750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Should Fast Food Be Allowed in School: Argumentative Essay

Junk food, junk food, and junk food are around all corners of schools. Chocolate, cookies, soda, potato chips, and Sour Strings may sound delectable to some people, but are they nutritious? Some people wonder if there should be a change. Encouraging exceptional nutrition in schools is essential by reasons of students will consume foods that are better for them, schools will pay less for meals, and fewer students would go hungry. ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine...
2 Pages 775 Words

Narrative Essay about First Job

My jobs My first job was as a 'Team Member' or less eloquently put, a sandwich maker. At the time, I was grateful to find a job, since I was only 16 and most places in my neighborhood wouldn't hire anyone under 18. The work was fairly typical: (1) make sandwiches, (2) stock and restock the shelves, (3) run the register, (4) help close and open the shop. I didn't love my job, but I didn't hate it either. It...
2 Pages 755 Words

Narrative Essay about Academic Strengths and Weaknesses

I have completed my two years master’s Degree at Lawrence Technological University, Michigan. I graduated in Dec 2016 with a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Many of my courses and research activities in the master’s major were in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research with strong motivation on production and operations management. I am presently working in Adient US L.LC., an Automotive seat Manufacturing firm that is involved in the areas of enterprise integration and Manufacturing/JIT Plants. I...
2 Pages 733 Words

Life Is Like a Rose: Personal Narrative Essay

Truth Behind A Smile Everybody has experiences, things that have happened in their life that made them the person they are. It is what we call a past, and this past makes us who we are. I would love to explain my past, my history that has formed me into the person I’m today. My past has made me decide to become a teacher, yet it has also made me realize that life is like a rose; it is beautiful,...
2 Pages 731 Words

Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life Yours: Persuasive Essay

In this era, cigarette becomes as one of the necessities in human life that must be fulfilled. Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) reported that Indonesia is the country with the most smokers in ASEAN which is 65.19 million people in 2016 (Widowati, 2019). The government does many things such as raising the price and changing warnings on cigarette packaging to reduce the use of cigarettes in Indonesia. Unfortunately, smoking has become a part of human life. It makes a...
2 Pages 742 Words

Julius Caesar Was Known as a Reformer: Argumentative Essay

The Populares political fraction was based on the ideology that championed the needs of the plebian population, however, it is unknown whether it was to help the common people or to further their own political careers. The Populares political fraction is not a political party in the modern sense there was no formal membership and no set of policies or ideology that they would plan to implement there was more concern for an individual`s political power and advancement of their...
2 Pages 755 Words

How Does Cassius Feel about Caesar: Critical Analysis Essay

Every story has an antagonist but sometimes the antagonist plays the most important role in the story. Julius Caesar is a play written by Shakespeare that is based on true events from history. It shows ambition, destiny/fate, and much more. However, I will be writing about how Cassius plays the most important role in the play even though he is not the antagonist. First, we will go over what role he played. Cassius is a manipulative man who uses that...
2 Pages 757 Words

German Coast Guard in 'Lost in Translation': Critical Essay

Lonely aging movie star meets a bored newlywed girl while both are briefly in Tokyo. The basic story may not seem particularly novel or interesting, but the actual film stands in stark contrast to such an assumption. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson discover that jetlag in Tokyo is perfectly daijobu Lost in Translation marks the second film by writer-director Sofia Coppola following her eerie debut with The Virgin Suicides, yet it shows a remarkable degree of sophistication in characterization and...
2 Pages 729 Words

What is True Friendship: Critical Essay

A friend is a person that you have a good connection with. A person who supports you in everything that will do something good for you. Friendship can be found anywhere, at any time, and any place. It is shared by two or more people. They should have a great bond, care, and love for each other. But not all friendship is true and will last forever. I remember my grade 10 adviser told us that not all people who...
2 Pages 753 Words

My First Friend: Memoir Essay

...And then when I was 13, I signed up on the website called “Mafia Online”. I could not even imagine this game can drastically change my life. I wanted just to have fun for a few hours… Instead, this thing turned into something really big and important for me. This is a very sensitive topic, my dear readers, so, I hope you forgive me if my thoughts and/or memories sound a little bit messy. I will start from the very...
2 Pages 753 Words

