3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Hybrid Regime Persistence

Hybrid regimes exist in every part of the world, from Asia to Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Eurasia. Some are global economic hubs or centers; such as Singapore; Others are key oil producers, such as Kuwait and Venezuela; many are developing countries, such as Cambodia and Bangladesh or nuclear weapons states, such as Pakistan; regional trade centers, such as Mexico, Malaysia and Turkey; and conflict-ridden nations such as Myanmar and Uganda. Diamond (2002, p. 25) classifies them...
6 Pages 2833 Words

Integrity And Religion

INTRODUCTION Integrity and religion is according to the article 11 provides the freedom of religion. Article 11 illustrate about every person has the right to proclaim, possession and practice their own religion. In the Article 3 stated regarding Islam is the religion that practices in Federation. On the other hand, in any part of Federation others religion can be practiced in peace and harmony. For an example, as Muslim people the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah as the guideline for Muslim to...
7 Pages 3033 Words

Religious Faith Traditions: Mission And Vision Of The Founder

The word mission can be defined as “an important assignment given to a person or group of people, typically involving travel abroad” followed by, vision which could be described as “a mental image of what the future will or could be like”. (Lexico Dictionaries | English, 2019) In context, the founders of Christianity and Judaism, Jesus and Abraham’s mission and vision is terms of worship and rituals most likely entailed the many generations to come still upholding the traditions and...
6 Pages 2862 Words

Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Teachers Toward Epilepsy

Introductions Epilepsy is considered one of the most important chronic neurological disorder (1,2), characterized by synchronous recurrent unprovoked seizures due to uncontrolled electrical discharges from the brain neurons (2, 3). Infections either parasitic, viral or bacterial and birth trauma are suggested to be some factors contributing to the disease (2, 4, 5). The disease has high prevalence estimated that about 50 millions people affected worldwide (6, 7, 8). The global burden of the disease is about 1% in both industrialized...
7 Pages 2837 Words

Biotechnology Regulatory, Safety And Ethics

ABSTRACT Biotechnology consists of various techniques that helps in improving and providing better life to human beings. Biotechnology has provided several biomedical tools and techniques, to diagnose and cure diseases. Even biotechnology set a new parameters in industrial, agricultural, and biomedical fields. With the help of biotechnology several new enzymes, antibodies and vaccines are founded, which have promised less expensive products and cost effective treatments for many hazardous diseases by replacing highly expensive treatments and drugs. Along with it biotechnology...
7 Pages 2957 Words

Was CIA Involvement In Tibet Just?

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the United States of America’s backbone for collecting and analysing foreign information which is used for counterintelligence, counter terrorism and paramilitary operations. The origins of the CIA date back to 1941 but was under a different name Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI) which only lasted 337 days before being shut down. Created after the outbreak of world war two the OCI delft with intelligence that was being collected with no real direction...
7 Pages 3053 Words

Specific Language Impairment Or Developmental Language Disorder

S is a grade 2 (7 year old) male student with normal nonverbal intelligence, and presents with a possible language impairment. S was nominated by his teacher to be assessed for his receptive and expressive abilities. His teacher reports that he has difficulty answering questions, with utterance that consists of omissions, reduced grammatical markers and when he is called upon, appears frustrated during independent reading time. Specifically, he has a hard time decoding unknown words and also has difficulty answering...
6 Pages 2898 Words

The Contributions To Christology Of Two Key Theologians From The 20th And 21st Centuries

Abstract This paper will compare and contrast two different theologians by discussing how these two theologians do their theology and how they have contributed to the better understanding of Christology. This essay will make a critical assessment of the theologians, Jurgen Moltmann and Nicholas Thomas Wright who have been active in the 20th and 21st century. To better understand the works of Moltmann and Wright, this essay will explore the meaning and understanding of Christology and how the two formulate...
6 Pages 2850 Words

Literal And Non-literal Language, And Its Recognition

Introduction Language processing is a mostly-debated topic in all its aspects. Figurative or non-literal language processing is an interesting phenomenon in language that needs more investigation from cognitive, psychological and neurological perspectives. This study aims to investigate non-literal meaning comprehension on language. Other cognitive abilities, including the IQ level, the memory capacity, the ability of abstract thinking, and the ability to create mental images influence the comprehension of non-literal meaning. In terms of all such cognitive abilities, there are some...
6 Pages 2981 Words

The Components Of A Healthy Diet And Their Importance

First we need to know what is diet? Diet is a special plan to preserve or maintain our body shape from being fat or slim, dieting is a pattern of eating food in a managed and regulated style to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight. Another meaning of diet, it is conscious control or limitation of the eating regimen. A limited eating routine is regularly used by those people who are overweight or obese, some of the time in mix...
6 Pages 3002 Words

