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Essay on Post World War 2 Literature: Portrayal of Warfare and Massive Destruction by Seamus Heaney

Two world wars, an intervening economic depression of great severity, and the austerity of life in Britain following the Second World War help to explain the quality and direction of English literature in the 20th century. The traditional values of Western civilization, which the Victorians had only begun to question, came to be questioned seriously by a number of new writers, who saw society breaking down around them. Traditional literary forms were often discarded, and new ones succeeded one another...
2 Pages 922 Words

Comparing Cultural Values Represented in Gilgamesh and Ramayana: Contrastive Essay

As growing up, we tend to learn a few values about life and the history behind it from others. Cultural values are beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment that is hereditary and forms a core for that culture, which include gender roles, leadership qualities, family ties and honor. The cultural values hold a dominant meaning to it and sometimes challenging to change because they are embedded and remain in memories of others...
2 Pages 927 Words

Nervous Conditions As a Semi-autobiographical Story: Analytical Essay

Tsitsi Dangarembga‘s Nervous Conditions is a semi-autobiographical account on the story of Tambu’s experiences growing up as a woman in Rhodesia, in modern day Zimbabwe. The story begins after her brother’s death, expressing her lack of grieving over it. Her parents had sent her brother to school but did not have enough money to send her to school as well. While selling vegetables in an attempt to pay for her own education, she is offered ten pounds to pay for...
2 Pages 881 Words

Critical Analysis of The Peninsula by Seamus Heaney

There are other mentions of nature, for instance: “The sky” (v3), “sea and hill” (v6), “that rock” (v10), “The leggy birds” (v11), and “Water and ground” (v16). Nature is important in this poem, “breakers shredded into rags” (v10), breakers are heavy waves which become white foam. (Wikipedia) This is really inspiring for the narrator. A lot of his poems are including natural elements, for instance, in “Personal Helicon”, the reference to the Helicon Mountain shows that Heaney is very close...
2 Pages 932 Words

My Educational Philosophy: Implementation of Pragmatism in Education

The real purpose of education is to build an environment with people enthusiastic to learn more every day because they not only feel they are obligated to but because they are interested. The purpose of education is to introduce new information to students while encouraging them to discover more on their own. The role of educators in this is to make students realize that education goes beyond knowledge from books. It is making students ready for life outside of school....
2 Pages 943 Words

Effects of News Media: Analysis of The Onion

Effects of News Media Imagining I am a news editor, I will respond to an online discussion thread regarding how information media has affected American culture. Does the information media have social responsibility? If yes, in what ways? If not, why not? Stemming back from our Founding Fathers, the news media was deemed the fourth branch of the government. This allowed journalists to report freely without government censorship. Hence, freedom of the press. From this, the press would be able...
2 Pages 946 Words

Importance of Having Good Standards to Implement Ethics in Everyday Life: Opinion Essay

Ethics Ethics depends on well-established guidelines of good and bad that endorse what people should do, for the most part regarding rights, commitments, advantages to society, reasonableness, or explicit temperance. A few philosophers thought of 'goodness' as something 'normal' to people. From their point of view, doing good things is the thing that we normally do on the off chance that we are raised appropriately by our folks. Obviously 'appropriately' has numerous understandings. However, the facts confirm that a large...
2 Pages 934 Words

Class Consciousness in The Sons and Lovers: Analytical Essay

David Herbert Lawrence was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of great works, one of his most prominent novel, Sons and Lovers, is considered by many critics as an autobiographical account of his youth that captures the class conciseness through Morel's disharmonious family situation. The author develops the story by portraying class conflicts between a lot of characters, especially the different choices and expectations of the characters which will be the prime...
2 Pages 878 Words

Expectations, Differences of Choices and Striking Reality: An Analysis of Sons and Lovers

Introduction David Herbert Lawrence was an important and controversial English writer of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of great works, one of his most prominent novel, Sons and Lovers, is an autobiographical account of his youth that captures the Morel’s disharmonious family situation. The author develops the story by portraying the relationship between a lot of characters, especially the different choices and expectations of the characters which will be the prime concern of this paper. Though much of...
2 Pages 949 Words

Sense of Condemnation of Society in the Poem the Garden by Andrew Marvell

Andrew Marvell was a renowned Metaphysical poet, politician, and satirist. He was the son of a clergyman and was born in Winestead-in- Holderness. He was a tutor to the daughter of Lord Fairfax and wrote the best poems during this season. Marvell was a friend of Milton and protected him from the royals. He was the Member of Parliament for Hull from 1659 until he died. 'The Garden' is one of the most complex poems with a blend of passion...
2 Pages 914 Words

