750 Word Essay Examples

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Regarding academic writing, the 750-word essay is a typical assignment that students encounter in various disciplines. Whether it’s a college admission essay, a personal statement, a five-paragraph essay, or a critical analysis, the 750-word essay presents a unique challenge regarding conciseness and clarity. This essay will explore ...

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Social Issues

Breast Cancer Awareness Speech Essay

Breast cancer has become a major public health issue worldwide and is the main cause of cancer-related deaths among women (1). South Africa accounts for one out of every four cancers diagnosed and one out of every five cancer deaths among women(2). The rate of breast cancer among the female South African population is rising by the day and is seen as one of the most common cancers among females in South Africa (3) (Appendix II Fig 2 and Table...
2 Pages 733 Words

Body Image in Women in the 21st Century Essay

Introduction Wellness refers to the act of practicing healthy habits daily to achieve better physical and mental health. Is not just waiting to get sick to do something about it, is preventing it daily to live in harmony with ourselves, society, and our surroundings. According to the World Health Organization health is defined as not only the absence of sickness but also the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being (Pappadopulos, 2020). According to a module developed by the...
2 Pages 734 Words

Nursing Scholarship Essay

I wish to apply for an MSc. Adult Nursing. This program caught my interest because as a graduate who already has a first degree in health-related courses (Microbiology), this course is a faster route to achieving my dream of becoming a certified Nurse in 2 years. This course would enable me to study both in an academic setting and work in the clinical practice environment, enabling me to complete the necessary knowledge and skills to register with the Nursing and...
2 Pages 729 Words

Toys Playing Observation Essay

Play is important for children, there are plenty of reasons why play is an important thing for children such as learning how to socialize, learning their cognition, exploring their imagination, and much more from just simply having fun. In the video 'Cute Is a Four-Letter Word' by Sarah Curtis she talks about how important play is and how it affects children to adulthood. In the Video she stated that two groups of children were split up, one group was direct...
2 Pages 771 Words

Essay on Physical Education Career

Who is a physical education teacher? A physical education teacher is responsible for planning, teaching and tutoring students in a school setting. They teach a range of different sports and provide young people with an opportunity to develop and improve their social and physical skills. The skills that you would need in order to be a PE teacher You would to have the knowledge of teaching and the ability to design courses, also you would need to be able to...
2 Pages 771 Words

Essay on Student Observation

The researcher maintained the belief of moral obligation not to misuse or misinterpret any person in any way to the best of their ability. Hence, the research project was approved by the managing authority (see Appendix 1). It is ethically correct for educational research to be undertaken with respect for people, knowledge, democratic values, and quality of research in terms of the educational sector (McNamee and Bridges, 2002). The researcher supplied consent forms (see Appendix 2) for all targeted students...
2 Pages 766 Words

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Childhood

Early childhood Physical development She learned to ride a bike at the age of 7 She grew steadily In her childhood her head was 90% of the size of an adult however her body was not developed as this happened in adolescence. By the age of 4, Oprah was able to throw and kick large objects such as a ball. She was brutally raped at the age of 9 and sexually abused from the ages of 9 to 13 (adolescence)....
2 Pages 743 Words

Essay on Holocaust and Slavery: Compare and Contrast

The article “The Possibility of an Ongoing Moral Catastrophe” by Williams (2015) concentrated on the argument that today's society is unknowingly responsible for severe and large-scale wrongdoings. The author explores the morality associated with two major human-inflicted disasters in history which are, the American institutionalized slavery and the Holocaust. While exploring the topic, Williams offers two perspectives, inductive and disjunctive standpoints. When Williams takes on inductive reasoning, he argues that the majority of societies are unknowingly guilty of actions today,...
2 Pages 741 Words

Essay on MacDonalds Childhood Obesity

We have all had our guilty moments when it comes to fast food, whether it be choosing fast food over a home-cooked meal or stopping at a fast-food restaurant while on a road trip rather than finding a much more nutritious meal. When we consistently choose fast food over much healthier nutritious food, we are putting our health in jeopardy. According to Laura Dawes's book Childhood Obesity in America, 'Fully 80 to 85 percent of overweight children would grow up...
2 Pages 754 Words

Essay on Cultural Appropriation in Asian Culture (Japan)

