Taliban essays

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3 Pages 1395 Words
Using tyrannical, arbitrary rule, the Taliban terrorized the millions who resided in the Middle East. The false promises of rule of law and stability imposed by the young Islamic and Pashtun fighters, ultimately lead to their replacement of the current government. The Islamic Militants’ violence against innocent civilians, and the war waged against their own country is evidence of their...
6 Pages 2918 Words
The Pakistani Taliban, also known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an extremist terrorist group in Pakistan that formed in the year of 2007. Seeing that the Afghan Taliban was formed years before 2007, TTP can be thought of as the Taliban movement of Pakistan. This breakdown makes sense because there has not been true unification within this group, instead,...
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4 Pages 1775 Words
The words, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain . . . ' ring all too true for the Taliban uprising in Afghanistan. In 1996, this young fundamentalist group built on harsh regulations and strict implementation of Islamic Sharia law took over the country. The rise of the Taliban’s power in...
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5 Pages 2284 Words
Research Essay Assess the effectiveness of the counter-insurgency strategies used by the US and NATO in Afghanistan between 2001-2014. What lessons can be drawn to improve counter-insurgency strategy in the future? The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Centre towers and the Pentagon shook the world from the heart of New York. The unprecedented lethality caused...
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5 Pages 2178 Words
The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is the closest thing to an official name for the variety of small to large scale conflicts around the world that involve various terrorist groups. Though many of these groups and issues have been around before 2000, the GWOT officially started on September, 11, 2001 with the attacks on the world trade center in...
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4 Pages 1997 Words
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Abstract Operation Anaconda broke new ground in modern warfare. In March 2002, U.S. forces struck at Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters who had gathered in Afghanistan's Shahikot Valley. In response to the September 12th, 2001 attacks on American territory, the United States Central Command leader took command of both support operations and coalition forces for Operation Enduring Freedom. Military planners initially...
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