400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Elder Abuse Amongst People Of African Descent

In 1928, Louis Israel Dublin wrote “An improvement in Negro health, to the point where it would compare favorably with that of the white race, would at one stroke wipe out many disabilities from which the race suffers, improve its economic status and stimulate its native abilities as would no other single improvement. These are the social implications of the facts of Negro Health.” (Dublin, 1928). Still today, this idea remains the same. Research states that people of African descent...
1 Page 421 Words

Learning Styles Theories

The researcher had reviewed that various learning techniques were discovered and understood around the year 1892 and was most likely used by Thelen (Fatt, 2000). The initial impression of learning styles was focused upon David Kolb’s theories (Fatt, 2000). This is where is states Kolb saw learning as a circular process where learning is viewed as a series of experiences with cognitive additions: concrete experience, reflection and observation, abstract concepts and generalizations, and active experimentation” (2000, p. 32). It was...
1 Page 403 Words

Counseling Gay And Lesbian Clients: Issues For Clinicians To Assess

Clinicians hold a responsibility to their clients to remain judgement free. This is even more important when counseling gay or lesbian clients. “Indication of a good match for GLB clients is a counselor who can provide a safe and nonjudgmental place for GLB clients to work through their feelings; openness and complete confidentiality on the part of the counselor; and the counselor’s awareness of community services and resources. (Schwarzbaum & Taylor pg 347) It is also important for clinicians to...
1 Page 424 Words

Racism Problem In The Fire Next Time

From the story “The Fire Next Time” Baldwin explains his ideology on the fact that white people are basically crazy in a sense. This book is a story by James Baldwin, in the reading is two stories. Together these two stories begin to digest inequality in America and religion, and the way different races think. Baldwin had many views that were specifically toward white people and how they have been raised privileged and thinking life has always been “sunshine and...
1 Page 422 Words

Guidelines On Drawing Blood And Best Practices In Phlebotomy

During my observation in phlebotomy section of pathology lab, I learned how the samples were collected from the patients. According to my ease I can divide the whole procedure into following parts: Making the Patient Comfortable: The first step in performing a successful venipuncture is to make the patient comfortable. For this purpose make the patient sit down in the chair and talk to them in order to reduce the possible stress that they are feeling; Locating the Veins: In...
1 Page 406 Words

The Possible Reasons For Anglo Saxons To Migrate To Britain

There have been a lot of debates about why the Anglo-Saxons migrated to Britain. First Saxon warriors raided England’s south and east coasts but they were defeated by the Romans. It is known that after Britain stopped being a part of the Roman Empire the Saxons attacked again and this time the British could not hold them back. That’s how the Anglo-Saxons settled down it England. Of course that whole process did not happen overnight but it took centuries. The...
1 Page 414 Words

Human Anatomy Learning Systems Using Augmented Reality

The development of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in this era of modernization has made a huge impact in the education field specifically in the anatomy learning system of human organs. AR in education enables those professionals to have a short learning process as it helps users to explore objects in real terms of anatomy. The main goal of AR in the education field is to give better exposure and experience to users regarding anatomy by using virtual elements without losing...
1 Page 407 Words

Education In Kindergarten Enhances Learning Ability And Social Skills

When all children reach a certain age, and they are no longer so dependent on their parents, it is normal to consider whether you want to send your child to a kindergarten or not. This is an option now widely available in many countries and has many benefits for both the child and the mother and father. Many parents choose to send their child to kindergarten for the supposed benefits it will bring in terms of enhanced learning ability and...
1 Page 406 Words

Michel Foucault: How Discourse Is Guided By The People In Power

The word ‘discourse’ becomes a significant part of theoretical and academic discourse with Michel Foucault. Foucault explains how discourse is guided by the people in power: ruling elite or state and that through discourse the power is exercised by them. It is a discourse that constructs the reality, that we see or believe to be real, maintains the slave-owner relationship between state and people, and constructs and enslaves our consciousness. Generally, it so happens in a society that various thought...
1 Page 402 Words

What Is Skin Cancer?

