Essay on 'Ready Player One': Movie Trailer Analysis

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The movie ‘Ready Player One’ was directed by Steven Spielberg. It features Tye Sheridan as Parzival/Wade, Olivia Cooke as Art3mis/Samantha, Ben Mendelsohn as Sorrento, Lena Waithe as Aech/Helen and T.J. Miller as I-R0k. The genre of the movie consists of action, adventure, science fiction, thriller and animation. This film also has a combination of computer-generated image and visual effects. Steven Spielberg has works as a director, producer and as an executive producer on several films. He started to write the story for ‘Ready Player One’ right after his movie ‘The BFG’. He also directed many movies before that such as ‘The Adventure of Tintin’, ‘Indiana Jones’ and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, ‘Catch Me If You Can’, etc. Steven Spielberg is a Hollywood’s best-known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. He has an extraordinary range of commercially successful and critically acclaimed credits to his name, either as a director, producer or writer since launching the summer blockbuster with ‘Jaws’ (1975), and he has done a lot to outline popular film-making since the mid-1970s than anyone else. Spielberg made a series of films, including ‘Evolution’ (2001), ‘The Haunting’ (1999) and ‘Shrek’ (2001). He also produced two sequels to ‘Jurassic Park’ (1993), that were financially but not particularly critical successes.

The plot of ‘Ready Player One’ is about a creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dies, he releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to seek out his Easter egg, which is able to provide the finder his fortune. The movie takes place in the year 2045, people seek regular escape from life through the virtual reality universe OASIS, co-created by James Halliday and Ogden Morrow of Gregarious Games. After Halliday’s death, he pre-recorded a message announcing a game, granting ownership of OASIS to the player who finds the Easter egg within it, which is locked behind a gate requiring three keys”. The CEO of Innovative Online Industries (IOI), Nolan Sorrento, who seeks to control the OASIS himself. He used several servants called ‘Sixers’ to find the egg. When Wade conquers the first challenge of the reality-bending game, he and his friends - aka the High-5 - are hurled into a fantastical universe of discovery and danger to save the OASIS.

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Wade and Samantha gather Aech, Daito, and Sho as they realize the next challenge is a movie, which is where Halliday took Kira on their date. They figure out that the movie they saw is ‘The Shining’, in reference to 'a creator who hates his own creation' since the late author Stephen King hated the movie version of his book. The Curator brings them to a virtual simulation of the Overlook Hotel. Since Aech has never seen 'The Shining', he ends up encountering the twins, opening the elevator of blood, and running into the creepy woman in the bathtub before having to outrun Jack Torrance and his axe. Meanwhile, Samantha is able to find Kira dancing with zombies. She makes her way over to Kira, winning the challenge and being presented with the Jade Key. Thus, Art3mis becomes the highest scorer in OASIS, and Sorrento discovers Wade is alive when he sees that Parzival is now the second highest scorer. The Sixers themselves have less luck in getting through 'The Shining'.

As the final challenge is in Castle Anorak on Planet Doom, Sorrento activates to Orb of Osuvok to create a force field around the castle to prevent other avatars from trying to get in. He has Samantha thrown into a Loyalty Center to work. Aech manages to hack into Sorrento's rig so that Wade and Daito can intimidate him and make him think they have made it into IOI by projecting the office into his view. Wade helps Samantha free herself from her chamber so that she can get out and make it to the War Room where Sixers are trying to beat the next challenge, which they figure is part of a collection of Atari games.

Reasons on why I chose ‘Ready Player One’ as my movie trailer. Steven Spielberg has been an influence in the way I watch movies today. As a producer, Steven was very active in the late 90s, responsible for such films as ‘The Mask of Zorro’ (1998), ‘Men in Black’ (1997) and ‘Deep Impact’ (1998). However, it absolutely was on the directive front that Steven Spielberg was in top form. He directed and created the epic ‘Amistad’ (1997), a spectacular film that was shorted at the Oscars and in release due to the fact that its release date was moved around so much in late 1997. The next year, however, he produced what many believe was one of the best films of his career - ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (1998), a film about World War II that is spectacular in almost every respect. It was close to getting the award at the Oscars, losing best picture to ‘Shakespeare in Love’ (1998). I’ve watched almost all of the movies which was directed by Steven Spielberg. ‘Ready Player One’ is my choice of movie trailer because I like to watch movies that consists of genre such as science fiction, thriller and action. This movie is based on virtual reality and games which I would like because I do play computer games often. These are my reasons why I chose ‘Ready Player One’ as my movie trailer.