Rhetorical Analysis for “Called Out” by Barbara Kingsolver

An American novelist, poet, and activist once said: “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful”. The author’s purpose in writing this essay was to inform and inspire some sort of appreciation for flowers and nature. Kingsolver effectively used figurative language, technical language, and connotation in “Called Out” to inform and inspire appreciation. The author uses many different types of figurative language throughout the text in hopes...
2 Pages 927 Words

Equilibrium of Love in Robert Frost’s “Fire and Ice” and Pearl Jam’s “Black”: Comparative Analysis

One of the greatest comparisons to poetry would be considered music. Music is a different form of poetry being in motion. Poetry is an interpreted text since it has many meanings to different readers. Likewise, music has the same power on listeners. These artistic mediums provide an audience with a way to perceive ideas in different ways. Robert Frost’s “Fire and Ice” project similar meaning as Pearl Jam’s “Black.” Both the poem and song share similarities such as theme, irony,...
2 Pages 878 Words

Critical Analysis of the Roles of the Knights and the Samurai in Their Respective Societies

Knights and Samurai By Oliver Dudley-smith ‱ What were the roles of the knights and the samurai in their respective societies The knights started serving the king in the 9th century playing a massive role in society the main role being fighting and defending their king at war and betraying the chivalry. But during the times of piece, they participated in the feudal system living in an estate and had peasants working on the land. They were honored highly in...
2 Pages 920 Words

‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Vinegar Girl’: Comparative Analysis

Narratives which lampoon chauvinistic and misogynistic behaviour whilst simultaneously reaffirming their social validity, ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and ‘Vinegar Girl’ blur the distinction between parody and ideals. Constructed upon the backdrop of a strict renaissance gender hegemony and its leftovers of a similarly gender-driven hierarchy, William Shakespeare and Anne Tyler critique the perception of “Shrewishness” as a product of milieu and the personal transformation undergone by such a terminology’s oppression. The ways in which love and marriage are viewed...
2 Pages 924 Words

Literary Analysis of the Poem Red Rose by Robert Burns

This commentary provides an analysis of the poem a red red rose written by Robert Burns, a Scottish poet, and lyricist. This poem, first published in 1794, explores the speaker's deep love for his beloved and how it will last forever even when everything else is gone. This commentary will start by looking at literary devices featured in the poem. It will then go onto exploring possible different readings of the poem as well as possible cultural assumptions made. I...
2 Pages 934 Words

Business in the 1950s: Analytical Essay

Business in the 1950s “Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. That’s not just a catchy slogan. It’s the very essence of successful investing” (Ruth). This is a quote from J. Paul Getty an oilman, who was the richest individual in America in 1957. He founded the Getty Oil Company. His large business was very successful because of his smart investing habits. Smart techniques, workers, and the public fueled large and small businesses in...
2 Pages 896 Words

Metal Gear Solid 3: Case of Davy Crockett Warheads

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater When you see the words “A Hideo Kojima Game” on the cover of a video game or the beginning of a title, you know you're going to have an amazing time playing it. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is no exception to this rule and is arguably the best game in the entire Metal Gear series, maybe even of all of Kojima’s work. It has unique gameplay, phenomenal voice acting, and a well-written...
2 Pages 888 Words

Causes and Consequences of Cuban Revolution: Analytical Essay

During the 20th century, there were numerous political and social clashes among Cuba and its administration. The Cuban Revolution was led by the socialist head, Fidel Castro from 1953 to 1959. This occasion happened as a result to all the power Fidel Castro had increased; this power was sufficient to topple the oppressive pioneer of Cuba at the time, Fulgencio Batista. During the 1960s there were numerous contentions among Castro and Batista. Plainly the administration was entirely temperamental and that...
2 Pages 922 Words

Political, Economical and Social Analysis of 1950s

“People today understandably feel that their lives are out of balance, but they yearn for something totally new-a more equal distribution of work, family, and community time for both men and women, children and adults” Coontz states as she refers to how unlike we do now, the 50s did not offer equal right. It is often said that the 1950s were the golden age due to the opportunities given and high prosperity, but it is not always what it seemed...
2 Pages 895 Words

Impact of British Ruling and Wars on American Colonies: Analytical Essay

Under British rule, America underwent many changes which not only impacted its economy but also brought on a shift in culture and politics. Before the 1660s, the policies adopted by the British in ruling their American colonies were influenced by the politics of England. England’s domestic politics was characterized by instability in the 17th and 18th centuries and thus the policies adopted in the American colonies failed. In addition to this, the colonies were disoriented, and this prevented the establishment...
2 Pages 911 Words

