Job essays

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4 Pages 1694 Words
Ancient Egypt started around 5500 BCE when two major kingdoms developed around the Nile. They were known as the Upper and Lower Kingdoms. In the Mediterranean World, Ancient Egypt was known as the most powerful civilization because of its many developments that we now use today. Ancient Egyptians believed in gods and goddesses that told them how to rule. Egyptians...
3 Pages 1202 Words
In modern-day society, there are still many ways people use racism and prejudice towards others and this novel shows how it was used more frequently back then. Harper Lee reveals the sad truth about racism and prejudice in her book To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout and Jem’s life is easy as a white family in the 1930s, living in a...
1 Page 618 Words
In the fast-paced technological workplace of today, there are several key skills one should develop and hone to be successful. In this essay, I will focus on the ones I feel will best benefit the person and the institution or business. These are not specific trade skills or the capability to work on equipment or with special instruments. These are...
1 Page 527 Words
A general physician is a future job that I would be interested in. Overall, general physicians treat patients for many different things such as small and long-lasting illnesses. They also provide preventive care, and health education. A general physician works with a lot of people varying in age, size, and mental health stages. Although this job uses a lot of...
1 Page 365 Words
Dear Mr. Scanlon, As a city planning student, I would like to express my interest in the Junior Planning position at Parker Scanlon Pty Ltd. This role sparked my interest as I have a very keen interest in legislation and as I’ve seen through your projects such as the work you’ve done on the Port Stephens Council, they focus regards...
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2 Pages 755 Words
My jobs My first job was as a 'Team Member' or less eloquently put, a sandwich maker. At the time, I was grateful to find a job, since I was only 16 and most places in my neighborhood wouldn't hire anyone under 18. The work was fairly typical: (1) make sandwiches, (2) stock and restock the shelves, (3) run the...
2 Pages 1055 Words
Everyone remembers their first job. It’s a definitive time in your life: it’s a step up from childhood, and a preview of adulthood. It’s a proud moment when you are old enough to earn your own money. First-job experiences are also formative. Not only do they teach you the value of hard work and money — but they also shape...
1 Page 447 Words
In my eye, a great occupation is created by three basic elements: high salary, a satisfaction of a worker and professional environment. They are a formula for everyone, especially internships. They can consider making the right decision for their future career and their own cash flow. If we can make an effort for everything we need and we want, a...
3 Pages 1170 Words
The athletic director (AD) reports directly to the president of the school. In this role the AD serves as an administrator over functions of an athletic nature. The program can encompass several sports in either the NCAA or NAIA championship programs, the coaches, assistant coaches, athletic trainers, sports information, and student workers. The athletic director provides administrative direction and oversight...
1 Page 426 Words
We live in the world there everyone has a more freedom of choices weather it’s friend, food, sports, music, work place, or job. Therefore, we should choose what’s best for us. The purpose of this essay is to compare the job I had and the job I’m doing these days. I was a civil engineer for an architecture company, while...
1 Page 542 Words
Finding a job nowadays is hard. Especially a job fitting for your course in college. Imagine you graduated as an engineer, but ended up working at a fast-food chain. In this essay, we will be talking about why your job is not always your dream job. One of the reasons why job finding is hard, especially when you want to...
1 Page 551 Words
In life, each individual has a set of goals that he wants to reach. One of those goals is having a good job. In fact, according to an expert, having an employment is the only thing that helps the person develops his life. In contrast, the act of losing a job impacts negatively on the person’s life. Because of normal...
2 Pages 988 Words
This paper is talk about the deprecation and how can it effect the worker in their jobs. There are many jobs that can make you depression in some jobs the depression rate is higher than other jobs. Like personal care, food service, social workers, and healthcare. So, what makes those have the higher rate? the reasons that make those jobs...
1 Page 582 Words
Some people have jobs in their life, and some people have carriers in their life. These are the two different things. A job is what, a person does in exchange for money, or we can say that paid position of regular employment. For example, baby siting, pizza delivery, etc. On the other hand, an individual’s path of learning, work and...
