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Social Issues

Analytical Essay on Tesla Motors: In-depth Analysis of Stakeholders Model

1 Introduction Companies should either aligned with the changes in the existing competitive environment or react to such changes promptly, and anticipate actively with the changes in the customer demographics, potential new products or services, future technologies and hence recreate the industries (Tesla Motors, 2018). It needs to be really noted that the changes in industry are overall requesting answers from the organizations, and companies to focus on reshaping themselves and branch of the business. 1.1 Knowing Tesla Motors in...
7 Pages 2986 Words

The Concept of International Business: Analytical Essay

Globalization as a process is characterized by the fact that international business is developing practically in all countries of the planet and all of them depend on it. The results of this are ambiguous, on the one hand, the country enjoys all the benefits and opportunities, but on the reverse side - the payment for these opportunities and benefits is the country's dependence on world markets. International business is viewed by the phenomenon and process of international economic relations. As...
6 Pages 2764 Words

Analytical Essay on the essence of Natural Law: The Duality of Life, The Dichotomy of Existence

Anno Domini Dies Unus, In Mortem; In Lucem The Duality of Life; The Dichotomy of Existence. “Life is warfare and a journey far from home. Then what can guide us? Only philosophy.” (Meditations, V. II, Aurelius, Marcus, 167 A.D.) Birthed within all human flows the essence of natural law, “Thou shall not kill.” (Moses, The Ten Commandments); so too, is the knowledge of legal positivism such as self-defense laws contained within the child. Inherent from the onset in thought of...
6 Pages 2881 Words

Research of Underlying Factors That Causes Grade Two Students to not Master the Mathematical Skill

Description and Background to the Problem This chapter will provide an overview of previous observations and interactions that I had encountered when teaching a group of grade two students ranging from ages 7 to 8 years old at an urban school. This chapter will introduce the problem that prevailed consistently for the majority of the class when students were given an assessment task. This chapter will also state and explain a strategy that was used to eliminate students’ failure to...
6 Pages 2830 Words

FDR and the New Deal: The Vision of a Transformational Leader

Introduction “A Leader is summoned to the fore by the needs of the time”. - (Smith, 2008) We stand today at a time of change and challenge. At a time when humanity faces its greatest and most complex challenges, we are unfortunate to have a dearth of leadership. Competence has become a rare commodity among some of the world’s most prominent leaders, with value being placed on its appearance rather than its existence. Now more than ever Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s...
7 Pages 2902 Words

Argumentative Essay: Would the Equal Rights Amendment Protect Abortion

I. Introduction Between the election of President Trump, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and the Me Too movement, modern feminists are out for blood. With increasing momentum behind women’s rights movements, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment has also received heightened attention, and advocates for the ERA “have set their sights on 2020, the 100-year anniversary of women gaining the right to vote, as the year to ratify”. (1) However, when it comes to abortion, it is...
6 Pages 2887 Words

Analytical Essay on Types of Rhetorical Strategies and Devices

Introduction Rhetorical strategies are words or phrases that are used to inform, educate, convey meaning, provoke a response from a listener or reader and persuade during communication. Although the strategies are ordinarily used in literature, we often use these types of words in our everyday conversations without notice. For example, the metaphor, it's raining cats and dogs. This is a common metaphor that describes a heavy downpour. While we are curtained that cats and dogs are not falling from the...
6 Pages 2751 Words

Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage: Critical Analysis

Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage, one of the most renowned war books of the nineteenth century, can likewise be examined outside of the figure of speech of military writing and along a mental course. Crane's epic follows the excursion of youthful fighter Henry Fleming and his battle to develop from a juvenile vanity and extreme self-love notwithstanding a coldhearted and frequently fierce physical truth of war and nature just as the certainty of death that joins it. Right...
7 Pages 3030 Words

Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage: Analysis outside of the Trope of Military Literature and along a Psychological Route

Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage, one of the most famous war novels of the 19th century, can also be analyzed outside of the trope of military literature and along a psychological route. Crane’s novel follows the journey of young soldier Henry Fleming and his struggle to grow from an immature vanity and intense egotism in the face of an uncaring and often brutal physical reality of war and nature as well as the inevitability of death that comes...
7 Pages 3227 Words

Robert Koch, Edward Jenner and Florence Nightingale: Comparative Analysis

Introduction In the 18th century, lots of things happened in the world of science. The influence of the church had decreased, and many people believed that God was not responsible for things that happened on the earth. It became fashionable to seek out answers to questions relating to disease and illness. Society was also changing cities began to grow making them become dirty and disease-ridden making the understanding to disease and illness even more important. Surgery was a dangerous and...
6 Pages 2754 Words

