3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of Message Consequences and Communication Model

Question 1. Give examples of the following types of Biases in a sentence: Gender bias, Racial bias, Age bias, and Disability bias. How can they be avoided? Answer: We communicate most of our ideas to others through verbal messages, i.e., through spoken or written messages. However, verbal messages have some drawbacks like the message might not be properly worded, or the message could also be misunderstood, or interpreted differently from its intended meaning. for instance, even an easy statement like...
6 Pages 3044 Words

Segregation and Discrimination of Mexican Americans in the United States: Analytical Essay

Brownness as a Flaw Mexican Americans have encountered segregation and discrimination of their civil rights in the United States in the 19th century. At that time, whiteness was a huge social structure that meant more than the color of skin, and white people had the upper hand to be rewarded, through American citizenship, a packaged system of privileges and opportunities. However, this social construction was challenged and proved otherwise, with a series of court cases – verifying the efficacy of...
7 Pages 2962 Words

Jeremy Bentham's Definition of Ethics: Analytical Essay

Gurjinder Singh Bhamra 1710160 CARC5003 In this piece of writing, I will be analyzing and commenting on the Al Wakrah Stadium and the controversy that surrounded it. The stadium (4) was designed for the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar which can seat 40,000 people. With the design of this stadium, they had planned to decrease the seating in the stadium down to 20,000 figures after the world cup and will be the home of the Qatari Sports Club. Throughout...
7 Pages 3065 Words

Utilitarianism, Deontology, the Golden Mean, and the Golden Rule: Comparative Analysis

Journalists being free to publish information is vital to a functioning, democratic society, and an informed population. However, a number of checks and balances are required to ensure that this right is not abused. As the Council of Europe’s guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media state, “a journalist’s right to freedom of expression is not absolute. Journalists have rights and responsibilities” (Council of Europe, 2018). This means that the press must be ethical and responsible and that, contrary to...
6 Pages 2758 Words

The Role of Cyber Warrior in Cyberspace on Social Engineering Attacks

Abstract In the Cyberspace domain, the rate of cyber-attack is rising every day. This reason initiates the need to encourage individuals to become Cyber Warriors. To have a better understanding of a Cyber Warrior, we need to know the training, requirement, skills, and knowledge to obtain and also its difference with a traditional warrior. Social engineering attacks have now become very successful, looking at the fact that most of technical devices are unreliable to prevent such attacks. The best way...
6 Pages 2805 Words

Essay on Joel’s Theory of Ethics: Analysis of Natural Law, Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, Ethical Egoism, and Situational Ethic

Ethics is the study of morality, Ethics is the moral principles governing a person’s or agent’s actions. I would call myself a Utilitarian-Egoists ethicist because I believe in doing that act that produces the greatest good for the masses but however, in doing that act that produces the greatest good for the greatest number we must always put our self-first, although at times self-egoism may seem selfish, it is always fair and intrinsically good to be self-motivated. My internal reflection...
7 Pages 3025 Words

Understanding Lev Tolstoy's God Sees the Truth but Waits through Historical and Gender Criticism

Abstract- This study analyzes the short story of God sees the truth, but waits by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi with the use of five literary Criticism; as well as it seeks for meaning and understanding of the said story, as it deduces by the Historical Criticism, Marxist Criticism, Deconstruction Criticism, Symbolic Criticism, and Gender Criticism. It also used the qualitative descriptive method in determining the five literary criticism in relation to the literary piece. This research makes use of the given...
6 Pages 2933 Words

Indigenous Peoples and Their Interaction with Capitalism: Analytical Essay

Indigenous peoples have been an important part of our society from the very beginning. Many claims that their traditions, rich history, and culture make them extremely unique. And while this claim is very true, there is another factor that is becoming more integrated into indigenous peoples in our current society. This being their interaction with the capitalist economic system through their tribal enterprises and businesses. In this paper, I will illustrate how indigenous people interact with capitalism as the seller...
7 Pages 3019 Words

Critical Analysis of Caste System In Ambedkar's “Annihilation of Caste”

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar also known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was one of the most prominent lawyers, economists, politicians, and social reformers who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination against the Untouchables. He played a significant role for the upliftment of the downtrodden. He was considered a messiah for a suppressed class as he belongs to the untouchable’s community. He is considered as a great critique of the caste system. He had knowledge of 9 languages like Hindi,...
7 Pages 3098 Words

Asian American Identity and Effect on Boundaries: Analytical Essay

Abstract This research paper explores how ethnic boundaries salience are maintained by Asian Americans through Culture, Daily experience, and Symbolic repertories. In this study three interviews are conducted with three races being Vietnamese, Thai, and Korean. I was trying to find what aspects of this Asian American life maintained their cultural identity in the United States. The design of my interviews were qualitative interviews which were very useful in finding crucial information of what construction sites made the most impact...
6 Pages 2989 Words

