450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Role Of DNA In Criminal Investigation Process

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a double stranded molecule made up of two chains that bend around each other forming a double helix. DNA carries the genetic/ hereditary material that makes us all unique, unless you are an identical twin. DNA was first discovered in the 1860s by Swiss chemist Johann Friedrich Miescher. Johann was researching the vital components of white blood cells, which is part of our body’s immune system. To test the cells, he decided to collect bandages from...
1 Page 475 Words

The Healer Of All Sufferings Is Not A Divine Creature But A Buddha

In his later years, people forged to him as if they were to come to a divine creature asking what he was. They foster questions-like “are you a god, an angel or a saint?” But the Buddha answered “I am awake.” (Smith and Novak, 2004). A man who woke up from dreaming and shook off the daze from the dreamlike vagaries of ordinary awareness who’s liberated and free and escapes from countless death and rebirth. It became his title for...
1 Page 472 Words

Teaching English To “Non-native” Speakers (NNS): ELF vs. ENL?

This paper posits that teaching NNS “English as a Lingua Franca” (ELF) is superior to teaching them a preferred form of “correct” English as propounded by “English as a Native Language” (ENL). Proponents of ENL subscribe to a parochial dogma concerning the preferability of a “standardised” or ostensibly accurate form of English (Kirkpatrick, 2006). They believe in instilling NNS these standards and denigrate pronunciation differences as mistakes rather than particularised accent conventions of a specific linguistic classification (Jenkins, 2006). This...
1 Page 464 Words

Greed: Good Or Evil?

Everyone wishes to get at least one thing that they don’t have, like to want a new car, new computer, new house, or anything it is. Most people are inclined to do something it takes to get it, that itself is greed. In economics, we regularly count on people who rationally seeking their personal interests. But greed, the selfish and excessive desire for more than is needed, is no longer a virtue. Without greed, a person, a community or a...
1 Page 430 Words

Do Large Companies Abuse Their Power Over Stakeholders?

The term ‘stakeholder’ has many meanings and is a term that can be used to describe virtually any group of people related to an organisation. Large Companies, like many other companies, aim to make profit and so the main stakeholders would be the owners and shareholders, but according to Freeman (1951) this is not the case and large companies are supposed to consider other groups of shareholders such as employees and suppliers. I believe that many large companies take advantage...
1 Page 426 Words

Why Steroids Should Be Accepted In Sports

Sports are healthy activities. With time, the way of playing games has changed a lot. As in early time, players use their strength and energy to win any game but now most players are using steroids or drugs to win the game. Many people think that steroids should be legally allowed in sports. I disagree with this statement because it can damage someone’s whole career, health, and bad for the growth of the country also. In the first place, it...
1 Page 439 Words

Could Swimming Be The Answer To My Exercise Dilemma?

I am not a natural-born exerciser. No one in my family was athletic. There were no evening walks and no one played sports. We didn’t run unless we were being chased. When I was first diagnosed with lupus, my rheumatologist told me I needed to walk half an hour every day. I thought he was crazy. I couldn’t walk from one end of my house to the other without being out of breath. As it turns out, that was the...
1 Page 438 Words

The Role Of Laziness

The most underrated virtue is Laziness. Some don’t consider it as a virtue but indeed it’s a virtue. Laziness is seen as the culprit of lack of success by many but lesser known that it is connected to efficiency. A lazy person may not be hard working but he can workout difficult things in a much simpler way. We tend to spend weeks, days and months to achieve our target but the same thing could be done in half of...
1 Page 447 Words

Limitations Of DNA Microarray

At their core, microarrays are simple devices used for measuring the relative concentrations of many different DNA or RNA sequences. While they have been incredibly useful in a wide variety of applications but they have a number of limitations. First limitation is that arrays provide an indirect measure of relative concentration. That is the signal measured at a given position on a microarray is typically assumed to be proportional to the concentration of a presumed single species in solution that...
1 Page 449 Words

My Understanding Of Honor And Dignity

I have always been found it interesting why and how the people came up with the whole concept of honor and dignity so long time ago. In ancient Greece, in ancient Rome and even in Britain we see these two concepts being highly valued and caused people’s admiration. In epics like Iliad and Beowulf we see how both Achilles and Beowulf posses’ similar qualities and how their decisions are more or less influenced by the ideas of honor and dignity....
1 Page 438 Words

