800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Similarities between Hoover and Roosevelt: Compare and Contrast Essay on Great Depression

In 1928, the stock market crash occurred and put our country in an economic depression; our 31st president, Herbert Hoover, a Republican that didn’t do much during this time of disparity, term would soon be up. On November 8, 1932, the presidential election was held with the two running candidates Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. This election was held during a difficult time for the country, and more than 13 million Americans were not working. This time is well...
2 Pages 819 Words

Policy of Affirmative Action: Informative Speech

America Torn Apart By Affirmative Action “​Who​ is accepted into the finest professional programs and colleges? What candidate should be employed or promoted? After all, affirmative action is about fairness: What is fair in America?” Terry H. Anderson questions said issues in his book “The Pursuit of Fairness,” where he speaks on the core issues of everyday citizens: equality, choice, and fairness. He argues that affirmative action holds the keys to prosperity in the U.S., this being higher education, housing,...
2 Pages 807 Words

Mockingbirds in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

Symbolic Mockingbirds Most people go about life thinking they understand everyone from what they hear or what they see. In reality, this is untrue and Scout learns that in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Lee tells the story of a black man falsely accused of rape being defended by a white man from a child’s perspective in the deep south. Scout, a young girl at the time, watches her father unsuccessfully defend Tom Robinson while realizing how harsh...
2 Pages 795 Words

Imagery in 'The Glass Castle': Literary Criticism Essay

Symbolism, imagery, and characterization are used to show the decay of parenting as shown in The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. To be considered a bad parent; a person lacks emotional and physical appearance to a child, to express a feeling of absence. Bad Parenting is the act of not showing the responsibilities that should be taken as a mother or father. In The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls reveals the faults of parenting through the use of symbolism, imagery, and...
2 Pages 806 Words

How Is Institutional Discrimination Different from Individual Discrimination: Critical Essay

Even though rules and laws exist to minimize and reduce these occurrences, this does not eliminate those who practice them. Rules that are established should apply to everyone and are supposed to be applied to everyone. However, there can be those groups or clicks that choose to be biased toward a particular person or group. For instance, a female may be hired for the job based on her looks and not her qualifications, as well as someone hiring their friend...
2 Pages 800 Words

Euthanasia in Animal Shelters: Debate Essay

To kill or not to kill has been a raising topic regarding the fair right of animals and humans to live. No doubt that most viewers know the term animal euthanasia: the act of putting an animal to death or allowing it to die with extreme medical measures. Euthanasia literally means “good death,” delivered by an intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital. (Peta) Due to overcrowded animal shelters, not enough rooms can be provided for thousands of abandoned animals. Yet stray...
2 Pages 810 Words

Cain and Abel Cyber Security: Critical Analysis

Cain and Abel Software is a hacking tool. It is for both the good and bad sides. In this, you can check any network host, such as the incoming and outgoing network activity of any device. I'm going to be covering the password-cracking abilities with Cain and Abel. This tool is capable of wireless hacking via PC. It has the ability to crack any password. Features of Cain and Abel Software: Networking sniffing Password Cracking Hack sites Using Linux Use...
2 Pages 804 Words

Analysis of 'The Glass Castle': High School Paper on Rex and Rose Mary

A perfect childhood may consist of many different components. Some may be involved in every sport, play every instrument, or have everything they ask for. However, almost all have a perfect in-love pair of parents, getting a good education in a stable home. Although not all people get to experience this perfect childhood such as Jeannette Walls. According to Merriam- Webster dictionary neglect is defined as giving little attention or respect to: disregard. Jeannette shares her story in her memoir,...
2 Pages 786 Words

To Kill a Mockingbird' Book Report Essay

Background Information: Historical: To Kill a Mockingbird was published on the 11th of July 1960. The book has been published for 59 years yet schools still use it as a part of their curriculum and book study as it is a book we could learn from and also understand as if we were part of the book. Cultural: To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Alabama, United States. Harper Lee was born in Alabama, United States, and due to that...
2 Pages 821 Words

Pros and Cons of Homelessness: Critical Essay

If we want to end homelessness, we need more places for them to go. Homelessness is a big problem that the world faces. In 2017, there was 2% of the world's population that was homeless, not including the other 20% that lived in inadequate housing, (according to yale global.) All in all, there are thousands of people in this world that live on the streets. And I think that building more shelters for them to live in and offering them...
2 Pages 802 Words