Cosmological and Theological Themes in Divine Comedy: Analytical Essay

Many parts of the Divine Comedy feature cosmological and theological themes. A prime example of this is Canto 29. Here, Dante engages in biblical and theological interpretation about heaven, God, and hell. During his journey through Inferno, for example, Dante discovers the physical horror and the grotesque nature of Hell. At the opening of the Canto, Danta laments, “the many people and the divers wounds these eyes of mine has so inebriated that they were wishful to stand still and...
2 Pages 896 Words

Analysis of People's Reactions on Twilight and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Gabriel and Young (2011) tested the hypothesis that experiencing a narrative may lead to feeling like you took on the identity being depicted. For example, those that watch Harry Potter psychologically become wizards just like those that watch any movie or show about vampires psychologically become a vampire. This study used a correlational method because the researcher looked for associations among naturally occurring variables. Participants were 140 undergraduates (72 men, 68 women; 79% White; mean age was nineteen years. The...
2 Pages 917 Words

Link to Religion in Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift: Analytical Essay

To revisit that which I previously mentioned earlier within this essay, there is also an implicit critique of Catholicism within this misogynistic proposal, though the link to religion is particularly subtle in its ties to misogyny. Within the proposer’s narrative critiquing poor women with many children, this target of religion exists amidst Swift’s more explicitly anti-Catholic rhetoric, and it supports the stereotype that Catholic families are always large, given their religious views regarding childbirth and contraception. This itself is seemingly...
2 Pages 947 Words

Human Being for A Living: Critical Analysis of the Main Idea of A Modest Proposal

To normalize consuming the flesh of an organism from one's own species might be an exposition to the unceasing poverty. Jonathan Swift, an Irish author and a well-known satirist, wrote “A Modest Proposal”, published in the year 1729. His argument includes a proposition wherein children from the penurious families should be eaten to prevent being a burden to their parents. Swift begins to defend his purpose by writing his essay in a satirical way, or by using humor, exaggeration and...
2 Pages 894 Words

Cases of Mental Breakdown in“The Risk of Getting Bangs” by Kaitlyn Tiffany

The idea of getting therapy and actually working out your issues that you are battling are long gone. Nowadays, there is a much easier and cheaper method of taking care of your mental breakdowns and relieving some emotions. Cutting off the front of your hair is now the new craze and is the form of ultimate expression, to fix yourself and feel better - with a pair of scissors. Women giving themselves bangs has become a trend for all age...
2 Pages 913 Words

Nothing Gold Can Stay Analysis

Introduction about a poet: Robert Lee Frost was born in March 26, 1874 and died in January 29, 1963.He was an American poet, highly regarded for his realistic depiction of rural life and his command of spoken American. His works often draw the background of rural life in New England in the early 20th century and use them to study complex social and philosophical issues. A popular and often-quoted poet Frost was revered throughout his life and accepted four Pulitzer...
2 Pages 902 Words

Analytical Essay on Stroop Effect: Experiment on Reaction Time of Kids

Rationale My pilot study is going to be based on the Stroop effect. This test is to test is to see how well it works on kids and to see their reaction time. The Stroop effect was discovered by John Ridley Stroop in 1935. John Stroop found out that when a name of a colour is written in a different ink colour people take time to guess what colour is it. In other words, the Stroop effect is the delay...
2 Pages 917 Words

Contrast of Multi-store and Working Memory Model: Analytical Essay

Understanding memory still has a far way to go, many theories and studies have been investigated on how memories are stored in the brain. Storing and retrieving memories is described as a process. Many models have been suggested on how the memories are organized. As background, working memory occurs within a cycle. Memories begin by being encoded, then stored then finally retrieved. Encoding is the processing of information into the memory system, for example, by extracting meaning. The new information...
2 Pages 882 Words

Impact of Continental Drift on Areas of the World’s Major Landmasses: Analytical Essay

Abstract The study of geomorphology is an academic discipline related in explaining the earth’s surface and to understand the processes which create and modifies landforms. The geomorphology textbooks focusses on the detailed processes which takes places in the weathering of rocks and the transport of debris as landforms are created and destroyed. The global inspection reveals an imbalance of areas of lands and sea and almost infinite variation of shapes which illustrates the continental and oceanic areas. Geographers require the...
2 Pages 924 Words

Effect of a Group on Bystander Intervention: Analytical Essay

How does being in a group affect bystander intervention? Discuss with examples from relevant studies. Bystander impacts how people will react in a certain situation. I think it because our brain reaches maturity in a way that we should have priority first before anything else. For example, if an incident happened on a road, some people are going to the office or somewhere else, the hassle of helping it the number one thing to think. you will be held responsible....
2 Pages 904 Words
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