3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Speech And Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy is recommended for anybody who has problems with their speech and/ or communication, perhaps due to a developmental or neurological disorder. Conditions which usually affect speech include developmental disorders like autism which can cause problems with social skills and the use of additional communicative techniques such as facial expressions and body language, leading to a lack of the ability to communicate their desires with others. Medical conditions such as strokes and cancers, particularly of the mouth...
6 Pages 2969 Words

Emergence And Development Of Boxing

Tracing the emergence of boxing is a difficult task (Murphy and Sheard, 2006, and Sugden, 1996). Most historical accounts required in order to do this are not available. However, even with these difficulties, this essay will attempt to assess how prize fighting emerged and what occurred in society for boxing to develop from prize fighting in the working class to the modern popular sport we have today. The changes and adaptations prize fighting made to the rules and regulations in...
6 Pages 2859 Words

Analysis Of Gothic Elements In Wuthering Heights And Jane Eyre

The word “Gothic” comes from the Middle Ages. The Goths were East Germanic people. They were violent and brutal. They were not civilized. Goths played an important role in the fall of the Roman Empire. When we think of the 18th century we can see two things; one is The Enlightenment and the other is Neo-classism. In those times classical values were reestablished. When we think of classical values we think of rationality, reason, harmony and balance. Gothic literature is...
6 Pages 2892 Words

Duress And Undue Influence On Parties In Contract Agreement Process

The Black’s Law Dictionary defines a contract as a lawfully binding pact among two or more parties which promulgates commitments, any violation of these commitments result in remedies in the form of damages or by any particular enforcement of the contract. Contract law explains the obligations of any persoms who would have entered into an agreement. Contract law in other words encompasses two divisions of jurisdiction. These are the rulings resulting from case law and regulations from statutes and Acts...
7 Pages 3161 Words

Business Plan Of Aromium Pty Ltd Enterprise

Executive Summary Established in 2020, Aromium Pty Ltd is an Australian Small Enterprise that is dedicated on providing consumers an innovative technological diffuser that will create a pleasant and comfortable environment through the sense of smell. Aromium’s Ultrasonic Candle Diffuser, the first official innovative candle diffuser within the technological industry, focuses on aromatherapeutic purposes, as well as the significant health risks associated with burning candles for long periods of time. Through this business plan, which outlines various fundamental business decisions...
6 Pages 2900 Words

Anne Frank’s Diary: The Reflection Of An Alarming

ABSTRACT Anne Frank's 'The Diary of a Young Girl' is the most widely read text about the Holocaust and it represents tragic consequences of the Nazi policy to eliminate the Jews of Europe during World War II. This project discusses Anne Frank’s diary as the reflection of an alarming episode from history – the Holocaust or mass genocide of Jews during World War 2. It is an episode which the entire humanity would like to forget and remember as well....
7 Pages 3051 Words

Capital Punishment: For And Against

Introduction to Capital Punishment Debate Many news articles and statements have been made debating whether the death penalty should still be used. One of the arguments against the death penalty is that it is cruel and unusual punishment. The website for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) explains, 'It is cruel because it is a relic of the earliest days of penology, when slavery, branding, and other corporal punishments were commonplace... It is also unusual because only a random sampling...
6 Pages 2956 Words

Concept Of Murder In Islamic Law And Its Comparison With English Law

Abstract Despite the universal hatred to the crime of murder, it is the unique feature of Islam that equates the killing of an innocent human being with the murder of whole mankind. Today many secularists uphold the dignity of human life so much that they stood against any sort of capital punishment for murder. An attempt has been made to show a comparative picture of criminality of homicide and its variant punishments between the concept of homicide under Islamic law...
6 Pages 2944 Words

Child Sexual Abuse & Hispanic Families

Introduction Child sexual abuse is defined as forced or persuaded sexual activity with a minor. This includes non contact abuses, sexual molestation, and rape (American Psychological, 2012). It is estimated that approximately 135,000 children are sexually abused each year (Sedlack et al, 2010). As referenced, the most frequently associated disorder with child sexual abuse is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (McLean et al, 2014). Research has demonstrated that those who survived child sexual abuse are more vulnerable to becoming depressed and...
6 Pages 2877 Words

Manipulation In Dysfunctional Relationships In The Short Stories Hills Like White Elephants, The Yellow Wallpaper And The Play Trifles

A dysfunctional relationship is a relationship that does not perform its proper function. Meaning the people in the relationship do not emotionally support one another, communicate well, or trust one another. People in dysfunctional relationships are manipulated and taken advantage of. There are many causes of dysfunctional relationships. The main cause of a dysfunctional relationship is manipulation. In the short stories “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman, the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell,...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Generation Gap: Parent To Child Relationships

