900 Word Essay Examples

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Writing a 900-word essay is a common task assigned to students in various educational institutions, including colleges, schools, and universities. This type of essay typically spans three pages, considering that the standard page consists of approximately 275-300 words. Whether a high school student or pursuing higher education, ...

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Social Issues

Essay on How Have Gender Roles Changed Throughout History

“Gender roles are a social construct. When we attempt to assign strengths and weaknesses to either gender, we cut our potential as the human race in half”. For a long time, civilizations have had traditional roles set for men and women. Interestingly gender relations have always been a part of the human race and changed throughout time. Until the nineteenth century, those set normal roles have become more fluid and continued to grow. Discussing the ideologies of gender equality, gender...
2 Pages 918 Words

Why You Deserve a Nursing Scholarship Essay

More than ever before, I am highly motivated and prepared to take on the course of Learning Disability Nursing at your reputable University. I am passionate and best positioned to function effectively in this role, given my strong interest in nursing and care service provision. My passion is supported by my progressive qualifications that fit the requirements and the extensive experiences that I have accrued over the recent years in the nursing sphere. With over 7 years of work experience...
2 Pages 928 Words

Essay on 'The Tell Tale Heart' Theme

A key theme of the short story is mental health. The narrator struggles with his sanity. He begins by asking the reader directly, 'How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story.' this then leads into a paragraph that essentially says that he is going to kill an old man with a fierce eye, described as a vulture eye, that has done nothing wrong to him aside from have an...
2 Pages 939 Words

Essay on Saudi Arabia Gender Roles

Rights are things that an individual is/should be legally or morally allowed to do/have. Various countries allow little/ no rights to women, one of those countries is Saudi Arabia. Women not having many rights in Saudi Arabia has been practiced for over many centuries. This essay will discuss women’s rights in Saudi Arabia regarding gender discrimination. Saudi Arabia is commonly known for its strict moral values and customs regarding religion and women. Gender discrimination is a global conflict, but it...
2 Pages 891 Words

Essay on Cultural Observation

According to Parker (2005) ethnography “documents the daily life of a person or community ”. Ethnography describes the ideologies, behaviors, relationships, and contextual factors of the people and communities (Lofland, 2002; Wolcott, 1999). Hence, the researcher's intention in this study was to describe Filipino values amid the current pandemic. Ultimately this study aims to develop an in-depth understanding of Filipino values, specifically how COVID-19 affected the family relations of Filipinos. Although the core element of ethnography is studying people and...
2 Pages 917 Words

Essay on How Did Mother Teresa Impact the World

Anjez Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, or Mother Teresa as she is now known around the world, was a key figure in the Catholic Church both during her lifetime and after her death. She was appreciated by Christians and non-Christians alike for her work in alleviating poverty and assisting the downtrodden in Calcutta's worst neighborhoods. Her trophy case is brimming with medals ranging from the Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize to the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, reinforcing her reputation as a tireless advocate...
2 Pages 949 Words

Essay on 'In Cold Blood' Rhetorical Devices

Does a man who brutally murdered four humans-for the sole reason that he had the power to-deserve any ounce of sympathy? “In Cold Blood”, Truman Capote uses “pathos” to appeal to the emotions of the readers about the two murderers, Perry Smith and Richard Hickock. Capote certainly sympathizes with and portrays one of the cold-blooded murderers in a positive light and portrays the other murderer as a despicable and disgusting human being. For instance, Capote utilizes righteous and simple diction...
2 Pages 926 Words

Essay on Figurative Language in 'The Alchemist'

The book begins with an introduction by the author. While it is not part of the actual story, it is worth looking into because it describes the author’s thoughts and comments on his success and the true meaning of the book and its application to his life. The Prologue introduces the alchemist and tells a new version of the Greek story of Narcissus. The reader still may not have any idea what the book is going to be about, but...
2 Pages 928 Words

Essay on 'The Awakening' Themes

The Awakening is a novel with the really helpful useful resource of Kate Chopin, first posted in 1822, set in New Orleans and the Southern Louisiana coast at the cease of the nineteenth Century. The plot amenities spherical Edna Pontellier and her struggle to reconcile her an growing vary of unorthodox view on femininity and motherhood with the prevailing social kingdom of mind of the flip of the century. The novel is one of the earliest American novels that focuses...
2 Pages 941 Words

Essay on Universal Healthcare in Japan

Healthcare in Japan is mostly considered to be a universal type of healthcare. Universal healthcare means that medical treatment for Japanese citizens is provided and paid for. This system is accessible to all citizens, as well as non-Japanese citizens staying in Japan for more than a year. This is quite different from healthcare in the United States, however, there are a few similarities. The biggest difference between and Japan’s healthcare and the United States is that America has healthcare is...
2 Pages 924 Words

