Key Issues Highlighted in the Film 'Dead Poets Society'

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Teachers have the freedom to choose their way of teaching, aligning it to the students’ learning styles, as long as it assures the learning of the students. In the film ‘Dead Poets Society’, Mr. Keating uses a more of a non-technical and non-scientific that could appear as a humanistic approach. He wanted his students not only to excel academically but also to learn concepts of life by relating the poetry in real-life situations. His teaching approach is different but it was remarkably effective in the field. He mentioned to Mr. Nolan his ideas about education.

There were two issues arose in the film. First is the issue that arose between Mr. Keating and the Welton Academy. The second is the issue concerning the curriculum that is employed continually on the students of Welton Academy.

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First issue in the curriculum shown in the film was the issue of communication between the Headmaster and Mr. Keating about his taught curriculum. In a systems management approach, it is important that the school checks the evaluation of the teacher or checks how they will teach the students, before they present in the classroom. If the Headmaster was immediately informed of Mr. Keating’s taught curriculum, which is more on existentialism and that it does not meet to the objectives of the school, they can have a discussion first on how they will improve the curriculum of the school that will cater the individuality of their students and still meets the objective of the school. Mr. Keating’s main goal is not only to teach but also to bring change in the curriculum of the institution he’s in. Although his way of teaching provided wider scope of understanding of the subject matter for the students, he should have acknowledged the institution of the steps he was about to take. He was an alumnus of Welton Academy, so he should have known the occurring system within the institution.

Books are considered as a supported curriculum; it supports students and also gives information. Welton Academy provided books for learning. Ripping out the pages of the book is a way of Mr. Keating on taking a point but when the new English professor ask something about the understanding of poetry, there’s no notes or books they can look into. This was another proof of how uninformed the academy was of Mr. Keating’s actions.

In the film, it was observed that one extraordinary teacher is described as some sort of ‘hero’ for the students. Yet, this kind of popular well-liked image of the teacher as a savior can create an impractical and negative expectations for the students, every time they meet new teachers. This also proves the disconnectedness of Mr. Keating to the institution.

Circumstances resulted to Mr. Keating’s ‘different’ method of teaching being rejected by the school, for it is seen as a corruption of its principles and the reason why other teachers considered him as a teacher giving his students a dangerous knowledge. He was unaware that it was seen like as if he was encouraging them to act incautious and make rash decisions. The school perceived Keating’s teaching methods ineffective and inappropriate though he was right for he has founded his methods by being in a different position, by seeing a different perspective.

Another major issue is the curriculum that was continually employed in the institution, Welton academy. Welton Academy’s four pillars: tradition, honor, discipline and excellence. The curriculum approach of Welton Academy before Mr. Keating came is more of a technical-scientific approach so the students act only according to what the authority says basing on the theories and objectives that are set before them. They were recognized as the best school in being the preparatory stage for college. Striving for the best is good but they should have adapted to the changes in the society especially to the needs of the learners that were under their care. Curriculum is also taken as a key for social relevance and deemed as an interaction process. Curriculum was not just made to put learners in enclosed doors of traditional learning. The curriculum must adjust to the necessities of people and the community to stay effective and efficient in the academe. Their curriculum seemed to be lacking the fulfillment of the curriculum purpose. It was stagnant. It never changed even from the very beginning for they thought that what was effectual before was still as effectual in the present. Resulting from this action taken by the academy, their students, though they perceived the best, were suffering inside. It was because of too much control the academy has on them. Their longing to revolt against the norms was only fired up by Mr. Keating’s passion for teaching.

All in all, the issues took place were observed on both the sides of the school and the teacher. Their lack of communication to the community they’re in created enormous troubles on both parties. The school lacked communication with the society as well as Mr. Keating lacked communication with the academy’s administration. As it was stated in an idiom, ‘it takes two to tango’. In order to enjoy dancing, a pair should always be in synergy.

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Key Issues Highlighted in the Film ‘Dead Poets Society’. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Key Issues Highlighted in the Film ‘Dead Poets Society’.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Key Issues Highlighted in the Film ‘Dead Poets Society’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Key Issues Highlighted in the Film ‘Dead Poets Society’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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