Parent-child relationships are considered to be among the most important relationships Individuals have. These relationships area unit a primary contributor to the psychological well-being of each generations. Two basic demographic changes have created the roles that older oldsters and their adult youngsters play as joint informal mechanisms of support a lot of salient in recent years. First, the scale of current and future cohorts of older persons can challenge public and personal organizations’ ability to produce formal support to older...
6 Pages 2800 Words

Themes, Conflicts, And Ideas In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Friendship, freedom, and adventure—The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about the journey of a boy named Huck through the Mississippi River as he frees himself from his abusive father by faking his own death and as he helps free his new-found friend Jim who is a slave escaping from his master. Together, the mischievous Huck and the kind-hearted yet enslaved Jim set sail towards the freedom and adventure they both aspire as they discover a long-lasting friendship with one another....
7 Pages 3102 Words

Tobacco Consumers, Companies And Effects In Bangladesh

What is tobacco? Tobacco is a plant native to the Americas which is grown all over the world. Its leaves contain high levels nicotine and many cancer-causing chemicals. Tobacco leaves can be smoked as cigarettes, cigars, and hookahs; applied to the gums as dipping and chewing; or inhaled. Tobacco use and secondhand tobacco smoke causes many types of cancer, as well as heart, respiratory, and other diseases. Consumers About 5.7 trillion (5,700,000,000,000) cigarettes were smoked worldwide in 2016. Although overall...
7 Pages 3218 Words

Conformity To Hegemonic Masculine Norms And The Relationship To Help-Seeking Behaviours

When compared to women, men engage in more harmful behaviours such as excessive drinking, substance abuse, and participating in unsafe sexual activities (Courtenay, 2011). Although researchers suggest multiple causes underlying these differences, such as biology and access to healthcare, a significant number of studies indicate gender role socialization, which results in most men conforming to typical masculine norms (Liu & Iwamoto, 2007; O’Neil & Crasper, 2011; Locke & Mahalik, 2005). Seeking help from professional counselors would eliminate and reduce the...
7 Pages 3011 Words

Teenage Suicide Is One Of The Top Killers

There are 200,000 thousand suicide in the United State every year and can go up to 800,000 thousand suicide a year. Suicide had been the 33% of the most kills in the past two decades. Most of this suicides are teens from ages 10-16 (suicide). There are different ways they commit suicide by overdosing on drugs, shooting themself , and even hanging them self; any physical injuries and mental health are many ways they attempt suicide (suicide). Suicide gives a...
6 Pages 2854 Words

Slavery And Christianity Incompatibility In The Book Uncle Tom's Cabin

The novel “Uncle Toms Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe she writes one of the most inspiring novels of all-time. This novel exposes the cultural misconceptions of early America. This novel was written to fight against slavery at its peak in the 1850’s. Through this novel we receive a first hand view of what life was truly like in the slave states. The essays main idea is about slavery, but if you dive in deeper you can argue that it may...
6 Pages 2912 Words

Contracting & Construction Projects: Types And Differences

A contract in relation to capital projects functions as a legally binding, enforceable, and reciprocal commitment governing the collaboration between owner and contractor (Berends, 2015; Turner, 2003). A contract should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved as well as establish a clear framework that outlines the implementation of design processes, procurement strategies and construction methodology. It is designed to align the goals of the owner and contractor to meet a mutually favourable outcome (Turner, 2003). However,...
6 Pages 2868 Words

National Library Of France: Background And Nowadays

From young age I have been travelling to France, I have always loved the capital city Paris as do many people for its architectural elements and its richness in character and history. I will be exploring themes in the BNF Richelieu Site. I came across this library not having much knowledge about it mainly because of the way it looks from the outside compared to the inside. I have passed this building many times with my family or with my...
6 Pages 2755 Words

An Analysis On The Portrayal Of Males In Jane Eyre

Introduction The question around which this paper is based is: How effectively does Charlotte Bronte demonstrate feminism through the use of her male characters in the book Jane Eyre and contrast the conventional image of women at the time? ‘Feminism’ in this sense being, acts that support the equality of genders. (Oxford Living Dictionaries, 2019) Jane Eyre was published by Charlotte Bronte in Britain in 1847, during the Victorian Era. Gender roles were becoming increasingly defined, at this time and...
6 Pages 2794 Words

The Problem Of Morality In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby And Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale

Both texts, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ and Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid's Tale’, show aspects of conventional behaviour not always being moral. Gatsby is involved with criminal activities in order to obtain his highly sought-after ‘American Dream’. The conventional system in the futuristic city of Gilead in is indefinitely immoral; Atwood’s primary representation of Gileadean society presents a corruption of morals, the death of female rights and an ingrained class structure - as Linda W. Wagner-Martin puts it “It...
7 Pages 3175 Words

