3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Argumentative Essay on Violence in Video Games: Whether Video Games Harmful or not

Abstract This paper will investigate the evidence on whether or not video games are as harmful as they have been portrayed in the media over the years. It will discuss the history of video games over the last thirty years including defining the environment, the history with the media and how gaming and its impacts have changed over those years. In order to fully understand the impacts a discussion take places on why males involve themselves in the game industry...
7 Pages 3345 Words

Inefficiency and Inadequacy in the Recruitment Process in New Zealand Universities: Analytical Essay

The Universities in New Zealand have very high expectations from the potential candidates for filling up the position of academic staff. They need to have at least a Ph.D. and an excellent publication record in academic journals of good impact factor. The universities follow an outdated and archaic approach through newspaper advertisements and also, by referrals from the academic staff. The recruitment process is exceptionally slow, highly decentralized and is usually accorded to the heads of academic departments, who are...
8 Pages 3496 Words

Analysis of Importance of Sanitation and Hygiene at Hotel Industry: A Thesis Proposal

Abstract Proposals talks about the importance of sanitation and personal hygiene in the field of hotel industry due to which many customers can be attracted towards the hotel. At present condition most of the people those who visited to hotel from different places are so much conscious about sanitation and good hygienic environment for spending their quality time on the basis of different research methodologies. And with the help of analysis we come to the conclusion that sanitation and food...
8 Pages 3650 Words

Definition of Risk Management and Analysis of Risk Management Process

Definition of Risk Risk implies future uncertainty about deviate from expected earnings or expected outcome. Risk measures the uncertainty that investors are willing to take to achieve a return on investment. Since a probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action. In the aspects of finance, risk is the probability that an actual return on an investment will be...
7 Pages 3393 Words

Evolution and Current Status of the Equal Rights Amendment: Analytical Essay

The right of women to gain equality in the United States has been a rather tumultuous journey. They have had to overcome many obstacles on their road to impartiality - sometimes even among themselves. During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the United States was undergoing a number of momentous changes within its borders. Changes in ideals, beliefs, and values that would later affect the lives of both men and women; but perhaps changes that were more paramount in the...
8 Pages 3554 Words

Role Models Which Celebrities Play in Shaping Our Ideas about Consumption and Identity

One of the areas in contemporary society of great concern is celebrity culture, authenticity and the ‘perfect’ body. This essay will therefore critically evaluate the role that celebrities play in shaping our ideas today about consumption and identity, focussing on childhood, ethical consumption and mobile phone usage. Firstly, the background of consumption will be addressed. Furthermore, an analysis will explore whether the role of celebrities is either positive or negative to identity construction, and an emphasis on how celebrities can...
7 Pages 3453 Words

Experiences and Perceptions of Trained Volunteers in Dementia Palliative Care: Descriptive Qualitative Study

1. Abstract The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions and experiences of trained volunteers in caring for patients in dementia-palliative ward in Singapore. Methods A descriptive qualitative research study will be conducted in Assisi Hospice (AH). Purposive sampling will be used to recruit 20 participants. The data will be collected through face-to-face semi-structured interviews and will be analysed using thematic analysis. Significance of the study This study will provide beneficial insights into reasons and factors influencing volunteers...
8 Pages 3461 Words

Critical Analysis of Marketing Strategy of Pepsi Cola

Product Variety Pepsi Cola is produced by a pharmacist, Calleb Bradham in 1898. There are many varieties of Pepsi Cola only sold in specific countries. In the consumer market of Malaysia, Pepsi Cola is sold with many varieties which are Pepsi Regular, Pepsi Black, Pepsi Black Ginger, Pepsi Black Vanilla, Pepsi Light currently (Figure 1). Pepsi Black edition serves with bolder taste and zero calorie content (Figure 2). It is approved with healthier choice logo by Malaysia in the sugar...
7 Pages 3312 Words

Exploration of the Awareness, Knowledge and Habits of UKM Students towards Recreational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Abstract Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the awareness, knowledge and habits of UKM students towards recreational noise-induced hearing loss (RNIHL). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed through online survey and a Malay version of Knowledge, Awareness, and Behaviors (KAB) questionnaire was given to the health science and non-health science undergraduate UKM students. Two-way ANOVA was conducted to compare knowledge and awareness between health science and non-health science students while the spearman coefficient was conducted to correlate...
8 Pages 3581 Words

Analysis of the Models of Criminal Justice: Crime Control Model, Due Process Model, Punitive Model of Victims’ Rights, Non-Punitive Model of Victims

Comprehensive Literature Review Abstract In the following paper I attempt to discuss the impact of diversity in administration, and how diversity plays a major role in the criminal justice system. I explain that managing diversity is also a key characteristic of having diversity in an organization. While further exploring the qualities of a leader and different leadership styles within an organization, and how these different leaderships adversely affect the different models of the criminal justice system. My paper concludes with...
7 Pages 3358 Words

