Reflections on the Movie About Charlie Chaplin

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I was very excited to hear that we were going to watch a Charlie Chaplin feature to begin the semester because I have never seen one. Growing up, people have always told me that he was very famous for his silent films, so this made me wonder how he captured the audience’s attention with no sound. In the end, I thought that Chaplin used his strange body motions and unique stories to keep viewers entertained. Chaplin also was able to communicate very efficiently between characters to keep the story flowing. It would be interesting to see if this style of film could work in today’s time since people are in high demand for huge blockbusters and captivating stories. Dunkirk was able to do something like this, keeping the dialogue to a minimum but still telling an incredible true event.

Technology had a huge role within this movie because it was used to create plots and as props in scenes at times. Most of the jobs came with working with technology or equipment within the movie if they weren’t already taken by these. I think the self-food eater was trying to show how innovation is constantly happening around us but not necessarily may be better than the current methods yet since it didn’t work in the demonstration. In the end, I think Chaplin was trying to show that sound might not be necessary in films to tell a story with a good plot or keep audiences entertained. He was also able to use dialogue by flashing it on the screen and use minimal sound at times, so this was effective in my mind. I think he was also conveying how innovation could often put people out of work.

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The first message that I saw in the movie was Chaplin conveying the Great Depression and how people were desperate for work. People often resulted to stealing, which the girl did and ultimately lead to the characters meeting. Robbers also broke into the store Chaplin worked at but were looking for food because they couldn’t buy any. Most of the men wore same outfits so it was difficult to distinguish themselves from the rest when getting a job. I think this movie could have been created to allow for some comedy to the people through a difficult time. Technology could be used to keep people out of work.

I think Chaplin really wanted to emphasize to the audience how important the role of an individual was within his films and others. Since there weren’t that many characters within the plot, the story was still able to flow smoothly while adding a sense of comedy. Great movies don’t necessarily need tons of characters to be popular is what I think he wants people to realize. The strange actions and movements his character portrayed allowed him to stand out from the crowd. I believe Chaplin ultimately wanted people to be happy with who they are and not try to blend in with the rest.

I think the reason he made this movie was to bring a comedic relief to the country around the time of the Great Depression. With people out of work due to technology and other reasons, Chaplin wanted to keep people’s morale high. I also think he wanted to show how an individual can stand out without trying to be like everyone else. Looking at this today, he had a good idea of not using sound to create an entertaining film while still portraying an important message. It was difficult at first to figure out the message, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some people agree that it was lost over the 80 years.

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Reflections on the Movie About Charlie Chaplin. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Reflections on the Movie About Charlie Chaplin.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
Reflections on the Movie About Charlie Chaplin. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Reflections on the Movie About Charlie Chaplin [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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