as well since a long time of history. There are two trade strategies adopted by countries, and they are trade liberalism and trade protectionism. Trade liberalism is defined as the movement of goods and services internationally by removing or reducing tariff and non-tariff barrier. Trade liberalism became drastically proficient after the World War II and most of the developing countries adopted the trade liberalism strategy...
6 Pages 2830 Words

The Evolution of Informal Street Vending in Mexico City

In this essay, I will be exploring the evolution of informal street vending in Mexico City and its influential factors. This will occur on different scales from the urban to the smaller scales of the stalls and products of the market stalls themselves, in relation to the different case studies referenced. The first part of the essay will preface this by introducing the history and different types of street vending that occur and following that, tracing why the locals value...
6 Pages 2776 Words

Data Mining and Its Security

Data mining is primarily used today by companies with a strong consumer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It enables these companies to determine relationships among 'internal' factors, such as price, product positioning or staff skills, and 'external' factors, such as economic indicators, competition and customer demographics. And, it enables them to determine the impact on sales, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. Finally, it enables them to 'drill down' into summary information to view detail transactional data. With...
6 Pages 2945 Words

Radical Reformation of Current Tax System

“Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own…”, – Milton Friedman. Taxation, a means by which governments finance their expenditures by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities, is used according to the ACCA (2013) for one of three reasons: to raise revenue, to redistribute wealth, and to change behavior. This essay will focus on income and wealth taxation in the United States, which makes up 81% of the federal revenue (National Priorities Project, 2015). Most...
7 Pages 3140 Words

Evaluate of Georgia's Application the 'Shock Therapy' Method for Economic Development

The case for free trade in Georgia has been a prolonged process ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. It geographically resides in the Caucasus region and has seen an increase in free-market economics in a bid to increase foreign investment and economic prosperity (Erikson, 2018). It has utilized this liberalization of economics after the disintegration of the Soviet Union; after that, the state has struggled with economic and governmental reforms. Nevertheless, 20 years after the fall of the...
7 Pages 3001 Words

Progressive Tax Vs Flat Tax: An Essay on What Is Fairer

The federal government collects revenue from income taxes, capital gains taxes, and payroll taxes. Tax rates depend on income types. Income taxes are progressive – that is, initial dollar amounts are taxed at a lower rate and additional dollars are taxed at higher rates. Income from investments (capital gain) is taxed at a flat 15%. Payroll taxes are charged at a flat rate only on the first $113,700 an individual earns. Let’s look at the tax rates for 2012 and...
6 Pages 2794 Words

My Trip to London: Reflections on Place, History and Culture

London is the metaphorical heart of England as it serves as the capital of the country. The city has been standing for nearly 2,000 years and has been renamed and reestablished many times. In modern times, it entertains an average of 30 million visitors each year, and is home to more than 70 billionaires. It’s been ranked as the sixth most expensive city to live in, but it attracts residents from all over the world, as over 300 languages are...
6 Pages 3005 Words

Globalization and Its Effects on Employment

Globalization is the higher integration, cooperation, togetherness of various nations in numerous fields like defense, trade, business, politics etc. It is the strong interconnection between nations all over the world. Globalization also works in other various essential elements like competitively priced, social and environmental etc. If we speak about economic globalization, it deals with the increasing drift of products and offerings cooperation between economies. It added rapid and unbelievable changes to the life of people. Globalization has affected life styles...
6 Pages 2847 Words

Was the 'Concert of Europe' System that Resulted from the Congress of Vienna a Successful Method of Conducting Diplomacy in the 19th Century?