Research has shown that one of the main biological factors for an individual for the development of skin cancer is that of their heritage, being of European decent. The level of pigmentation in a person's skin has a direct affect on the possibility of being diagnosed with skin cancer . Many Australians still hold the belief that having a tan is healthy2,6. A tan will offer some form of sun protection but it is only equivalent to using a sunscreen...
1 Page 420 Words

Are Psychological Disorders Contagious?

Psychological disorders are claimed to be contagious. A recent cross-sectional study conducted by the US National Library of Medicine proposed the risk factors associated with the burden of family caregivers of patients with psychological disorders. The abstract of the study established a correlation between psychologically ill patients and ultimately, the increased risk of caregivers developing a psychological disorder. Souza (2017) implemented The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) which is used to measure caregiver burden and psychiatric morbidity and consists of 22...
1 Page 406 Words

The Portraits Of The Main Characters In The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner And Life Of Pi

In contrast, Pi and the Mariner have different opinions regarding the values of life as a result of their actions and emotions during their times at sea. The wedding guest (yes, he is still listening to the Mariner) interrupts the story, questioning the Mariner in fear that he too is a ghost based on his ghostlike features. The Mariner insists he is not a spirit but the only person not to die. After this, the Mariner continues telling his story....
1 Page 419 Words

The Structure And Conflict In The Story Araby

The coming of age short story, “Araby” chronicles a young boy’s life as he navigates adolescence, and the emotions that come with it. The exposition kicks off with the narrator, an unknown boy, describing the setting. The story takes place in the winter of an Irish neighborhood during the early 19th century. The narrator lives on North Richmond street, a blind, quiet area. He inhabits a home that was once occupied by a priest with his Uncle and Aunt. Like...
1 Page 409 Words

Technology Role In Early Childhood Education

The world has evolved, and so has the criterion of life. With the invention of technology, which has been the driving force behind recent discoveries, it would be a disgrace if it is not integrated into our daily life. Technology has revolutionized healthcare, agriculture and our transport systems; forever banishing all the mayhem associated with the sectors as mentioned above. As to whether or not it should be incorporated into early childhood education, that is entirely dependent on merits as...
1 Page 414 Words

Contemporary Slavery Thrives In Underdeveloped And Developing Countries

Slavery is an issue that has existed since the 16th century and still, to this day, thrives in different forms all over the world. Contemporary slavery mainly thrives in underdeveloped and developing countries, but it is not to say that it is not present in developed countries. Modern-day slavery takes place in many forms ranging from but not limited to child slavery, debt bondage, forced labor, human trafficking, forced marriages, and the sex trade. Modern-day slavery is an illicit practice...
1 Page 407 Words

A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift: Sannibalism And The Eating Of Babies

“A Modest Proposal” is a satirical story written by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The story proposes to solve the problem in Ireland of tenant farmers who cannot feed their children because the owners are adamant about the lease. After discussing the problem, he suggests a new solution: parents should sell their children to rich landowners so they can eat them. Many Swift contemporaries did not understand the satirical intent of Swift's essay and received criticism for his writing. The author's...
1 Page 421 Words

Japanese Culture And Communication

Intercultural communication is the interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds. Intercultural communication enables individuals to interact with others from different cultures and being aware of culture differences.It also helps individuals to undetstand each other’s cultural differences and to communicate effectively without misunderstanding which enhances teamwork. The culture that I have chosen is Japanese culture. Tea consumption is a part of the Japanese lifestyle. Green tea is the choice of Japanese in the morning and sometimes in a break because...
1 Page 402 Words

The Masque Of The Red Death And Coronavirus

As many may know, the Coronavirus outbreak was first recorded in China . Ever since then, the virus has spread all over the world and is now a pandemic. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses that can range from a common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) ( Madhi ). This virus has affected our lives in ways we would have never expected. It has...
1 Page 408 Words

The Problem Of Postpartum Depression

This is a complicated mixture of things that occur in a woman body which are physical, emotion and behavioral, and usually takes place between four to six weeks after giving birth. The encouraging news is that it is treatable. Before delivery it may be very possible to identify the women at high risk of getting postpartum depression. this group will be given more concentration by a health professional during the period when they are almost giving birth. One of the...
1 Page 420 Words

