850 Word Essay Examples

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We understand the importance of writing a professional and unique essay. When it comes to writing an 850-word essay, there are a few things that students should keep in mind to ensure that their work is of the highest quality.

First and foremost, choosing an exciting and ...

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Social Issues

Essay Regarding False Hope American Dream

The American Dream is the hope that anyone can earn success if they work hard enough. Throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, the main character James Gatz believes that achieving the American Dream requires making money. Fitzgerald illustrates for the reader an image of Gatsby's struggle to obtain the approval and acceptance of high society and to earn the same status. Jay Gatsby travels the journey to achieve the American dream, but his dream is corrupted and outside forces prevent...
2 Pages 857 Words

Essay on Conformity in Teens

Participating in risky behaviors seems to be a component of individuals’s daily lives, however, adolescence is an especially magnified time for potentially dangerous actions. Such questionable behavior associated with teenagers consists of alcohol and drug use, improvident driving, as well as neglectful sexual actions. These actions are believed to have increased during this period because teenagers’ awareness of what is around them is perceived to be less sharp in hazardous situations in comparison to adults. Teenagers are believed to overestimate...
2 Pages 836 Words

Beauty Contests Are Bad for Body Image Essay

Read these words: “You are worthless and fat, you won’t make it unless you’re skinny”. I know it’s horrifying and cruel, but believe it or not, this is a sentence that is constantly heard around the world in the beauty/modeling industry. Every day people struggle with their body image because of what “society” wants them to look like. And what do beauty contests do? They not only objectify and degrade women but also want them to push their bodies beyond...
2 Pages 874 Words

Reflective Essay about Forgiveness

Personality is a primary foundation of leader behavior and Escribá‐Esteve et.al (2012) found that leaders with personalities associated with creativity will promote creativity in the organization. Therefore, the first step to becoming a creative leader is to recognize our personalities. Whether they are positive abilities and skills or negative areas that need improvements, knowing ourselves and what we can do can help us further develop strengths and overcome weaknesses to achieve goals. Through completing the “VIA Survey of Character”, I...
2 Pages 870 Words

Essay on Mr. Charrington in '1984'

Mr Charrington placed his battered old wig and spectacles on the bench in front of him. He sighed inaudibly as he jerked the seat towards him and sat down directly in front of the telescreen. It was quite obvious that he was no longer the same person. He then roused himself and sat up straighter as he turned the telescreen on. It came with great relief to him to be finally away from such odious traitors. Brushing his eyebrows into...
2 Pages 867 Words

Essay on Pros and Cons of Homelessness

As a result of the causes/reasons identified for youth homelessness, multiple issues affect these youth. These effects include contact with the criminal justice system, substance abuse, mental health concerns, sexual exploitation, and low levels of academic achievement. While specifically focusing on the academic achievement of homeless youth a rippling effect can be seen. It begins with a child or teen when first being without a stable living environment, which can result in a lack of attendance/focus in school, which then...
2 Pages 840 Words

Madness in 'Hamlet': Critical Essay

Knowledge is power. Imagine living in poverty and not understanding or knowing that you need help. Mental Illness can include addiction, depression, schizophrenia, and more. Having mental health problems can be tricky, sometimes it can be hard to spot the symptoms, which is why having the knowledge and resources can be very helpful to those in need. The government provides many programs to help the underprivileged: food stamps, shelter, child support, etc. But you never really hear about the government...
2 Pages 865 Words

Essay on Gun Violence in Florida

Have you heard about the Gun Law Scorecard? If you have not seen it yet, I recommend starting with a sneak peek on Google. Furthermore, that is how I decided to start my research on Gun laws and the differences between the states, out of 50 states I decided to pick Florida, Texas, and Delaware. These three states are very different, in this peculiar scorecard they are scored as C in Florida, F in Texas, and B in Delaware. In...
2 Pages 852 Words

Essay on What Did It Mean to Be an American in the 1800s

The late 1800s was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the most momentous and dynamic time in American history. Industrial cities and towns grew significantly because of the migration of farmers and families who were searching for work in factories and mines. The resettlement of the people would help start a new development and retransformation of the country for generations to come. It was a time of reform, in which many Americans wanted to regulate corporations and manipulate the changes...
2 Pages 850 Words

Essay on Figurative Language in 'A Raisin in the Sun'

Lorraine Hansberry is a writer and activist born in May 1930, born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Hansberry is an African American woman, born in the Depression era although, because of her father's relative wealth they were considered middle class. Though their position on the economic ladder they still experienced extreme racism and segregation. She attended an overcrowded public school for African American students located in the ghettos. As she grew up she read books in her father's library, she...
2 Pages 869 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay on 'I Have a Dream': Ethos, Logos, Pathos

