750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ego Integrity Synthesis Essay

Another prime example of accepting human mortality is showcased in the novel “Never Let Me Go” (2010) by Kazuo Ishiguro. The novel is set in a dystopian world where cloning occurs for organ donations. The story is centered on a clone named Kathy whose teacher, Miss Lucy, informs them how terrible their lives will become once they are donors. “Never Let Me Go” tends to revolve around the dilemma of how to live a meaningful life while knowing you are...
2 Pages 740 Words

"1984" Theme Essay

1984 is a legendary work of dystopian fiction World Gone Wrong with the Government Watch is everything citizens say and do control information memory and identity itself it's a cautionary tale about totalitarianism and the terrible drawbacks of surveillance technology written by famed novelist George Orwell and published in 1940 nine 1984 and its themes symbols and context continues to resonate with readers today or what spell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair born in 1903 to a...
2 Pages 770 Words

Essay on Theory of Time Management

The purpose of time management tools and techniques is that they enable individuals to organize, plan, and divide their time between specific tasks and activities. When these tools are effectively utilized individuals work smarter and not harder enabling them to get more done in less time. Applying time management tools within the workplace means individuals can effectively manage the hours of the day. They positively impact the process of work planning as you can effectively utilize them to plan and...
2 Pages 751 Words

Self Reflection Essay on Biology

What I find most intriguing about Biology is that the human body is a natural machine more efficient than any manmade object. Humans cannot dream of creating anything on its level of accuracy and specialization, which sparked an interest in me to become more curious and find out how mechanisms work in such unity. I find it satisfying when information interconnects to make a bigger picture, the way Biology does. For example, the circulatory, digestive, and immune are individual complex...
2 Pages 757 Words

Exemplification Essay on the Term Tyranny

On Tyranny, by Timothy Snyder Timothy Snyder is an American author and professor at Yale University who focuses on the history of Eastern and Central Europe. On Tyranny, written by Snyder focuses on how threats to democracies still exist in today’s day and twenty different strategies that citizens could utilize to uphold democracy against authoritarian government regimes. In the book, it was implied that history does not repeat but it does instruct. It could be seen that studying major historical...
2 Pages 759 Words

Essay on Sartre Freedom and Responsibility

Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher and writer who explored existentialism, making his famous claim that “existence precedes essence”. He further developed his ideas by analyzing human consciousness and differentiating between the two kinds of being. He also utilized the relationship between a subject and an object, and how they both play a role in our perception of ourselves in the world of other people. Through his explorations of consciousness and the people around us, he expressed his disinterest in...
2 Pages 747 Words

Essay on New Freedom Vs New Nationalism

Nationalism is a driving force under which a country can unify. There are certain individuals whose actions have promoted nationalism. Many of these individuals wanted independence while others wanted to build powerful empires. Two individuals in history who have been nationalist leaders are Adolf Hitler and Mohandas M. Gandhi. Although these political figures used opposite tactics to achieve a nationalistic goal, they both tried to unify their people toward a common cause. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi...
2 Pages 765 Words

Essay on Satire in 'Don Quixote'

The Female Quixote is a work written by Charlotte Lennox in the mid-18th century. In it, the author makes an imitation of Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. It belongs to a period in which satire, romance and the novel, were not well differentiated. Thus, in this novel, the former romantic genre and traditional forms are challenged. Nonetheless, it is influenced by past genres, and as a result, it is a literary contrasting. genre. Therefore, The Female...
2 Pages 734 Words

Exemplification Essay about Son

I chose to interview my 40-year-old neighbor, M.A., a Latin American female who has lived in the US for about 20 years. M.A. is now married and a stay-at-home mother to her 2 children. Her daughter is 10 years old and her son is 7 years old. I explained to M.A. that I was going to be interviewing her about her culture and circumcision. When asked about her personal beliefs, she shared that circumcision is not common amongst Latinos. She...
2 Pages 727 Words

Research Essay on Animal Testing

Animal testing has long been a social issue among the masses. It is a method of medical and biological research that investigates the reaction of drugging living animals on behalf of humans. These experiments greatly contributed to the functional explanation of life, but on the other hand, the cruelty of the experiments raised the question of whether it was necessary for medicine. What about you? Do you think it is reasonable? In my personal opinion, I am in favor of...
2 Pages 743 Words

