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Social Issues

Essay on Picasso Cubism

At a young age, Pablo Picasso was recognized for his realistic techniques. During his adolescence, he had a gift of creating likenesses as he had the urge to grasp at every aspect of not only his facial features but of those who were most familiar models during this time such as his father and younger sister, in which he used to explore the limits of resemblance between his own family. In Paris, the formation of Cubism was originally practiced and...
2 Pages 918 Words

Online Shopping Essay

Nowadays, online shopping has become very common with the young generation and even with the elder generations. Because of the rapid development of technology, online shopping has developed its abilities exceedingly. When concerning any topic, there will always be pros and cons for almost everyone, and so will online shopping. There is a lot to mention about the pros here. You can easily find price comparisons of any product you purchase, no sales pressure happens here, can easily find varieties of...
2 Pages 903 Words

Essay on Propaganda Devices

”Propaganda is indifferent to truth and truthfulness, knowledge, and understanding; it is a form of strategic communication that uses any means to accomplish its ends” -Walter Cunningham Propaganda is primarily used in today's newspapers, television, and most common social media. However, propaganda has been used in the past at major historical events, such as WW1. Aside from today's technology, we can notice how propaganda was used in art, music, and posters. It is the same thought, the same idea, and...
2 Pages 896 Words

The Bluest Eye' Essay on Beauty

The standard of beauty has changed throughout the years, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is how women have been forced to conform to the standards set by the media. “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison was set in the 1940s, a time when white beauty standards deformed the lives of black women. Upon googling the 1940’s images it can be seen that the majority of the pictures were white women and very few were black women. The basis...
2 Pages 896 Words

Essay on Mechanical Engineering

My copious exposure to the disciplines of mechanical engineering and the learning accrued throughout my undergrad program has left me with no doubt that pursuing a master’s program in the same is the best way forward to further my vocational aspirations to groom myself as a qualified mechanical engineer and contribute in my capacity towards the rapidly changing Indian manufacturing industry. I unfailingly pursued my studies in a diligent fashion which aided me in procuring an overall aggregate of 80%...
2 Pages 922 Words

Essay on Canada's Universal Healthcare

Purpose: Compared to other nations Canadians are vastly overpaying for their drugs and many citizens are unable to afford critical medicine. The purpose of this briefing note is to outline the current state of the pharmaceutical industry in Canada and provide recommendations that would enhance the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceuticals. Background: In the 1960s, when universal single-payer healthcare was introduced in Canada, pharmaceuticals played a small role in the healthcare process and consequentially conversations about universal drug coverage were...
2 Pages 941 Words

Organ Donation Is a Gift of Life Essay

The best gift you will ever give costs nothing 1,000 people on the organ transplant list die each year, but one signature could save up to eight of them. Would you forward your signature? Could you imagine your life taking a turn for the worse and being one of them? It can happen to anyone unexpectedly. If you are one of the unfortunate or someone you love, you could be waiting a couple of days in an emergency, but if...
2 Pages 906 Words

Body Image Cause and Effect Essay

Body image is defined by health professional Carla Rice as, “an individual's experience of his or her body. It refers to the mental picture a person had of his or her body as well as the individual’s associated thoughts, feelings, judgments, sensations, awareness, and behavior” (“Body Image”). Body image is developed through interactions with people and the social world. It alters across lifespans in response to adjusting feedback from the environment. Body image in young teens is greatly influenced by...
2 Pages 894 Words

What Effects Does Birth Control Have on Women Essay

For the past two centuries, the form of oral contraception has seen a rise in popularity with the differing views on the pill's significance. Whether it be said that the pill has shown many positive benefits, the dangers of this form of contraception must remain known. Birth control is a negatively viewed drug that does more damage than good to society as a whole. Birth control is an unnecessary medical practice that gives women a bad stigma, causes major side...
2 Pages 921 Words

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime' Essay on Isolation

The problems society might face daily could be the cause of people coming together to understand other situations and relate to them. Empathy has many aspects on how it can be shown towards others. Being an empathetic person means you can understand the way another person might be feeling, and why they might feel that way. Texts such as “Night” and “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' help build empathy toward situations that are different than their...
2 Pages 882 Words

