Characters Portrayals Of The Book Looking For Alaska

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Two of the main characters in the story, Miles ‘Pudge’ Halter, and Alaska Young, are vastly different. For two characters who are close friends, they are polar opposites. In the book, their friendship group has relied on loyalty and having one another’s back. Throughout the story, both characters proved that they are loyal and good friends, as often times Alaska took the fall for her friends, and Miles never ‘ratted’ anyone out.

Both Miles and Alaska are intelligent and have a strong presence, although their behavior is different. Miles is well-behaved and quiet, whilst Alaska is rebellious and unpredictable. Alaska comes from a troubled family, as her mum passed away when she was extremely young, which differs from Miles, since he had an average life back home, no family complications.

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Alaska is the main character in the book, and she is a unique character. She is quite rebellious and mysterious, with a troublesome past. While attending Culver Creek, she gets herself into a fair bit of trouble, but her erratic behavior is later explained by the loss of her mother at a young age. Despite this, Alaska is a caring friend who loves her friends, which is shown by her extreme loyalty and how she always has her friends’ backs. Alaska is adventurous and isn’t afraid to have fun, although sometimes in the book she is portrayed as grumpy and moody. She definitely seems like an extremely interesting person to be friends with, and I would consider being friends with her, although some of her actions throughout the story got her into trouble. Alaska has some great friendship qualities about her though, which leads me to think she would be a good friend to have by your side.

Alaska, ‘Pudge’ (Miles), ‘The Colonel’ (Chip), Takumi and Lara went on a weekend trip in a forest outside the school, and thought it would be good revenge to put blue hair dye in one of the ‘Weekday Warriors’ (students that go home on weekends) after they played a prank on Alaska. My prediction for the rest of the story is that something tragic is going to happen to one of the main characters. I predict one of the main characters, likely Alaska, is going to get caught and expelled from their school (Culver Creek Preparatory High) due to the prank they pulled.

Personally, ‘Looking for Alaska’ is a great book to read for teenagers to young adults. The book tackles mature and sensitive subjects throughout the course of reading. therefore, I wouldn’t recommend this book for anyone under the age of 13. I feel as if the target audience with this book was 14-18-year-old people, which is who I would recommend this book for. If you are sensitive to subjects such as suicide, I wouldn’t suggest this book, although it is a great eye-opener for me personally, especially the ending, and I think everyone should read it at least once.

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Characters Portrayals Of The Book Looking For Alaska. (2021, September 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Characters Portrayals Of The Book Looking For Alaska.” Edubirdie, 30 Sept. 2021,
Characters Portrayals Of The Book Looking For Alaska. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Characters Portrayals Of The Book Looking For Alaska [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 30 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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