Basketball essays

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Hundreds of years ago, West Virginia University existed. Lady Gaga’s mother was a cheerleader at the West University of Virginia, Cynthia Germanotta of Wheeling. With the advancement of the fields of farming, natural resources and architecture, economics, the performing arts, dentistry, education, and social work, scientific and mineral resources, media,...

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5 Pages 2105 Words
Introduction Due to globalization, international sports have not only brought about economic gains but also major cultural influences throughout the world. Such information is delivered by sports celebrities through the form of advertisements, endorsements, and marketing events. Amongst the prominent celebrities in the 20th century, Yao Ming was undoubtedly the most influential Asian icon who topped ‘The Forbes Chinese Celebrity...
5 Pages 2408 Words
Most times, when the word “sports” is brought up, what comes to mind is a thought full of excitement and fun. However, the fact that it’s not as commonly associated with participating in sports of any kind. The hazard of a potential injury, whether it be small or large, should always be accounted for. Injuries can occur anywhere, but by...
2 Pages 863 Words
Skill-based coaching activities are effective in developing a sound foundation in a sport as the drills are structured to focus on practicing repetitively and learning the correct technique, essential to play a sport well. This methodology of teaching is useful from beginners to professional athletes because it can be used to develop basic skills and perfect techniques. In addition, it...
3 Pages 1292 Words
For my heritage fair project, I’ll be talking about the inventor of basketball and how his invention became one of the known sports in Canadian history. You’re going to learn about the early life of the inventor, the early development of the game, and much more about basketball in Canada. The inventor of basketball is Dr. James Naismith, he was...
3 Pages 1348 Words
Introduction Paragraph: Thesis: The University of Michigan’s “Fab Five” basketball team, defied racial stereotypes as they revolutionized basketball on and off the court with their new style, as they are still leaving their footprints today. Rest of paragraph: These five freshmen revolutionized the way basketball is played and their style on and off the court made them instant commodities. With...
7 Pages 3230 Words
NBA Betting Strategies Being one of the four major sports in the United States, it is of no surprise that basketball continues to cause ever so many devotees to throng in front of their TV screens. Therefore, it stands to reason that wagering on the NBA is all the rage among a good deal of gambling enthusiasts. The popularity of...
3 Pages 1284 Words
The NBA: A Global Service To me, there is no service a corporation provides that delivers such a high level of entertainment more than that of a professional sports league. The best is the NBA of course. Adam Silver, a Duke University Fuqua School of Business graduate, has transformed the NBA from a regional service for local fans to a...
1 Page 574 Words
We’ve all heard how swimming is a definitive exercise sport, but not anybody can swim. Not every person enjoys being in the water either, and there isn’t beyond any reasonable amount to swim with. Basketball, however, is one of the world’s real sports. It is a staple in any sporting occasion, a standout amongst the most pitched and business that...
2 Pages 783 Words
Invented by James Naismith on December 1, 1891, at the International Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Training School, Basketball is a team sport played by ten players, 5 per team. The goal of the game is to shoot the ball through the hoop. That hoop is elevated 10 feet above the court. Once a basket is made, the team can...
2 Pages 1073 Words
In an article by Rachel Nall, she says “When playing offensive positions, being taller helps you reach to the goal. If you are playing against taller defensive players, being taller can help you shoot the ball without the risk of a player swatting the ball away from you.”. This is saying that taller people are probably better because they are...
3 Pages 1442 Words
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like living in the 1900’s? Kids in this generation (Z Gen) have many influences in their lives. Influences have been a major part of kids' lives but throughout the years the kids have changed. Basketball has had major importance on some kid's life throughout the years. In the different eras like...
1 Page 462 Words
I've been active in playing sports for the majority of my life, yet I never endured significant injuries. After years of playing contact sports such as tackle football and basketball, you'd think I would have been accustomed to common injuries like sprained ankles and sprained fingers. Surprisingly, I was that lucky kid who never faced the repercussions of injuries, and...
