Essay on Disadvantages of Development of Science and Technology

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I introduced the background of the topic and then mythology that I look for on the internet. Comment by Mathieu Dooms: Do you mean ‘methodology’?

Finding is my ideas of the topic. Needless to say, global warming and big data for the phone, I choice the big data. It is greater for people. Then is discuss, Conclusion and Recommendation summarized my experiment and my harvest. I learned more from AE2 in science. The last is my reference; I find some information from them.

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Mt topics are Warmer climate could lower Dengue risk and Mobile phone records may predict epidemics of mosquito-borne Dengue virus. This AE2, we’re going to contrast two topics By looking at online materials.

What is dengue? Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection causing a severe flu-like illness and, sometimes causing a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue. With the development of science and technology, people's living standard has been greatly improved. But there are also many problems, such as global warming. It’s 2019, and people have forgotten about global warming and suspect it's a hoax. But the fact is that this is something that really exists. And dengue is about it. It’s 2019, everyone has phone, everyone can do many things by phones. I must mention big data, big data is larger, more complex data sets, especially from new data sources of many people. The processor can generate a lot of information from the information on the phone. People can buy something they can without looking for because of the big data, they can go out easily because of the big data. Technology has given us a lot of things, bed and good. Global warming, big data and dengue. Whether people choose to fight with technology or fundamentally solve the problem. Comment by Mathieu Dooms: Write this in your own words! Comment by Mathieu Dooms: Rewrite this.Give me background information about both topics. What do both topics discuss ( be detailed, but not too detailed).

To understand the background of knowledge information, through the information given on the Internet, I can see many useful things, the validity of global warming and big data processing is in practice. I use the content described in this article, to find the relevant column on the Internet, the various areas for comparison and processing. I want to figure out which one is more effective. At the same time, we should also consider the disadvantages of these factors and compare the disadvantages of people.

In the beginning, it was believed that thought that global warming would increase the number of viruses, but that wasn't the case. Scientists found that those viruses spread by mosquitoes would decrease dramatically. Using mobile phones alone, people can accurately infer the time and location of the outbreak. We all know the dangers of global warming, and compared to previous data, the earth's temperature has indeed increased, and the sea level has indeed increased.

The harm of global warming to our human beings can be seen. By crunching the data, many cell phone users can see what's going on in the future, and can reasonably predict where the virus is, which is accurate and reasonable. People can avoid viruses. But that's just for people who have mobile phones, and in many places where there are virus outbreaks, the Internet is not developing very well, and for some people they don't know. Global warming is the environment of the earth, and we cannot warm the earth because of this thing.

In my opinion, the advantages of using mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages. In modern times, most people still use mobile phones.

Global warming is one of the results of the development of science and technology, which will do great harm to the environment. Although it has played a role in suppressing the virus, it is not very effective and there will be more viruses in the world. The analysis of this mathematical model may also cause some errors or coincidences, and it may not be the case in the following year. Also, this is just a Queensland data, which may not be suitable elsewhere. However, the use of mobile phones, the processing of data is very accurate, which people can reasonably avoid, and the government can also prevent the outbreak of viruses. Mobile phones do play a great role in the modern society, people benefit a lot. But for data processing and application, we must think about privacy. Smart phone is the product of modern times, which plays a great role in the present society. But there are also some problems, people's privacy will be exposed.

People do not resist the use of mobile phones, in this case, the use of children are very strong. Through data analysis, there are more than 5 billion mobile phone users worldwide. This is a very large number; the network is also very many users. Smartphones and the Internet have made life so convenient. The development of science and technology is beyond our imagination. We can get a lot of information and knowledge. In the current big data processing, people's lives have been greatly improved. The prediction on the virus also makes us sigh. Technology has changed us and changed the world. But it is not necessarily a return message to the environment. We can see that we need change something. For me, mobile phones are of great help to people, and it is also very useful for people to use mobile phones and technology to fight against viruses. I think this is a very beneficial performance for human.

The study of science is very interesting. My view is that mobile phones can predict viruses, which is beneficial. It's very convenient for people not to be able to defend against viruses. People need to protect the environment and take care of our homeland. We also need to make better use of mobile phones and big data to give us convenience.


    1. World Health Organization, What is dengue, [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 June 2019]
    2. Science Daily (2016), Warmer climate could lower dengue risk, [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 June 2019]
    3. Science Daily (2015), Mobile phone records may predict epidemics of mosquito-borne dengue virus, [Accessed 27 June 2019]
    4. ORACLE, What is Big Date, [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 June 2019]
    5. Chrestina N (2019), Causes and effects of climate change [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 June 2019]
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