Quran, Prophet Muhammad And Great Women In Islamic History

Introduction Early Islam produced many prominent female leaders who would inspire and influence their contemporaries. Among the earliest Muslim women, the most influential were Muhammad's women because of their closeness to the Holy Prophet. The Quran describes the women of Prophet Muhammad as the 'mother of believers'. Indeed, the autobiographies of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad are set of excellent examples, which explains the importance of women in the development throughout Islamic history and in which they hold a...
6 Pages 2926 Words

Contemporary Manifestation Of Empowerment And Resilience In Times Of Adversity

“Empowerment is both a means to an end and an end in itself” (Beteile, 1999, p. 590). The term “empowerment” can be considered fluid, allowing itself to be used in different situations. Its meaning is usually based on the context and not with a theory. “Where one might have said in the past that women, Adivasis, or even agricultural labourers were disadvantaged, one is more likely to say today that they are unempowered” (Beteile, 1999, p. 590). Citizen empowerment or...
7 Pages 3008 Words

Black Hole Attack, Its Detection And Mitigation

Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) are decentralised and ad-hoc type of networks which can be set up easily in remote locations with the help of mobile devices or nodes. Nodes in these Networks senses and monitors the physical and environmental conditions of an area and send this information to each other or a remote location through co-ordination and co-operation methods of Wireless Sensor Networks. These networks plays a key role in many fields such as military and civil surveillance, health care...
6 Pages 2822 Words

Recent Methods Used For Isolation And Purification Of Phytoconstituents

Phytoconstituents are defined as the chemical compounds that can be found naturally in plants where the word phyto means “plant” in Greek. Isolation and purification of phytoconstituents is the most difficult and complex operation in phytopharmaceutical research. Plant extracts are complex mixtures which contain hundreds or thousands of different constituents. Plant constituents presence in a crude extract make the isolation and measurement of active constituents more difficult. Examples of phytoconstituents are fats, sugars, tannins and so on. Powerful separation techniques...
6 Pages 2904 Words

Drawing The Prophet Muhammad: History And Allowance

Who was the prophet Muhammad? The prophet Muhammad is the most important prophet of the Islamic religion. Aside from that, he was also its founder. In his early years, Muhammad worked as a merchant for his uncle, Abu Talib. At the age of 40, a lot changed, as Muhammad began to receive revelations. These revelations eventually formed the Quran, as well as helping to form Islam itself. In the year 630, he had united almost all of Arabia into one...
6 Pages 2988 Words

Duality Of Man In Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus

In Christopher Marlowe's play, Doctor Faustus, the protagonist, Dr. John Faustus, struggles between following God or Lucifer. Faustus is a divided soul, pulled between competing interests and needs. There are many examples of dichotomy that are established in Marlowe’s play that back up the notion of why Faustus was being torn between two different worlds. Some of these binaries include the author and Dr. Faustus, good and evil, religion versus magic, and between Medieval and Renaissance thinking. Faustus started out...
6 Pages 2760 Words

Medicine For Survival: How Did Genetic Engineering Influenced Our Survival

Genetic engineering gives us an option to change the genetics of any animal and microorganisms to a way that may benefit us or simply to our own selfish reasons. As many of you may know, all of the medicine that we see, over the counter and prescribed medicine from your doctor are all products from genetic engineering. Without the basics of genetic engineering, the world today would be like in the past; where there wouldn’t be any medicine that treats...
6 Pages 2936 Words

Foster Care: Policy And Effectiveness

To be able to completely recognize and understand the full policy and programs, knowing how and why they were developed is important. Background information will also be vital to thoroughly grasping their purposes and goals. The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, and John Burton Advocates for Youth will be broken down in order to explain the issues they are attempting to resolve. The importance of these issues will...
6 Pages 2869 Words

Judicial Intervention In Religious Affairs

The concept of secularism has been embodied under the constitution formally through the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 though earlier it was a part of fundamental rights under Part III of the constitution. The resolution to secure to all Indian citizens “liberty to thought, belief, faith and worship have been guaranteed under the Articles 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution. Secular state in India was never considered as an irreligious or atheistic State. It only means that in matters of religion...
7 Pages 2994 Words

Foster Care System: How Does It Work?

