3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Effects of Call of Duty to the Academic Performance of Junior High School Students

This research report seeks to know the positive and negative effects of Call of Duty to basic education junior high school department. Whether call of duty is bad for student academic performance or not, will also be determined in this study. The experiences of students that this game while studying will be mentioned. An interview for 10 students who plays Call of Duty is conducted almost all of the answers for the questions where the same their academic performance poor...
6 Pages 2827 Words

Animal Farm As a Dark Satire on the Corrupting Influence of Power: Book Review

Animal Farm , an allegorical novel, by George Orwell is based in a world where animals are much smarter than they are in the real world and where they could communicate with animals other than their own species as well. The plot is based on a farm named 'The Manor Farm' in England which is run by Mr Jones and his men. They treated the animals in a very harsh way by making them work for long hours every day,...
6 Pages 2829 Words

Enron Scandal: Role Of Business Morals

I. Abstract: 'Enron is famous Corp. was yank energy, services co. in the US. It had been fashioned in 1985, as a merge gas- Hoston and Inter-North, each comparatively little regional firms. Enron FAILURE, published ``Oct 2001``, diode a bankruptcy.' Additionally, the biggest bankrúptcy organization yank upon point, because the huge fail Co. It discovered Enron's rumored status and, noted since because the Enron scandal. Enron has since become a widely known example of willful company fraud and corruption. The...
6 Pages 2984 Words

Causes Of Tobacco Addiction Among The Youths Of Maldives

Summary / Abstract This proposal is about identifying the causes of tobacco addiction among the youths of Maldives. Since the youth holds the key to the future of any society, it is a really big concern that the number of youths addicted to tobacco use is as great as it is in our society today. Therefore, it is important to identify the root causes of this issue if we are to do find a solution. This report highlights how the...
6 Pages 3059 Words

The Impacts Of Diabetes On The Australian Population: The Importance Of The Ottawa Charter

Diabetes is a very complex and serious condition that can have an immense affect on the whole human body. If an individual is diagnosed with Diabetes, daily medication and daily care. However, if complications further arise, the disease can have a further impact on their quality of life and life expectancy. Quality of life is health, comfort and happiness which is experienced by an individual, whereas life expectancy is a calculation which is based on different aspects of someone which...
7 Pages 3044 Words

Skin Cancer Rodents Models: A Review

Introduction: Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer are the most common type of malignancy in the Caucasian population (1-10). The incidence of both MM and NMSC is on the rise ,with an annual increase in MM of 0.6% among adults over 50 years (11). The incidence of melanoma may be even higher than indicated, as the national cancer registries has reported an underestimation of its incidence in certain countries. Consistent epidemiologic and experimental studies have demonstrated that UV-emitting tanning devices cause...
7 Pages 3208 Words

Report About Prostate Cancer: PET in Radiotherapy Planning

Introduction: [bookmark: _Hlk3485638]Imaging modality plays a great role in treatment planning. Positron emission tomography PET has been used in treatment planning in the delineation of Gross target volume GTV which is considered as the most important component in treatment planning. Also, PET Accuracy in the delineation of GTV impact on dose delivery to tumor tissue while delivering a low dose rate to healthy tissue or critical structure surrounding the tumor. PET has great sensitivity and specificity in the delineation of...
6 Pages 2919 Words

Jurisprudence Of Justice Delivery System: Ancient To Modern

1. Introduction:- The law of crimes has been known to us through all ages of civilization. It is in fact as old as our civilization. Whenever men and women formed into an organized society, the need for a criminal law has always been felt. In primitive society, there was no organization in society. They lived in the nature. Self preservation is the first instinct of nature. Thus they only knew how to protect themselves, i.e., self protection. Later on it...
6 Pages 2978 Words

Critical Analysis of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This is Your Brain... on Scuba Diving Our brain. A collection of cells. Basic chemicals. Basic molecular structure. The brain is made up of simple neurons which combined make up neural networks. These extremely complex networks make us who we are. The complexity of the brain and its raw power are awe inspiring. Just think about the fact that right now, this very moment, a bunch of cells and chemicals are arranged in just the perfect order so that you...
7 Pages 3118 Words

Major Psychological Theory: Psychoanalysis By Sigmund Freud And Adlerian Psychology Alfred Adler

Introduction Amongst the many psychological theories, the oldest and rigorously studied are Psychoanalysis and Adlerian/ Individual Psychology by Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. Both these theories made a mark on the history of psychology. Adlerian therapy refers to a growth model that emphasizes on assuming responsibilities, creating a person’s destiny and finding ways, means, and goals of creating a meaningful life. Psychoanalytic therapy is a theory that put many emphasis on personality development, and a philosophy of nature of human...
6 Pages 2912 Words

Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale: Scientific Studies

Introduction: In everyday life, there are many different factors and experiences which shape the way we think, act and behave in our present life. Intrinsically, a person’s mental health is dependent on their life involvements and the enjoyments they have such as intimate relationship with partner, healthy self-esteem, sense of belonging, etc. Another aspect which affects the mental health of human beings is the physical aspect of life, which is associated with nutritional diet, sufficient sleep, etc. In any case,...
6 Pages 2889 Words

Domestic Violence in Australia: Analytical Essay

Violence against women: Sexual behaviour you don’t want; such as being forced into sexual activity against your will, or physical and social .. to either bring physical or emotional pain. On average at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner in Australia. One in five, women have experienced sexual violence One in four, have experienced physical or emotional violence. Every year in Australia over 300,000 women experience violence – often sexual violence Eight out...
6 Pages 2768 Words

Consequences Of Trauma And Substance Abuse

The understanding of Trauma in lower and middle countries is said to be a major burden disease, in South Africa as it falls into the middle-income countries. This essay will start by defining trauma as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Secondly, the essay will describe the criterion used to diagnose this disorder. Thirdly, the essay will provide are understanding of trauma from a western to an African understanding of trauma. Fourthly, it will provide the South African sociocultural understanding of...
7 Pages 3181 Words

Justice, Rights, and Backward Thinking Versus Utilitarianism: Opinion Essay

Utilitarianism is the right action is the one that brings about the most overall happiness. This basically means a person makes a decision based on what he or she will have the most positive outcome. One should be an agent for their own happiness. Many decisions people do daily are for selfish reasons anyway. Right actions are the ones that produce good according to Utilitarianism. There are three ideas that attack Utilitarianism which is justice, rights, and backward thinking. McCloskey...
7 Pages 3135 Words

A Nation Of Compromise: The Magna Carta And The Constitution

The Founding Fathers are the seminal example of the importance of compromise in politics. Before the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the significance of political compromise appeared effervescent in the Ancient Greek’s attempts to create a functioning nation-state that fit the ideals of the State, Rome’s First Triumvirate, and the age of the Founding Fathers itself. In understanding the results that compromise could achieve from such historical examples, the founders firmly forever instilled the concept of compromise into the American political...
7 Pages 3070 Words

Gay Marriage: Analysis Of Article Same-Sex Marriage Weakens the Institution of Marriage By Ryan T. Anderson

1.1 Introduction This essay is titled “Same-Sex Marriage Weakens the Institution of Marriage. It is written by an American author, Ryan T. Anderson. This article is published on the date of 1 Jan 2015. The author is one of the members of William E. Simon Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. It is a conservative group based in Washington, DC. The author has been writing and researching about marriage and religious liberty for his religious group. This article mainly debates and...
7 Pages 3132 Words

Attachment Theory: Concept Of Attachment In Relation To Social Workers

Introduction to Attachment in Social Work Social work is a profession which aims to improve the lives of people by supporting them with social needs, personal difficulties, promoting human rights and wellbeing. Social workers also protect vulnerable people from harm. (BASW 2015) In this essay, I will be illustrating how social workers do this through the use of the concept of attachment. I will also be analysing how the concept of attachment is beneficial for social workers as well as...
7 Pages 3002 Words

Social Class in the Importance of Being Earnest

Oscar Wilde's Critique of Victorian Society Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet and essayist who was remembered for his witty epigrams, his imprisonment and early death. During the peak of his fame, Wilde had an affair with Lord Alfred Douglas and was imprisoned for 2 years. In the 19th century, people were “emotionally frigid about sexual matters”, however there was a dark side to those who belonged in the upper-class in the Victorian era where there was a ‘secret...
7 Pages 3095 Words

Benefits and Critics of Growth Mindset Intervention

Introduction (200) Growth mindset is an area in educational psychology that has been examined for many years in a variety of different studies, but it is widely accepted that Carol Dweck was the first academic to fully define the concept. Her work defines mindsets as either fixed or growth (Dweck, 2006), where a fixed mindset is when a student believes their intelligence and knowledge is fixed and a growth mindset implies that through hard work and perseverance intelligence can expand....
7 Pages 2997 Words

Tactics Of Activism Used By The Selected African Musicians In Tackling Global Injustice

Introduction The main objective of this essay is to examine the extent to which African Musicians have used their musical prowess as a tool for activism against global justice. This study was conceptualized to study the evolution of activists’ strategies of African Musicians relative to global justice. Furthermore, this study will evaluate the tactics of activism used by the selected African Musicians in tackling global injustice by examining the underpinning themes explored in the various songs of the artists relating...
6 Pages 2910 Words

