3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Understanding Prevention and Support in Community Setting: D.A.R.E Program

Introduction What is prevention? “Prevention can be defined broadly as policies, programmes and practices designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of drug use (including alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) and associated health, behavioural and social problems.” (Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, UK, 2015) Defining drug prevention and education There is no commonly accepted definition of „drug prevention‟ in Europe. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) define this as any policy, programme, or activity that...
7 Pages 3293 Words

The World is Overpopulated: Causes And Consequences

Introduction “Whether we accept it or not, this will likely be the century that determines what the optimal human population is for our planet. It will come about in one of two ways: Either we decide to manage our own numbers, to avoid a collision of every line on civilization's graph - or nature will do it for us, in the form of famines, thirst, climate chaos, crashing ecosystems, opportunistic disease, and wars over dwindling resources that finally cut us...
8 Pages 3468 Words

Juvenile Delinquency: Programs and Impacts

Juvenile delinquency has always been considered as a psychological problem rather than a legal challenge which it particularly is. The question though remains, how can it be solved? Juvenile delinquency also known as “juvenile offending” is the situation where the minors engage in illegal activities. Juveniles are the young people who are below the age of the majority as the laws dictate (Loeber & Farrington, 2012). For most of the legal frameworks, they prescribe some procedures for dealing with the...
7 Pages 3311 Words

High School: The Influences of Facebook to the Youth

Introduction Over the past years, people’s lives have been slowly taken over by technology. It has mechanized agriculture, improved the transportation, communication, education and the learning process of the youth. Today it is possible to bring news, ideas, and entertainment to millions of people through social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his fellow college student which are Eduardo Saverin, Andrew Mc Collum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris...
8 Pages 3635 Words

Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Substance use is rapidly becoming one of the most prevalent issues in today’s society. According to a survey by the WHO, 164 million people had an alcohol or drug use disorder in 2016. A major part of the population dealing with these issues are the adolescents. Studies by Belcher and Schinitzky (1998) have shown that substance abuse during adolescence can become a problem later on during adulthood. Moreover, several factors play a role in adolescents indulging in the use of...
7 Pages 3326 Words

Business Plan for Canadian Tire Corporation

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited is a Canadian retail organization that sells a wide scope of car, equipment, sports and recreation, and home items. A few stores additionally sell toys and sustenance items. Retail tasks include Canadian Tire, the center retail and car administration activity, which works an enormous vehicle fix carport in each store; Canadian Tire Petroleum; Mark's, a men's, women's, footwear, and work attire retailer; outdoor supplies and sportswear retail aggregate FGL Sports; and Part Source, which retails car...
8 Pages 3451 Words

Job Satisfaction as a Conflict Trigger Between Staff and Officer in a Local Bank

Introduction Like organisms, the individual units of the organization need to function as one. Its units are interdependent to each other, so the individuals assigned to these units. Symbiotic relationships exist within the organization for it to function efficiently and effectively. Sometimes individual attitudes, culture, and behaviors collide and create conflict with is oftentimes bring regarded as counterproductive (George & Jones, 2006). Conflict is inevitable in organizations - personalities, worldviews, attitudes, and various cultures collide and inevitably ensue. On one...
8 Pages 3724 Words

Concept Of Free Will: Definition And Explanation

The concept of free will varies depending on whom you ask. If you were to turn to religion, it would say your free will lies solely in moral decision making; what you choose to have for breakfast is not free will and is already determined. If you were to ask a compatibilist, they would say we do in fact have free will with only some deterministic aspects. If you were to ask a libertarian, they would say you have absolute...
8 Pages 3490 Words

Sociological Representation of Religion and its Impact on Women’s Treatment in The Handmaid’s Tale and A Thousand Splendid Suns

With reference to wider reading, explore and compare Margaret Atwood and Khaled Hosseini’s sociological representation of religion and its impact on women’s treatment in The Handmaid’s Tale and A Thousand Splendid Suns. In both texts, A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Handmaid’s Tale, both writers explore the exploitation and mistreatment of women for the benefit of ‘the class structure of a society...in a struggle for economic, political and social advantage’, as stated by Karl Marx[footnoteRef:2]. However, the underlying force behind...
8 Pages 3660 Words

Impact Of A Totalitarian State In The Handmaid’s Tale By Margaret Atwood And Never Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro

With references to wider reading, explore and compare the impact of a totalitarian state in The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood) and Never Let Me Go (Kazuo Ishiguro). In The Handmaid’s Tale and Never Let Me Go, both authors explore and compare the impact of the totalitarian states present within the novels. Both Atwood and Ishiguro make distinct links between totalitarianism and the post colonist theory as they portray how a totalitarian state requires to confine certain individuals, similarly to colonies...
7 Pages 3272 Words