Strong Women in Portrayed by Geoffrey Chaucer: Analytical Essay

The role of women in the 14th century was quite different then they are today. In Chaucer’s Canterbury tales he has made several scenarios in his stories on how women were viewed at that time period. In his stories it is clear that he was determined to show that women were not weak. But that women are strong willed and that they don’t let male dominance get in the way of getting what they want. In medieval times women had...
6 Pages 2862 Words

Analysis of the Communist Manifesto

What I Already Knew/ What I Wanted to Know Haruki Murakami once said, “If you only read the books everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking”. Reading this quote caused a multitude of questions to arise in my mind regarding the effect words have on human behavior, belief systems, and the wildfire spread of ideologies. This quote was the source of inspiration for research that lasted a few weeks. I already knew that literature...
6 Pages 2999 Words

Impact of Religion on Crown Policy from 1509-1603: Fate of Anne Boleyn

Many factors can be argued to be the most influential and political ones regarding crown policy. These factors may contradict each other or even complement each other, however, the most influential one is still debated. In my opinion, I think that religion was the most influential political factor, however other factors such as Successorship, Foreign policy, Rebellions, and Public opinion could also be pivotal contributing factors that influence crown policy. I believe that Religion was the most important factor due...
6 Pages 2890 Words

Discursive Essay on Matthew Arnold's Quotation Concerning Poetry

Matthew Arnold said: ‘More and more mankind will discover that we have to turn to poetry to interpret life for us, to console us, to sustain us.’ Discuss in relation to at least two Victorian Poems.!! Matthew Arnold believed that ‘all art is dedicated to joy’, this concept originated from the Greek’s and is known as catharsis. The idea that Greek poetry could bring composure to the soul. The Victorian Period saw a drastic change in industry compared to the...
6 Pages 2932 Words

Analysis of the Concept of Protagonist in Winterson’s Written on the Body and in Barnes’ The Sense of an Ending

Discuss how both the nature of desire and of guilt are intertwined with memory in Winterson’s Written on the Body and in Barnes’ The Sense of an Ending. In your discussion make close reference to the texts. This essay deals with the work of the British postmodernist authors Jeanette Winterson and Julian Barnes and discusses how both the nature of desire and of guilt are intertwined with memory in Jeanette Winterson’s Written on the Body (1992) and Julian Barnes’ The...
6 Pages 2956 Words

Analytical Essay on Ottoman Empire: Geography, History and Economy

Geography: Turkey has a very unique geographical position that is accompanied by even more unique geographical features. Turkey stretches about 1,000 miles west to east and about 300-400 miles north to south and has about a 4,000-mile boundary. Unsurprisingly, Turkey is one of the largest countries in its surrounding area, both in terms of territory and in terms of population. Turkey has the largest land area in Europe and the ninth largest land area in Asia with a staggering 302,535...
7 Pages 3073 Words

Role of Kings in English Reformation: Example of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

Was the Kings a great matter cause for the English reformation? Albert Frederick Pollard was the chair of the history at the London University College for 28 years and written over 500 entries on the Tudor period. His many years of knowledge of the Tudor period make this source more reliable. However because this book was written so long after the matter, some of the information could be inaccurate, which could make it less reliable. Also, some of his work...
6 Pages 2879 Words

Critical Analysis of Euripides’ Hippolytus: Euripides’: Role of Aphrodite

In Euripides’ Hippolytus we observe motifs that have been repeated in other plays (e.g the Bacchae). In the prologue, a god/goddess (in our case Aphrodite) speaks and announces their plan to avenge their honor and to punish the people (or person) who reject their cult. In some plays (for instance the Bacchae) a god decides to punish the people, who reject their cult or the people who chose to honor another deity, directly either by killing them or driving them...
7 Pages 3156 Words

Causes of the Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Analytical Essay

Introduction Ibn Khaldun (Abu Zayd Abd al- Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldun al- Hadhrami) was a 14th-century Arab historiographer and historian credited of laying foundation to the specialized field of Ilm al- Umrān (Sociology) , who was considered in his Muqaddimah of Kitab al Ibar that, every zenith had a downfall having a central theme of his creative writing is why nations rise to power and what causes their decline. Ibn Khaldun stressed on studying the realities of human society...
7 Pages 3002 Words

Research Essay on The Life of Augustus and His Wife Livia Drusilla

“Livia Drusilla, a manipulative, power-hungry killer or a victim of gendered history? How accurate are the primary sources in their depiction of Livia Drusilla and how have they affected how she is perceived today?” Sophie Lee (z3373017) Outline Livia Drusilla (58BCE~29CE) is a character of great mystery and controversy. She was the 3rd wife to the Roman Emperor, Augustus Caeser, and mother to Tiberius, the emperor that came after Augustus Caeser. Much of our knowledge on her character is reliant...
6 Pages 2828 Words