Women In Tennis Teams

Before I talk about girls tennis team at McKinley let me give you little background about tennis. Tennis is a game in which 2 or 4 players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court. The usual form is played with a felt-covered, hollow ball on a grass, clay, or artificial surface. The opponent looks at you with fear as you swing your ball, the thrill of the hunt is with you as you stare down...
1 Page 464 Words

The Role Of Guilt Concept In I'll Give You The Sun

There are always times when your looking back regretfully and realize things that seemed right within the moment, but no longer do, that feeling keeps us imprisoned in the past. I'll give you the sun is a coming of age novel by Jandy Nelson based on real life mistakes, choices and experiences including guilt, everyone experiences it at one point in life, we give ourselves permission to feel guilt even though we cant control it, the only way of overcoming...
1 Page 473 Words

The Relation Of Diseases To Diffusion And Barriers

Diffusion and barriers affect the impact diseases have significantly. Diffusion is the spread of people, ideas, cultural practices, etc. from one place to another. Barriers are usually associated with something negative, the closing of something. But in the case of diseases it may have positive effects. When barriers such as distance did not allow humans to travel long distances, the spread of diseases was minimal. They mainly affected small, local communities. Nowadays, through the time-space convergence travel is much simpler...
1 Page 469 Words

Should We Send Humans To Mars?

Going to Mars is a SERIOUS topic. Space experts throughout the world are debating whether or not we humans should go to Mars. We think it's a bad idea to go to Mars. It's very dangerous, for example, and it's a waste of money. So, people aren't willing to go to Mars. To start, it's a very dangerous task to travel to Mars. Mars is very far from Earth, and it would be dangerous on the way there. Mars has...
1 Page 471 Words

Philanthropy: For Or Against?

These days, when we hear about philanthropists, people generally praise them and call them heroes or “angels”. When wealthy people use their money to help those in need, people are expected to give utmost gratitude and praise them for their selflessness. People or communities, more often than not, accept them wholeheartedly without uncertainties because of the need to have the financial or material support to address their dire condition possibly caused by disasters. Philanthropy, as defined in Merriam Webster, is...
1 Page 443 Words

Hunting Deer Is Immoral

Hunting is outlined within the wordbook because the activity of looking wild animals or game animals. looking is extremely dangerous however these hunters kill these animals. it's terribly dangerous as a result of it reduces the population of animal species. looking become the good issue of late , however it worse a lot of once these looking method square measure become the supply to extinct animals , currently at that point some animal species aren't left on earth . Hunting...
1 Page 444 Words

Why Soccer Is Better Than Basketball

I believe that what we call soccer and the rest of the world calls football is the greatest sport in the world. In fact, I believe that soccer is a greater sport than basketball and this is my reasoning behind this thesis. Many different countries have conflicting opinions on who invented the game now known as soccer. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese all claim to be the first to play soccer with roots dating back as far as 2500...
1 Page 441 Words

What Makes A Good Civil Engineer

‘Engineers solve problems you didn’t know you’d in ways you don’t understand.’ Civil engineers have more impact on our lives than we know. The flyovers you use, the water supply system, the bridges- civil engineers are involved in building and maintaining all of these necessary aspects of our daily lives. Now, let’s say you are a client from Maidstone, Kent and are looking for a civil engineer to pitch in your ideas about a project. What are the characteristics you...
1 Page 462 Words

Gene Therapy And Cystic Fibrosis

There are many different types of viral vectors that are used to deliver a corrected CFTR gene. The Adenoviral vector was one of the first vectors to be tested to see if it couls successfully deliver the corrected gene. Ad vectors don’t become a part of the host genome and remain episomal which means they can replicate independently. Just a few years after replicating the CFTR gene the first trial was carried out using this vector. Zabner et al. gave...
1 Page 452 Words

Biological Roles Of Light In Plant Growth And Development

Photoreceptors in plant In a wide range, plants need light for growth and development. During photosynthesis, plants convert light into energy. Captruing sunlight is mediated by plant photorecpetors, which are plant proteins that perceive, receive, and transmit signals for biological functions in plants. Sveral plant photoreceptors have been reported, among which, phytocrhome and cryptochrome, and phototropin known to perceive red.far-red and blue-light, respectively. Light Controls Protein Localization through Phytochrome-Mediated Alternative Promoter Selection (Ushijima, et al. 2017). Biological fuctions of light...
1 Page 463 Words