Skin Cancer: Convolutional Neural Network Based Skin Lesion

Analysis towards Melanoma Abstract— Melanoma is only harmful in human epidemic diseases and the level of these diseases is increasing continuously. Computers are not more intelligent than humans, but it is easy to find some information easily, which may not be easily apparent to the human eye. Such as: skin color variations or taxa variations. As knowledge is in inadequate source, automated systems proficient of detecting disease could save lives, reduce unnecessary biopsies, and reduce costs. My research is based...
8 Pages 3657 Words

Mass Incarceration In The African American Community

I. Introduction Mass incarceration in the African American community is suppressing the economic growth and population of the African American people. This problem analysis will look at the issues at stake, why the issue is critical, discuss policy goals and constraints, as well as go over solution method. This analysis will also explore the incarceration rate of other countries. II. Model of the Problem The epidemic of mass incarceration within the African American community provides the strenuous challenge of improving...
7 Pages 3333 Words

Textual Analysis of Chapter 3 of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Introduction This chapter describes the methodology that was used in the research, the literary, and textual or discourse analysis. It includes the Language used in the novel, the Oppression in the novel, the Setting, the themes, Symbolism and Authorship in the novel of Walker. The chapter lays down how women of color particularly African American women are not given the same type of humanity or treatment on literature. This chapter will focus on how women are represented in The Color...
7 Pages 3327 Words

Convolution Neural Networks for Predicting Skin Lesions of Melanoma by Segmentation

Abstract— Skin lesions are significant in determining dermatological medical conditions globally. Early diagnosis of malignant melanoma by dermoscopy imaging considerably will increase the survival rate. Throughout this paper, we tend to present deep learning-based approaches to resolve 2 issues in skin lesion analysis employing a dermoscopic image containing the tumor. Estimation of these biomarkers are wont to give some insight, whereas detecting cancerous cells and classifying the lesion as either benign or malignant. This paper presents groundwork for the detection...
8 Pages 3467 Words

Analysis Of McDonald’s Marketing Management

Introduction McDonald’s was founded in 1940 as a restaurant. It was first operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald in California. This is basically an American fast-food company. This is belonging to food and restaurant industry and now having the world’s biggest restaurant chain. This is serving more 69 Million customers over 119 countries. By the end of 2018 this has 37855 outlets. This is best for its French fries and burgers. Now they added soft drinks, wraps and desserts in...
7 Pages 3330 Words

Frankenstein’s Monster: Humanity Unbound And Alive

Abstract: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: or Modern Prometheus has always been the focal point in dealing with the shifting paradigms of humanity and monstrosity. The critical question is there- Is the ‘creature’ really a monster or is he essentially human? It is most notable that throughout the novel the creature has been degraded by other people, mostly by his own creator Victor Frankenstein, as something which can never be a part of humanity. This sense of alienation has caused the monster...
7 Pages 3389 Words

Design And Development Of Electric Vehicle

Abstract Electric Vehicles can be seen as the cars of the future as they are free from carbon emission, noise pollution and very low running cost as compared to the internal combustion engine vehicles. The main challenges for electrical engineers are the selection of propulsion source i.e. an electric machine, the design and manufacturing of electric machine drive and implementation of real control system. Three phase squirrel cage induction motor has been selected for propulsion because of its cheaper and...
8 Pages 3687 Words

Legal Research Methods And Their Features

Introduction: According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, research means ‘a careful study of a subject, especially to find or discover new facts about it’. Research therefore involves gathering information for a purpose, and it is the purpose that usually determines the type of research undertaken and how it is conducted. “The acquisition of knowledge is the mission of research, the transmission of knowledge is the mission of teaching, and the application of knowledge is the mission of public service.”...
8 Pages 3656 Words

Game Theory As A Mathematical Theory Of Conflict, Its Methods And Examples

What is conflict? This is a situation, in which the interests of the parties collide and a conflict of interests occurs. Each of the participants wants something, not what others want. How game theory can be used? Game theory is a mathematical theory that is tightly connected with the social sciences. Modern socio-economic studies are based on game theory, but game theory can be useful for every person. Game theory enters into the life of each of us unnoticed. The...
7 Pages 3392 Words

Coco Chanel Essay: Impact on the Society in the 20th Century

Early Life and Beginnings of Coco Chanel Coco Chanel was born in 1883 in France. After her mother’s death, Coco Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father at the age of 12. In the orphanage, Chanel was raised by nuns who thought her skills which is the reason she became a famous designer, they thought her how to sew. Before her career as a designer, she used to be a singer and would perform in clubs where she...
7 Pages 3421 Words