Analysis of Tone of 'The Yellow Wallpaper': Critical Essay

Perkins Gilman's extract (2016) highlights the patriarchal dominance of the domestic lifestyle and underpins the socially accepted archetypes for women during the Victorian era. The use of a female-gendered narrative voice, throughout the extract, emphasises the prejudice against female writing, despite its use as an escapism tool for the narrator, as well as reflects how patriarchal ideology influences the narrator's judgment of her opinion as a woman. Examining the extract through the concepts raised in Elaine Showalter's The Female Malady...
2 Pages 783 Words

Opportunity In America: Critical Essay

The Elusive American Dream America's greatest allure is its promise of equal opportunity and fair treatment. This promise dubbed 'The American Dream' has encouraged many people to escape suffering from their country in the hope of obtaining a better life in America. Sadly this promise remains a dream for most Americans, one they can never hope to realize. The roots of the American dream can get traced to the Declaration of Independence in 1787 which conceived democracy in America. At...
2 Pages 799 Words

Way the Constitution Limits the Powers of Government: Critical Essay

'If men were angels, no government would be necessary,' stated James Madison, which briefly explains the value of a state's constitution. Reflecting back to the state of nature, men enter into social contracts and form governments to protect their natural rights, which serves as the primary purpose of governments. In this sense, citizens give their consent by accepting the government's laws and services, and the essence of the Constitution serves as the foundation for these laws. The Constitution is more...
2 Pages 780 Words

Mickey Mouse Racism Essay

Jean Baudrillard is one of the greatest artists and postmodern theorists to have played a significant role in critiquing artistic themes. Similarly, Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous cartoon mice in the world and the face of the Walt Disney Company. It was designed to represent optimism, energy, and innocence for its target viewers. This character is extremely influential and continues to bring happiness to most of consumers around the world. Using such artistic representations, Baudrillard demonstrates how...
2 Pages 825 Words

Social Media Is Evil: Persuasive Essay

Is Social Media Good? Thousands of people are using Social Media in today’s world without knowing the consequences of using it. Everyone wants to be the best one. Have you ever wondered what Social Media can do to one’s life? Does it make life better or worse? Does it benefit the user or harm? If you ask me, then I would say that there are more risks than benefits of social media because it decreases the amount of social interaction...
2 Pages 791 Words

Civil Rights Movement Research Paper

The Civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place during the 1950s and 1960s for black Americans. They wanted to have equal rights as the blacks did. During Reconstruction, black people took on leadership roles like never before. Many white Americans, especially those in the South were not happy that people they’d once enslaved are now equal to them. Down in the south, it was a huge movement. Martin Luther King jr was an amazing part...
2 Pages 776 Words

Influence of Philosophy on the Declaration of Independence: Analytical Essay

American Enlightenment or American Revolution The American Enlightenment was as soon as a period of mental ferment in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th to nineteenth century, which led to the American Revolution, and the creation of the United States of America. The American Enlightenment used to be influenced by way of the 17th-century European Enlightenment and its very very own Native American philosophy. According to James MacGregor Burns, the spirit of the American Enlightenment was once as soon...
2 Pages 806 Words

How Did The English Bill of Rights Influence the Declaration of Independence: Critical Essay

The historic context in which the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence take place is the Age of Reason, also recognized as the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith. Using the power of the press, Enlightenment thinkers developed new thoughts about open-mindedness, inner investigation, and tolerance in Europe and America. Several of the concepts that dominated Enlightenment thought: rationalism, empiricism, progressivism, and cosmopolitanism....
2 Pages 795 Words

Narrative Essay on My Cultural Experience Journey

This essay aims to share my experience of transition and cultural shock: moving from India to Canada to pursue further education studies. This decision impacted my life tremendously. I landed at Toronto airport on my birthday. I was so delighted, but sad also. Because this was the first time when I was so alone on my birthday. I had left my beloved family behind. Moving to Canada was so exciting for me because I always wanted to study abroad. My...
2 Pages 825 Words

Atonement in Christianity: Critical Essay

The word ‘atonement’ in Christian theology is described to be what was and still is attained by the death of Jesus. Another word used in modern Christianity is ‘reconciliation’, specifically regarding the reconciliation of men and women, through the death of Jesus, to God. The premise of Christianity suggests that atonement is necessary, although God’s creation at its core was perfect, the devil tempted Adam and brought sin into the world. With Adam and Eve being the first to create...
2 Pages 810 Words