Life without Technology: Critical Essay

At the beginning of the earth, it was just a small part of the sun. Now it is the only place for the existence of life. Life started slowly from Stone Age to Modern Age. Then the people start to develop their places, changing their lifestyle. The most developing things from Stone Age to Modern Age are technology. Technology is developing day by day. Due to technology, our life runs smoothly. Technology is developing so many useful things which are...
2 Pages 733 Words

Code of Hammurabi: Critical Analysis Essay

My response paper will be on the code of Hammurabi. I will be stating some of the most important marks made or left by the code of Hammurabi. The code of Hammurabi is a ‘’collection of 282 clauses engraved on a 7-foot-high stele’’ (create; ancient/classical humanities). In the Mesopotamian culture, the code of Hammurabi was the most valued way of life. It was also a conjunction of laws to establish and control society. For example, in civic cases, moral cases,...
2 Pages 742 Words

Basketball Is My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

Portrait of Basketball as Reality Playing basketball is an important part of my childhood as it helped me to build character and helped to teach me important life skills. Growing up as a kid my sport of choice was basketball, from the moment I watched my first NBA game as a kid, all I wanted to do was play basketball. A Lot of the skills I learned from my years playing basketball have helped me throughout my life as I...
2 Pages 740 Words

Aspects of Social Life: Critical Essay

I am writing to seek your help in resolving a problem that we are experiencing at work. It is a problem that is causing us some concern and that we have been unable to solve without bringing it to your attention. Scott Wells has spoken to Richard McKay, Peter Carver has spoken to Jeremy Needs, and Daniel Pinney has E-mailed David Ody, But no one is doing anything about this or given us a reply that makes sense that it...
2 Pages 772 Words

Analysis of John Winthrop Speech to the Massachusetts General Court: Critical Essay

In their writings, Smith and Williams use the traditional English language. The traditional English language is denoted by words that are outdated today and which are never used anymore. The use of the traditional English language is representative of the fact that Smith and Williams were individuals who grew up in the English culture and hence, their writing was greatly influenced by their language and a great background of what they knew. Their language was also influenced by some native...
2 Pages 726 Words

Analysis of Individualism During Renaissance: Critical Essay

The Renaissance had an influence on many famous works of art and literature. Modernity and the Renaissance caused a rebirth and increase of individualism alongside an intellectual movement. Two literature pieces that were influenced include the work of Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince and Martin Luther’s, Address to The Nobility of the German Nation; as well as the following works of art: Pieter Bruege’s, Massacre of the Innocents. First off, Machiavelli’s The Prince was considered one of the first works of...
2 Pages 761 Words

The Storm' by Kate Chopin: Critical Analysis Essay

Literary analysis Married people having affairs is viewed as an immoral act in many cultures and societies. It’s viewed like that because it’s often something that can destroy families and relationships. However, in “The Storm” Kate Chopin demonstrates that an affair is not a very bad thing, perhaps it could even be a good thing depending on the circumstances. In “The Storm the main theme that sticks out is. That people get their fulfillment through the wrong means when they’re...
2 Pages 766 Words

Failure of the League of Nations: Analytical Essay

Just after the World War, in 1919 the League of Nations was formed, at the Paris Peace Conference where all the world`s leading statesmen met to formulate a program aimed at establishing and promoting everlasting international peace and to ensure such world atrocities such as the first World War does not repeat again. Stated in article 10 of the league covenant declares that ‘The members of the league undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity...
2 Pages 738 Words

Event That Changed My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

According to Howbawm, a crucial event is a significant moment in time that had a lasting impact on society, moreover, these defining moments affect the way people interpret the world around them. For example, in retrospect, the diverse individuals Hobsbawm uses in his introduction speak about the 20th century in terms of crucial events; Holocaust concentration camps, women’s rights movements, world wars, technological improvements, etc. Although these crucial events have the power to affect some directly and others indirectly, the...
2 Pages 740 Words

Dramatic Irony in ‘Julius Caesar’: Critical Analysis

What do you first think of when hearing the word Shakespeare? When I hear Shakespeare, I think of the greatest playwright of all time and an actor. But also all the stereotypes that come with it such as how boring his plays are, and hard to understand. But believe me, after studying Shakespeare for over a term now, I have come to learn his language and show an interest in his plays. He has given me a personal understanding and...
2 Pages 766 Words

Differences between New England and Southern Colonies: Compare and Contrast Essay