Essay on Animal Testing in Medical Research

Have you ever wondered how producers of food products, cosmetics, and medicines make sure their products are safe to use or consume? Most of them test their products on animals even though the idea of animals suffering in the name of beauty is not well-accepted. It’s hard to condemn scientists who want to search for cures to treat various ailments or develop life support systems since these medical advancements have definitely improved our way of life. Scientists and researchers do...
2 Pages 733 Words

Why I Want to Be an Air Traffic Controller Essay

Introduction Air traffic control emerges as a pivotal field, crucial for the safe transport of people and goods via air. This highly specialized profession demands precision, critical decision-making, and an unwavering commitment to safety. My fascination with this role stems from a deep-seated admiration for its blend of technical expertise and real-time problem-solving. The allure of being at the heart of aviation safety, orchestrating the seamless movement of aircraft, is compelling. My decision to pursue this career is driven by...
2 Pages 738 Words

Essay on Revenge in 'The Odyssey'

An assorted number of women have a very important and influential role in the Odyssey, which for most of the poem, is about Odysseus's adventures and his voyage to come home, a journey complicated by women and their interests. The women in The Odyssey are a great example of what women in ancient Greek culture went through. For the Greeks, The Odyssey was more than just an amusing story about adventure, intrigue, and revenge, but a cultural model or example...
2 Pages 764 Words

Reflective Essay on Research Strategies

“Research Strategies” “Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso. A research strategy introduces the main components of a research project like the research topic area and focus, the research perspective, the research design, and therefore the research methods. It refers to how you plan to answer the research questions set and the way you'll implement the methodology. This paper tackles the different types of research...
2 Pages 745 Words

Speech about Resilience

Resilience is crucial to my life. The path of my life is not as smooth as other classmates. I have taken my first Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (DSE) in 2015. I failed as my English only got level 2. I decided to retake the DSE. However, my parents and teacher did not support me, they thought that if I choose the associate degree is better. It is an easier way for me to get an offer from...
2 Pages 750 Words

Same Sex Marriage Essay: Pros and Cons

Recently, amendments to the law permitting Same-sex marriage are spreading all over the world. Then I thought ''Why it is not acceptable in Japan?' So I chose the topic of Same-sex Marriage. Do you agree with Same-sex marriage? I agree. Because I think that people should value the diversity of people. Miho thinks Same-sex marriage is good. The reason is that we should respect homosexual freedom. On the other hand, My mother thinks Same-sex marriage is not good. The reason...
2 Pages 731 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about an Experience

For my cultural experience project, I participated in a holiday with one of my best friends from childhood called “Candlemas”. It’s a holiday that Hispanics celebrate every year on the date of February 2nd. The holiday is celebrated because of the custom cleaning of Mary, 40 days after the introduction of her child Jesus was born. The celebration is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were honored. This day likewise used...
2 Pages 742 Words

How to Solve Eating Disorders Essay

Most often, eating disorders tend to go unnoticed by family members until they begin to notice things like rapid weight loss, signs of weakness, not eating during family meal times, etc. When noticed, there are many different approaches families can take to ensure the well-being of the member with the disorder(s). Visiting a nutritionist, or a therapist is one of the first approaches talked about in research. Nutritionists provide clients with ways to ensure they eat the right things for...
2 Pages 775 Words

Essay on McDonald's Obesity

There are several relevant facts in the case of “Should Ronald McDonald Retire.” For example, McDonald’s continues to be a very popular fast-food chain that has been in existence since the 1960s and is well represented by a popular and colorful legend - Ronald McDonald himself. Although polls indicate it is time for the legendary clown to retire; Ronald just may not be going anywhere anytime soon. His presence continues to entice kids to eat his very popular Happy Meals...
2 Pages 771 Words

Essay on First Day of High School

The day started off like any other ordinary school day at Westfield High. The students were all split into their social groups just like any other high school; The ‘plastic’ girls are sitting at their table, smothered in make-up, dressed up in inappropriate clothing, and trying to make themselves noticed, the Jocks are out on the oval training for football meanwhile the girls are checking them out, the cheerleaders are on the oval, practicing their routine for the upcoming game,...
2 Pages 752 Words

