The Red Pony': Death Theme in the Story

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Death is something every living thing on this planet will face. On the other hand, we don’t really know when we will face our death or how we’ll face it. The word “death” freaks some people out, but for others it doesn’t. In “The Red Pony” a novel written by John Steinbeck, Jody the protagonist has a visitor named Gitano, he has come to live and wait for the arrival of his death. The violent cycle of life and death that cannot be controlled. If you’re young, usually you plan for your future life, but you never think of the word death, but if you’re old, every single day you imagine that it’s your last day in the world, this indicates that Gitano has done everything he wanted to do, and is waiting for his death, also to join Easter, Jody’s father, Carl Tiffin’s first horse, I have heard old people state, the arrival of their death a lot. This is what I evaluated based on the theme, “the violent cycle of life and death cannot be controlled”.

Gitano’s role in the novel established and proved the lesson, a character from the novel, “if you’re old, every single day you imagine that it’s our last day in the world, likewise Easter showed the significance of other living things, as a symbol in the novel. “It’s an old man outside. Come on out” (Pg.42 Ch.2). Gitano arrives, and has stated to Jody, “I am Gitano and I have come back”, he intend to state that he arrived to die there. Since he has fulfilled his life and in Spanish background it is a pleasure to come and die, in your birth place. Gitano is old and he was fortunate to live an average life of a person today. Easter is a bit different, Carl stated “You can’t imagine how Easter use to look like” (Pg.47ch.2), Easter had been through a lot and he is likewise looking forward towards his death. Gitano’s role has established importance; likewise Easter is shown as a symbol.

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In chapter one of this novel, Jody dream’s about his first horse, and how he’s going to get to ride it, on Thanks Giving, but faces a misfortune and its death. Luckily, Carl still has his first horse; Easter has lived a wealthy life, and is waiting for its last moment, “death”. Easter is introduced to Gitano (pg.47), and Carl talks bad about him, of how useless he is now. The lesson in this is that, when you have completed an average human life, there is nothing for you in this world; that’s why you look forward towards death. In the end of the chapter, Jess, a character comes to Carl, and says that someone was one his horse, this shows the symbol, of Easter, that he was waiting for Gitano, and both of them went towards death. Gitano shows that his time is up and he also takes Easter with him, whose time is as well up, because they have lived the average like of their species. In the beginning when Gitano arrives at Carl’s house, he states that he is no longer able to work; likewise the horse wasn’t any more value to Carl, too. John Steinbeck, has connected and shown similarities between the horse and Gitano, and in the end they face their death together.

The moral I obtained from this story is when my grandfather’s acquaintance said “today I’m here, and tomorrow I’ll be gone”. This person use to sit with my grandfather in the Mosque, and use to tell me stories of his times, just like Jody, in the novel. One day he became really sick, and was sent to the hospital. The next morning my grandfather woke me early in the morning. He stated that his acquaintance was gone. Likewise, my dad’s cousin got married, and after a few months, he passed away suddenly while sleeping.

The violent cycle of life and death that cannot be controlled. If you’re young, usually you plan for your future life, but you never think of the word “death”. If you’re old, every single day you imagine that it’s your last day in the world. This indicates that Gitano has done everything he wanted to do, and is waiting for his death, also to join Easter, I have heard old people state, the arrival of their death a lot. This is why everyone should be aware of death, and it will come to you. In your early life or when you’re old and you should be ready, and prepared for it! Death is very common and will be faced by every living thing, and if a living thing lives an average life then they should be thankful for it and should rest, in the last days, before “resting in peace”.

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The Red Pony’: Death Theme in the Story. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
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