The Great Meadow by Brian Donahue is an in-depth description of the landscape and agriculture of colonial New England. Despite modern arguments, he explains that the environment was not decimated by the harsh farming conditions that destroyed the prospect of growing crops. On the contrary, the book actually defends the settlers’ ability to sustain and upkeep the land, so that produce would thrive each year. It is a better argument that colonial farming in New England was just as damaging...
2 Pages 730 Words

Concept of Adaptation in Biology

Adaptation Is a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment. In biology, adaptation has three related meanings. Firstly, it is the dynamic evolutionary process that fits organisms to their environment, enhancing their evolutionary fitness. Secondly, it is a state reached by the population during that process. Thirdly, it is a phenotypic trait or adaptive trait, with a functional role in each individual organism, that is maintained and has evolved...
2 Pages 763 Words

What Caused the Trojan War: Essay

The Iliad by Homer showcases the god's obsession with controlling humans for their own personal gain. The Iliad centers around the Trojan War which legend has it that was started because Paris, a prince of Troy, had to choose who was the most beautiful out of three goddesses, Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. Paris was given gifts to sway his decision from the goddesses and he rewarded Helen from Aphrodite who was Menelaus’ wife. This led to Menelaus waging war on...
2 Pages 741 Words

What Affects Oedipus Reception of Creon: Essay

While I enjoyed all the poems and stories we have read in class. The one that really stood out to me is Oedipus the King. The poem is very enjoyable to read and has many lessons about life. Unlike too many readers, I think Oedipus was a hero, of course, he was unfortunate in the eyes of the Gods. He forces the question to discover the truth about him and about the murderer of King Louis to save his people....
2 Pages 750 Words

Types of Libertarianism: Captain America and Iron Man

There are two types of libertarianism: consequentialist and right. The consequentialist libertarians don’t follow the rules, but they do what they think is right. While right libertarians follow the rules for the better of society. In the movie Captain America: Civil War, two major superheroes go against each other, one of them being consequentialist and the other being right. I believe Captain America is a consequentialist libertarian because he doesn’t do things by the rules. Captain America, throughout the movie,...
2 Pages 765 Words

Sonnet 130: Critical Analysis Essay

This essay aims to analyze Shakespeare's sonnet 130 'My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun' from the perspective of syntactic analysis. Syntax deals with the structure of a sentence or the arrangement of words in a sentence. It's common for poets to play with word order in order to emphasize specific phrases or sentences. Shakespeare, for example, plays with syntax in the 130th sonnet. 'Subject Verb Object' is the standard English sentence word order. But Shakespeare was more than...
2 Pages 769 Words

Satire Essay on Global Warming

The Onion has been one of the leading publications in our era when it comes to satirical articles. The writers of the organization use near-perfect satire to address the pressing issues of the day we face as a society. Their written wit, while sometimes very exaggerated, is prime for pulling in readers and viewers while exploring very controversial issues that are often overlooked or ignored. This type of satirical commentary is demonstrated superbly in the Onion’s video called “5 Takeaways...
2 Pages 751 Words

Rhetorical Question in 'The Letter from Birmingham Jail': Analytical Essay

The Letter from Birmingham Jail was written by Martin Luther King Jr. In 1963 while King was in jail for protesting. King says that we’re responsible for justice across the nation. When unfair laws are written and people suffer as a consequence, by non-violently ignoring them, it is appropriate to protest such laws, even though the resulting unrest is inconvenient for some people. King says in his letter that the time is always now for justice, and there’s no good...
2 Pages 760 Words

Rainy Day: Descriptive Essay

The artwork of my choosing is the large oil painting done by the artist Gustave Caillebotte in 1877 and was placed in the Art Institution of Chicago under the name of ‘Paris Street, Rainy Day’. This piece of art was considered huge considering its 212.2 cm x 276.2 cm dimensions. The artist in his display shows a certain street in Paris wonderful streets in a rainy day, showing a big beautiful classical building to reflect the construction work; Accompanied by...
2 Pages 759 Words

Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery specifies a surgical treatment for people who wish to enhance their appearance and reach their beauty goals. But it may also be used for medical reasons, such as for people who have had accidents, to reinstate the function of a body part, or to repair scars from surgery. It assists the person by building self-esteem, confidence, health, and bodily function and providing physical comfort and ease. A cosmetic surgeon certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery treats...
2 Pages 774 Words
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