800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why I Want to Be a Bartender Essay

The aspiration to become a bartender is rooted in a love for the art of mixology and a profound appreciation for the unique interactions and experiences this profession offers. Bartending is more than a job; it's a doorway to a world of diverse cultures, personalities, and stories. This career path presents an exciting blend of social interaction, creativity, and skill, offering a dynamic and enriching environment that extends far beyond the conventional workplace. My motivation stems from the desire to...
2 Pages 813 Words

Essay on Thomas Paine Enlightenment

The basis of Enlightenment thinker Thomas Paine’s arguments in Common Sense is the independence of America from British rule. His first argument has to do with the monarchical rule and the choice of Kings being based on hereditary succession. Paine thought it was wrong that the rulers of the British inherited their power rather than gaining it by being chosen by the people. Paine stated, “All men being original equals, no one by birth could have a right to set...
2 Pages 815 Words

Unemployment in Saudi Arabia Essay

In the United States of America, the minimum age for work is 14 years old but for those 14 years old teenagers, the workplace is very minimal, and very few companies hire them. I really can’t understand why it’s very limited. Teenage is the best time to learn at getting ready for your future goal. If they work they can learn about our society very closely and it’s good to learn as early age as possible. Time is changing and...
2 Pages 809 Words

Descriptive Essay on 'Titanic'

The Unsinkable Ship, The Ship of Dreams, otherwise known as the R.M.S. Titanic was an unforgettable and tragic disaster that changed the lives of many people. Some things could not have been predicted; however, they could have been more prepared. If certain precautions had been taken, the destiny of the R.M.S. Titanic would have been altered and saved many lives. On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage. The ship left Southampton, England, heading for New...
2 Pages 817 Words

Why Animal Abuse Is Wrong Essay

The need for animal models and proficient practice by personnel in research are still debatable issues. There are some points in my rapid response that I do support and against. Firstly, personal religious beliefs or emotions should not interfere researcher’s decision-making. Researchers are obligated to make decisions rationally based on logical findings. This also applies to the ethical issue that I did not mention in my rapid response, which is Joanna did not conduct the research with rationality. Rationality is...
2 Pages 776 Words

Essay on Metaphors in 'The Kite Runner'

The Kite Runner is a novel emblematic of the concept of redemption through the use of symbolism as well as metaphor. The primary idea enforced by Khaled Hosseini is redemption, which is shown through the portrayal of Amir seeking his father’s approval, for he holds Amir accountable for the death of his wife. However, this is not the only effort of redemption made by Amir, as he seeks redemption for betraying his loyal friend, Hassan. The recurring theme of redemption...
2 Pages 825 Words

Advantages of Literacy Essay

What are the advantages of educational literacy? The most influential benefit of tutorial literacy is that it allows students to think and write with rhetorical reason by way of analyzing rhetorical conditions inside and beyond academia. In other words, educational literacy gives schooling meaning by way of placing educational tasks within specific contexts and communities. Sometimes communities are in reality attempting to 'get the day's work done,' however, as Bizzell asserts, 'Mastery of academic discourse lets college students take part...
2 Pages 785 Words

Essay on Earthquake Vs Hurricane

Hurricanes are a natural process that needs certain conditions to be met to allow their formation. Hurricanes are also known as tropical cyclones and are storms that typically form in the summer or autumn period when the correct atmospheric ingredients come together. Several factors go into the formation of a hurricane, of which they are; low pressure, warm ocean water, the Coriolis effect, moist mid-atmosphere, and upper atmospheric divergence. The low-pressure area has to form to start winds uplifting, the...
2 Pages 820 Words

The Tell Tale Heart' and 'The Raven': Comparison Essay

According to Naidoo Mervyn, author of “80% of Victims Know Their Killers” IOL November 16, 2014. 80% of murders are committed by someone that the victim knows personally. In the gothic writings, “The Raven” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” a “sane” man kills his elderly housemate because his eye scared him. In another work by Poe, “The Raven,” a man driven to insanity by grief opens his door at midnight hoping to see...
2 Pages 788 Words

Essay on How Did the Enlightenment Influence the Constitution

The causes of the peasants 'uprising, known as the Nice Fear of 1789, were the peasants' impatience and desire to demand matters in their own hands because they were furious that they were forced to accommodate the chief of the taxation, the church tithes, and also the nobles who abused their privileges affecting their lives. The cause that pushed them over the sting to begin the uprisings was the rise in the bread price. The result of the rebellion was...
2 Pages 819 Words

