Physical Structure of Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe, certainly, has been one of the most popular biographical subjects among agonizing America’s authors of horrifying stories and poetry. It is known a lot about his literary activity and troubled years, however more about the inner composition of Poe has remained a dark mystery. This essay will discuss certain aspects of physical history and illness of E. A. Poe using historically oriented facts and several accounts including medical research to touch upon the man rather than the legend.

Physical Appearance

Edgar Allan Poe's appearance has been well documented through a combination of portraits, daguerreotypes, and contemporary descriptions. He was of average height for his time, measuring approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall. His build was slight, and he often appeared gaunt, a feature that was exacerbated by periods of poverty and illness. His eyes, often described as dark and penetrating, held a melancholic or haunted expression, fitting the image of the troubled genius. Poe's hair was dark and curly, adding to his distinctive and somewhat romanticized appearance.

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The most well-known image of Poe comes from a daguerreotype taken in 1848, a year before his death. This image reveals a man who appears much older than his 40 years, with deep-set eyes and a weary expression. The physical toll of his lifestyle, which included bouts of heavy drinking and periods of extreme stress, is evident in this portrait.

Health Issues

Poe's physical health was far from robust, and he suffered from various ailments throughout his life. Historical records and contemporary accounts suggest that Poe was plagued by chronic illnesses, including a susceptibility to colds and respiratory infections. These ailments were likely exacerbated by the poor living conditions he often endured, particularly during his times of financial hardship.

One of the more contentious aspects of Poe's health is his struggle with alcohol. While some biographers argue that Poe was a chronic alcoholic, others suggest that his drinking was episodic but severe. Medical records from the time indicate that Poe had a low tolerance for alcohol, and even small amounts could render him incapacitated. This susceptibility likely worsened his overall health and contributed to his untimely death.

In addition to alcohol, Poe may have suffered from other medical conditions that affected his physical and mental well-being. Some modern medical analyses suggest that Poe exhibited symptoms consistent with bipolar disorder, which could explain his erratic behavior and mood swings. Additionally, there is speculation that Poe suffered from epilepsy, a condition that was poorly understood and stigmatized during the 19th century. These health issues, combined with his alcohol use, created a perfect storm that likely contributed to his physical decline.

Cause of Death

The circumstances surrounding Edgar Allan Poe's death remain shrouded in mystery and have given rise to numerous theories. Poe was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore on October 3, 1849, and he died four days later in Washington College Hospital. The exact cause of his death has never been definitively determined, and his medical records and death certificate have been lost, adding to the enigma.

Several theories have been proposed to explain Poe's death, ranging from alcohol poisoning to rabies. A study published in the "Maryland Medical Journal" in 1996 posited that Poe's symptoms were consistent with rabies, a plausible theory given the prevalence of the disease at the time and Poe's reported aversion to water in his final days. However, this theory, like many others, remains speculative.

Another theory suggests that Poe may have been the victim of "cooping," a form of electoral fraud common in the 19th century. Cooping involved kidnapping individuals, drugging or intoxicating them, and forcing them to vote multiple times for a particular candidate. This theory is supported by the fact that Poe was found on election day, wearing clothes that were not his own, a common tactic used by coopers to disguise their victims.


The physical structure of Edgar Allan Poe is a topic that offers valuable insights into the life and struggles of one of America's most enigmatic literary figures. Through contemporary accounts and medical analyses, we gain a clearer picture of the man whose physical frailties and health issues were as complex and multifaceted as his literary works. Poe's gaunt appearance, susceptibility to illness, and struggles with alcohol and possibly other medical conditions all contributed to the tragic narrative of his life. Understanding these aspects of Poe's physical structure not only humanizes the literary icon but also adds depth to our appreciation of his work, which often grapples with themes of mortality, madness, and the human condition.

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Physical Structure of Edgar Allan Poe. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“Physical Structure of Edgar Allan Poe.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
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Physical Structure of Edgar Allan Poe [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Oct 22 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from:

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