Essay on American Literature: Critical Analysis of Amy Tan's Works

Literature is an ocean in which the greatest thoughts have been cultured like the most profound wisdom of the ages. The source of all literary thought is life with all its manifold complexities and dimensions. The literary landscape has been continually growing and flourishing through the interaction of various schools of thought and disciplines. The frontiers of learning have widened to such an extent that learners are pulled into exciting new arenas of thoughts that enrich the reading experience. Literature...
7 Pages 3121 Words

Research Design and Analysis of Student Satisfaction

As Harvey 1995 suggests satisfaction of learners in an institution goes hand in hand with the development of a culture of continuous quality improvement. It’s one path to identify areas of concern within the college. To depict the rate of satisfaction in students research needs to be conducted. Research is an activity done to discover new understanding or knowledge about a problem according to many dictionaries. Research emphasizes the systematic and careful nature of the work. The main purpose of...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Analytical Essay on International Trade: International Shipping Case Study

Introduction To begin with, the law is a term where there is rules and can also be considered as a set of policy that the individual should have to follow. Now, when it comes to international trade law, it is mainly focused on various aspects of both imports and exports shipping of goods. It is necessary to have enough knowledge of what and how is international law applied to goods importer and exporter. This report is about evaluating the scenario...
6 Pages 2818 Words

Suicide: A Cry For Moral, Legal Or Medical Help?

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. The risk factors are numerous and the signs associated and reasons varies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) every year there are close to 800 000 deaths by suicide which makes suicide the 10th leading cause of death in the world. As stated suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death regardless of the method that is used, however when an act is done to intentionally take...
7 Pages 3039 Words

What is Required of the Actor in the Performance of Hamlet

INTRODUCTION In this essay I shall identify the necessary skills, resources and expertise required of the actor in the performance of Hamlet. The purpose of this essay is not to arrive at a definite consensus on what the play is about or address the various thematic, political and morality elements. I shall make use of the play to examine the demands made on the actor in building a performance of Hamlet, drawing attention to specific elements of the text that...
7 Pages 3020 Words

The Community of Human Destiny

The 'One Belt and One Road' is a commonly useful and win-win opening system dependent on the important experience and revelations left over from the old Silk Road set forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Also this concept was mention 2017, especially by the President Xi Jinping increasingly used it for international events. (Zhang, 2020) The idea of 'Community of Human Destiny' in China is the mix of advantageous interaction and basic interest, which will frame another method...
7 Pages 2959 Words

Fundamental Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression and Censorship

Two things from the bedrock of any open society- freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don’t have those things, you don’t have a free country. -Salman Rushdie As wonderfully said by Sir Salam Rushdie, freedom of expression is the substratum of any free country. Freedom to speech and expression is regarded as the basic of liberty. This right is the essence in the society and must be safeguarded in every possible way. Freedom of speech and expression...
6 Pages 2930 Words

Major Factors Which Are Adding To The Burden Of Child Malnutrition In Bangladesh

Malnutrition in children’s is becoming a key worldwide health challenge given the widespread nature of the population it affects. Children can also encounter various types of malnutrition: 3.62% of children under the age of five are both stunted and wasted, while 1.87% of children under the age of five are both stunted and overweight worldwide (6). It is related to the under nourishment or over nourishment of nutrients in an individual. The under nourishment section involves stunting, wasting, micro-nutrient deficiency...
6 Pages 2753 Words

The Arguments against the Classics of Criminology Gender and Crime

There are various explanations offered by criminologists when it comes to gender and crime. One of the most influential explanations comes from Lombroso and Ferrero. Over the years, different theorists have criticised theories created by classics of criminology for being too simplistic and have offered alternative explanations. Feminists critique the theories on the basis that crime is seen as something that men do- men studying men, and as a result women are treated as a specialty. There have been further...
7 Pages 2931 Words

The Nexus between Coronavirus and Tourism: Assessing Tourism as the most Peace Sensitive Industry

This article tries to discuss and explore the interface between tourism and peace. It attempts to address how tourism a peace sensitive industry by taking COVID-19 as an agent changes in the realm of it. This article aims to assess how tourism is a peace sensitive industry, by taking the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in its social, economic, cultural, and environmental circumstances. The incidence of pandemics affirms how tourism as peace sensitive industry which generally approves the hypothesis...
6 Pages 2825 Words

Is Euripides' Medea A Feminist Or A Misogynist Play?