Historically, there are laws that govern people, and people that follow those laws. One can draw parallels to this in regards to diplomacy. There are diplomatic systems that govern diplomats, statesmen, and these statesmen follow the diplomatic code of the time. In medieval Europe, there existed the chivalric code, in which knights followed. The same can be said for the statesmen of nations. There have been many diplomatic systems, particularly in Europe, that have impacted the diplomacy of many nations...
7 Pages 3006 Words

Benefits of Computer Programming for Society

Regarding the Senior Project, my particular area of interest for my research paper and project is computer programming. The plan for writing the research paper will involve pulling articles on the benefits of programming that contribute to society as a whole. Programming is a very beneficial part of today’s increasing population of people, as it creates opportunities for bigger projects that can lead into a more simplified way of living. This spans throughout multiple areas of our society, such as...
7 Pages 2997 Words

The Strategic Importance of Cloud Computing in Business Organizations

Nowadays, we see businesses use advanced technologies such as virtualization for storage and compute power, and software for internal processes being delivered over the Internet via pay-per-use models. But what existed before cloud came into the spotlight? Traditional on premise consisted of stand-alone computers (Ashraf, 2014) and more recently, large, expensive, difficult to maintain server rooms on site which handle business processes, store customer data and provide compute power. Using an on-premise model, internal business processes are carried out on...
6 Pages 2836 Words

Discrimination in Health Care Essay

How Gender Discrimination, age, and sexual orientation is Relevant to Health and Social Care and in society. Description The aim of this reflective assessment through the application of the Gibbs models (1998) is to highlight how the practice of inequality and discrimination by gender, age, and sexual orientation is relevant to health and social care settings and in society. Apart from these, the reflective assessment is also concerned with the issues highlighted in the lectures in the form of the...
6 Pages 2905 Words

Death Penalty Argumentative Essay: Thesis

The Modern Legal System and Death Penalty: Is the Death Penalty a Mistake? When reading about Justine’s execution in Frankenstein, the whole situation of having her sentenced to death for something she didn’t do really bothered me. Justine wasn’t even given a proper trial to say the least bit. The only reason Justine even admitted to the murder of William was too save her soul from condemnation. While Victor knew the whole time that the death of William was caused...
7 Pages 3104 Words

E-Learning Vs Classroom Learning Compare and Contrast Essay

Introduction: The Digital Shift in Education Technology has opened the gates of information accessible to geographical locations around the world. The recent surge in technology usage has yet to be analyzed for its effects on students’ success in the classroom. As our society continues to incorporate digital learning into school systems, we must analyze current differences in literacy, test scores, and quality of learning environments before the classroom was consumed by technology. Many questions still need to be answered surrounding...
6 Pages 2823 Words

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Essay

Abortion is a medical or surgical procedure that deliberately ends a pregnancy before an embryo or fetus is born. Opponents of abortion typically object to the practice for religious or ethical reasons, contending that the procedure constitutes the cruel termination of what they consider to be a viable human life. Those who support a woman’s right to choose an abortion argue that access to safe, legal abortions is a human right. In Roe v. Wade (1973), the US Supreme Court...
6 Pages 2838 Words

Mexican American War Essay

The struggles of being a soldier, all the hard work and pain they had to go through on a daily basis, the traumatizing events and effects of the war on these poor humans, and all of the deaths and tragic issues faced with war. James M. McCaffrey evaluates all these events and what the soldiers really go through as they fought for power for their country. The Mexican-American war was a fight over land to see who would gain Texas...
6 Pages 2839 Words

1984 Compared to Today Essay

What is a banned book? Banned books are books or other printed works, such as essays or plays, which are prohibited by law or to which free access is not permitted by other means. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship for political, religious, moral, or commercial motives. One such book is the novel 1984 by George Orwell. The novel had been banned or challenged numerous times on the grounds that it contained communist and sexual content....
7 Pages 3025 Words

My Goal in Life Essay

1.0 Welcome page Hello, my name is Ong Cheng Kei. I am currently still 17 since my birthday is in December. I am a Malaysian and stay in Kuala Lumpur and it is a very busy city. I am currently still a student continuing my tertiary studies at Asia Pacific University (APU). I enrolled in April for the Foundation course and currently enjoy studying there. No doubt that my favorite subject this semester is mathematics since I like mathematics a...
6 Pages 2947 Words