Social Factors Effects On Young People Alcoholism

“Drinking has been thoroughly integrated into mainstream culture today” (Thombs and Osborn, 2013, pp230). They execute that drinking alcohol has become an expected behaviour of social interactions and that if you were to be asked to “go for a drink”, then alcohol consumption is expected. However, it is important to discuss if this legal drug is abused and used without limits, it can have a detrimental effect on the lives of young people. As supported by the Advisory Council of...
7 Pages 2970 Words

Deviance Features In Sport

Sport, both for participants and spectators, has grown rapidly over the last few years and has become more accessible to people across the whole world at many different levels. At the same time, technological innovations and huge financial investments in equipment, facilities and resources, mean that sport has taken on an essential role in society (Audickas, 2017). There have been record numbers at elite events, from the previous Rio Olympics in 2016 (Curton, 2019) to more amateur levels, such as...
6 Pages 2900 Words

The Concept Of Journey In Tolkien And Lewis' Works

“Children are meant to grow up, and not to become Peter Pans. Not to lose innocence and wonder; but to proceed on the appointed journey [...] on callow, lumpish and selfish youth peril, sorrow, and the shadow of death can bestow dignity, and even sometimes wisdom.” J.R.R Tolkien, On Fairy Stories (Tolkien, 1983) Both Tolkien and Lewis wrote about characters going on great adventures into the “unknown world”, meeting new people, and returning to their “known world” different but wiser....
6 Pages 2911 Words

Respective Cognitive Theories By Piaget And Vygotsky

'Education and admonition commence in the first years of childhood and last to the very end of life.' (Plato, 2011). From as far back as Ancient Greece, Philosophers have expressed a profound interest in the importance of learning and education. This interest in the early years of education has inspired multiple generations of learning theorists to test and develop their own learning theories. The modern teacher can utilize the philosophers’ information on learning theories, like Jean Piaget’s extensive research on...
6 Pages 2960 Words

Similarities And Differences In The Books The Fault In Our Stars And Romeo And Juliet

In both the literary works, the first thing to notice is their title one of which, that is ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ (John Green, 2012), is derived from a piece of literature that was written by the writer of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ (William Shakespeare, 1597). The title of John Green’s novel was developed from a dialogue in Julius Caesar (William Shakespeare, 1599), as mentioned in the introduction. This is the first and indirect relationship between the two works. Green...
6 Pages 2892 Words

The God Of Small Things By Arundhati Roy: Women Face In India

Throughout the world, many countries face social problems which are usually influenced by the differences between the citizens of that society. Different scenarios can be taken in place when talking about the struggle that many individuals face and that deal with the social problems that are brought upon them. When talking about the struggle that people deal with, the caste system can be shown with the contrast of how an entire country can be responsible for the creation of a...
7 Pages 3047 Words

Matilda: Cognitive Development And Social Interaction

Introduction to Cognitive Theories in 'Matilda' Matilda follows the young Matilda Wormwood on the journey that is her life. Matilda is not like other children; she has a gift of telekinesis. Almost all of the adults in Matilda’s life have been cruel and crude toward her. Miss Honey is the ray of life that shines on Matilda’s life. Matilda will be analyzed according to Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory and compared to that of Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development. To...
6 Pages 2823 Words

Immunologic Tolerance For Immune System

A basic property of the resistant framework is its capacity to intercede self-protection with a negligible measure of inadvertent blow-back to the host. The framework utilizes a few distinct instruments to accomplish this objective, which is, on the whole, alluded to as the 'procedure of immunological resistance.' This article gives an early on verifiable review to these different systems, which are examined in more prominent detail all through this accumulation, and afterward quickly portrays what happens when this procedure comes...
7 Pages 3028 Words

Role Of Mediation As A Dispute Resolution Mechanism With Respect To Matrimonial Disputes

Abstract Among Social Institutions marriage and family are important institutions. They form the basis of society. From time immemorial, marriage is considered to be sacrament, permanent, indissoluble in Hindu mythology while in religions such as Muslims, Parsis, Christians etc marriage is nothing but is a special civil contract. With changing dimensions of society the definition of marriage has also changed from living together till death to ‘marriage is ,while there is no rose which has no thorns but if what...
7 Pages 3084 Words

Gang Influence On Juvenile Violence

In recent years, gangs, and gang influence has played a major role on the effect of juveniles, and the rate at which they act with violence. Gang membership in adolescence can be linked to serious and violent crime resulting in long term effects in adulthood. What is a gang? While there is no universally agreed upon definition of a “gang”, the terms “youth gang” and “street gang” are used most commonly. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) federally defines a...
6 Pages 2935 Words
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