Deadpool and The Hero's Journey Model

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The Hero's Journey, also known as the monomyth, is a narrative template that involves a hero who goes on an adventure, faces and overcomes a crisis, and then returns home transformed. This structure, popularized by Joseph Campbell, has been widely applied to various forms of storytelling, including literature, film, and mythology. One character that presents a unique and contemporary twist on the Hero's Journey is Deadpool, the "Merc with a Mouth" from Marvel Comics. Unlike traditional heroes, Deadpool's journey is marked by subversion, dark humor, and moral ambiguity. This essay explores how Deadpool adheres to and deviates from the Hero's Journey model, examining key stages such as the Call to Adventure, the Ordeal, and the Return with the Elixir.

The Call to Adventure

In Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, the Call to Adventure is the stage where the hero receives an invitation to leave their ordinary world and embark on a journey. For Deadpool, formerly known as Wade Wilson, the Call to Adventure begins with his cancer diagnosis. This life-altering event propels him to seek out a solution that leads him into the hands of a secretive organization promising a cure through experimental treatments. Unlike traditional heroes who might willingly accept the call, Wade's decision is driven by desperation and a desire to protect his loved ones from the pain of his impending death. This deviation from the classical model introduces a darker, more complex motive behind his journey.

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The Ordeal

The Ordeal represents the central crisis or the most challenging part of the Hero’s Journey. For Deadpool, this occurs when he undergoes the torturous experimentation that grants him superhuman abilities but leaves him horribly disfigured. This transformation phase is crucial, as it represents both a physical and psychological ordeal. Traditional heroes often face their greatest fears or enemies during this stage, ultimately emerging stronger. Deadpool, however, endures significant physical pain and psychological trauma, resulting in a fractured psyche and a warped sense of morality. Despite this, he gains the regenerative powers that make him virtually immortal. This ordeal shapes his character, driving him to seek revenge on those who wronged him while simultaneously questioning the nature of heroism.

The Return with the Elixir

In the final stages of the Hero’s Journey, the hero returns to their ordinary world with an "elixir" — a boon, knowledge, or power that benefits their community. Deadpool's return is unconventional; he does not seek to restore order or bring a gift to society. Instead, his return is marked by a quest for personal vengeance against the villain Ajax, who subjected him to the torturous procedures. Despite his personal motivations, Deadpool inadvertently helps others along the way, rescuing individuals and dismantling criminal operations. His "elixir" is not a tangible gift but rather a renewed sense of identity and purpose. This twist on the traditional return challenges the notion of altruism in heroism, highlighting Deadpool's complex, anti-heroic nature.


Deadpool’s journey offers a fascinating examination of the Hero’s Journey model, blending traditional elements with subversive twists. His Call to Adventure is marked by desperation rather than destiny, his Ordeal inflicts deep psychological scars alongside newfound powers, and his Return with the Elixir defies conventional heroism by prioritizing personal vendettas over communal benefits. Through this lens, Deadpool embodies the anti-hero archetype, challenging and enriching the monomyth framework. His story underscores the versatility of the Hero's Journey, demonstrating that even the most unconventional characters can traverse this timeless narrative path, albeit in their unique, irreverent style.

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Deadpool and The Hero’s Journey Model. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“Deadpool and The Hero’s Journey Model.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
Deadpool and The Hero’s Journey Model. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Oct. 2024].
Deadpool and The Hero’s Journey Model [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from:

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