Inequality around the world has been a huge problem for many people. Not many voices have been heard, but the people who dared to speak up about it like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did in his “I Have a Dream” speech given to Congress on August 28th, 1963. Like Dr. King, Malala Yousafzai spoke against inequality and injustice in her “Nobel Lecture” speech given on December 10th, 2014 at the Oslo City Hall in Norway. Both Martin Luther King’s...
2 Pages 832 Words

Genetically Modified Food: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

The disadvantages of genetically modified foods outweigh the advantages. Advantages of genetically modified foods Environmental benefits Genetically modified foods have high yields. Bawa and Anilakumar (2012) mentioned that biotech cotton can against pest since the Bacillus thuringiensis subsp are edited in the genes of cotton. According to graph 1, the peak of cotton production was 330 kilograms per hectare from 1950 to 2003 in India, but cotton production has risen sharply since 2014 because of the appearance of pest-resistant cotton...
2 Pages 848 Words

Essay on Naturalism in 'The Awakening'

The Romantic movement expressed the assertion of the self, the power of the individual, and nature of the universe. The writing praised the power of nature and the spiritual link between nature and man, and was often emotional, marked by a sense of liberty, inner contemplations, and scenes of love. An example of nature is when the narrator explains how “she was happy to be alive and breathing, when her whole being seemed to be one with the sunlight, the...
2 Pages 873 Words

Taylor Swift Song Analysis Essay

It’s called ‘The Man’ and it talks about the sexist stereotypes and double standards that still occur between men and women. Swift poses the idea that if she were male, but still the same otherwise, her dating life would be interesting to the public, instead of polarising as it has been. She would be admired or perhaps even idolised for being someone who has a lot of partners, the way a man would be dubbed a “ladies man” or “successful...
2 Pages 842 Words

Essay on Conformity in Sports

While emotions can help you overcome that bump in the road or motivate you to do better, athletes shouldn’t let their emotions overpower their concentration which can be recognized as deviance because it strays from the rules, law, ethics, or normative behaviors. Negative emotions can hurt your performance both physically and mentally. Your emotions are letting you know deep down, you aren’t confident in your ability to perform well and it is not intellectually stimulating. A rare case of deviance...
2 Pages 855 Words

Essay on Hiroshima and the Inheritance of Trauma

Post-World War France was witness to the emergence of the ‘nouveau roman’ and the New Wave of cinema. After many years of a drought of cinema culture, enforced by Nazi occupation and its ban on the industry, its emancipation meant that it was inundated by exposure to world cinema and the progress that it had made in the meanwhile. This reinvigorated French cinema and led to the adoption and subsequent rejection of cinematic tradition. The ‘Auteur’ movement was a stepping...
2 Pages 844 Words

Oppression in Education System Essay

In the world that surrounds us today, kids all over are constantly frustrated and annoyed with education. But what if kids didn’t have the opportunity to gain an education? Would that be a gift or a burden? For a kid coming from lots of conflict, poverty, and oppression, education may be neither a gift nor a burden. So the text that answers the question above is “Nervous Conditions” by Tsitsi Dangarembga. This is told from the perspective of a young...
2 Pages 828 Words

Essay on 'Five Faces of Oppression' by Iris Young Summary

In her article Five Faces of Oppression, Iris Young provides an explanation of the term oppression as used by new left social movements in the United States, and consequently, its meaning. In this paper, I will summarize exploitation as one of five faces of oppression that Young uses to comprehensively and universally define whether a social group is oppressed or not. I will also summarize one of her exploitation arguments regarding women's oppression. I will discuss an objection that could...
2 Pages 854 Words

Essay on Oprah Winfrey Products and Services

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, is a book taken by Oprah to make a movie in which she completely changes. Some many differences between the book and the movie consist of symbolism and Janie going from weak to stronger in the movie. More changes made by Oprah also consist of Janie and Teacake's relationship and the deleted scenes. Oprah takes a book, makes a movie out of it, and twists it completely. The way Oprah changed...
2 Pages 829 Words

Essay on Picasso Blue Period

Pablo Picasso was born in October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Andalusia. Both sides of the family traced aristocratic lineage, but any greatness had faded by the time Pablo came along, and his father (Jose Ruiz Y Blasco) earned a modest living teaching drawing from Malaga Art School. Pablo was a budding artist who had been unwilling to study anything else. The earliest of his surviving drawings and paintings are those of a very competent child, comprising scenes of bullfights and...
2 Pages 834 Words