Rogerian Argument Essay about Technology in Schools

Many adults like to focus on the cons of technology and how it’s not good for the new generations to be spending so much time on it. They especially always talk about how technology should be banned at school and then further go into their ranting process about this subject as if technology is evil. But, have they ever thought about how the usage of technology in schools is helping in many ways? Technology is helping many students in the...
2 Pages 884 Words

Essay on Setting of '1984'

Books are often a way of communication from author to reader. The dystopian society portrayed in 1984 by George Orwell is one of the multifarious settings in many fictional and historical fictional pieces of literature. This genre uses a form of social order propagandized as utopian despite the extreme flaws beneath the surface of the attempts to make the perfect society. Although these plots are fabricated through the author's imagination, they are often based off of historical events, composed of...
2 Pages 941 Words

Essay on Maya Angelou 'New Directions'

When people undertake a mission, there are many dangerous and unpredictable risks. Goals are statements in people’s lives and what they want to achieve. For example, Annie Johnson established a store to support her children while starting with nothing. Ernesto Galarza came to America to try and learn English. Cap accepted the risk of traveling down a long and dangerous path to cremate Sam McGee. All these people accomplished several things that impacted the other people. There are different types...
2 Pages 905 Words

Essay on My Future in Mechanical Engineering

The reason for writing this statement of purpose ​is to place forth my aspiration to pursue my career through a Master in Mechanical Engineering at Hochschule Düsseldorf University and also a description of my plans beyond my graduation. In this fast-changing world of Engineering and Technology, the passing day makes them obsolete, I would like to realize the very best level of education and transcend a new scope for analysis in Mechanical Engineering. This has forever fascinated me so I...
2 Pages 918 Words

Essay on 'The Fall of the House of Usher' Characters

What is Life? There is no clear-cut definition for it. Many people have their definition of what life is and the majority think that happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence, and death is the complete opposite of it because it brings pain and fear. While death is inevitable but not the goal of man Poe Allen illustrates the fear and pain death brings out in people and how it...
2 Pages 932 Words

Essay on Physical Education Equipment

Case Study This study that was conducted is about the conditions the equipment and facilities in athletics, intramural programs, and physical education are in. From the study that was conducted, four trends emerged. The four trends are as follows: 1. In comparison with the 14 equipment cases, the larger number of 60 facility cases is significant, 2. The number of reported cases based on the doctrine of governmental immunity did not decrease through the years, as was anticipated, but remained...
2 Pages 910 Words

Essay on How Is 'The Tell Tale Heart' in Romanticism

Romanticism was an artistic movement created in the 18th century in which writers were encouraged to adulate emotion, imagination, free thinking, the supernatural, mystery, optimism, and love. This period produced the most impeccable place for author, Edgar Allen Poe. Poe constructs a chilling and sinister tone through his writing to generate suspense and frighten the reader. He desired to make the reader feel uneasy and fearful from deep within. Poe stood out among other Romantic authors in terms of occult...
2 Pages 893 Words

Theme of Madness in 'Hamlet' Essay

Identity is a fickle thing it could lead you in a straight path through life or lead you to your death. Shakespeare creates doubt in both his play Hamlet and the character Hamlet in regard to identity through a form of self-referentiality. Shakespeare, the author himself, struggles with his identity that ultimately affects the identity of the play. Hamlet’s hamartia is the fact that he does not fit into masculine stereotypes and expresses more feminine qualities. The pull between both...
2 Pages 903 Words

Essay on 'Never Let Me Go' Art

Our cloned future. Has the arrival of a new science era created ethical anxiety about cloning? What is Fear? Is it an emotion; thought or perhaps an illusion? This week's ‘New Scientist’ will explore the value of human life, or rather, a cloned human life by examining two different texts. Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and Michael Bay’s “The Island” explore various social thoughts about modern society. Senior reporter Alen Abraham is here to investigate the author’s and director’s...
2 Pages 877 Words

Essay on 'A Rose for Emily' Point of View Analysis

A Rose For Emily Diagnostic. The title holds a powerful significance for the story as it represents and foreshadows features of the main character Emily’s life story. A rose is frequently symbolized as love, therefore, maybe the rose can be linked to Emily’s love life or her aspiration for love. Nevertheless, Emily can be identified as a depiction of the thorniness of a rose due to her arrogant appearance and her isolating lifestyle. Additionally, like a thorny rose, she displays...
2 Pages 892 Words

