Essay on What Is a Real Estate Broker

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There are many jobs to choose from in the United States, from becoming a Mechanic to a Real Estate broker to a Stock Trader. Although all the jobs listed can be high risk, they all can have a rewarding pay point. Out of these choices, a real estate broker would prove to be the highest rewarding job. Anyone with a people-friendly personality can become a real Estate Broker without spending numerous amount of years in school to qualify. The payoff for this job can be higher than the other two and requires less work. To become successful in any of these careers, one must have the right education and meet the correct qualifications. The lowest requirement is a Real Estate Broker and can be the most rewarding in the long run.

The general requirements to become a Real Estate Broker are that the person trying to acquire the license must be a legal US citizen, complete the required examination provided by the state, and must be at least 18 or 19 years old. The license that is required is relatively easy to achieve. There is no college needed to obtain this license and the payoff can be substantial in contrast to the other jobs that require a college education. Being a Real Estate broker also consumes less work time than the other two choices. A Real Estate broker can spend a few hours a week showing houses and make a large amount of profit the selling the house. If paid hourly, according to “Kaplan Real Estate Education” the median hourly wage in 2012 was 28.05, and the top 10% made more than 85.07 an hour. The only downside to this job is that it could be considered a medium to high-risk career. The housing market may fluctuate, and one may end up losing money on property “Kaplan Real Estate”.

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The job that would prove to be the most stable would be the auto mechanic. This job requires a large amount of training and the knowledge that is acquired from this job can only be used in one field of work. Although, this a very sturdy profession. For an auto mechanic, the market that follows is a kind that there will always be work available for this job. People will always need their cars worked on and with newer, more complicated cars being realized every year the trade is becoming more and more necessary. According to “How To Become A Mechanic” the median yearly pay for an auto mechanic in the United States was 36,610 a year and the top 10% made 60,070. To become a mechanic, the state requires that you pass 8 out of the 11 certification exams given. This job can prove to be a stable, well-paying job, but requires a lifetime of dedication “How To Become”.

The highest risk-highest reward job that was chosen is a stock trader. Trading stock is almost a dangerous profession if not done correctly. This job has the highest reward possibilities but also can prove detrimental if one were to invest in the wrong stock and the wrong time and lose a significant amount of money all at once. But when done right that statement can be reversed and the stocks could rise quickly, thus during the sell-off period, could be sold for a much higher price. Becoming a stockbroker or trader requires lots of dedication and usually consumes many hours out of the workday. Stockbrokers need to have the ability to sell and communicate effectively and need to be able to monitor trends and the rise and drop of different stocks all well deciding what would be the most efficient use of resources. The education needed for this career needs to be extensive in investment and money management as well but will learn most skills during specific job training. To qualify for this training a stockbroker will need to pass specific exams. According to “Essential Stock Broker Exams to Take” One needs to pass the “Series 7 Examination” to qualify for the license and also needs to pass the “Series 63 Examination” to physically acquire the license itself. As stated before, this job can be the highest paying of the three. According to “How To Be A Successful Stock Broker” the top firm stock brokers make around 147,000 a year. This job also requires the hardest amount of work “Essential Stock Broker” “How To Be”.

Going into real estate means interacting with customers, working on properties, and managing people and properties as well. The social aspect of this job can be very rewarding. One could start buying and selling different properties and from there become a property trader and make an easy million. This is a career that can make a lot of money without having to spend day in and day out at the same office building dealing with the same people every day. Although a stock trader may make more money over time, it is still a very stressful tedious job. A stock trader spends day and night staring at a computer screen monitoring the ups and downs of the trade market and this can damage your eyes and decrease your overall mental health the seclusion of this job would lead to another con on the list. A job that requires interaction with people can lead to healthier morale. A real estate broker gets to deal with invested clients and gets to strive every day to find the right solution for the customer.

An auto tech or mechanic does get to interact with customers all day while still working in a problem-solving-type environment. This job can be more rewarding in customer satisfaction but still requires extensive knowledge that would limit one to that specific field of work. Although it is a stable career it is best to have a career that is flexible and can be more open-ended than a mechanic. The salary of an auto mechanic is limited to a certain point and the job can only be done for a certain amount of time. An auto mechanic may be exposed to harmful chemicals that can damage one’s health such as fluids from cars also accidents in the workplace are common for a person with this profession.

A job that’s going to be done for the rest of one’s life must provide a safe, happy, and healthy environment to spend large amounts of time involved. That’s why the best job on this list would prove to be the real estate broker. This is a stable job that doesn’t require a lifetime of education and dedication. The worker of this job would be happy and get to interact with customers in an open-ended environment where the sky is the limit for possibilities. This job can have a major payoff and can be a fun, safe, enjoyable profession for anyone who enjoys dealing with people. Although the housing market fluctuates frequently, a person with a knowledge of business and economics can predict these things and prepare for them and sometimes even use these events in their favor.

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Essay on What Is a Real Estate Broker. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from
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