Why The Old Testament Is Still Relevant To Modern Times

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The Old Testament stories are still relevant to modern life because it teaches us important, life long messages that we can use in our daily life, the story of Jacob and Esau teaches us to be thankful, the story of Abraham teaches us to trust our family and the story of Joseph teaches us to forgive our neighbours

In Genesis 25:19-34 the story of Jacob and Esau sends the message that it is important to be grateful for whatever opportunity or gifts you receive and you should never give it up. This message will be most relevant to adolescents in the modern world. In the story of Jacob and Esau, Esau came home after a long day of hunting, he comes home very hungry and asked Jacob if he could have some of the stew he made. Jacob said to him only if you give me your birthright I will give you some food. At the time, Esau did not care if he had a birthright or not. He only wanted some food so he ended up giving up his birthright to Jacob. The story of Jacob and Esau demonstrates how you should be thankful for the gifts you obtain in your life; for example a home, family, food, water and education. Esau was not grateful for his birthright because he gave it away for a bowl of soup. Therefore, the story of Jacob and Esau is relevant to modern life showing us why it is important to be grateful for the gifts we get.

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In the story of Abraham (Genesis 22 1-18) God tests Abraham to see if he was loyal or not. This sends the message that we should trust in God and our family this would be most relevant for all age groups in modern times. In Genesis 22 1-18 God tests Abraham if he is fully trusts God and if he is loyal. His test was if he will sacrifice “his only son, Issac” for him. Abraham rose early and took two men and his son , they gathered up wood to build an alter and to have wood to burn. when they finished, Issac asked “where is the lamb?” Abraham told him “there is no lamb, the sarafice is you”. When Abraham was about to kill Issac, one of God’s angels came down to Abraham to stop him, “Abraham stop, there is no need to kill your only son this was only a test if you were loyal to God and you have passed and have been rewarded for it” the angel pointed to a ram stuck in some bushes to sacrifice. This story in the Bible tells us that we should always trust in God and our family even if we don’t want to because we will always be rewarded for it, for example when God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Issac Abraham didn’t want to do it at first but he did it because he trusted God, when he was going to sacrifice his son the angel told him not to because it was only a test, he was rewarded with a ram which he could sacrifice instead. Therefore, The story of Abraham is relevant to modern life by showing us the importance of trusting God and our family. Especially with life gets difficult or when we are confronted with situations we don’t seem to understand.

In Genesis 37, the story of Joseph and his brothers. Joseph gets sold into slavery by his brothers and becomes one of the pharoah’s slaves he, interpreted a dream from the Phorah and told him that a terribile famine would come and would last for seven years and when his brothers come for wheat he forgives his brothers, this sends the message that we should forgive our neighbours, this message is relevent to all ages. In Genesis 37 Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and he was on of the Phorohs slaves, one day the Phoroh ask Josephto interpert his dreams, joseph said that we would have lots of food for seven years and then 7 years of bad famine. when the famine came egypt was well prepared and people all over were buying wheat, joseph saw one of those people were his brothers when they came up, he said to them “bring me benjamin” so they went back and did they came back he told everyone else to go away and he started to wept they soon knew that was joseph and begged him for his forgiveness and he did. This story sends out the message that we need to be forgiving to our neighbours for example when joseph still forgave his brothers even though they sold him into slavery, most people in modern times wouldnt forgive someone if they did the smallest mistake. Therefore, the story of Joseph and his brothers is still relevant to modern times by showing us we should always forgive our neighbours no matter what they did.

In Conclusion, the story of Jacob and Esau, Abraham and Joseph each tell us three important messages to be thankful, to always trust family and forgive our neighbours, the stories will be relevant to all age groups.

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Why The Old Testament Is Still Relevant To Modern Times. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-the-old-testament-is-still-relevant-to-modern-times/
“Why The Old Testament Is Still Relevant To Modern Times.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/why-the-old-testament-is-still-relevant-to-modern-times/
Why The Old Testament Is Still Relevant To Modern Times. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-the-old-testament-is-still-relevant-to-modern-times/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Why The Old Testament Is Still Relevant To Modern Times [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-the-old-testament-is-still-relevant-to-modern-times/

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