Theme Of Inevitable Death In The Masque Of The Red Death

Written by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Masque of the Red Death” takes place in a monastery where Prince Prospero and one thousand of his subordinates attempt to survive the red death. The red death is an illness that has killed half of the country’s population and can kill in half an hour of contracting it. Prospero addresses this crisis by locking himself inside his castle’s monastery with an abundance of food, friends, and entertainment leaving many to die. Plenty of...
1 Page 405 Words

Malaria Prevention Strategy

Malaria is a serious tropical disease spread by mosquitoes. If it isn't diagnosed and treated promptly, it can be fatal. A single mosquito bite is all it takes for someone to become infected. Malaria is found in more than 100 countries, mainly in tropical regions of the world, including: Large areas of Africa and Asia Central and South America Haiti and the Dominican Republic Parts of the Middle East Some Pacific islands This is how I could stop the malaria...
1 Page 407 Words

The Image Of God In Of Plymouth Plantation: The Voyage Of The Mayflower, Huswifery And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

In William Bradfords, “Of Plymouth Plantation:The voyage of the Mayflower,'' he references God's providence. This made me believe that he thought of God as his higher power. After reading the excerpt many times I had come to the conclusion that his view on good was both good and bad. He referenced him many times throughout the reading, and from what I understood he seemed to think of him as someone who was always there, and as someone to end suffering....
1 Page 405 Words

Many Sultures And Nationalities Have Been Organisers Of Slaves

Slavery was an industry all on its own, we now know this to also be a form of human trafficking, and whilst it still exists in some areas of the world it is illegal. Free the Slaves is in the vanguard of the growing global movement to end one of history’s greatest human rights abuses. Human trafficking continues to be an international problem with more than 30 million people were still enslaved as of 2013, the majority being in Asia....
1 Page 413 Words

John Locke's Contribution To Justice System

When reading on who might be the one person who had made the biggest contribution to how law and justice are seen today, I chose John Locke. John Locke is one of the most influential philosophers of our modern time (Tuckerness, 2016). John Locke was an English Philosopher, whose contributions to law and justice and the government changed the modern era for the better. The events and time when he was growing, really shaped the way he thought, and the...
1 Page 396 Words

Background Information On Pythagoras' Life And Works

Pythagoras’s journey began in Samos, Ionia at the time of 570 BCE and he sadly died in Metapontum, Lucanium at the time of 500-490 BCE. Pythagoras got a good quality education because his father (Mnesarchus) was wealthy merchant. He possibly studied in Babylon and Egypt where he may have learnt from the greatest Greek professors. In around 532 BCE, Pythagoras moved to the South of Italy to escape Samos’s cruel orders. Then Pythagoras became one of the most well-known Greek...
1 Page 393 Words

Functionalist Perspective on Homelessness

Life brings along a lot of good and bad affairs. However, we try to focus on the good which brings us happiness, but the bad affair sometimes tends to ruin the good times. One of the bad affairs that society today faces is homelessness. Homelessness can be defined as not having a fixed roof over one’s head or living in temporary accommodation under the threat of eviction. This paper focuses on societal views to try to explain the issue of...
1 Page 417 Words

Symbolism In The Secret Life Of Bees

Sue Monk Kidd wrote this novel based on a little of her imagination and childhood memories. Where she grew up, in the south, in effect Sue actually had no less than 50,000 honey bees living in the wall of her childhood home. Sue lived in her Sylvester home for 18 years. Sue Monk Kidd was born on August 12, 1948 in Sylvester, Georgia. Her parents, Leah and Ridley Monk raised her in the southern city as an only child. She...
1 Page 424 Words

The Effect Of Cultural Similarity On Mergers And Acquisitions: Evidence From Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of total self-regulation of private business that extends to social purposes of a supportive, lobbyist or valuable nature whether through participating in or sponsorship of cooperative or ethically planned methods. While once it was feasible to depict CSR as a different leveled scheme inside or as a kind of extensive CSR is a sort of widespread private business self-rule that hopes to add to social goals of a liberal, protester, or charitable nature...
1 Page 403 Words
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