Cultural appropriation has been quietly plaguing society for centuries and it is only recently that society as a whole has become more aware of the repercussions and the importance of individual responsibilities in preventing cultural appropriation. There is an ambiguous line between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Progress in society would be hindered if we did not inter-exchange ideas, fashion, and culture; but it is how it is exchanged, and presented, and the profits involved made during this cultural exchange...
2 Pages 764 Words

Essay on Physical Education National Standard

Physical educators have a unique opportunity to have a positive impact on young people. They empower their students by providing them with the information and resources necessary to live healthy and physically active lives. Today, with the increasing incidences of obesity and other health risks, it’s clear young people not only need to be taught how to maintain good health, but they also need to recognize the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, physical educators must focus on the...
2 Pages 754 Words

Participant Observation at a Gym Essay

The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of the two opposite sexes towards working out. My observational research was conducted at the University of Saskatchewan PAC gym. I decided to go on a Friday evening since it was the beginning of the weekend. Upon entering the gym, there were four different major sections. The back of the gym consisted of free weights and deadlift weights. Mirrors were placed on the walls in the back where the free weights were located. Cardio equipment...
2 Pages 764 Words

Essay on Hunger in Third World Countries

We live in a world where enough food is produced to feed the whole population. Surprisingly, one in nine people, and in third world countries and one in three children still experience hunger or malnutrition. With an increasing global population and wealth, we can only expect the demand for food to increase. This calls for action to prevent food crisis which is likely to worsen. Climate change is putting more pressure on the food production. So what can we do...
2 Pages 753 Words

Essay on Oedipus Tragic Flaw

In all aspects of life, the past is different from the present. Whether that be the way we talk, the way we dress, the way we travel, or the way we learn, it can be agreed upon by everyone that things have changed. The way we interpret things has changed as well. When studying the tragic play that is Oedipus The King, written by Sophocles, that was originally performed around 429 BC to the Ancient Greeks, it is certain that...
2 Pages 758 Words

Essay on Conflicts of 'The Hunger Games'

The book “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins is a fictional book that describes the horrendous state of the current society. The author uses metaphors to describe the class distinctions in society as well as the opulence and extravagance of the rich. Follows a young girl named Katniss Everdeen. She lives in a futuristic nation called Panem, which is run by an all-powerful government called the Capitol. Located in the center of Panem, the Capitol rules over a total of...
2 Pages 753 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on 'The Tell-Tale Heart'

Edgar Allan Poe was an american writer best known for his short stories of tales and mystery. His father abandoned his family in 1810, his mother died the following year too. He became an orphan then John and Frances Allan. He attended college at the University of Virginia but he left after a year there due to the lack of money then he joined the army. In 1827 at this time he began his career by publishing with the anonymous...
2 Pages 770 Words

Essay on Dystopian Society

How far from a dystopian society is Australia? Could you imagine living in a society where you are controlled by someone else, and you’re not yourself? This argument will discuss how close we are headed towards a dystopian society. This essay will explain what a “dystopia” is and how Australia is turning towards a dystopian face. We will explore how and where we’re being led into doing as the government rules. We will go through many examples of where Australia...
2 Pages 774 Words

The Tell-Tale Heart' 5 Paragraph Essay

Light is at the substance of the actor's environment and directs the viewer's attention to different places on stage. The history of light started in the 1580s and it developed over the years it can be defined differently. Also, light has many purposes to use such as visibility, time and places, etc. Tell Tale Heart was one of many films that has a big example of using different lights. The light can be played in many ways due to the...
2 Pages 758 Words

Essay on 'The Hunger Games' Tributes

If you were forced to participate in a battle to the death, would you use your physical strength or your mental and social strength? The Hunger Games is a novel by Suzanne Collins about twelve districts that are ruled by The Capitol of Panem. Each year they draw out two names from each district, one female and one male, who will be fighting in the Games. Katniss is the female Tribute of District 12 which is the poorest district and...
2 Pages 756 Words

Essay on 'A Rose for Emily' Setting

This essay will be about William Faulkner's short story A Rose for Emily, which was distributed on April 30, 1930. The setting of A Rose for Emily is fundamentally about a small community called Jefferson in the South and a major, old farm set away from various tenants. In the time the story takes place dark-skinned human beings were slaves and treated crudely while human beings of high status were well regarded by all. The community in this story develops...
2 Pages 771 Words