Impact of Knowledge Management Processes on Competitive Advantage: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study In the recent years, the global economy has evolved to an economy of knowledge. All OECD (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries have moved from models based on labour, raw materials, and physical capital to economies of knowledge and intangible capital. In an ever-changing global marketplace, companies are looking for every opportunity to gain competitive advantage. Advances in technology, increasingly informed customers, information overload, new regulatory requirements, and liberalization of the...
8 Pages 3338 Words

Analytical Essay on Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C: Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation, Infection Prevention and Control Considerations

Introduction Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are highly infectious diseases and occur due to being infected by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the hepatitis C virus (HCV) respectively. Millions of people worldwide are infected with these viruses and the infected population can suffer from long term complications such as liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinomas (Busch & Thimme, 2015). A contrast and comparison of both HBV and HCV will be presented in this report. The viruses’ morphology, epidemiological features, pathophysiology,...
8 Pages 3695 Words

Analytical Essay: Ideas of Deterrence and Discrimination in Don't Shoot, Just Mercy, The Caging of America

Kennedy focused on the idea of deterrence in his book Don't Shoot. His intended goal was to stop the killings that was happening in the African American communities. The killings stemmed from guns and drugs. There was not a lot of attention that was given to these communities and people just let it happen. Kennedy decided that it was time for him to do something about the situation and that is exactly what he did. I strongly believe that this...
8 Pages 3652 Words

Essay on Toyota: Analysis of Global Industry and of the Company

Introduction/Executive Summary 1.1 Description of context Since its inception, Toyota Motor Corporation has built its success around the core philosophies of its production system. The company has obsessed over innovation and efficiency throughout all its business processes (Hill, 2011). Presently many of Toyota's direct and indirect competitors have adopted similar processes and have been able to close in on Toyota's competitive advantage significantly (Hill, 2011). Due to this, these competitors are prompting Toyota to change or adjust its strategy to...
8 Pages 3368 Words

Heroic Characteristics Throughout History: Analysis of Beowulf, A Modest Proposal and Eve’s Apology

Literature is a timeless source of entertainment no matter when it was written. The reader can gain insight on the values and culture from even a thousand years ago. Readers can gather a valuable understanding about how literature reflects the evolution of a hero-like character throughout different periods in history. Throughout the Middle Ages, a hero is shown through physical and mental strength and honor. During the Renaissance time period, heroic traits are shown through confidence in oneself. During the...
7 Pages 3349 Words

The Maasai Tribe: Descriptive Essay on Ceremonies

Take a deep breath. If you want to be known as a fearless warrior, you must do this. You sit quietly looking at the beast spear in hand preparing yourself for the events that are about to unfold. You take your chance and throw your spear in hopes your target is hit. All your practice and training at the warrior camp pays off. You watch with pride as the lion, your lion collapses. In modern-day to day life this not...
7 Pages 3298 Words

Depiction of Organ Transplantation and ‘Saviour Siblings’ in My Sister’s Keeper, Parts: The Clonus Horror, The Island and Others

Organ Transplantation and ‘Saviour Siblings’: How Fiction Depicted These Areas Through the Years Introduction In the latest years, a new kind of embryo selection has been brought to the public’s attention. Doctors can pick an embryo for implantation which will become a ‘’saviour sibling’’, a brother or a sister that is capable of donating life-saving tissue to an existing child. In England, this practice has been explicitly allowed by the new Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 under some strict...
7 Pages 3395 Words

Link between Media Exposure and Pervasive Discontent of One’s Physical Appearance: Analytical Essay

The link between media exposure and pervasive discontent of one’s physical appearance is something that has been long established (reference) in literature that covers a century. In the modern era we now live, technology has transformed the exhibition of ideals, opinions, and capacity of content for which young people can compare themselves. Arguably the biggest platform for a constantly growing library of images depicting idealised body-types is Instagram; with more than 500 million accounts active every day and more than...
8 Pages 3603 Words

An Analytical Study on the Tea Culture of China and Sri Lanka: The Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony

An Analytical Study on the Tea Culture of China and Sri Lanka An Analytical Study on the Tea Culture of China and Sri Lanka 143 Introduction China is the homeland of tea, the Chinese started to use tea as medicine and food 4,000 years ago (Emperor Shennon’s Herbal Classics cited in Li, 1993). In Han Dynasty, tea has become the special drink among the royal families. Since Tang Dynasty, tea drinking became a daily social vogue and was enjoyed by...
7 Pages 3372 Words

Dharma in Politics: Analysis of the Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

The Mahabharata is the great Indian Epic, which contains as its central theme the narrative of the conflict leading up to the battle of Kurukshetra, followed by the great battle itself, and lastly the resolution after the battle and its aftermath. The origin of the conflict is the dissention between the Gods (Devas) and the demons (asuras). These two groups in their fight for supremacy find it necessary to incarnate as humans who form the two opposing groups in the...
7 Pages 3415 Words

The Effects of Prejudice Values on Relationships in Kasie West’s Novel The Distance Between Us