Abstract Euripides' Medea challenges the dominant views of feminity in the patriarchal society of Greeks. While pursuing her ambition Medea disregards many of the feminine characteristics of the patriarchal Greek society. By focusing on the character portrayal of Medea, this paper argues to prove Medea a feminist text. And such tragedies represent Euripides feminist and liberal views as well relative to the society he lived in. Introduction Many literary evidences, primarily from comedy, tragedy and oratory, show that ancient Greece...
6 Pages 2811 Words

Gender Justice And Human Rights

ABSTRACT A perusal of the criminal laws and personal laws reveal that laws adopt a protectionist and paternalistic approach for empowering and providing autonomy to women. This paper initiates a discussion on issues at the core of gender justice. This paper further argues that social conditioning restricts the possibility of autonomous decisions. In conclusion, it is argued that laws need to create just social conditions and institutions that guarantee freedom from socially imposed disabilities, and subsequently, strengthen autonomy in decision...
7 Pages 2989 Words

Utopia And Dystopia In Today’s Culture: Lord Of The Flies

What is an utopia? And a dystopia? The complexity of these two intertwined topics is enormous but it also is difficult the future questions they can lead us to. This abstract will give a brief and not clearly defined explanation about them and how they relate with each other. An utopia is a future and imagined project or place where everything is the way the creator wants it to be. A dystopia or anti-utopia is exactly what its last-mentioned name...
6 Pages 2872 Words

The Physician Assisted Suicide Dilemma

Abstract Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is when a physician provides a lethal medication that is used to end life. With an ever-increasing responsiveness of physician assisted suicide across the world, it is important to understand the beliefs and reasoning for those for and against PAS. There has been a long debate regarding the ethics surrounding these issues. PAS has a long history and there are many laws in place across the world that either ban, or have legalized, PAS. The...
6 Pages 2807 Words

Should Marijuana be Legalized on the Federal Government Level?

Abstract Weed is ending up progressively mainstream and acknowledged inside our general public; to such an extent that specific states have sanctioned it for medicinal or recreational use, in spite of weed staying unlawful with respect to the government. This has lead, and will keep on leading, to entangled and unverifiable duty situations for the organizations that deliver and offer weed. Numerous issues originate from the national government being not able perceive or connect with organizations that arrangement with marijuana....
7 Pages 3132 Words

Relationship between Merger, Acquisitions and Competition Law

Abstract Mergers and acquisitions are regular and necessary phenomena of the business world and is the bone of contention with respect to the competition law which is studied in this very paper. Mergers and acquisitions have their own advantages such as they help to achieve economies of scale, operating efficiencies, management efficiencies. Mergers and Acquisitions are the modes of corporate restructuring and the synergy is the foremost incentive for it. Synergy is generated by strategic integration of two entities ensuing...
6 Pages 2955 Words

Judicial Response to Surrogacy in India

The Judiciary in India has played an integral role in developing the discourse around commercial surrogacy. In the present chapter, this dissertation would examine the response of the judiciary in India and elsewhere in the world to the phenomena of commercial surrogacy, highlighting the issues that have arisen for judicial determination and the principles laid down by the judiciary. Legislative Vacuum in India and the Importance of Judicial Responses The situation of commercial surrogacy in India is that of ‘legality...
6 Pages 2812 Words

Common Themes in The Road and Heart of Darkness

From analysing both novels it is clear to say that both show a negative correlation to the environment and the characters rapid decline in mental health. It is easy to see that in The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the deeper Marlow travels along the Congo River, deeper into the heart of Africa, the more the men display a more primative nature. Similarly in The Road, due to it being set in a post apocalyptic world, we see no...
7 Pages 3148 Words

Underlying Causes of Conflict Using the Pillar Method

The conflict transformation entails moving relations that sustain violence, whereas conflict management approaches endeavors to control and contain conflict, and therefore, conflict resolution models are steered towards shifting resolution towards affirmative results. The implications to unveil the main causes of conflict is to envision the flow of social conflict, building affirmative change procedures and mitigating conflict to enhance justice (Lederach, 2015). In day to day interactions, human beings are exposed to various types of conflicts, for instance political violence, economic...
7 Pages 3099 Words

Influence Of Social Context On The Perceptions Of Race

Throughout history, the concepts of race and racism have affected many lives in society through the workplace, class, and gender roles. The concept of “race” has been a lens people look through in order to determine who belongs and who does not, categorizing people by their physical characteristics and thereby their race. False beliefs that some races are intellectually and physically superior to other “races” by the colour of their skin, socio-economic status, and gender identity is driven by supremacism....
6 Pages 2838 Words
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