Inside Out' Analysis Paper

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Table of contents

  1. The connection between sleep and long-term memory
  2. Short-term memory
  3. Long-term memory
  4. Explicit memories
  5. Implicit memories
  6. Flashbulb memories
  7. Insight
  8. Forgetting
  9. Canon-Bard Theory
  10. Schacter Singer's Theory of Emotion
  11. Universal Emotions
  12. Belonging
  13. Cognition and Emotion

Many different types of memories can be seen in the movie Inside Out. This fun and cute movie show an insight into the different personalities in the brain and how it affects Riley’s decisions and reactions.

The connection between sleep and long-term memory

Each night, when Riley goes to sleep, the “headquarters” shut down. The memories that occurred throughout the day that take form in different colorful balls get sucked up through a vacuum tube to be sent to the long-term memories. The idea that sleep is important for memory consolidation is also shown in the movie. One’s working memories are used to keep track of small things and facts throughout the day. However, it’s only when one enters the deep sleep, more formally known as the slow-wave sleep phase that your brain is able to keep some of the more important memories for a longer period of time.

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Short-term memory

Riley’s short-term memory can be shown when small details of her day get flushed out and forgotten. Her childhood memories from when she was a baby also get forgotten. Examples of short-term memory are small details throughout Riley’s day that she remembers but might forget later throughout the week.

Long-term memory

Riley’s long-term memory can be displayed by her core memories. An example of this is when she scored the last winning goal in a very important ice hockey game, a memory she will carry with her for a very long time. Another example of where it was shown in the movie is when Joy and Sadness get lost in the long-term memory maze and Sadness has a good sense of place there because she read a long-term memory manual the day before.

Explicit memories

Personal attachment to an event with emotions makes explicit memories stronger and harder to forget. Examples of these can be Riley’s core or childhood memories. Now her memories aren’t solely one color because some of her new memories can be tied with two different emotions, for example, sadness and happiness can create feelings of nostalgia.

Implicit memories

An example of implicit memories is when she learns how to ice skate when she learns how to play ice hockey. Riley uses her motor skills when skating so that every time she goes on the ice, she’ll know how to stand and move around on the ice so she won’t fall. Just like everyone has the motor skills to walk, she has the motor skills to skate. An example of this is when she has tryouts in California for her new hockey team. Although she did badly at tryouts, she was still able to naturally skate without thinking about the mechanics behind it.

Flashbulb memories

An example of a flashbulb memory is the gum commercial that is always in the back of Riley’s head and never goes away.


An example of insight was when Riley recalled the pizza place she saw on the drive to her new home. She suggested going there to try it to distract herself from all of her other negative feelings tied to her dramatic change in life.


Forgetting is shown when Riley doesn’t find interest or needs in her memories anymore, so they begin to fade. An example is when Riley’s imaginary friend, Bing Bong, was forgotten as Riley got older.

Canon-Bard Theory

This theory can be shown on Riley’s first day of school at her new school. When the teacher asked her to speak in front of the whole class, she began to be a little uneasy, and then when she started talking about her hometown, she became sad and began to cry. Riley’s subconscious fear to move to San Francisco is another example.

Schacter Singer's Theory of Emotion

When Riley walked into her new home, she automatically got overwhelmed with homesickness and disgust. When Riley heard her best friend talk about the new girl who is becoming good friends with her, Riley got angry and jealous and hung up. The emotions use the control center to change her emotions and regulate her memories.

Universal Emotions

Five out of six universal emotions can be shown in Riley’s head: disgust, sadness, joy, fear, and anger. They all carry on specific roles that contribute to her everyday choices and emotions.


Belonging can be shown in this movie with Riley’s family island. The family island is the most important and vital of the islands. The movie starts off by showing a solid healthy family relationship and a strong sense of belonging, but it also becomes the first island to collapse. After this first island collapses the rest of her journey in California goes downhill and all of her islands deteriorate.

Cognition and Emotion

Thinking and emotion are related to the movie and are shown throughout the movie with many different examples. The other emotions in Riley’s head and her family are examples of cognition and emotion. Riley responds with sadness when she discovers that she has to move away from her favorite town where she has had many great memories in. She displays sadness when she has to move away from her best friend and responds with anger when she sees that her best friend is already replacing her with a new girl. She also displays anger when she does not do well in her hockey tryouts.

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Inside Out’ Analysis Paper. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Inside Out’ Analysis Paper.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Inside Out’ Analysis Paper. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Inside Out’ Analysis Paper [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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