Essay on Baby Suggs 'Beloved'

In Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, Morrison writes about the horrific events that take place for a former slave, Sethe, the protagonist, and her family. Morrison utilizes Biblical symbolism, allusions, and direct quotes to alleviate the reader’s understanding of the novel. These Biblical references implicate the spiritual faith of Sethe and her family. Morrison incorporates these literary devices to strengthen the overall theme of the story and its characters. All through Beloved, Morrison makes direct references to the Bible to make...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Road Not Taken' Theme Essay

Being considered one of the most recognizable poets within American poetry Robert Frost offers the rhetorical question in his work “The Road Not Taken” (Poets.org). If I were asked about what the poem is about, I would reply in several words it is about life, choice, and regret. Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” speaks both about the inevitability of choices in our lives and their consequences, which are most typically revealed in regret and justifications as a way of...
2 Pages 779 Words

Argumentative Essay on Same-Sex Marriage

The only thing that is necessary in marriage is love; it is an aspect that joins between two people. Traditionally, marriage is unmistakably portrayed as a strict and official commitment between a man and a lady, simply as an excessive articulation of affection. Then again, same-sex marriage is a marriage between two people of the same sex. Gay connections are increasing, yet this issue is as yet not recounted in our setting, following this 'sex inequality' is rising. Numerous persons...
2 Pages 801 Words

‘Advice to Youth’ by Mark Twain: Reflective Essay

‘Advice to Youth’ (1882) by Mark Twain is a satirical essay. It was written several centuries ago, but it still offers a powerful message. It is hilarious, caustic, and all-around good advice. He was asked to write it for America's youth. Twain tends to take advantage of opportunities to address society's standards and to criticize authoritative figures who shape youth. Twain's essay states that children are being reformed to be like everyone else in society and that their individuality is...
2 Pages 789 Words

My Motivation to Work in Public Service: Essay

We all have that one story that motivated us to work in public service. For me, it was my grandparents. Most of them, with only basic education, worked hard for their children, and for us, their grandchildren, to experience the perks of years of hard work. As a result, I studied in one of the most prestigious schools in Peru. However, as I grew older, I became more aware of the common disparities in the city and the different realities...
2 Pages 777 Words

How Does Hurricane Katrina Relate to Federalism Essay

Federalism is a division of power between local and state governments. Under global emergencies, the local and state governments are the first in-line responders to tackle the crisis. Federalism expects the federal and state governments to respond to disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, or pandemics, for instance, the 2005 Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the 2020 COVID-19 in the United States. Federalism plays a vital role in U.S. public health; it oversees the response to the public and...
2 Pages 796 Words

Essay on Socrates on Justice

In this narrative, I will attempt to explain the Apology, by Socrates. He proclaimed his innocence of charges that he had suborned the youth men Of Athens and he would attempt to plead his case in front of several Athenian Council members (Alan De Botton, The Consolations of Philosophy, (New York, Vintage Books, 2000),28-29. He believed that Philosophy should attain real results for the greater good of society. He also strived to institute an ethical system based on mortal reason...
2 Pages 796 Words

Discipline Vs Punishment Essay

Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies inflicting pain, while discipline means to teach. Parents who use punishment miss important opportunities to teach their children better behaviors and help them self-discipline. Children can be taught responsible behaviors to help them get the things they want without breaking the rules. However, when parents are only interested in compliance, they often impose strict and severe consequences to stop or prevent the behavior. This generally...
2 Pages 785 Words

Essay on Diet and Nutrition

You are what you eat. Adequate nutrition is the key to health, well-being, and exercise or sports performance. Nutrition experts also agree that diet is directly related to health and the prevention of degenerative diseases. The basic principle of healthy nutrition is balance. A well-chosen selection of various foods will provide many of the nutrients needed for health and physical activity, but not all. It is also interesting to note that water is the most important, but most easily forgotten,...
2 Pages 801 Words

Essay on Johnny Cade Personality Traits

Johnny Cade wasn’t just a greaser. When it comes down to it, we’re all just plain, ordinary people
Johnny taught me that. Whether you’re considered a Soc or a greaser, or maybe even a member of the middle class
you’re a person. The rivalry between the social classes has been going on for some time now, and, sadly, it had to come to this―three kids dying―to make people think that it was wrong. Johnny didn’t kill that boy on purpose. He did...
2 Pages 784 Words

