Essay about a Neighbourhood in NYC

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Reading Junger Tribe helps me realize that being a part of the community Board keeps me engaged and improves my neighborhood.

In the modern world, whether you want it or not, every person is a part of society and constantly interacts with other people. Our democratic society is gradually becoming civil. A real citizen is not just a person who has legal rights and obligations but also has reached a certain level of self-awareness. This is a person who consciously refers to himself, and his place in society, actively participating in public and political life. Reading a book by Junger Tribe gave me the chance to look at this world from a different perspective. It shed new light on my own experience and emphasized the importance of belonging to a group.

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Man is a social animal. It is difficult to argue with this if we take into account that from the first to the last breath, the person is surrounded by other people. Our society is an environment of our existence. Of course, natural conditions impose their imprint on human life, but in the modern world are more likely to play a minor role, because, with the help of knowledge and technology, people adapted to all possible places of residence on Earth (Junger 70).

It is difficult to be objective in assessing the role of humans in society because each of us is part of it and looks at this problem from the inside. In modern socetpeopleople can hire anyone to fix our day-to-day problems and not face significant problems that give us the need to get engaged with our community. Police, firefighters, and ambulances made our lives effortless and will come within a minute. But what if something bigger happens that affects all of us, an entire building, block, neighborhood, or city.?I’ve been asking myself this over and over again until I realized that the time is right and I have to do something about it. It’s way too easy to passively sit back and enjoy the work of others without contributing (Junger xiii).

Brooklyn is a wonderful place to live, but there are always many problems neighborhoods face. Being an Accounting major student I focused my attention on economic and environmental problems. The first step was to see how to get involved and surprisingly it was super easy. I went to multiple Community Board meetings where members and the public discussed important issues and proposed solutions to the officials. That’s a great opportunity to work with government offices, and agencies and to make sure that they serve the best interests of the people. Community Board is the most local form of government. Here is The list of their duties: dealing with zoning issues and land, assessing the need for neighborhood budgeting, and addressing other community concerns. Members of boards are up to 50 volunteers who are appointed by Borough President and City Council. Besides getting engaged in a local community, work experience and public activity boards offer college scholarships. I realize the sense of being connected with my community and the importance of “intristic” values that Junger describe (Junger 22).

I was always in the air in my neighborhood everyone could tell something was going on. I decided to become a local detective and find out what was the source of the problem. You won’t believe it, but a local restaurant on my block to avoid paying high maintenance fees was dumping processed oil waste on the street at night time. This upset me so much that I had no other choice, but immediately take action and bring this issue to my Community to the Board. The result was successful, violator had to pay penalties for ecological pollution and lost his food service permit for conducting such actions. Food waste management remains to be the biggest issue in the hospitality industry not only in Brooklyn but in other boroughs of NYC.

Cheating is a huge problem we have in all aspects and areas of our lives. A restaurant that decided to dump food waste on a street in my neighborhood is just one case that I happen to deal with. Fraud in the insurance industry, welfare and banking are some of the great examples in Tribe that unfortunately happen every day. In the future, I would like to put effort into to fighting those problems by not only reducing, them but trying to eliminate them from our lives. Therefore, the duty of a citizen is not only to coordinate actions with the law and norms that exist in society but also to try to bring benefits to society, to make it better than it is. To be a true citizen, and to have a clear civic position is another important aspect of the human person (Junger 28-31).

By entering into life, every person is included in the complex system of connections with other people and groups. The first feature of such a system of communications is their social nature. Social processes communication, limitations, and ordering of human actions. As a result, several elements, structures, and institutions that are called upon to ensure the proper functioning of social processes arise in society. Every person first of all creates his or her environment and influences it. In addition, its influence in one way or another extends to almost everybody with whom it comes in contact with necessity or by chance. In today's society, a person notably perceives, but to a certain extent creates a social environment. Therefore, one should neither exaggerate nor diminish the role of the person in a group.

It is difficult to imagine how a person might live outside of society, community, or group. The greatest skill is to live a happy life, reduce conflicts, help others in difficult moments, and leave small but extremely meaningful words in history.

Work Cited

    1. Junger, Sebastian. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging. First edition. New York: Twelve, 2016.
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