Common Sense Media Review of "The Storks"

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"Storks" is a 2016 animated comedy film directed by Nicholas Stoller and Doug Sweetland. The movie takes a unique spin on the age-old legend of storks delivering babies, providing a contemporary and humorous take that appeals to both children and adults. Through vibrant animation and a star-studded voice cast including Andy Samberg, Katie Crown, Kelsey Grammer, and Jennifer Aniston, "Storks" offers a heartwarming and entertaining experience. This review delves into the various aspects of the film, exploring its themes, characters, humor, and overall impact, as evaluated by Common Sense Media, a platform dedicated to helping parents make informed decisions about their children's media consumption.

Common Sense Media highlights the film's central theme of family and the importance of understanding one's role within it. The story follows Junior (voiced by Andy Samberg), a delivery stork working for a global internet retail giant called, which has long since moved away from delivering babies to delivering packages. When an order for a baby accidentally gets processed, Junior and his human partner, Tulip (voiced by Katie Crown), must race against time to complete the delivery before their boss, Hunter (voiced by Kelsey Grammer), finds out. The journey they embark on underscores the significance of teamwork, responsibility, and the bonds that define familial relationships.

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The characters in "Storks" are well-developed and endearing, each bringing their own unique quirks and personalities to the story. Junior is portrayed as a competent yet slightly self-centered stork who learns the value of caring for others through his adventure with Tulip. Tulip, the only human working at, is an orphaned girl who longs to find her family. Her optimistic and resourceful nature complements Junior's more pragmatic approach, creating a dynamic duo whose interactions drive much of the film's humor and heart. Supporting characters, such as the overzealous Wolf Pack and the tech-savvy Pigeon Toady, add layers of comedy and excitement, making the film enjoyable for audiences of all ages.

Humor plays a significant role in "Storks," with the film striking a balance between slapstick comedy and witty dialogue. Common Sense Media praises the film's ability to cater to both younger and older viewers, avoiding the pitfall of relying solely on juvenile humor. The physical comedy, particularly involving the Wolf Pack's various transformations, provides plenty of laughs for children, while the clever wordplay and situational humor resonate with adults. The film's pacing ensures that the comedic moments are well-timed, maintaining a lively and engaging atmosphere throughout its runtime.

In addition to its entertaining storyline and humor, "Storks" also delivers valuable messages about empathy, perseverance, and the importance of following one's instincts. Junior and Tulip's journey is fraught with obstacles, but their determination to deliver the baby to her rightful family serves as a powerful reminder of the rewards that come from helping others. The film also touches on the theme of self-discovery, as both protagonists learn more about themselves and their capabilities through their adventure. Tulip's quest to find her family and Junior's realization of what truly matters in life are poignant elements that add depth to the narrative, making "Storks" more than just a light-hearted comedy.

Common Sense Media also notes the film's positive portrayal of diverse family structures. The baby delivery subplot involves a same-sex couple eagerly awaiting their child, reflecting the film's inclusive approach to modern family dynamics. This representation is subtle yet significant, offering a nod to the various forms that families can take in today's world. By doing so, "Storks" promotes acceptance and understanding, encouraging young viewers to appreciate and respect different family configurations.

The animation quality in "Storks" is another highlight, with vibrant visuals and meticulous attention to detail. The character designs are distinctive and expressive, capturing the personalities and emotions of each character effectively. The film's settings, ranging from the bustling warehouse to the serene and picturesque Baby Factory, are beautifully rendered, creating a visually appealing experience. The use of color and lighting enhances the mood of various scenes, contributing to the overall storytelling.

In conclusion, "Storks" is a delightful animated film that successfully combines humor, heart, and important life lessons. Common Sense Media's review emphasizes the film's ability to entertain and educate, making it a suitable choice for family viewing. The well-developed characters, engaging storyline, and positive messages about family, empathy, and perseverance make "Storks" a standout in the realm of animated comedies. Its inclusive portrayal of diverse family structures further adds to its appeal, promoting values of acceptance and understanding. With its vibrant animation and balanced humor, "Storks" offers a memorable and enjoyable experience for audiences of all ages. Whether you're looking for a film that will make you laugh, tug at your heartstrings, or provide meaningful messages for young viewers, "Storks" is a commendable choice that delivers on all fronts.

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Common Sense Media Review of “The Storks”. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“Common Sense Media Review of “The Storks”.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
Common Sense Media Review of “The Storks”. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Oct. 2024].
Common Sense Media Review of “The Storks” [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from:

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