Unfortunately, not all women who give birth to a child have the requirements or the proper conditions to raise one. Many children around the world are left with improper care due to inadequate parents. Parents that may have substance abuse problems or even physically abuse their young ones. Therefore, a system was put in place to come to those in need of help: Foster Care., introduced through ideology in religious books, the concept has been developed into a system where...
7 Pages 3005 Words

Theological Interpretations Of The Afterlife Concept

Abstract The variability of clarifications to questions about the concept of life after death are fabricated on the rational reflection that assimilates the ideology of humans, Đ°s wĐ”ll Đ°s less reasoned, logical practices and more emotive ones than in the whole feed what we know as ‘bĐ”liefs’. Life after death is a central belief in the majority of religions and cultures. Even with no scientific proof for an afterlife existing, it still remains strong among religious and also some non-religious...
6 Pages 2769 Words

The Significance Of Yoga In Public Health

INTRODUCTION “Yoga is skill in events - Lord Krishna. ‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘to join, bond or yoke together’, and the essential purpose of yoga is to convey together body, mind and spirit into a pleasant whole. Physical Education may provide the right direction and desired actions to look up the health of members of any community, society, population and the world as a whole. An educational system encompassing the mental, emotional, social and physical scope of health...
6 Pages 2874 Words

Japanese Garden Design: Zen Buddhism And Confucianism

The design of Japanese garden establishes an independent school for itself. The gardening strategies are inherited from China, and gradually develop their own characteristics under the Japanese cultural connotation. Among all genres of Japanese garden design, the most representative one is Karesansui garden, or shall we call it Japanese rock garden, or Japanese Zen garden. In the remote past, Japanese garden design shares more similarities to Chinese gardens. During the early Heian period, the Japanese scenic gardens look more similar...
6 Pages 2943 Words

Born a Crime Essay

Introduction to Trevor Noah's Life and Background Trevor Noah was born in South Africa in 1984 during the last few years of Apartheid to a black South African mother and a white European father. Trevor is “Born a Crime” because under Apartheid ruling interracial relationships are not allowed. In Born a Crime, Trevor Noah tells the story of growing up in South Africa as the marginalized group under Apartheid. He shows all of the racism, violence and crime that comes...
6 Pages 2886 Words

Attention, Education And Media Multitasking

Introduction Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things(Citation). We use our attention when processing a thought and making a decision. However, unfortunately, there has been speculation on how attention and different functions in the human mind changes through the addictiveness of digital screens, especially our smartphones. If attention is affected, and the brain generally, increasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, bullying, etc, are likely to occur. On a daily basis,...
6 Pages 2920 Words

What Are The Consequences Of The Commodification Of Public Discourse By Social Media Platforms?

Social media platforms can be deem as an open book: on their versatile interfaces which is changing all the time, people can perceive a huge number of amazing communication acts, “from mundane gestures to revolutionary ones, from intimate exchange to the rise of new global public spheres”(Langlois & Elmer, 2013, p. 1). As Facebook, Twitter and other web 2.0 platforms grew, they made efforts for enhancing our connection to the world, giving individuals the chance to make voice and be...
6 Pages 2831 Words

To What Extent Was Jesus Responsible For The Division Between Messianic And Orthodox Judaism?

Introduction Throughout history, Jewish citizens have gone through a great deal of turmoil. From being able to identify with a nationality completely different to their race or ethnicity to have the ability to claim a unique culture and religion, Jews have always played an essential role in international affairs. Judaism, the world's oldest monotheistic religion, is rooted in a promise that Jehova made with Abraham declaring Israelites as his chosen people. They believe that God will send his son, the...
6 Pages 2798 Words

Significant Incident Of Social Worker In Interacting With Children

This essay regards a significant incident that occurred during my first social work placement in an educational setting. The incident involves a child who holds negative feelings towards social workers, and how this has affected my practice. Gibbs (1988) suggests a “reflective cycle” which underpins the necessary steps of manipulating an effective reflection; the steps consist of a “description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and an action plan” (cited by Beesley et al, 2018, pg. 15). This essay will incorporate this...
6 Pages 2917 Words

Advantages Of DNA Damage: AID, SHM, CSR

The human body is infected by a massive variety of different pathogens new and old every day and so a huge collection of different specific antibodies are needed to fight against them. Once a B cell is activated it is converted into an antibody producing factory, the plasma cell. They contain more cytocolic component (as the cytoplasm is the ribosomal workbench for producing proteins) and less area for the nuclear regions. The consequence of genetic alterations can lead to cancer...
6 Pages 2823 Words

Is It Possible To Sustain The Planet By 2050?

This study delves deeply into the current state of the earth, as well creating a clearer image of the future, provided that countries act collectively, to restore the planet before the impacts are irreversible. The Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration released a statement declaring that “human civilization will crumble by 2050 if we do not combat climate change now.” There are many solutions to eradicate the main causes of climate change: greenhouse gas emissions and human behaviour. This study...
6 Pages 2818 Words
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