3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Timeline Of Many Brutal Crimes Of Ted Bundy

Encounter with Ted Bundy: A Chilling Introduction On a chilly afternoon in late 1977, a young, newly-wed woman of 26 was dropped off at her Volkswagen Beetle by her sister-in-law. Her name was Gini McNair. She waved goodbye to her companion, unlocked the driver's door, and stepped into her vehicle. Sitting at the wheel, with the key in the ignition, she glanced around the deserted Boulder Canyon Road located outside of Boulder, Colorado. While waiting for her dusty red Volkswagen...
6 Pages 3001 Words

Nike Company: Pestle And Swot Analysis

Abstract Nike is a leading manufacturer of shoes and sportswear, and has achieved tremendous success around the world. In this report, Nike's business environment was analyzed using Pestle analysis and Porter's five forces. The company's internal environment was analyzed by using SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, core competencies, and competitive advantage. It was concluded that Nike is a leader in its business, operates in a competitive business environment and uses a business strategy that ensures its short- and long-term success....
6 Pages 3043 Words

Social Skills And Moral Development Of Young Children

Self-concept can be described as the development of individual identity and how children see themselves as separate from others with unique personality traits. The ages are meant to be general so that movement from one stage to the next is individualized and largely dependent on each child’s development. Emotional development in preschoolers is a balancing act between the need to learn and understand limits and the need for freedom and independence. Children at this age are beginning to understand that...
6 Pages 2994 Words

Does Sri Lanka Need New Hate Speech Legislation?

As a citizen in a post-conflict country, I cannot ignore the issues of ethno-religious violence; as an academic and a theatre artist, I must pay attention to those issues. Thus, my interests in the above topic grew out of the existential disputes I have to face almost every day. Therefore, this paper is coming out of both intellect and conscience. In the foreword of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech which was published in June...
6 Pages 2938 Words

The Role Of Technology And Science In Population Growth

Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century, world population increased exponentially in accordance to immigration, technological advances that improved quality of life as well as elongated lifespans, and exponential growth in food production productivity. These factors have created persistent population growth even as mortality and fertility rates decrease. In the United States alone, through demographic transition, there has been ascending growth as family size decreases. However, surging problems have aroused in accordance to sustainability in relationship to quality of life. Human...
6 Pages 2758 Words

South Bronx Community Assessment

ABSTRACT This paper is a Community Assessment of the South Bronx. The South Bronx is comprised of Bronx Community District 1 which includes Mott Haven, Melrose, and Port Morris. South Bronx Community Assessment Community Name & Boundaries/Location According to the New York Health Community Profile, the South Bronx is comprised of Bronx Community District 1 which includes Mott Haven, Melrose, and Port Morris. The boundaries of District 1 follow the Harlem River; East 149th Street; Park Avenue; East 159th Street;...
6 Pages 2791 Words

The Use Of Gender, Political Correctness, Language And Power In Oleanna

Introduction In this essay I will be analysing the play Oleanna, with reference to the educational themes of gender, political correctness, power and language. Oleanna was a popular play in the 1990’s that induced outrage amidst it’s audiences, through how the playwright Mamet was able to provoke gender politics between feminists and male chauvinists. The play was blatantly about male versus females thereby instigating debate between its audiences, depending on which character they empathised with as the story unfolds. As...
6 Pages 2926 Words

The Themes Of Love, Class System And Incest Taboo In Wuthering Heights

INTRODUCTION Wuthering Heights was back in those times written by unknown young girl Emily Brontë and it is considered as one of the greatest works of fiction ever written. It is the passionate love story between Catherine and Heathcliff represented as a wild, cruel character. Published in 1847 under the name of Ellis Bell, is considered one of the classic examples of English literature. Novel has been defined as romantic fiction written in the genre of the Gothic novel. As...
7 Pages 3134 Words

Sociological Perspectives: Types And Functions

Introduction It is a known fact that sociology is one of the most essential aspects which may have significant influences on the service providers as well as the service users. In order to extend appropriate care to the clients, it is necessary for any social service provider to be able to understand the perspectives of the clients. With the consideration to the numbers of theories introduced over the years, it becomes easier for any practitioner to have clear comprehension concerning...
6 Pages 2791 Words

How Lyrical Ballads Represent The Beginning Of Modern Poetry On The Examples Of Tintern Abbey And The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

The first edition of Lyrical Ballads was published by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1798, which was a difficult period for most throughout Europe. Throughout the 18th century, Britain sustained major economic recession. Additionally, following the French revolution in 1989, England entered a costly war with the new renegade French republic. Many highly religious people thought that these corrupt times was the beginning of the upcoming apocalypse. At a quick glance, it might not seem that the collection...
7 Pages 3086 Words