Essay on Positive Impacts of European on Native American

Impacts of Spanish Exploration The Age of Exploration aka Age of Discovery was the period when the European nations instigated exploring the world. It began in the 1400s and continued through the 1600s to improve the economy by acquiring gold and better trading routes, aspired to spread their religion (Christianity), and hoped for their country to accomplish global recognition by discovering new land (Weber, 2000). In short, the European's primary motive was the 3Gs: Gold, god, and glory. They discovered...
2 Pages 910 Words

Essay on Dystopian Propaganda

In today’s society, we are always striving to make our world a better place. Many texts and films have been created to depict a utopian world that enables people to explore and experience the perfect society anyone could wish for. However, aiming to establish a utopian society can lead to a dystopia, as we may feel inclined to take drastic measures such as censorship, surveillance, and control to keep us safe, but is also an invasion of privacy and a...
2 Pages 909 Words

Organ Donation: Persuasive Essay

Every day twenty- two people die waiting for an organ donation. An inmate’s request to donate organs should not be denied but accepted to reduce this number. Death row inmates should be allowed to donate their organs to help reduce the number of people waiting for a donation on the transplant list. Allowing inmates to donate organs gives them an outlet to try and repay society for their crimes. “Since 2011, there have been 208 inmates executed on death row....
2 Pages 889 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns' Essay: Dialectical Journal

A Thousand Splendid Suns Dialectical Journal 1 Pages 1-73 In the story, “A Thousand Splendid Suns” Khaled Hosseini tells a depressing story that follows Mariam, an accident of a rich businessman and his servant’s affair. Mariam lives just outside Herat with her bitter mother, Nana in a divided family where she is visited by her father, Jalil Khan, once a week, telling her stories about living in Herat. Nana is despite Jalil banishing her for their affair, teaching Mariam how...
2 Pages 948 Words

Persuasive Speech on Birth Control

There were many obstacles that modern birth control went through before it was available to the public. There is a great amount of history on birth control, it was considered a sin by religious leaders, there were laws in place, and people such as doctors went to jail for advising women on birth control. In the 19th century, there were restrictions on the release of information about birth control and serious consequences. In the 20th century, there was a battle...
2 Pages 901 Words

Essay Review on 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'

Overview of film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is about a boy who learns on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and holds exceptional magical powers of his own. He is asked to become a student at Hogwarts which is a boarding school for wizards. At Hogwarts, he meets several friends who become his closest supporters and help him discover the truth about his parents' unexplained death. Film techniques Film techniques used...
2 Pages 949 Words

Essay on Jalil in 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'

Following Hosseini’s original best-selling novel The Kite Runner, a novel exploring the journey of self-discovery of a young boy named Amir, A Thousand Splendid Suns pictures the stories of Mariam and Laila, two young women who live in the country of women and face heavy discrimination for being women throughout the novel. The country of Afghanistan is portrayed as a conservative country with traditional attitudes regarding the roles and images of both women and men in society. Unlike the common...
2 Pages 940 Words

Essay on Why Consumerism Is Bad

One definition of consumerism is the obsession with acquiring more and more things. For most of us, consumerism or the practice of acquiring things is just a part of life, just trying to 'keep up with the Joneses,' so to speak. After all, why shouldn't we have the things we want in the amounts that we want them? Also from an economic standpoint, many believe that consumerism is a good thing. Those who are in favor of consumerism believe the...
2 Pages 905 Words

Essay on Utilitarianism Ethics

In business ethics, moral guidelines are used to help people make the right decisions in organizations and utilitarianism ultimately provides the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people and these rules help that to be followed through. Utilitarianism provides the best approach as we know that utilitarianism is a teleological theory and looks at whether the ends justify the means and provide the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. For example, if this...
2 Pages 942 Words

Essay on What Does Dance Mean to You

There’s a picture of me from 5th grade, the day I got my leotard, tights, and ballet shoes. I stood in what I thought was a ballet pose and smiled the biggest smile. I still cringe every time I look at that picture, due to my horrendous posture and position, but I also smile because that was the start of my love for dance. For 5 to 6 years, I loved and got excited about dance class. My mom would...
2 Pages 892 Words

