Essay Process How Get Real Estate License

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Times got exciting for me when I first purchased my 1st home in 2001. It was that summer of 2001 I was searching for a house and expecting my 1st born to come very soon. I was out hunting! Homes were cheaper back then compared to today and I got really lucky! I purchased a home for $365,000 and I was on my way to real estate glory!

Who would have thought when you purchase a fixer-upper, you can sell it for a really big profit that’s what many were doing back in the early 2000s. My house was a fixer-upper and increased in value by over 25% every year and it was skyrocketing during those times.

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I witnessed those boom times and just kept rolling the money I earned into more homes as though I was playing Monopoly. It was so easy to get qualified for a loan, and get equity lines of credit, and purchasing a home was easy as a snap.

It’s not all about luck. It’s all about consistency and taking risks. If you don’t take risks, you can’t learn and become stronger and smarter. You have to move fast, too, if you want to achieve more than the average person. You’ve got to go the extra mile to save yourselves a lot of time because you can replace money but you can’t replace time.

In 2004, that’s when I stepped it up and got my real estate license and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was pretty rough during those times, personally, but I felt like I passed the sound barrier and pierced through a concrete wall. After some attempts to get my real estate license, I cried in victory and was so pumped up in my first 3 months, that I closed escrow on 8 homes. These homes were in the $600k – $1 mil range. Not bad for a newbie! I was having fun and so did many other realtors as well.

Many jumped on board to get their real estate license and it was funny because I remembered many teachers, accountants, attorneys and even janitors went in to get their real estate licenses and many did well. They had all left their jobs to make their fortunes in real estate. It was the gold rush of the early 2000’s!

I felt the rush from 2001 until 2006 and then all of a sudden, it blew up in many people’s faces. Lucky for me, I cashed in my chips before the big bust of 2006.

I sold so many short sales, that I started loving them. Many hated it because of the wait time to get things approved by the seller’s bank. For me, I just increased my inventory to witness many close each month. In any business or career you’re in, you have to hustle and work your tail off to see the big prize.

You can’t be lazy and complacent or your breakfast and lunch will be eaten and you won’t even know it. So, go ahead, and give it your best shot even while no one is looking or you may as well, just look for a day job you hate.

Ever since then, I have owned multiple properties and sold many listings and off-market galore. You just have to keep rolling your dice because you get better at it. It’s the same with any job or career if you’re really into it. If you’re in it just for the money, you won’t grow a business and thrive. If you’re in it for the long haul to serve others, you’ll build a legacy many will remember for a lifetime.

Times have changed in the last 18 years of being in real estate. Today, it’s all about social media because of the powerful internet that connects us and it’s getting more interesting and increasingly fast in getting things done and how things are being created from it.

It’s as though the mind of the chip is as smart as the human mind. You’ve seen them, self-driving cars, more rockets being launched into space, drones fighting in our wars, and of course our pocket computer cell phones. Everything is advancing in bigger leaps each year and it’s making a difference in the lives of many.

People are either thriving in the world today, or, they could be out under the awning of a corporate headquarters all crept up in a cardboard box. Unfortunately, many could not keep up with the times but life is changing and evolving faster and faster. You must watch out at all times throughout your life. You must sprint and walk, sprint and walk. If you just keep complacent and live a simple life, you’re already dead and lost behind the swarm of achievers.

There are more than enough books and information out there to transform your life and make it turn around for life-changing results like never before. A new millionaire is being made every 30 seconds around the world and it’s just increasing more than you can imagine.

Take advantage of all the resources you have in the library, meetings, and workshops you can attend for very little money. Remember, no gain no gain. No guts, no glory. If you want to get to the mountaintop, you must cross through the valleys and rivers of crocodiles. No retreat, no surrender or you’ll be eaten up alive.

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Essay Process How Get Real Estate License. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay Process How Get Real Estate License.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay Process How Get Real Estate License. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay Process How Get Real Estate License [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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