Social Hierarchy has existed for decades. The societal construct based hierarchy places people into categories defined by their financial standing across a scale, ranging from upper class down to the poverty level. The upper and lower class are often segregated, living in different parts of town and having different experiences due to the opposite lifestyles that they live. In Nicholas Sparks’s novel, The Best of Me, Dawson Cole, a boy from an unprosperous, criminal family meets Amanda Collier, a wealthy,...
7 Pages 3359 Words

Executive Summary on Target Market Persona and the Marketing Mix Recommendations

Executive Summary This report will focus on the Target Market Persona and the Marketing Mix recommendations. Discussed within the report are various marketing mixes, plans, strategies, tools and responsibilities in which RMIT University face while dealing with their target market and their consumers. There are several marketing mixes used to provide recommendations as to the various ways in which RMIT must market their brand, they involve of; the 7P’s marketing mix, SWOT analysis, PESTLE, external environment analysis, competitive analysis and...
7 Pages 3423 Words

Impact of Case Studies on Public Image of Science in Relation to the Development of the Smallpox Disease

Cowpox Cowpox is an infectious disease caused by the cowpox virus, closely related to the vaccinia virus (En.wikipedia.org, 2019). This disease is transferable between species as can be seen by dairymaids who touched the udders of infected cows and consequently developed pustules on their hands (En.wikipedia.org, 2019). This disease is very similar to the deadly smallpox disease as it has close mild resemblance in the observation of dairy maids. Figure 1 depicts the pustules on a cow's udder and it...
8 Pages 3466 Words

Target Market of My Business: Analytical Essay

Background The name of my organization is Wil -Bek which will be found in Baastona –Accra, Wil-Bek is a company that manufactures and distribution of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages for now it’s a sole proprietorship but later due to circumstance I can change it to be a partnership. The size of my organization is small since is a new company, will employ two labor workers in Will-Bek company, as time goes on, I will involve more personnel in the organization...
8 Pages 3505 Words

Case Study of Hotel New World Tragedy and an Incident in Hyatt Regency at Kansas

Case I This summary reflects the case study on Hotel New World Tragedy. This incident of collapse of the Hotel took place in the mid-month of March i.e. 15th March 1986 resulting in causalities of 33 deaths and 17 rescued during the rescue period. There were several assumptions made on the collapse such as internal blast, non-standard concrete mixtures, and poor site selection along with the weak foundation. After detail study of the collapse and investigation from many different aspects...
8 Pages 3416 Words

Implication of Brexit on Starbucks

Introduction In this essay I will be discussing the implications and uncertainty of Brexit on Starbucks. Analysing two Brexit scenarios, I will investigate how Brexit will impact Starbucks in regard to the important factors: Workforce, Labour Migration, Market Access and Trade. Brexit is an abbreviation of Britain exiting the EU Membership, “an economic and political union with 28 countries which allows free movement of goods, capital, services and people between member states” [GOV.UK. 2019]. Being a part of the European...
7 Pages 3335 Words

Need of Justice and Humanity in the Modern World: Edward Bond’s Theatre for Social Commitment

Edward Bond(1934- ), a British playwright unfolds a traumatic world of human emotions of violence, fear, menace, threat, loneliness, memories and desire to love and be loved and the meaning of life and its ultimate goal in his plays. His plays are in keeping with his concern for contemporary social issues and in keeping with the conditions of human beings in a technological society which leaves dehumanizing impact and ignores human values in pursuit of power. He depicts through his...
7 Pages 3260 Words

The Relationship between the Media and the Fear of Crime

Introduction Living in the modern world, technology and the media surrounds us in our everyday lives. Entertainment such as news, movies and video games depict violent imagery in millions of homes, yet are considered normal in today’s society. This consumption of media either makes the threat of the outside world more daunting or less alarming. People have always been fascinated by crime despite the fact it is condemned. This has led many to questions the role and relationship between media...
7 Pages 3277 Words

For And Against The Category Of Irish Gothic In The Novel Dracula And A Film The Butcher Boy

This essay aims to argue in favour of the category of ‘Irish Gothic’ with reference to Bram Stoker’s Dracula and a film directed by Neil Jordan entitled ‘The Butcher Boy’. The themes of paranoia, Protestantism, anti-Catholicism and the desire or fear of the Other are typical of the reoccurring motifs found in Gothic literature generally (Hoeveler 2). Their inclusion within Irish literature does not in itself create the category of ‘Irish Gothic’ and Irish Gothic artists, both writers and directors...
8 Pages 3422 Words

The Evolution of Alcoholism in American History

Abstract The terminology and typologies used to describe alcoholics and diagnose alcoholism have changed dramatically from when William Carpenter first published “On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease” in 1850 to the publication of the DSM V in 2013. E.M. Jellinek had a profound impact on emphasizing the importance of treating alcoholism as a disease that should be studied scientifically, thus paving the way for the changes of these typologies and how people are diagnosed....
8 Pages 3723 Words
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