Essay on 'In Cold Blood': Nature Vs Nurture

While “nature” refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence people, “nurture” refers to all the environmental variables that impact people including early childhood experiences, social relationships, and culture. Truman Capote’s nonfiction novel, In Cold Blood, gives the reader an opportunity to see examples of how nature and nurture influence one’s character. Capote introduces two criminals to the reader; Richard Eugene Hickock (Dick) and Perry Edward Smith. Although both Perry and Dick have certainly different childhoods and...
2 Pages 938 Words

Essay on Is Lady Macbeth Guilty

Director Matt Edgerton writes ‘Great plays provoke us they disturb and confront us’. Macbeth continues to have relevance to audiences today because … of the universal themes that are still relevant today. Two of the biggest themes in the plays are the corrupting power of the unchecked ambition and guilt and remorse. Both can be found widely across our current generation and therefore makes it painfully obvious as to why Macbeth is still relevant to society as we know it....
2 Pages 913 Words

Essay on Is 'Trifles' a Feminist Play

Feminist criticism is concerned with 'how literature reinforces or undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women'(Tyson). This school of theory looks at how our culture is inherently patriarchal and struggles to reveal males' biased writing against women. Therefore, many women rose to fight a patriarchal society that gave roles to each of its members. The main roles: are political, productive, social, and reproductive. Women were only briefly part of the social role and were mainly given the...
2 Pages 924 Words

Essay on 'In Cold Blood' Setting

Truman Capote had a very good reputation, as he was an established actor, screenwriter, novelist, and various other titles. This reputation gave him the publicity and credibility needed to make a book that the general public would actually care about. “In Cold Blood” is based on the actual story of the Clutter family murders. Upon hearing about the murders, Capote decided to leave NYC and head to the crime scene. He went to the crime scene with his friend Harper...
2 Pages 885 Words

Social Discrimination Essay

Discrimination remains a pervasive and deeply rooted issue in contemporary society. Despite significant advancements in the fight against discrimination, various forms of prejudice and bias persist, undermining the principles of equality, justice, and respect for human rights. This essay critically examines the state of discrimination today, exploring its manifestations, impacts, and the urgent need for concerted efforts to combat it. One prominent form of discrimination that continues to plague societies worldwide is racial discrimination. People of color often face unequal...
2 Pages 939 Words

Virtual Reality: Ethics Essay

According to the narrative, an article revealed that an F&J device is a form of addictive technology. From a utilitarian viewpoint, it is clear that this MR technology will increase the revenues of the company while causing addiction. This business strategy is ethically wrong. On the other hand, utilitarianism makes it ethically sound for the parent to accept the monetary offer from the manufacturers of F&J. This is because; the financial gains from this offer will help him afford the...
2 Pages 929 Words

Essay on Child Labour Jobs in the Industrial Revolution

Poetry has been used to convey feelings and emotions since 1200 BCE. It’s an art which encourages us to see things differently and transports us beyond the page, into mindscapes that teach us about ourselves. I’m Alice Walker, and you’re listening to the Open Learning Podcast, where in our first episode of The Literature Round Table today, we will be discussing the inspiring world of Poetry. We will be examining the exquisite mind of William Blake (1757-1827), an English poet...
2 Pages 936 Words

Essay on Mechanical Engineering Design

Okello Joseph Moses Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Kyambogo University, The knowledge acquired from schools and colleges, to me, I believe is not merely an Education but rather the means to Education. It is through this belief that fundamentally drives my search for more knowledge, the obvious direction being curiosity toward exploration. My greatest memories during my primary school life time were some of the social challenges like walking long distances to school, poor community roads, and a remote...
2 Pages 942 Words

Essay on Traditional Shopping

We are the internet generation, surrounded by smartphones and social media. A study has been carried out in the US, where people spend time on their phones roughly 5 hours a day. According to Nie & Erbing in the year 2000, they found that the more we use the Internet the less time we spend with “real people” (Nie and Erbring, 2000). True, We tend to spend more of our time on social media such as Instagram and Twitter than...
2 Pages 898 Words

Gender Inequality in Shakespeare's 'Much Ado about Nothing' Essay

The erosion of traditional gender ideologies is expedited by William Shakespeare’s comedy Much Ado About Nothing which exposes the role of truth and gender during the Elizabethan Era. With extensive literature on the role of women at this time, the controversial rise of the unruly female has a central impact on audiences, Elizabethan and modern alike. Under strain was the traditional feminine ideology of a passive, silent, gentle, and submissive woman, and with Queen Elizabeth I manifesting an ambiguous female-male...
2 Pages 944 Words
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