Ted Bundy: A Life From The Beginning To An End

Ted Bundy has proven himself to be one of the most infamous people in America’s history. How a young boy raised by his family could turn into such a rageful monster and commit murder after murder for over a decade astonishes many. Bundy’s childhood, educated background, clean-cut profile, consistent moving, and romantic relationships would all work in his favor to keep law enforcement unsuspicious of his actions. These aspects of his life, combined with the poor techniques of forensic analysis...
6 Pages 2980 Words

Should Transgender Athletes Compete in Sports Essay

Introduction Competitive equity and fairness within athletic competitions is a complex and controversial topic that has always shadowed the world of sports. Transgender atheltes in particular, have been caught in the middle of the debates and have aroused much controversy among competitors worldwide. The folloiwng essay goes into detail about female transgender athletes, and their role in athletic competitions. Due to its complexity, and the role of ethics in the issue, it is difficult to reach a clear consensus of...
6 Pages 2842 Words

Gang Impact On Youth And Children

Abstract The influence of gang violence and gang prominence has become a recent threat to younger generations and children. Its prominence is much higher in larger cities such as New York and Los Angeles but tends to be higher in the impoverished area. Not only is it an issue in the United States gang violence, and gang coercing has become prominent in most counties. This is especially so in counties that have fewer financial opportunities, causing younger generations to do...
7 Pages 2992 Words

Class Conflict And Inequality: Consequences And Impacts In Pakistan

Class Conflicts Class conflict which is also known as class struggle and class rivalry is the political tension and economic antipathy that exists in society subsequent to socio-economic competitions and battles among the social classes. The types of class conflict can involve direct violence, for example, fighting over resources and cheap labor and assassinations; indirect violence, for example, deaths from poverty (poorness) and starvation, ailment (illness) and perilous working environment. Economic coercion, for example, the risk of unemployment (joblessness) or...
6 Pages 2902 Words

Propaganda: Types, Techniques And Examples In G. Bush's Speech

Introduction The term “propaganda” comes from Latin. Propaganda is always biased. It is a way of distributing information or conveying a message where the message is designed in such a way to make people feel in a certain way. It is a particular kind of communication strategy that circulates specific needs and desires. It is basically how you show something in a way that people start believing it. There are many researches that have been done on propaganda. It is...
7 Pages 3011 Words

Gender Inequality In Education Essay

Introduction to Global Gender Inequality This world faces many economical worldwide (global) issues. Gender inequality is among thousands of problems. Gender inequality has been an issue for a long time and it still continues to happen in other countries in the world. These countries are a partiacharial and they do not believe women can do the same things men can do. Some of the countries that have gender inequality are Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Bangladesh, Namibia, Australia and Pakistan. Women in...
7 Pages 3174 Words

Robert Frost's Main Topics In Poems The Road Not Taken, Mending Wall, Acquainted With The Night And Others

Robert Frosts poems are quite simple, dealing with everyday situations and emotions, yet taking them to another level of exploration. He looks at aspects of nature and then converts them into symbols to use in his poems, thus making them completely relevant to our everyday lives and easy to make sense of. In After Apple-Picking, there is another symbol derived from nature. The Road Not Taken writes, two roads diverging in a yellow wood and shows how Frost considers his...
6 Pages 2834 Words

Walmart: Management, Competencies And Business Model

Walmart is where we find anything and everything within considering our budget. A place for a middle to lower class person to manage their household. A place for brand and utilities. One could opt for luxuries like organic food and also get everyday necessities like a clearance section for groceries. The ability to reach every crowd has made Walmart rank 1 in top fortune 500 companies with a revenue of $500 billion . What is it offering that none other...
7 Pages 3164 Words

Organizational Culture And Change Management

Introduction The greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once stated: “Change is the only constant in life”. In the age of globalization, change has become a normal part of our everyday lives. At the same time, more and more companies do their business across country borders. Companies find themselves in markets that change rapidly, and in order to keep their position and market shares, companies are forced to adapt and change as well. In order to meet the expectation of both foreign customers,...
6 Pages 2766 Words

Legacy: Definition, Forms And Importance

To begin with, a Legacy can be looked at as a worthwhile contribution resulting from boosted thinking and caliber for learning that an individual translates to others so that it is available to the organization’s future generation of managers, employees and other stakeholders. In order for a legacy to be successfully passed on it must be digested and absorbed by others. To add on to this, a manager’s legacy can involve the ability to build new ways of thinking and...
6 Pages 2919 Words

