Multimedia As The Method Of Effective Communication

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We are a digital savvy generation and information plays a vital role today. The latest digital tools and techniques of communication have bought many pleasing changes and developments in our lives. Digital communication has bridged the distance between languages which has given various ways of success for many others. It has blurred the lines between urban-rural, rich-poor, educated-uneducated etc. and has built opportunities for everyone in a democratic way. This paper gives a broad overview of the existential communication aspects and its better prospects looking into futuristic communication methods.


New emergent technologies have changed the way we work and communicate. Exchange of information is a basic need of human beings and new technologies are offering novel tools for this very purpose. In today’s day to day scenario, communication is the key required by everyone be it through apps like twitter, what’s app etc. or through conventional emails the need for communication is a must. However critics claim that this progression in technology is a bane. They argue that we are getting overloaded by information. We must realise that it is not the 'fault' of technology if we feel overloaded by information but we should learn that how we can change the way we use technology to communicate, in order to make it more effective, more human and more meaningful.

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A leading international web marketing agency has identified following current digital-communication trends for online communications and social media. These trends are: (i) Multi-screen world (ii) More talks via images (iii) Self documentation (iv) More push-button curation, particularly on mobile devices (v) Online communications channels continue to get more and more short-lived (vi) Computers know more about you than you think. The digital communication is based on shared values. Using internet and social media has become a must have skill for new generation. If we disregard the individual features of social media websites – tweets, likes, shares, pokes, posts, nudges and so on, we are left with a digital platform with an inexhaustible capacity to host conversations. Every time we publish information on the internet, we are effectively starting a conversation, because people can respond or react to it. However, we are also speaking to a vast, unknown audience and it is easy to get lost in the crowd. Very recently, it was predicted that the 'social platforms' would not only be used for socializing but for business purposes as well. Mobile phones would enable the mobility by enabling the kind of flexibility that goes hand in-hand with the digital workplace. Corporate brands would be out and individual employees as brands would be in. Users would no more accept the new tools of social communication but would develop new techniques on prevalent communication tools.


For many years now, the so called ‘down gradation’ of the English language has become very evident and duly acknowledge. The language used by the generation X and Y is perceivable ‘different’ and mostly unacceptable to the generation of older professionals. But a language cannot 'die' as long as people speak it. The changes that languages normally go through is usually an inevitable process and by and large healthy as well. The English language is known for its propensity and capacity to evolve. Many other languages like the French are not. However, all human languages are rule-governed, and logical. Variations between different groups of speakers in the same language are normal and even at times predictable; and situations like these are result of and in turn result in cockneys and dialects. This is a phenomenon that happens across the globe. Consequently, speakers employ and enjoy a variety of speech forms and styles in response to changing social settings. Most of our attitudes about language are based upon social rather than linguistic judgments. It is also being observed that the human obsession to look and feel young often leads to older people assuming emerging trends especially in terms of verbalization and stylistics. Through Twitter, Facebook and texting, young people create their own language because they don’t want to sound like ‘stuffy adults’. What is perhaps worrisome is the need of and trend of adults mimicking teen-speak. They are using slang words and ignoring grammar. Their language is deteriorating. They are lowering the bar. Our language is flying off at all tangents, without the anchor of a solid foundation. Examples of text speak in common use include LOL for laugh out loud and I luv u instead of I love you. New slangs are coming up like tweet, troll, selfie etc.


Engaging into digital communication is an irony. On the one hand one learns to use social media to express well. On the other, the medium itself hosts heated debates on the pitfalls of using social media. Therefore, it is only natural for us to be hesitant of the internet as a resource for professional development. This anxiety is further exacerbated by the fact that there are no fixed methods for using social media. We can train people to tweet, but the skills of this army of Twitter users will become redundant with the launch of the next website that captures everyone's imagination. Digital content needs to be created with the understanding that anything in a digital format can end up anywhere. We should develop a new universal language of communication based upon pictures. This ancient art of expression through picture of ancient hunters never had the opportunity to go viral. There are no language barriers with images. As the world grows smaller, thanks to technology, people from all over the globe can chat with images that translate into a universal tongue. Do you speak only Mandarin? No problem, you can now communicate with someone who speaks only English. Take a picture and reply. Sergey Brin, Google’s co-founder, had an epiphany about the simplicity of communication through images while wearing Google Glass, the company’s controversial high-tech glasses. Mr. Brin said he was eating a meal while wearing Glass when he received a text message asking what he was doing. He snapped a picture with his glasses and replied with the photo of his surroundings.

Looking Ahead to Future Communication

Augmented reality

Future communication is vividly supported by augmented reality. In this, you can see the world through a technological overview. This could be something basic like a smartphone there are several augmented-reality applications already available for some phones. Another possible approach is through augmented-reality glasses. In either case, you can view the world around you and see real-time digital information about what you're seeing.

The classic example of augmented reality is the restaurant review. You could stand in front of a restaurant and, through an augmented-reality system, read customer reviews or view the daily specials without ever walking inside. But the applications don't have to stop with locations. Augmented-reality systems might extend to people as well. Imagine looking at a stranger and seeing that person's name, Facebook profile, Twitter handle and other information. Clearly, augmented reality systems will raise concerns about privacy and safety, but such systems are already in development.


Li-Fi is a light communication system that is capable of transmitting data at high speeds over visible, ultraviolet spectrums. In its present state, only led lights can be used for the transmission of visible light.

In terms of its usage the technology is similar to wifi - the key technical difference being that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to transmit data. Using light to transmit data allows Li-Fi to offer several advantages, most notably a wider band width channel, the ability to safely function in areas otherwise susceptible to electromagnetic interference (e.g. airplane, hospitals, military), and offering higher transmission speeds.] The technology is actively being developed by several organizations across the globe.


So in today’s scenario, communication is very vital and there are several ways to develop the way we communicate like augmented reality, vehicle ad-hoc network communications, Light fidelity etc. these broad ways of communication enhances the user communication system and makes it more efficient, smoother and stable. It is also secure. It should enable us to use the social digital landscape for reflection and conversations. This capacity of ours exchange the ideas on the basis of shared values makes us the individual agents of change.


  1. Niket Mehta Assistant Professor, Dept. of Animation and Multimedia Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Noida Campus, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  2. Suparna Dutta Associate Professor (Humanities), Dept. of Management Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Noida Campus, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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Multimedia As The Method Of Effective Communication. (2021, September 13). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“Multimedia As The Method Of Effective Communication.” Edubirdie, 13 Sept. 2021,
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