EA Black Groups Change: Web Dubois and Plessy Versus Ferguson Case

Throughout black people's progression over 100 years, black groups played vital roles in order to achieve justice needed for their causes; some consisted of individuals with communities backing their ideas, such as Booker T Washington and his ‘respect earned for equality’ mandate, then later transforming into huge mass movements calling on the government for intervention for equal rights, namely Martin Luther's Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SSLC) and Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE). In order to gain the inclusion that they...
6 Pages 2856 Words

What Was Happening at The Time ‘Into the Woods’ Was Set: Analysis of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood

What Was Happening at The Time ‘Into the Woods’ Was Set? Cinderella The first written European version of the fairy tale Cinderella was by Giambattista Basile in 1634 called ‘Cenerentola’. This name comes from the Italian word ‘Cenere’ which means cinder or ash. This is a reflection on the modern-day fairy tale that most people associate ‘Cinderella’ with as her evil Stepmother and Stepsisters treat her as a servant. Therefore, the words cinder and ash usually were covered in ash...
6 Pages 2966 Words

Critical Analysis of the Tales by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm: Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood

The defeat of the damsel in distress Chapter One: The Most Beautiful Child of Them All In order to understand the journey of defeating the ‘damsel in distress’, it is needed to analyse the first variations. Often when referring to Little Red Riding Hood, it could be argued that both the Perrault and Grimm’s Brothers versions are canonised together, making it often forgettable to identify the differences. In 1697, Charles Perrault, a French writer, published the first written variation of...
6 Pages 2813 Words

Parallel Between 20th Century Psychology and Modern Fiction in “Mrs. Dalloway”: Analytical Essay

The early 20th century, the golden era of modernism, was a remarkable time in the history of literary world as this modernist paradigm had brought a radical shift in aesthetic as well as cultural sensibilities in all fronts of life, including in literature. It was not only the sense of war, the economic disruption or political turmoil that led to such significant alterations in the worldview of individuals, rather, the dissemination of newfound knowledge throughout the society played a crucial...
7 Pages 3242 Words

Analysis of Pesticides Control: Toxic Consequences of the Green Revolution in India

Traditional (past), present, and future approaches to control pesticide residue in fresh produce Introduction: The major challenge that agriculture faces in the twenty-first century is the need to give food to the world’s quickly growing population. The selection of a high-yielding variety of crops has greatly helped mankind in reducing poverty and hunger. Reducing crop losses due to pests and diseases has mainly been dealt with by the use of synthetic pesticides. Modern agricultural practices partially indebted its success to...
6 Pages 2929 Words

Adolescence and Early Adult Sexual Health: Risks and Benefits of Safe Sexual Behavior

“It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years” Abraham Lincoln Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ― Marie Curie This essay will examine the different variables that potentially impact the adolescence and early adulthood sexual health behavior which was evaluated in most studies as safety use (condom and contraception) (Allen & Walter, 2018)...
7 Pages 2836 Words

Diplomatic Relations between the Arabs and Jews: Analysis of Arab-Israeli Conflict

Section I: identification and evaluation of sources The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the question: “To what extent did Britain’s involvement in Palestine, from 1916 to 1948, maintain diplomatic relations between the Arabs and Jews?” In this section, the values and limitations of two sources will be analysed to determine whether Britain’s involvement in Palestine was effective in maintaining diplomatic relations between the Arabs and Jews. On one hand, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 is a primary source...
6 Pages 2801 Words

Simón Bolívar’s Independence Movement and Liberation of Most of the Americas: Analytical Essay

Background Since Simón Bolívar’s independence movement resulted in the liberation of most of the Americas, Latin America has lived with a certain affinity for military leaders and their charisma. This affinity has been a blessing and curse with the likes of Peron and Pinochet creating terror in their countries with the use of military regimes. Venezuela, even though blooming with oil wealth as one of the richest countries in the world, would be no exception to that. It would all...
6 Pages 2830 Words

Globalization and Green Revolution: Analytical Essay

In today's day and age, our global economy indicates and showcases food as becoming the main objective of neoliberal practices, which have equally altered the way in which farmers grow crops or foods and the methods they used to cultivate the land for growing. The world’s food supply completely relies on large transnational corporations and have always favored a more industrialized practice of agriculture rather than traditional knowledge. Currently, family and subsistence farmers are in danger due to the rapid...
7 Pages 3037 Words

Critical Analysis of the Extract of Lady Hale’s Judgement: Issues of Tort Law

Critical Analysis of the Extract of Lady Hale’s Judgement Introduction Throughout this essay, I will critically analyse the extract below from Lady Hale’s judgement in the case of Woodland v Essex County Council and to what extent this statement reflects the judicial approaches in the law of torts. The extract states: ‘The common law is a dynamic instrument. It develops and adapts to meet new situations as they arise. Therein lies its strength. But therein also lies a danger, the...
6 Pages 2795 Words
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