1 Page 438 Words
It is really important to participate in school and gym’s different kinds of activities. Even if we don’t know what to do we can still give it a try. Give it a try to learn about different sports and activities. It might feel really hard at the beginning but when we get interested, it doesn't feel as hard as it...
1 Page 644 Words
A decent player starts looking to improve his or her game, searching out basketball training tips. Many search the web looking for training tips that can be trusted. Some will have the cash to spend on prepackaged training programs. Others will scour YouTube to discover training from somebody they respect. YouTube can be an extraordinary spot to discover free recordings...
2 Pages 1108 Words
The personal project is the perfect opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking skills and motivate them to take charge of their own learning. It is essential to choose an inspirational topic that would keep me engrossed throughout the project. When the Personal Project was first introduced, I began veering toward topics connected to Design, Technology, and Sports as...
2 Pages 1001 Words
What is Basketball, Where does it originate from? Basketball is a Sport that is 127 years old and was created/founded by Dr. James Naismith in December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts, Dr. James Also founded the NBA (National Basketball Association). The first game of basketball ever played took place on the 21st of December 1891, at the YMCA Training School in...
5 Pages 2232 Words
When Dr. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891, the game had a built-in deterrent to dunking: the peach baskets used as goals had bottomed, and if the ball fell out of the basket, the field goal was nullified. Now, the slam dunk is a critical part of gameplay. Chris Broussard, an NBA analyst, aims to figure out just how the...
4 Pages 1866 Words
Basketball Revised Research essay Athletic footwear, less formally known as sneakers, can be found anywhere from the basketball court to the office. They are an object that most people own and wear. There is however more to sneakers than meets the eye. An analysis of sneakers reveals insights about ourselves and the social forces that shape everyday life. Sneakers can...
3 Pages 1240 Words
Celebrity Overview: DeMar Darrnel DeRozan was born on August 7th, 1989 in Compton, California, United States. DeMar is an American professional basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the USC Trojans and was selected ninth pick overall by the Toronto Raptors in the 2009 NBA draft. DeRozan grew up...
5 Pages 2239 Words
Abstract Choking is used to describe athletes' performance decrease under pressure. It usually occurs at a critical moment or important competition,and characterized by increasing the occurrence of a number of mistakes should not happen under pressures. The article used field experimental method ,selected 78 basketball athletes and 30 university students as participants. Study 1 tested the expert and novice’s movement...
4 Pages 1750 Words
Introduction to Positional Roles in Basketball Basketball is a physically demanding sport that differs depending on positional role in the sport. Each position is designated a specific job in the game to execute. These differing jobs result in different ways players’ bodies are built specifically for the role to accommodate the positional needs. Point guards require versatility in skill to...
2 Pages 825 Words
Introduction Since about the mid-1980’s, AAU Basketball was and still to this day, is how the big time College Basketball programs find their next superstars. The biggest problem with AAU Basketball in 2019? Corruption. In order to figure out where it starts, you have to begin at the Local level of AAU Basketball, anywhere in America. For some, it can...
1 Page 565 Words
It started off when I first went to high school. It was gym class and we were about to play basketball. With me being shy I really didn't want to participate but of course everyone had to. We were put on teams, split equally into two teams. We were told the rules and off we went. At first, I stood...
2 Pages 710 Words
Injures is one of the most common ways an athlete can end his career. Injuries are truly something athletes try to avoid. There are some cases where athletes that get injured don’t come back as the prime player they were. Kobe Bryant, for example is one of the most or was one of the best basketball players that ever stepped...
1 Page 441 Words
I believe that what we call soccer and the rest of the world calls football is the greatest sport in the world. In fact, I believe that soccer is a greater sport than basketball and this is my reasoning behind this thesis. Many different countries have conflicting opinions on who invented the game now known as soccer. The ancient Greeks,...
2 Pages 878 Words
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Canada. It was invented by James Naismith, a Canadian man who worked at an American college as a physical education instructor. He adapted the game to keep his students active for the winter months (Klein, 2016). There are such an immense cultural connection to basketball yet for decades Canadians have tended...
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