Essay on My Experience in Volunteering at a Hospital

My interest in Radiotherapy stems from my independent research into cancer treatment, in which I explored the use of several treatments such as chemotherapy, external beam and internal radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. It was during this period that I took notice of Radiotherapy and the appeal of combining Science and Technology with patient interaction. I believe the quality of having a caring spirit is a much-needed attribute, especially since a large aspect of the job requires supporting those who need...
2 Pages 791 Words

Essay about a Mosque Architecture

The architecture of a mosque is strongly shaped by the regional traditions of the time and place where it was built. As a result, the style, layout, and decoration can vary greatly. Nevertheless, because of the common function of the mosque as a place of congregational prayer, certain architectural features appear in mosques all over the world. Mosques must have a large prayer hall that is joined by an open courtyard, called a Sahn. Within these courtyards, fountains are usually...
2 Pages 784 Words

Perseverance Is Important: Argumentative Essay

Imagine if you or someone you love had a disability, and because of this they were denied entry to school, university, or even to gain employment. This was the case in Australia before the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992. Finally, those with disabilities gained a voice. They were given the right to equal opportunity in society. This is where the role of texts, and in particular, theatre come into play - they must not only entertain the...
2 Pages 804 Words

Gender Stereotypes in Toys Essay

Research Question: What are children’s experiences and views of gender stereotypes regarding roleplay and toys in an ECEC Setting? Early years practitioner’s role in supporting non-gendered play in ECCE Settings The literature suggests that it is valuable for early years practitioners to support children in engaging in non-gendered play and to conscientiously contest gender roles within an early-year setting. (Vasileva, 2018) states that children are not innately born with the knowledge of gender roles but build awareness in the first...
2 Pages 799 Words

Essay on Gender Stereotypes in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in country Alabama during the aftermath of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Gender roles and the marginalization of women are a recurring and significant element in the novel. During this time people began to examine their roles in society, one of which is the moral obligation of a woman, especially the proper manners of both young girls and women. Lee perceptively shines a constructive light on the issue...
2 Pages 825 Words

Veterans Day 5 Paragraph Essay

The research article I chose was The American Veteran Experience and the Post 9/11 Generation which was a study conducted by Kim Parker, Ruth Igielnik, Amanda Barroso, and Anthony Cilluffo through the Pew Research Center. Kim Parker is the director of social trends research at Pew Research Center. She has expertise in demographics and social trends. The research article was posted on September 10th, 2019, and was conducted from May 14th to May 24th and May 14th to June 3rd...
2 Pages 780 Words

Persuasive Essay Nutrition

Oral health is essential for good chewing function, which can influence food selection and nutritional well-being. Diet or malnutrition can lead to tooth loss, pain, caries, periodontal disease and these are only a few. The lack of teeth, in particular, may affect a person's digestive ability and nutritional status Vital teeth and well-fitting prostheses have been linked to a larger variety of food intake, making it easier to eat a fiber-rich diet. It is important to maintain a good nutritional...
2 Pages 783 Words

Brave New World' Vs Today Essay

Regarding “Brave New World”, contemporary readers were as unsettled by the portrayal of polygamy as they were disinterested in the scientific detail. The novel is thought to have hit society too close to the bone, taking in mind the Great Depression economy, the rise of Fascism in Europe, and the First World War that ended just in 1918. Maybe the daunting prospect of the utopia-like dystopia Huxley introduced was too pessimistic for the 1930s – a period when utopian novels...
2 Pages 823 Words

Future of Internet Essay

It’s difficult to keep track of how much technology has changed. It occurs gradually, usually in improvements or adaptations so small we don’t notice them. Wifi accessibility becomes more frequent and it gets more convenient to communicate with others from all over the world. In just a few decades, the internet has progressed significantly. It now serves as a platform for businesses, communication, entertainment, and education. We are now able to connect to this enormous network through dozens of different...
2 Pages 809 Words

Civil Rights Movement Failures Essay

What should the civil rights movement look like today? Anything could arise, from peaceful protest to aggressive protest, or most likely people getting hurt, who knows? This could be an ongoing speculating topic. No one ever distinguishes what can appear or not occur, but they may have ideas. As heard in the past, civil rights movements most likely end up being a failure, even movements in general, leading to many people getting either hurt or injured, or potentially killed. For...
2 Pages 814 Words
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