Language And Politics In Contemporary Central Asia

Multilingual nations exist in all parts of the world, and there are massive examples of it if one wants to study them. Toughness arises only when one attempts to locate a country that is genuinely monolingual.[footnoteRef:1] There appear to be no example of this type. The vast majority of the nation-states of the world have more than one language spoken indigenously within their frontiers. In some cases languages that’s spoken in a country may reach up to hundreds (well of...
8 Pages 3633 Words

How Have Salvador Dali And Auguste Rodin Portrayed Sin In Their Work?

Sin was primarily introduced by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden disobeying G-ds commands and giving into the temptation of the forbidden fruit. Sins are often thought to be an overindulgence of one’s natural animalistic instinct, for example, a natural instinct is to feed, which gives the energy to move, concentrate and for growth; however, one can overindulge in feeding, creating a lack of appreciation for food. This can lead to damaging effects such as obesity. Overindulgence in...
7 Pages 3287 Words

Visible And Invisible Aspects Of Buddhism In Nepal

Although most people in Nepal are Hindu, Buddhist influences are widespread in Nepali culture. Most Nepali Buddhists practise Tibetan Buddhism. For a long time however, Buddhism was not commonly practiced in Nepal. In the first half of the twentieth century, the government of Nepal even banished and deported Buddhist monks from Nepal. Today, Buddhism in Nepal is practiced by roughly 10% of the population. The vast majority of Nepali is Hindu. The fact that Buddhism is nevertheless omnipresent and visible...
7 Pages 3458 Words

Women In Judaism And Christianity

When comparing religions, people may claim that many of the laws of certain religions are unfair and unjust, this is seen often on social media and the way Judaism is portrayed on television, books and movies; women are portrayed as if they do not have any worth. They are looked down upon and forced to follow laws that do not seem fair since men are not forced to follow such laws. However when looking closer, it is evident that women...
7 Pages 3311 Words

The Features Of Sports Event Coordinator

As any career path an individual chooses to forgo, there are many steps to take to be the best at what you do. A sports event coordinator requires background, skills, traits, and many other responsibilities to be able to become successful in this industry. There are specific people that are meant to be sports event coordinators and become so passionate when doing so, which results them in being the most successful. There are many levels of work this profession offers,...
7 Pages 3327 Words

Sustainable Equity In Learning And Education

Just as human beings cannot survive without water and food, so too do they need to develop the ability to communicate their desires to access the basic needs of life. Thus, language serves as an essential tool not only to get meaning across, but also to learn and acquire knowledge and skills. Formal education in various subject areas has made it possible for human being to acquire such knowledge to ensure survival and hence personal and social development. Education was...
8 Pages 3710 Words

Bioengineering: The Various Forms And Types Of Impurities That Need To Be Isolated In Downstream Processing

Abstract Removal of impurities is a key aspect of downstream processing. While the newly produced target protein must be harvested and purified from the culture, a variety of impurities, including endotoxins, HCPs, viruses and cells must be removed. This study examines each of these impurities and the impact they may have on patient safety and/or drug efficacy. Various removal techniques were investigated for each impurity, with the aim of designing an effective overall clearance strategy for a bioprocess. The report...
8 Pages 3632 Words

What’s Luna And Solar Eclipse And How They Are Correlated With Mathematics

The great astronomers Galileo wrote in his book Il Saggiatore, also named the Assayer: “Philosophy [i.e., physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the Universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is...
7 Pages 3293 Words

Re-establishing The Church Of Jesus Christ As The Key Pillar Of Influence Of Any Society

INTRODUCTION How would society be if, in the next 40 years, societal values and norms remain uninfluenced by the ambassadors of the Church of Jesus Christ? And where would society be in the next 40 years, if believers intentionally permeate the strategic ‘spheres of influence’ with the commitment to properly and effectively disciple people with biblical values and standards of the Kingdom of God? One only needs to gaze at the wretched state of the Church and be able to...
8 Pages 3536 Words

The Issue Of Sex And The Church

Introduction Catholicism is the largest religion in Spain, with 68% of Spaniards identifying as Catholic (Barómetro). It is deeply rooted in the history of the country, dating back to the first century. However, the long presence of the Catholic Church has also led to a long history of anticlericalism in Spain. From the burning of churches and other religious grounds to the assassinations and murders of religious figures, opposition to the Church has made itself known through various, often extreme,...
7 Pages 3287 Words
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