1000 Word Essay on Why I Want to Be a Nurse

Ever since I was 10, it had become a dream of mine to become a nurse. In the spring of 2013, my mum was diagnosed with stage 3 bladder cancer, whilst dealing with a divorce and raising two young children. Since my mum was diagnosed she has always spoken so highly of her cancer nurse, who without him she may not be here today. He helped her to understand the treatments she would receive and helped her emotionally deal with...
2 Pages 739 Words

Animal Farm' Persuasive Essay

ATTENTION ALL ANIMALS! Are you tired of being mistreated by Jones? Are you tired of giving everything to him but not receiving anything back? You are not the only ones, I myself am distraught by the conditions that Jones has kept us in. Comrades, I am here today to talk about the horrendous fad that we call our lives here on this farm. You may think the farm is successful, but from who’s hard work? Ours, but who gets the...
2 Pages 750 Words

How to Be an Effective Manager: Essay

A manager may be one that administers to associate organization by allocating resources amongst subordinate levels. The term ‘effective’ suggests that one is self-made in manufacturing desired or meant results. Effective managers communicate job expectations through appraisals, develop personal growth opportunities, and build a legal work surrounding for workers. Organizations want effective managers to realize their goals because the modern geographical point is various, comprehensive, and evolving. The question arises, how to be an effective manager? Firstly, as leaders, managers...
2 Pages 767 Words

Why Are Veterans Important: Essay

The room is filled with flags, posters, and historical memories of wars and battles across the world. The veterans of the Gaston County Department of Veteran Services in the local town of Gastonia, NC, present the events and stories that have occurred in these veterans' lives. These memories shock the listener and show the raw emotions felt by these veterans. The men and women today seemed somewhat uneasy, afraid, and nervous about being approached by a stranger. The stories and...
2 Pages 729 Words

Essay on a Trip to a Hill Station

Over the sky of Munnar sun appears to add an extra last minute of daylight. The hues of the sky are changing from orangish-red to tangerine. The cotton candy clouds look blushing with the warm touch of the setting sun. Flocks of birds flew over the small hillock nearby chirping merrily homewards. Pleasant breeze rolling through the valley, bringing with it the chills from the mountains. In addition to the picturesque setting, the melodious song of the Jacobin cuckoo swept...
2 Pages 747 Words

Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful: Persuasive Essay

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” (Martin Luther King Jr.) What this means is that if you saw something wrong and you didn’t speak up, the problem wouldn’t be solved and the conflict would continue. Just like today’s Black Lives Matter Movement. There was a problem, people spoke up, and the problem was resolved. It’s that simple. Martin Luther King Jr. was a famous civil rights advocate who gave the 'I Have...
2 Pages 749 Words

Interpersonal Communication as an Important Skill in the Army: Essay

Skills such as interpersonal communication in the military are extremely important as it directly correlates with leadership competency. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. Successfully interacting with others is determined by knowing what others identify. It depends on accepting the personality, responses, and causes of yourself and others. When using interpersonal communication in the military it is important to recognize diversity, use self-control, balance,...
2 Pages 744 Words

Australia as a Country I Would Like to Visit: Essay

I enjoy traveling around the world. Beyond the fact that I really enjoy the change of scenery, getting to know about other cultures is very interesting. The beautiful diversity that unites humanity makes me desire to experience the cultures of other people. Australia is a country that I would definitely like to visit someday. Australia is a country that comprises the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania, and some smaller islands that surround the mainland of the Australian continent....
2 Pages 751 Words

Essay on Different Types of Child Abuse and Bullying

When we work with children, it is important to know the signs that a child is being abused or bullied. In this work, I would like to focus on the main types of such extremely unacceptable behavior towards children. Speaking of abuse, it should be noted that there are four types of abuse - physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. Physical abuse is when someone harms someone else with a purpose. This may include slapping, kicking, shaking, poisoning, scratching, burning, biting,...
2 Pages 741 Words

Defining What It Means to Be an Asian American: Essay

I acknowledged the existence of race at a very young age. I can vividly recall several instances in elementary school when other students would call me 'Jackie Chan'. There would even be times when they would squint their eyes and perform movements as if it was kung fu. I was different from my classmates and they made sure I knew that. I never completely understood how much my ethnicity would impact my life until I got to my late teens....
2 Pages 749 Words
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