6 Pages 2759 Words
Depending on the field, stress can be defined in many ways. This essay will focus on the physiological and psychological effects of stress on humans, more specifically employees in a work setting and its effect on employee well-being, job satisfaction and the organization. In the past few decades, increased work intensification has increased both the amount of job stress experienced...
7 Pages 3134 Words
There are many jobs in the performing arts ranging from acting and dancing to producing plays, teaching and handling finances. Jobs in the performing arts can have good pay and depends on what you do. Jobs within the performing arts industry are split up into 3 categories: performers, production and administrative. Job roles within the performance sector consist of dancers,...
4 Pages 1969 Words
There is a wide variety of jobs available in the games industry following a degree in game development such as game developer, game programmer, UI and graphic programmer. There is also the ability to go into sound, animation and design making the industry large with multiple jobs available. This paper aims to compare and explore possible jobs in the industry...
1 Page 454 Words
It is true that the salary is always an important issue in choosing a job. While many people believe that it is better to do a job they hate for a high payment, I agree with those who argue that choosing a job people love even it has a low wage or job satisfaction is more important. There are three...
1 Page 504 Words
Job is an important factor, and without work life is impossible as it provides us with money which is essential for life. It not only fetches money for a better living, but also provides everyday learning. If you work a job you love, your life will be very different in everything. And although you spent a lot of time in...
2 Pages 765 Words
The various topics learned in this course were quite insightful. Deception technology, as I have learned, gives an upper hand in cyber security to an organization. With the help of deception technology, corporations can be able to detect, in quick time, security risks and attempts by hackers to leak data, so the organization can terminate an ongoing cyber attack before...
6 Pages 2531 Words
This informative essay will outline five varied job roles in the marketing sector, covering a range of job roles with a focus on entry to mid-level positions. This essay will discuss each job role in detail and outline the description of the job, the average salary and finally an in-depth analysis of the skills and qualities needed to hold the...
5 Pages 2355 Words
Have you ever had one of those days of existential crisis where you just want to free yourself from corporate bondage and build a business of your own? There comes a point where you just wish to give up your job and do something that makes you happy? Or as a new graduate you are clueless and have no idea...
4 Pages 1796 Words
In our life, as said by Michelle L. Casto, it is not our job that changed, but it is our career. Of course, there are lots and lots of job applications to followed and to be apply, but do we really have the in interest and put our all in what we apply to? That is why a career is...
1 Page 523 Words
This essay is about an interesting career—barista. Some basic information about a barista such as jobs and duties, working places, working hours as well as salary will be included in the report. Besides that, I will write about how to be a barista and the outlook of this career dependent on my research. Job Overview Since coffee is a popular...
3 Pages 1368 Words
Should High School Students Have a Job During High School? Did you have a job while you were in high school? Having a job used to be the most common thing that almost every high school student did in their spare time. They used to combine school and work during school time and work during the summer. They would make...
2 Pages 919 Words
Many people tend to believe that nursing can be described very easily, but that is not true. There are so many things that a registered nurse can do. The reflection of my first perception of a registered nurse to my current perception of a registered nurse. This new perception is from the increase in knowledge and education of most things...
1 Page 450 Words
'When I grow up, I want to be an ultrasound technician!' probably isn’t the most common reply a kid would give when asked what he wants to do when he grows up. It’s not a job name, that rolls from one's tongue, either. Alternative names for an ultrasound technician are diagnostic medical sonographer or just sonographer. While those names are...
2 Pages 829 Words
Since before I can remember I have been taking things apart and wondering how they worked, intrigued by what makes a toy tick or a button click. At a very young age, I knew that I wanted to be an engineer, and design great things. Because of this endless passion for design and engineering, I entered the Plano Academy. The...
2 Pages 846 Words
When it came around to 14-year-old Shaquan’s turn to recite a section of Langston Hughes’ “Let America Be America Again”, he timidly struggled to verbalize more than a few words at a time. Seeing him embarrassedly tear up about his reading ability while surrounded by his fellow 8th graders, I began reading with him, walking him through each word. As...
3 Pages 1166 Words
The word feminine has different meanings to different people but to me, it means being able to show a soft and sympathetic side while at the same time demonstrating strength. I feel as though the definition of the feminine has changed over time as it was used back then to somewhat degrade women and make them feel as though they...
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