Essay on Michael Jackson 'Man in the Mirror' Meaning

Our society is often known to ignore others who may not fit the stereotypical criteria but do we have the right “to be blind?” How about all those starving children on the streets? Only a handful of people in the whole world would pretend to see “their needs”, are you one of them? The King of Pop questions the meaning of personal identity upon self-reflection and responsibility through his legendary “anthem”, Man in the Mirror. Personal identities are developed from...
2 Pages 849 Words

Essay on How Did Pablo Picasso Impact the World

Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973. During his life, he was a painter, sculptor, ceramics artist, printmaker, etching artist, and writer. During this time there were also two world wars happening whilst he was raising his four children. Although he lived the majority of his life in France, Picasso was Spanish by birth. Growing up in the town of Målaga in Andalusia, Spain, he was the first-born of Don José Ruiz y Blasco and María Picasso...
2 Pages 871 Words

Essay on Corruption in 'Hamlet'

Corruption of the ones that are in power is known to have a huge toll on a nation, but many do not talk about its effects on the higher-ups that are in opposition to the corruption. People have debated whether or not corruption has had a significant effect on Hamlet from the Shakespearian play of the same name. The reasons for the significant effects of Hamlet stem from the corruption causing him to be cautious around almost everyone. The reasons...
2 Pages 874 Words

The Namesake' Compare and Contrast Essay

Comparative Analysis of Two Characters in The Namesake This paper is all about a comparison between two characters of the novel by Jhumpa Lahiri, The Namesake. We are going to compare how the author paints these characters with other characters in the novel. Gogol Nikhil, who is the main character, and his mother, Ashami are the center of this analysis. The choice of Gogol and Ashami is founded on contrasting thematic struggles inevitably depicted by the narrator. Gogol Nikhil is...
2 Pages 853 Words

Essay on Did Forrest Gump Have Autism

Lieutenant Dan exhibits clear symptoms of anxiety disorder. As expressed on top of, the initial trigger may be a traumatic expertise that he couldn't overcome. In Lieutenant Dan’s case, this trigger are often argued to be one amongst 2 things. The primary is that he was shot, injured, and then, incapacitated as a results of his fight within the war. As a result of he came therefore about to death and was therefore severely slashed, he might not are able...
2 Pages 826 Words

Essay on What Are Invasive Species

As time goes by, we seem to become more and more aware of our surroundings. We start to understand the world around us and our place in society, especially the link between us and nature. Nature holds a very fragile place in the world and must hold a balance with modern society. But what happens when this delicate balance is thrown off? Invasive species (as understood from its name) are invaders of nature. They can take over anything they are...
2 Pages 864 Words

Essay on Conflict in 'Macbeth'

Introduction: The play Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tragic and darkness-themed play that illustrates internal conflict within characters and paranoia. In this passage, we can see how Shakespeare tries to convey to the audience how Lady Macbeth is trying to manipulate Macbeth’s actions into the dark, which is the main theme of the play. Shakespeare uses a variety of sophisticated words and techniques to display Lady Macbeth’s anger and frustration with Macbeth. Lady Macbeth tries to force Macbeth into...
2 Pages 870 Words

Essay on Propaganda under a Dictatorship

Throughout literature, there’s always going to be a villain in the story. In Julia Alvarez’s, “In the Time of the Butterflies”, villainy is shown to only one character whose actions were brutal and sinning. Rafael Trujillo, or “El Jefe”, is well known in Dominican History as he is portrayed as the antagonist in the novel. It is displayed with his totalitarianism that he is powerful enough to “own his country” without any hesitation. Trujillo’s villainy illustrates his dictatorship as he...
2 Pages 871 Words

Body Image of Dancers Essay

An ideal female ballet dancer will have large eyes, a long neck, long legs, a flexible back, a flat chest, lean muscles, lots of hip rotation, and a high instep. The catch is that most of these factors are completely or almost completely genetic or possibly forced. This very specific and rarely natural image is perceived as the only correct image by ballet directors who hold an enormous amount of power over young aspiring ballerinas whom they pressure so much...
2 Pages 858 Words

Cruelty to Animals in Circuses Essay

Circuses are one of the best-known attractions for people. But it’s important to know the truth about entertainment that this causes. Thanks to animals, circuses and their owners gather a lot of money, and it's not because of their beauty. The reason people attend the circus it’s because of the acts of the animals, without asking us about their care, if they eat well, or the love and affection they receive. No one notices the suffering of these animals that...
2 Pages 846 Words
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