Polygamy: Agreements And Disagreements

Throughout my time in college, I have found there is a multitude of literature on the topic of polygamy. So, when one finds themselves embarking on trying to become an expert, there are many different sides to the story and angles to take into consideration. Due to the fact polygamy is such a controversial topic in the United States, there are multiple different areas to evaluate, religious freedom constitutional rights, ethics, and human rights are some of the most debated...
6 Pages 2829 Words

Economic Crimes & White-Collar Crime, Blue Collar Crime. Impact On Business, Economy And People

In all of American history as far back as we have recorded, crime has been prevalent. It has taken place nearly everywhere. There are no exceptions. As technology advances and corporations grow, new crimes begin to surface that not only impact people, but businesses and the economy as well. Economic crimes as well as white collar crime and blue collar crimes continue to impact our society and structures of life in many different ways and are displayed throughout our everyday...
7 Pages 3051 Words

Ethical Concerns Of E-cigarette Due To Youth Marketing, Societal Trends And Health Effects Compared To Tobacco

INTRODUCTION While public perception of the tobacco industry has slowly deteriorated as social culture and research has condemned the consumption of their product, the new upstart e-cigarette industry is quickly taking its place without the same degree of public scrutiny. Specifically, this paper seeks to understand the ethical implications of the introduction of e-cigarettes, otherwise known as vaping products, to an isolated demographic: the youth market. Through our findings, we believe that the introduction of e-cigarettes to the youth market...
6 Pages 2904 Words

The Idea Of Dreams As A Crucial Motif In The Poem Paradise Lost

An analysis of Milton’s use of dreaming as a crucial motif and idea throughout Paradise Lost, especially in the four books preceding the fall, is one of the most revealing ways of analysing the reasoning and events leading to the Fall. Dreams, specifically Eve’s Satanically inspired dream in Books VI and V, have been the subject of fairly extensive critical debate, particularly surrounding the dream’s implications with relation to the fall. Where mid- 20th century critics such as Tillyard argue...
7 Pages 3041 Words

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Analysis

Introduction to Connie's Character and Family Dynamics In the short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates, Connie, a 15 years old who is protagonist, is constantly worried about her appearance. Her mother and aunts scolds her for simply admiring herself in the mirror and her looks, however Connie disregards her family's critiques. She hates them for always nagging about her, but she hates it more that her mother doesn’t stop. Connie's mother tells...
7 Pages 3124 Words

The Features Of Community Social Work

There are many different types of ‘community’. For example, it could be people sharing common interests, or people who are brought together by their geographical location. A community is something that people have in common that brings them together. A prime quality of a community is an element of trust and a positive community will share respect and can be known as the member’s ‘safe place’ (Gudykunst, 2013). However, communities may not always be positive as there can be boundaries....
6 Pages 2855 Words

The Meaning And Themes Of Greek Myths

The first main point in chapter one I see, is that myths are stories. The difference between mythology and stories is that mythology is used to represent culture, religion, and/or the complexity of nature before science was as advanced as it is now. Myths may be fiction, but most were believed to be true at one time or may still be believed in some cultures. Researchers of mythology believe that by studying these myths, we can get an insight to...
6 Pages 2793 Words

Factors, Reasons And Consequences Of Inequality And Policies For Its Reduction

Since 19th century, the economists tried to identify and explain the major causes that lead to inequality but always obtaining a scarce consensus. The first was Marx in his book 'The Capital) that pointed exploitation as the main cause, where people in upper classes get what they get by taking away from the bottom classes. The Duke William of Nassau, an Oxford economist, complained the rich classes to don't appropriately consume. For Duke William was not the Marxist exploitation of...
6 Pages 2957 Words

Social Psychology: Classic And Contemporary Study In Relation To Obedience

Mitchell (2009), defines social psychology as the field that attempts to understand how the thought, feeling, and behaviour of individuals are influenced by the actual or imagined presence of others. The importance of social psychology is highlighted by Delamater( 2018), who states social psychology helps Scientific researchers to understand people’s thoughts and helps to explain the causes of human behaviours. Haslam and Smith (2012), define a classic study as one where the study is known well by all researchers outside...
6 Pages 2777 Words

Walmart Corporation: Background And Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a thriving business thanks to the strategical style of Sam Walton. This mass producer of goods, with superb service has expanded from physically selling the lowest prices all over the globe as well as making headway in the new ecommerce world. Walmart is one of the leading competitors in selling goods and services and its thanks goes to their bargaining power. Walmart’s style of bargaining power pushed out mom and pop shops because of their great competitiveness....
6 Pages 2902 Words
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