How Can Philanthropy Change The World?

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Capitalism in the 21st century has resulted in dividing the rich and the poor. A majority of the population falls under the working class and sustain on either daily wages or monthly. Philanthropy is an idea which could help the rich make efforts to ensure the wellness of the poor. Over the years many philanthropists have been making efforts to help the poor and needy. These efforts have proved to be successful and have changed the life of many individuals. Currently there are many orphanages and physically challenged communities who are desperate for some financial help but the welfare programs that are organized for them by the government are either very slow in terms of progress or are not effective at all. On the other hand if the philanthropists had to donate towards such welfare programs, it would be more effective as the funds donated are directly used towards welfare without any delegation.

The resources used by philanthropists are not divided or given to any third party. In addition, the philanthropists are usually powerful individuals in the society and the funds that they donate are directly for a cause which cannot be used otherwise. Philanthropists could be very useful during the times of a natural disaster. This is because when the government releases funds during a natural disaster, it might take certain amount of time to get hold of the funds due to the long and time consuming procedures that are to be followed. On the other hand, the philanthropists could immediately use their assets towards benefiting the poor without following any governmental procedures which is usually time consuming and slow. Bill Gates is a philanthropist who has donated billions of dollars to the poor and needy.

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The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife has also been contributing towards the welfare of the people. Stephan Curry, a professional NBA player and his wife have also been using their time to help the poor. Michele Obama has also initiated many welfare programs to help the people in need. This is a wake-up call for all the individuals who are in the upper class of the societal hierarchy. The poor have no education, food or shelter and these individuals are usually employed by the upper class. To ensure the welfare of such people is very important as capitalism cannot survive without the working class.

Philanthropy can be used as a tool to ensure a balance between the rich and the poor. If the rich make serious efforts in working towards the welfare of the poor then the working class would feel protected and ensure full productivity in the work place. Philanthropy can not only benefit individuals but the idea also can be used to ensure welfare of an area. Using these resources to ensure the welfare of protected wildlife areas is also very beneficial to the world as the instances of poaching or hunting can be reduced. Education sector can benefit from philanthropists as there are a lot of young children who have not been given adequate education to sustain in the present society.

The philanthropists could use their resources to improve the quality of education by recruiting the right teachers for a reasonable price. The infrastructure could be developed to make the students interact in a safe and friendly environment. A philanthropist could also use the resources to educate a lot of individuals who in the future would try to do the same. In a capitalistic society, the rich are usually blamed to exploit the poor in order to make more profit. This idea has been imprinted in the minds of the working class. By making efforts to benefit the poor, the capitalists could gain the trust of the working class and move towards a progressive society.

These efforts for welfare should not be a cover-up to in turn exploit the poor but it should be used as a tool to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Philanthropy can change the world because of the idea itself. These are efforts made by people to ensure that the needful are not neglected and are given the basic facilities to sustain in the present society. Philanthropy has the potential to help in a lot of other areas. Thus anywhere there is a problem, philanthropy might have a solution.

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How Can Philanthropy Change The World? (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“How Can Philanthropy Change The World?” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
How Can Philanthropy Change The World? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
How Can Philanthropy Change The World? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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