Paramedic essays

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Being a paramedic means that they help people when the people need it most need it the most. Paramedics have been helping people in society for years. The first paramedics started to help society back during the Civil War in 1865. They were assigned based on the number of soldiers...

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3 Pages 1306 Words
What is empathy? To the general public, empathy is most commonly understood through phrases such as 'putting yourself in someone else's shoes' or 'seeing things through their eyes.' This suggests imagining what it is like to experience the feelings and circumstances of another person and having the capacity to understand them yourself while maintaining some level of emotional detachment. In...
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2 Pages 703 Words
From a young age, I have been exceptionally interested in the science of saving lives. Paramedic Science is undeniably fascinating in every aspect; interacting with people from a diverse range of cultures, with a variety of different life experiences. I also recognise that this is a highly challenging occupation that will push me mentally and physically, however I believe it...
About MyselfJobParamedic
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3 Pages 1383 Words
Every job a paramedic enters, the risk of getting injured is always prominent; But with the correct approach, that risk is minimised. Apart from being a paramedic, entails checking for dangers as part of your primary survey, to protect yourself, bystanders and the patient. After checking for dangers, the paramedic will need to check the patient’s level of consciousness using...
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4 Pages 1708 Words
Introduction Following on from my first assignment I will be looking into the legal, ethical and professional frameworks which correspond within the ambulance service setting. Alongside regulations, law and ethics which adjoin controlled drugs and how using stronger analgesia can be of benefit and comfort to our patients. Looking into legalities using the controlled drug Morphine within the ambulance service,...
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1 Page 579 Words
Paramedicine has had an interesting history within Australia. Starting with first aid troops and railway corps providing first aid since the turn of the century to rapid advancements within the industry in the late 1900’s. We have seen a shift from basic first aid training and literally just driving people to hospital, to degrees and post graduate degrees and advance...
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4 Pages 1949 Words
The skill of Needle Thorococentesis (NT) has been a core paramedic skill for many years (Reichman, 2018), used to halt the development of a Tension Pneumothorax (TP). TPs occur in 1 in 250 of major trauma patients, equating to 0.4%, and lead to rapid death if not treated timely and effectively (Leech et al, 2016). TP develops when air enters...
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2 Pages 973 Words
As a health care professional, a paramedics role is focused in medical emergency situations. Paramedics are usually the first on scene and generally in an ambulance, however they are also based in specialist mobile units, as well as emergency response vehicles. Paramedics’ work is unscheduled care which includes minor and major injury, illnesses etc. They are the first to administer...
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2 Pages 845 Words
Introduction From a young age, I've been captivated by the dynamism and urgency of healthcare and emergency services. My fascination was sparked by an incident I witnessed as a child: a paramedic team swiftly and skillfully saved a neighbor's life during a medical emergency. This experience left an indelible mark on me, igniting a deep-seated admiration for the profession. The...
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5 Pages 2067 Words
The role of the paramedic within the NHS unscheduled care agenda relates to direct urgent or emergency patient care. In context to paramedics, it is directly about urgent care and emergency care, both types of care requiring assessments and planned interventions. (Making connections with the challenges of unscheduled care, 2012). Paramedics have the duty when called out to assess all...
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3 Pages 1215 Words
A Paramedic's job revolves around making informed decisions to deliver the most effective care for patients. The prehospital environments are called to have unpredictable and dynamic features which require paramedics to use a flexible and creative approach to decision-making. (Reay, 2018) . The paramedic role is also a forever changing and evolving one to adapt to the new and growing...
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2 Pages 838 Words
Introduction Paramedics play a crucial role in the healthcare system, often being the first line of medical response during emergencies. However, the nature of their work exposes them to various forms of violence, which can have significant repercussions on their physical and mental well-being. Violence against paramedics is not only a violation of their rights but also a hindrance to...
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6 Pages 2519 Words
Introduction The author of this essay aims to answer two questions. Firstly, Describe the factors that may create a patient group that experiences vulnerability, inequality and discrimination. And secondly, as a registered Paramedic, how would you and your organisation protect the vulnerable patient? Describe the legislation and guidance that governs these actions. To achieve this the author will focus on...
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4 Pages 1573 Words
Both professions require a high level of education. Similarly, both professions require a 3-year undergraduate degree, there are various routes to get to this goal. Higher National Certificate courses are available at selected colleges, however, as told by NHS careers (2020) applicants can apply to health or science-based subject to become a paramedic but states that nursing applicants may apply...
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4 Pages 1767 Words
Introduction The point of this case study is to research and explore ischemic cerebral vascular accidents and their treatment in the pre-hospital environment. It will include the epidemiology and incidence of strokes, the clinical presentation as well as the aetiology and pathophysiology. This case study will then determine how to appropriately manage these patients in the pre-hospital setting. Stroke is...
4 Pages 1960 Words
The global problem of Myocardial Infarction more commonly known as a “heart attack” is well documented within the world health organisation; they have completed numerous studies within this sector to indicate areas for improvement in the of quality care in a prehospital setting. This case study evaluates the management of care approiate to scope of practise for paramedics on treating...
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5 Pages 2126 Words
Introduction Communication is defined by Kourkouta & Papathanasiou as the “exchange of information, thoughts and feelings among people using speech or other means” (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014). Good communication is a vital skill for paramedics and is one of the core standards set out within the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) code of conduct (Health and Care Professions Council,...
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