Money Can't Buy Happiness: Persuasive Essay

Consider the question, does money really bring you happiness? Most will say: “Obviously, I will give you money and we will be best friends”. In this essay, I want to argue my point of view that money cannot buy true happiness. Happiness is difficult to define. Everyone has a different view of happiness based on past behaviors. Rich people can buy your happiness, because with money you can buy the shoes you want, and you are eager to do all...
2 Pages 781 Words

Moral and Cultural Messages Present in the Media: Analytical Essay

Mass media is the fasted growing resource of the twenty-first century. It is reported that the average American spends eleven hours per day consuming the media. The rapid rise of mass media consumption may seem harmless or as a necessary action by some people due to societal changes, however, mass media consumption could be seen as a negative due to the subliminal cultural and moral messages hidden or displayed openly by producers of the content that the viewer consuming the...
2 Pages 798 Words

School Shooting and Gun Control: Critical Essay

Who’s to blame the weapon or the person? Gun control do we really know enough about it. Throughout the years gun control has been one of the most common topics in the United States, tens and thousands of death and injuries has been caused by firearms, weather that be mass shootings, suicide, or murders. There has been so many different topics about this subject, like is the Second Amendment really worth all these people dying just to make sure we...
2 Pages 783 Words

Classification Essay on Drivers

“STOP… stay in your lane”. When one is driving, this is a saying that comes out quite frequently, while driving near three kinds of drivers. Some of these drivers are worse than others, but all drivers are not perfect. The three main types of drivers are city drivers, old drivers, and new drivers. These three types are some of the reasons why drivers today are scary to be around. This brings individuals back to the point that all drivers are...
2 Pages 824 Words

Analysis of Dante's 'Inferno' and His Criticism of the Church: Critical Essay

Dante’s ‘Inferno’ is an undeniably Christian text, as it catalogs various types of earthly sinners and describes the torments they experience in Hell. The poem is the first part of Dante’s three-part religious project, ‘The Divine Comedy’, which goes on to illustrate Christian Purgatory and Heaven. ‘Inferno’, however, is much more than a mere dramatization of the Christian afterlife. In fact, while Dante exalts Christianity, he uses ‘Inferno’ to criticize the Church and its leaders, drawing a clear distinction between...
2 Pages 790 Words

Narrative Essay on What Being a Mother Means to Me

What does being a mother mean? As a mother to my three-year-old son, I can say that for me, being a mother means discovering strengths you didn't even know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed. Some people would say that it’s a good thing and others would say it's a bad thing. Personally, my mindset as a mother is that a mother’s love is so powerful and strong that it has caused my perspective on life...
2 Pages 782 Words

Elie Wiesel's Survival by Chance: Critical Essay

“I don't know how I survived; I was weak, rather shy; I did nothing to save myself. A miracle? Certainly not......It was nothing more than chance”. In his memoir ‘Night’, Elie Wiesel writes about his personal experience of the Holocaust. He is a Jewish man who got sent to a concentration camp. Elie gets rid of everything he has: everything he worked for in his life, his mother and sister. Elie Wiesel survives by chance. Also, it happens by chance...
2 Pages 791 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay: The Palaeolithic Vs. the Neolithic Periods

For roughly 2.5 million years, people lived on Earth barring leaving a written file of their lives, but they left different sorts of remains and artifacts. The Paleolithic length (Stone Age) is when humans began the usage tools made up of stones and there were no agricultural things to do and human beings had been based on looking and as well as the period used to be very cold, so frequently humans of that time used to live in caves....
2 Pages 804 Words

Informative Essay on School Shooting as a Major Social Problem

Mass school shootings in the United State have grown to be a major social concern. The school shooting is a major issue in both the U.S. and other countries. In reports of mass shootings at schools, there were many horror stories. School problems have a huge emotional impact on people for related interaction duties. The school shooting is a serious problem, and to avoid such calamities, a solution is needed. For example, Chicago had the most victims for summer schools...
2 Pages 799 Words

Argumentative Essay on Marriage

“He took me out for dinner and suddenly he knelt, I was shocked. Of course, I said ‘yes, I do’. I loved him and he loved me. Time flew and before I knew it I was wearing my gorgeous white dress while your grandad waited at the altar. It was one of the most beautiful days of my life”, said my grandma on her golden anniversary. Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? Now, let’s be realistic. Marriage nowadays last as much as...
2 Pages 792 Words
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