Essay on 'Much Ado about Nothing' Gender Roles

Different types of texts incorporate key ideas through significant characters and important events to demonstrate the nature of humanity. Much Ado About Nothing is a play (1598) written by William Shakespeare. Some concepts that are identified in this play include deception and gender. Shakespeare explores deception, and how it can make or break relationships. Additionally, he includes the expectations of each gender and how it can lead to inclinations and prejudice. Shakespeare incorporates these ideas in the play by associating...
2 Pages 749 Words

Holiday Shopping Essay

As the largest gift-giving holiday, the final months of the year account for nearly 20 percent of total annual retail sales for retailers—making it the costliest season of the year for shoppers. This is not surprising. What is surprising is how much more money we spend during this season than any other. For example, shoppers spent $600 billion during the Christmas season last year in 2018. The next highest seasonal total was the “Back to School” shopping season at $72...
2 Pages 729 Words

Essay on Ocean Exploration Vs Space Exploration

Forget about traveling outer space, we should focus on something much imminent to home. Exploring our ocean floors is to learn more about our planet. Simply because only five percent of the ocean has been explored, it also contains ways to advance medical treatment, preventing and future foresight on natural disasters. Only five, percent of the ocean floor has been explored, which leaves 95 percent of our oceans that no man or woman has never been before. Yet, we are...
2 Pages 762 Words

Essay on Why Child Labour Should Be Banned

Think back to life in primary school. Running around the school oval with your friends, chanting rhymes and skipping or maybe you were reading a book with a large tree shading the harsh sun from you. What you were not doing was standing in a sweatshop for over 10 hours straight, cutting thread or feeding buttons through fabric. 170 million children around the world have their youth ripped away from them as they are forced to work to stay alive....
2 Pages 727 Words

Essay on Dramatic Irony in 'Romeo and Juliet'

Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare based in Medieval Verona during the Elizabethan Era was a play that outlined the tragic romance of two teenagers who risk everything to be together because of their family’s longstanding feud. Baz Luhrman adapted the play to create a modern version based on Venice Beach in Miami in 1996. Luhrman has used Shakespeare’s version of the play as a foundation when creating his more recent version to engage a modern audience...
2 Pages 762 Words

Essay on Background of Online Shopping

Through person interprets the sense of stimuli in a manner consistent with his or her particular perceptions, needs, and expectations. The three stages of perception are exposure, attention, and interpretation In simpler terms, it is how a customer sees a particular brand with what he or she has been able to understand by watching the products, promoting them, feedback, etc. It's the face of that particular brand in the head of the customer. Factors deciding customer perception In addition, several...
2 Pages 733 Words

Essay on India Vs Australia

Human well-being is referred to as the standard of life of a population that embraces everyone regarding individuals whether their age, culture, religion, or political environment. This is the development of improving and expanding living conditions. India will be compared to Australia in terms of health, education, and income. The Human Development Index (HDI) is an implement used to classify and rank the social and economic growth of the world’s countries in order from most developed to least developed. It...
2 Pages 747 Words

Essay on Charles Manson Serial Killer

The Charles Manson Murder Trial by Michael J. Pellowski is a book going through the events, investigation, and court case of The Charles Manson Murders. It goes through the crimes of Charles Manson and his cult which he called “The Family”. This book also talks about his odd thought process and why he went through with his plan. It also portrays a little bit of his traumatic childhood that made him the way that he is. The eight brutal murders...
2 Pages 740 Words

Essay on Marriage in the 1950s Compared to Today

A typical child in the post-World War 2 period was more likely to be born into a more traditional or nuclear family setting consisting of two parents who were married. It was unlikely that their mother worked outside the family home and their father, who was considered the head of the household, would have worked to provide an income for the whole family. Around this time, due to increased wealth and a rise in living standards, more people than ever...
2 Pages 752 Words

Consumerism and the Novel 'Feed' Essay

 “Feed” a transmitter implanted into the heads of people. Feeds are a crucial part of life for Titus and his friends. Feed takes place shortly where media is always with you. Almost everyone has a tiny device implanted into their brain which corporations use to manipulate their customers. Each feed floods its users with a consistent stream of ads, persuading them into a lifestyle of constant consumption. From the feed begins implanted as a child you grow with it and...
2 Pages 749 Words
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