The Uses Of Forces In Lacrosse

Lacrosse is a fast-paced sport which is played on a 110 yard long field with teams of 2 who have 10 players each. Most people describe lacrosse as a mix of field hockey, baseball, and a tiny bit of soccer. The apparent force that draws a rotating body away from the center of rotation. It is caused by the inertia of the body as the body's path is continually redirected. The term centrifugal force is used to refer to one...
1 Page 427 Words

Christian Biblical Worldview And Homosexuality

When studied through the Biblical Christian worldview, the most general description an individual who aligns with these morals believes that sex is a gift provided by God to be used to express love to be shared specifically between a husband and wife. It is stated that the Bible does not and really should not focus on the “obscurity” of homosexual behavior and statements. When looking back on the Scripture, it regards it as moving away outside of God’s intention in...
1 Page 471 Words

What Can One Generation Learn From Another About Their Faith?

We also use it as a strength. Faith is an important factor of our life. Faith helps me believe in my religion. When I have faith I start to form tradition. I start doing traditions to honor my faith. All of these traditions have been carried out by our ancestors. We use tradition in our everyday life. One tradition I celebrate with my family each year is Christmas. The reason why Christmas is important to Catholics is because we have...
1 Page 473 Words

Sincerity As On Of The Aspects Of The Modern Art

I want to mainly touch the topic of the modern art. My generation grew up in an atmosphere of uncertainty of the 90s (after the collapse of the Soviet Union), watching the Simpsons and South Park, in which the irony and cynicism of the culture of postmodernism became an integral setting that penetrated us. However, despite or contrary to this phenomenon, a strong desire to understand the meanings and changes of the modern culture has led to the formation of...
1 Page 435 Words

The Meanings And Definitions Of Failure

What is failing to you? The word failure according to the website Dictionary.com, is “the condition of not achieving one’s goal or goals.” However, this basic denotation does not come near to summing up the infinite definitions. Every person regardless of status, color, or gender, has dealt with this issue more than once. Even so the definition can vary depending on personal experiences. The connotation of failure differs, but failure consists of not putting effort, being a disappointment, and not...
1 Page 455 Words

Master In Marketing Management

You want to build your career in the management side; you can choose a master in marketing management, 2 years of master degree. The minimum eligibility is a bachelor degree from institutes or colleges. The Master of Marketing will help give you that additional edge to stretch out beyond the limits and make a positive impact on business and society. The admission to maters is completely depended on your commence performance in entrance exams, and a resulting round of counselling....
1 Page 474 Words

Should The NCAA Pay College Athletes?

Affirmative: Injuries are a common factor in everyone’s lives but especially one of an athlete. There have been multiple cases of students who couldn’t go into the big leagues because of a bad knee in the lighter cases or paralyzed/brain-damaged in the more serious cases. School’s are not required to pay for any lasting injury. While the NCAA does enforce that athletes must have insurance, students that were paid for their risk could cover what insurance doesn’t or to make...
1 Page 454 Words

The Elements Of Building Suspense In Gore

In the short story “Gore” by Sarah Ellis, the author makes the atmosphere very suspenseful mostly through the use of literary devices. The readers can empathize with the protagonist, Amy because of her dramatic acting which escalates the tension within the reader. Amy, the main character is not very fond of her twin brother Lucas who is the complete opposite of her and one day steals her book then locks himself in the bathroom. Amy is extremely intrigued by the...
1 Page 432 Words

Protein Concentration: 2% V. Almond Milk

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine the absorbance and concentration of two samples (2% milk and almond milk) compared to standard concentrations. The absorbances were found through spectrophotometry of each sample. The result of this test showed that the amount of protein in the 2% milk and almond milk were less than the majority of the standard samples. The hypothesis was supported by the findings of this experiment. Introduction Proteins are composed of amino acid chains and...
1 Page 429 Words

Creating A Kindness Society

In today's modern society the connection between humans is fading away faster and faster and will probably be gone in about 45 years to come if nothing changes. People no longer feel the need to know the person right next to them or talk to others during their free time. This disconnection is caused by the rapid advancement of TECHNOLOGY, everyone seems to be very caught up with their devices to see and understand what is actually going on around...
1 Page 473 Words
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