Definition of League Of Nations

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Last year, 2017, marked the 150th anniversary of Canada. In the 150 years that Canada has lived, it has established a name for itself as a peaceful, independent country, and has shown many of its important values through the decisions made. From the start of Canada’s life in 1867, with the signing of the British North America Constitution Act, to this day, Canada has faced many challenges and successes over this time. The endeavours and achievements, as well as the Canadian values, have defined Canada and made what it is today. One of Canada’s most important values is independence. Through the series of events that have taken place such as the uprising in Sudan in 1885, Canada has shown the world they want to become independent. Our first Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald was a complete nationalist. This means he didn’t want to interact with Great Britain or get closer to the United States. Not only does Canada value independence, they care about bringing peace to their people. This country has shown its peace through the joining of many organizations such as the United Nations and the failed League of Nations. These organizations were created with one goal in mind; to create peace between everyone in the world. Another one of Canada’s most important value is equality. From the start, Canada has come a long way with women’s rights, as well as making accommodations for the French in the Constitution. Peace, independence, and equality are the most important values of Canada. Although there have been many dilemmas in the past, Canada still stands as a strong independent and peaceful country. Independence is one of the three important values Canada is great at conveying to the rest of the world. This is clearly demonstrated by the uprising in Sudan in 1885, where Great Britain asked other members of the Empire, to send troops for assistance. But, Sir John A. Macdonald delayed by not sending troops until the uprising was over. At this point in time, Sir John A understood this is one way we can gain power and show Great Britain we aren’t your dominions but we an independent “kingdom”. Another great example of Canada’s value for Independence is the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was made at the end of the first world war to promote peace and to prevent future wars as well as to create the League of Nations. Canada was involved in these negotiations and was asked to sign the treaty as an independent nation plus Canada was also invited to participate in the League of Nations independently. The involvement in the League of Nations, as well as the signing of the treaty, shows Canada valued independence as well as peace. In addition to the League of Nation, the Chanak Affair is a strong example of Canada’s value for independence. In WW1, Turkey was defeated and occupied by Britain. The patriots in Turkey tried to kick out the British forces and Britain claimed the dominions would help. Mackenzie King stated that only the Canadian Parliament can decide whether or not to help. Canada claims independence and that they are democratic. This is an example of Canada increasing independence from England because they would send troops otherwise. In 1931, Britain finally had no power to create or amend any laws in the dominions due to the Statute of Westminster. Later on, in 1982 Queen Elizabeth signs the Canadian Constitution Act making Canada fully independent and not allowing the British Parliament to have any say or authority in the legislative government. The Canadian Constitution act symbolizes two things. Canada can’t be a country with the British Parliament having authority in the government. Furthermore, Canada isn’t an independent and peaceful country without its own constitution. Just like independence, Canada also greatly valued peace. Canada since the beginning didn’t like to participate in wars and was forced to join only because Great Britain joined. Canada did a lot to create a peace which is demonstrated by the number of organizations they joined. League of Nations and United Nations were just two organizations that had one goal; to create peace and avoid war. United Nations is the largest association in relation to world peace. United Nations was formed right after WW2 and was created with one mission; “the maintenance of international peace and security”. Canada has been working with this organization from the start which shows their value for peace. Canada was also apart of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which was made to ensure there is peace between its member countries. Many don’t consider this a peaceful organization because they use military and political means to maintain peace. NATO states they are devoted to the peaceful resolutions of disputes. Furthermore, Canada was also apart of the Commonwealth association. This association was a group of 53 states that was ruled by the British Empire. It was made to ensure a peaceful society between everyone apart of the Commonwealth program. Finally where the thought of an organization that could create peace between everyone in the world such as the League of Nations. The League of Nations was made right after WW1 to maintain peace but miserably failed. Canada joined this organization clearly demonstrating Canada’s value for peace. Overall Canada joined many organizations and programs such as the United Nations, Commonwealth Association, and NATO with full intention to maintain peace between them and the world which proves Canada values peace. Equality is just as valued as peace and independence to Canada. Throughout the first and second world war, we have had changes made to our women’s rights, made accommodations for the French English even though they’re the minority, and added our own constitution. Women were employed in factories during the war because most of the men were in the warfighting. Even the government was coordinating the employment of women through campaigns and recruitment drives. Another huge step in history was women received the right to vote in the 1917 election. This goes to show how much Canada values equality. We also made accommodations for the French because they were the minority. In 1980 the Quebecois were deciding whether they should pursue a path of sovereignty. The Quebecers voted no and Pierre Trudeau said: “I know that I can make a most solemn commitment that following a NO vote, we will immediately take action to renew the Constitution and we will not stop until we have done that.” This being another great example of us valuing equality. Finally, after the Canadian constitution in 1982, we had also developed the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was a fundamental document for all Canadians. Canada is truly trying to maximize equality in all aspects of the country. We have given women the right to vote, made accommodations for the French and gave everyone equal right no matter what race or gender they are. Although Canada values peace and independence many people argue about equality. There have been various events where Canada hasn’t been very equal with rights and laws. Canada was all First Nations land though they never treated them with respect or fairly because they were the minority. Plus there were internment camps such as the japanese and ukraine camps. In the end we still made agreements in the constitution for equal rights to the First Nations. In the 150 years, Canada has lived, they have shown what their core values are. The fact that was able to create their own constitution with the British Parliament signing it was a great success. Canada was also very peaceful considering the number of organizations they have joined. These organizations were meant to maintain peace which is exactly why Canada values peace. Lastly, Canada has shown many examples of them valuing their equality by making accommodations for the French and creating the Charter Rights of Freedoms. There are no other values Canada values more than peace, independence, and equality.

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