In the movie trailer ‘Ready Player One’, there are five multimedia elements which are text, audio, video and animation. The first multimedia element is text. Text is the most common element. Text can express the information the producer or the director is trying to present to the viewers. Even tough image gets viewers’ attention, text is a good way get attention from viewers. The text used in this movie trailer is in 2D. Text that were made in trailer allowed the audience to receive the information that is being delivered by the director. For example, the text used software like Adobe to modify the fonts and look of the text. The purpose of the text is to show the movie title which is ‘Ready Player One’, and that the movie is screenplay by Zak Penn and Ernest Cline and directed by Steven Spielberg. It also shows the production company which is Warner Bros. Pictures. “Warner Bros. Pictures and Amblin Entertainment present, in association with Village Roadshow Pictures, an Amblin Production, a De Line Pictures Production, a Steven Spielberg Film, ‘Ready Player One’”.

The second multimedia element is audio. Most of the time, audio files are deployed using plug-in media players. A few audio formats embody RealAudio, MIDI, Wave, WMA, and MP3. The most common format is mp3. The audio used in this trailer helps to build a hype for viewers to watch the movie. The soundtrack used in the movie trailer is named ‘Tom Sawyer’ by a Canadian rock band Rush. It also consists of beats of music in different forms.

The third multimedia element is video. The web is the most common place where videos are seen concerning multimedia elements. A few digital video formats are Flash, MPEG, AVI, WMV, and QuickTime. By recording digitally, it can increase the speed of the playback. The video helps the audience to learn about the story of the movie and gets an understanding on the plot and the visual elements. ‘Ready Player One’ was shot on film because Steven Spielberg preferred film than digital. The video was shot on a 35mm for the shots that did not require animations and visual effects. The film was turned into 35mm negative format and then to a 70mm printed film format and a 3D version. Steven Spielberg also enhanced the experience for the viewers.

Lastly, animation is also one of the multimedia elements that was present in the movie trailer. Industrial Lights & Magic (ILM) did a great work, creating the virtual world of the OASIS and tripping down memory lane with spot-on recreations of the DeLorean from ‘Back to the Future’ or the T-Rex from ‘Jurassic Park’, but the avatars were much more demanding. At first look, there are way too many Easter eggs to keep track of in ‘Ready Player One’. But, as film maker emphasized at the LA premiere, “my philosophy from the very beginning was, the story is out the front windshield and the pop culture references are out the facet mirror”. As a result, animated performance was key for Industrial Light & Magic. And, when directing ‘The Adventures of Tintin’, Spielberg was well-versed in converting motion capture data to fully fleshed out animation. But just because he didn’t want the avatars to resemble human beings, it didn’t mean they couldn’t elicit our empathy. That’s because they were constantly inter-cutting between the real-life characters and their avatars.

Because film producer wished all walks of virtual life and a rules-based system for fighting and recreation within the OASIS, ILM developed a new crowd system called Arcade, based on high-fidelity mo-cap. “It became such a directable tool that we have tendency to use it within the early pipeline”, explained ILM VFX supervisor Grady Cofer. “Even within the layout stage, we could have a crowd artist populate a scene and get Steven to provide feedback about the density or makeup of that particular crowd. We might take any one of these characters and promote it into animation and do hero animation or replace it with some specific mo-cap”. The ballroom zombie dance, meanwhile, featured about 50 characters. The choreography was merely one change. The other was attaining natural movement. “We wished it to play more like a ride, where there’s a rig underneath them that goes up and down”, said Ooi. “But Steven wished them to feel like they were extremely floating. That had to be worked out. There’s a section where they develop the female zombie and that we had to try and do a twist and a lift to all of them and then separate out the males and females, so it feels like they’re not on a platform. Then we had to take out the footwork and reanimate”.

And I want to conclude my analysis with the advantages of the film that I discovered. The first strength is digital worlds versus actual reality. At the end of ‘Ready Player One’, having secured the golden Easter egg that gives him ownership and control over Halliday’s creation, Watts chooses to close the OASIS for two days a week to force people to spend time in the real world. Yet there is little sense that he plans to do anything much with his newly acquired riches about the grinding poverty that exists outside the digital realm, which rather undercuts the value of his admittedly well-intentioned concession. The second strength is that the movie provides a new vision of virtual reality. ‘Ready Player One’ stands out from many of the virtual worlds we have previously seen on the big screen. ‘The Matrix’ was a terrifying digital world created to keep human brains from turning into mush while our vital substances were harvested to power the machine hegemony that replaced us. ‘Tron’ was similar in its depiction of a vivid and sinister autocracy. By contrast, the OASIS at times feels more like a chirpy virtual Disneyland. And finally, in the book, the OASIS is filled with references to 1980s pop culture because its creator James Halliday grew up on video games, comics and movies from that era. But Spielberg has radically expanded the field of play to include nods to everything from ‘The Shining’ (1980, but with the distinct feel of a 70s movie) to Mechagodzilla (first appearance 1974) to the T-Rex from the film-maker’s own ‘Jurassic Park’ (1993). There’s the sense that this expansion makes the movie feel more mainstream than its source material because its reference points are so much easier to spot. At the same time, it also lessens the idea that this is a digital wonderland where only the most po-faced of geeks can succeed.


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Essay on ‘Ready Player One’: Movie Trailer Analysis. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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