Essay on Dance Communication

Dance is not the invention of man, since animals dance too. In origin, dancing is a purely physiological action, the ordered and more or less rhythmic expression of an impulse of movement. On November 16, 2019, an exchange between the dance clubs of Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Dance Derivatives (DDZ) and Singapore Institute of Management’s Dream Werkz (DWZ) was conducted in the form of a friendly competition and showcase. This event was called Ignition Vol. 2.0, the second...
2 Pages 944 Words

Essay on 'Animal Farm' Propaganda

Animal Farm by George Orwell, was first published in England on 17 August 1945. It is primarily known for having a satirical allegory tone and so later used to make live-action animatronics in 1999, a movie in the 'Kids & Family, Drama' genre, directed by John Stephenson and produced by Greg Smith. The story illustrates a group of farm animals who have high hopes to create a society where they can live with equality, freedom, and happiness, thus they made...
2 Pages 928 Words

Essay on Gender, Class and Terrorism

Background: Study of terrorism is growing and portrayal of terrorism in media, motivation and recruitment processes, individual agency and environmental enablers are different factors within a terrorist organization that have been extensively studied. However, as most terrorist activities were undertaken by men, the studies inadvertently produced results that are relevant to men. Women also contribute to political violence and terrorism but a detailed and gendered study of terrorism looking at women and the role they play is lacking. Method: In...
1 Page 935 Words

Essay on Interracial Adoption Debate

Many people think that one child will not change the world, however, the world can change that one child. No matter how the child ends up in a loving family, that child will forever be grateful for that opportunity. It can sometimes be problematic for a child who is growing up in a family where there are racial differences, however, a family who is determined to create an enriched living environment for their child will create a world of differences...
1 Page 927 Words

Essay on Eagle Scout Court of Honour Speech

Is there a true way to define oneself? How can someone who is constantly changing be defined for any period? These questions were the first to come into my mind when the assignment was proposed. I tried defining myself then and I found out that without the ability to tune out the world, there is no way to have only one definition. Therefore, I believe that there is a way to define 'self' but that definition is not meant to...
1 Page 924 Words

Of Mice and Men' Essay Comparing Movie and Book

Steinbeck focuses on the theme of loneliness to describe the lives of people at the ranch during the 30s. He applies this theme to three characters in the story, Crooks, Curley’s Wife, and Candy. All three of these characters show a theme of conquering loneliness. We see this transpire through all three characters. Of mice and men we are introduced to some very unique characters. Steinbeck designed some of these characters to have a very depressed or lonely demeanor and...
1 Page 945 Words

Materialism Essay on 'Fight Club'

The first support group that Jack joined was for people diagnosed with testicular cancer. These groups are the lone way the narrator is capable of getting any sleep. By visiting various support groups for people with terminal illnesses, and assuming false identities, he can find a sense of belonging that is otherwise missing in his life. This specific support group is a place in which he feels sheltered and where he can let go of his emotions and connect, Jack...
1 Page 923 Words

Social Justice Argumentative Essay

People have different ways to define social justice. There has never been a well-defined line that distinguishes social justice and social injustice. Every person has their reasons for standing for what they perceive to be the truth. Their reasons may be drawn from personal experiences or factual discoveries. However, it all comes to a personal level on how people relate to each other and discover their justice and injustice. The paper provides an analysis of the aspect that everyone deserves...
1 Page 911 Words

Why I Like Drama Essay

 There are a lot of famous dramas in Japan, and many people enjoy watching them. When I was in elementary school, some dramas led to the sales of many celebrities. And also there were so many masterpieces that it was said to be the golden age of the drama. I was a prisoner of drama at that time. Among them, there is an impressive drama that I still remember. The drama's name is “99 Days of me with a star”....
1 Page 920 Words

Pros and Cons of Vaccines Essay

In simple terms, a vaccine is a harmless version of a disease-causing bacteria or viruses that are injected into humans or animals. They cause the body to produce antibodies, which are defense proteins, against diseases. The medical definition of a vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living unattenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that are administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease. Vaccines have become a highly controversial topic in today’s society. In the...
1 Page 892 Words
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