Business Plan for a Smart Parking Application Parkaid

1. Executive Summary Parkaid is a smart parking application that helps drivers to solve parking issues by using real-time parking data and GPS technology. Its main purpose is to improve parking efficiency, optimize the use of available spaces and minimize the impact of parking on traffic and environment. With the implementation of big data and intelligent algorithms, we dedicate ourselves to provide our users with an enjoyable and less stressful parking experience. Parking inefficiency has been a common metropolitan area...
6 Pages 2767 Words

Features Of Work And Safety In Mechanical Engineering

It is very important to choose one career that you enjoyed. Field of Engineering gives satisfaction. There are a lot of career in this field like electronic engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, biomedical, and mechanical engineering . Engineers face many challenging problems face to face. This field improving your brain continually and helps to think logically to solve the problems. These skills are help them in their job and their daily life. Engineers can choose good projects. That will help...
6 Pages 2805 Words

Fundamentals Of Research Methods And Importance Of Scientific Basis For Research

Fundamentals of Research Methods There are several steps that when combined and compressed in a proper manner, enable the work of ‘research’ to take place. In other words, systematically collecting data, the evaluation and interpreting of it in a planned manner, for the purpose of contributing towards science is called scientific research. This varies from subject to subject. Be it human trials or animal. The steps forming scientific research are in themselves, massive and without them, the footfall of engagement...
6 Pages 2965 Words

Research On Open Innovation

Mario Kafouros and Nicolas Forsans examine in their research paper ‘The role of open innovation in emerging economies: Do companies profit from the scientific knowledge of others? The paper details the impact of external scientific knowledge on company profitability and more generally the role of open innovation in emerging economies, often where often technology less advanced in comparison to developed economies. Chesbrough describes open innovation as “a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well...
6 Pages 2814 Words

Relationship Of Adult Butterfly With Plant Species Diversity

Pollen or nectar are the forms where insect visits flower to obtain food. The plants obtained the service of pollinators in carrying pollen from one flower to another. They feed on nectar from flourish for energy from sugars in nectar and for sodium and other minerals which are vital for their reproduction. In 18th century, butterflies have been studied steadily in each season. They comprise about 9% of the order worldwide totaling about 28,000 described species among the insect order...
7 Pages 2974 Words

Intelligent Personal Assistant On Automotive Industry

Automotive industry is a huge business involving various activities and business processes. From the repair and service of vehicles; selling of tools and parts; repair and maintenance of motor bikes and cars; and some non-car manufacturing; are covered by automotive industry. Automotive industry comprises companies and organizations involved in design, development, manufacturing, marketing and selling of motor vehicles. Automotive industry is the world’s biggest source of economy by tax and revenue. However, automotive industry does not cover the industries dedicated...
6 Pages 2922 Words

Different Types Of Energy

Force plants are over the top expensive to construct, however, once they are available effectiveness in changing over fuel to energy is exceptionally high. Most of the time more power is made than is really required because power can't be stored. Power requests shift consistently and arrangement must meet the peak load, which implies the most noteworthy conceivable interest within a year. Some ecological researchers foresee that non-renewable energy source costs will increment in the coming century due to shortage....
6 Pages 2801 Words

Solar Power Information And Facts

The Sun provides Earth with a staggering amount of energy—enough to power the great oceanic and atmospheric currents, the cycle of evaporation and condensation that brings fresh water inland and drives river flow, and the typhoons, hurricanes, and tornadoes that so easily destroy the natural and built landscape. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906, with magnitude 7.8, released an estimated 1017 joules of energy, the amount the Sun delivers to Earth in one second. Earth’s ultimate recoverable resource of oil,...
6 Pages 2872 Words

All Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

Introduction to the Ethical Debate on Genetic Engineering There are many misconceptions and oppositions on embryo alterations. There is a belief about it is unnatural and playing God. But it is important to recognise that this criticism relies on the belief that nature is good. If we used this belief, we would never use antibiotics or medicines as the diseases and illnesses received are all natural. Therefore, making this argument completely redundant. The Ethical Argument for Genetic Engineering Many critics...
7 Pages 3098 Words

Christopher Columbus: New World Discovery

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer born in Genoa, Italy between August 26 and October 31, 1451, and was determined to find a direct water route from Europe to Asia, but instead, stumbled across America. When Columbus was young, he assisted his father, Domenico Colombo, at his cheese stand. Columbus’s mother was Susanna Fontanarossa. Columbus had three brothers. Bartolomeo, Giovanni, Giacomo, and a sister, Bianchinetta. In 1470, Columbus’s family moved to Savona, and in the same year, Columbus was hired...
7 Pages 3131 Words
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