Cyberbullying Argumentative Essay

The Shift from Face-to-Face Communication to Digital Interaction In today’s society, we rely on interacting with people via phone, past generations didn’t experience this because phones were too expensive, or were a luxury to have. The norm is to text or email, and with people today the internet is the way to express emotion to others. What people miss from writing is people's ability to freely write what they are thinking, not being rushed to send out a message on...
6 Pages 2973 Words

Advantage and Disadvantage of Social Media Essay

Introduction: First and foremost, I have been asked to discuss social media its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, I have been asked to discuss social media in businesses and how it helps the growth of the business. Social media allows to carry a good reputation of the brand as well as give support to customers who are either unhappy or displeased by the service. I am going to research my information on how social media was created and how it affects...
6 Pages 3003 Words

Men and Women Are Equal Essay

Introduction to Gender Equality Women are still fighting for equality today. Women today face misrepresentation, lack of human rights, and unequal pay. Which leaves them fighting for basic respect as human beginning. The question is, why are women not treated equally to men, and why have women not been given equality yet? Is it because women are intimidating? Not smart enough? Not strong enough? The reasons can go on, but the problem at hand is women are not treated equally...
6 Pages 2794 Words

Conservatism in Education Examples

The proposals for secondary education following world war two in Britain intended to eliminate the inequalities that were evident in the education system. Although there had been an increase in the number of free places at grammar schools in England and Wales between 1913 and 1937, the majority of parents would have to decline these offers due to other expenses involved in excepting a place. Throughout this essay, I will discuss conservatism in Britain’s education system and what led to...
7 Pages 2869 Words

Ways in Which Biomimicry Change The Aviation Industry: Analytical Essay

Introduction The term Biomimicry first emerged during the mid-1900’s. Though, the first example of biomimicry known to mankind can be traced back to 4000BC and it is still present today: Silk. Biomimicry is an ancient practice rather, it is the art of recreating nature’s intricate processes and integrating these reproductions into innovations. The importance of biomimicry was not acknowledged when humans first began to practice it, but it rightfully gained tremendous popularity in the late 1990’s and mid-2000’s when engineers...
6 Pages 2902 Words

Compelling Nature of Conspiracy Theories: Analytical Essay

Abstract People have a natural desire to find explanations of the world around them. In some cases this includes the adoption of conspiracy theories. However, there is still significant doubt surrounding the features of a conspiracy theory, or the personal characteristics of the individual believer that make the conspiracy theory itself more or less persuasive. The following study will seek to gain a further understanding of conspiracy theories and why people invest differently in different conspiracy theories, and why they...
6 Pages 2798 Words

Barack Obama Biography Essay

His path to the presidency Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, the capital city of Hawaii. His father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., did not play a significant role in Obama’s life, while he was growing up. He was an African American man with Kenyan roots and married Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, in 1961, however, the couple ended up getting divorced only a few years later. In 1982, Obama Sr. died in a car crash...
6 Pages 2894 Words

Why Is Health Insurance Important Essay

Abstract: Health insurance is an important risk mitigating tool. In this era where medical expenses are every day rising and with no much-increasing income it is an inevitable part of one’s life. It is also a very important mechanism for funding the health care needs of the people. This research paper deals with consumer willingness to buy health insurance. There are different areas in which it judges the health insurance consumers. It examines the respondents who are aware or not...
6 Pages 2931 Words

Rousseau on Liberalism

In a beer hall in Munich, a mesmerizing public speaker addressed the issues troubling the German people with a furious passion, calling for a new order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient liberal democratic regime run by an economic elite that was not translating the will of the people into action and had brought humiliation to a proud people. In the new Germany, all citizens would unselfishly serve the state or Volk; democracy would be abolished,...
6 Pages 2956 Words

Pros and Cons of Liberalism

Research Paper In this essay, I am going to discuss different theories of government such as liberalism and communism. I am going to go into depth on how these theories operate as well as discuss how these theories affect societies. I will also go into depth on how these theories operate and also provide critique on what is wrong with them. I am often going to use examples of past or present governments that practice these theories and how it...
7 Pages 2976 Words
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