Theme of Helping Others in the Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah: Critical Essay

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The Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah both share the same theme of doing good things for people in order to receive the ultimate gift: the light shines on you. Christians have to listen to God in order to allow the light to be shined on them. According to Christians, without having faith in God nothing will work out for you. Jesus tells us that we are the salt and light of our world and that we can only shine if we are doing good things for others. The Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah portray the same theme of helping others in order to receive the light of God. Jesus confirms the light of God in the New Testament.

The reading of Isaiah 58:7-10 tells the story of removing the darkness from within us and allow the light to shine on us. It seems that dark clouds cover individuals, however the perfect day can come when the dark clouds clear, and then the spirit of helping and love clears the path for the individual. “Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them, and do not turn your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed; your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard” (Isaiah 58:7-10). The quote from the passage portrays the idea if you perform a good deed of helping someone in need, a light will shine and the Lord will be there to be ‘your rear guard’. The light is God being by us when we need Him most, such a; if we cry for help, God will be there for us.

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The Gospel of Matthew shares a similar story of Jesus paving the path for us. The major metaphor “You are the salt of the earth” portrayed Christians being the most important humans on earth. Christians are the salt of the earth because they preserve the holiness in themselves and everyone around them. Salt back in time was used to preserve food in the desert, however now Christians preserve the world from evil. Another important saying from the text was “You are the light of the world” (Gospel of Matthew, 5:13-16). We are the light. We have two jobs in life: one is to maintain our own personal holiness, and the second is to shine light on everyone around us. Christians do this every week by attending church when we say ‘peace be with you’ to others around us.

The readings of Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew tell two different stories, however they also overlap the same meaning. Both readings depict the meaning of sharing and helping others, which leads to listening and having faith in God. Caring and sharing is what brings a community closer together. If a community does not have these attributes, then it isn’t a community. Everyone in a community needs to help others who need it: “Share you bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them, and do not turn your back on your own” (Isaiah 58:7-10). Isaiah is telling us that we have to be there for our neighbors and loved ones no matter what. God does not want us to turn our backs on ourselves because we need to pick people up when they are down. The text basically states that there is no such thing as a stranger and that all people should be looked at the same way.

In comparison, the Gospel of Matthew has the same meaning of Isaiah 58:7-10; they both want us to look out for people in trouble. From reading of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says: “Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father”. (Gospel of Matthew 5:13-16). God wants a light to shine on oneself before others because it will heal the wound and the Lord will stand by your side. He wants our sins to go away by helping others. “That they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father”, good deeds are replenished with the light from the Lord, who will be our rear guard.

Both of these texts relate to the theme of listening to God, and then a path will clear for those that listen. God has a process, and the Christian community needs to trust His process. The Lord leads us to a good life; there may be bumps in the road, however the bumps can be overcome. In the Old Testament, Isaiah says that there is a light that shines on us, however we have to make the path for ourselves. We must help people in need and help clear a path for the people around us. Jesus fulfills the same theme that if you listen to God, He will be there when you need Him. From the reading of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says: “You are the light of the world...Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” (Gospel of Matthew 5:13-16). “That they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father”, states that “good deeds” make God happy. The quote is an incentive to do good and therefore feel that God cares about you because you helped people in need. Both God and Jesus want the light to shine on their followers. God and Jesus also want to be sure that sins are not being committed and that individuals can form their own path through their own actions.

So, the Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah both share the same theme: if you help others then the darkness will clear and a light will shine upon you. Isaiah says that God will give you the light and He will be there when you cry for life. Jesus continues the same theme throughout the Gospel of Matthew and confirms that good deeds will give you God’s light.

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Theme of Helping Others in the Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah: Critical Essay. (2023, September 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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