1000 Word Essay Examples

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Essay on Siddhartha Hero's Journey

Hero Cycle  Quote: “In the shade of the house, in the sunshine on the riverbank by the boats, in the shade of the sallow wood and the fig tree, Siddhartha, the handsome Brahmin’s son, grew up with his friend Govinda.” Explanation: This quote, which is the first sentence in the novel, describes the Ordinary world very well, and represents each element. Mainstream faith is represented through the identification of Siddhartha as a Brahmin’s son. When Siddhartha crosses the threshold into...
1 Page 1003 Words

Commentary Essay on 'The Stranger'

Meursault, the protagonist of the novel, discovers that his mother died in an old home. The death of his mother seems to have little effect on him due to his detached emotions and self centered belief of living which makes him look 'The Stranger' to the society. Meursault gets into relationship with his former coworker while celebrating life merry go round way right after the funeral of his mother. Meursault helps his friend Raymond writing a letter to trap Raymond's...
1 Page 1046 Words

Essay on 'Ender's Game' Hero's Journey

One may believe isolation to be a terrible weakness, but it can be a great advantage: confinement can be used to build individual strength, integrity, and character. In certain circumstances, teamwork may be increasingly beneficial, but that team calls for a strong leader to take them all the way. A capable leader is a vital part of a team, providing Graff’s necessity to make the best commander of Ender through isolation. In Ender’s Game written by Orson Scott Card, this...
1 Page 1042 Words

Essay on Rosaline in 'Romeo and Juliet'

In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare portrays Romeo as an impulsive and immature character who is ruled by his emotions. He is presented as a Petrarchan lover and his language at the start of the play characterizes him as an inexperienced lover, however, as the play progresses he has an increased maturity as a lover which is marked in his language. He is central to the plot through his relationship with Juliet, the heroine, and many of Romeo’s choices govern...
1 Page 1030 Words

Essay on Why Honour Roll Is Important

There are many steps that you can take to achieve your goals and here are some of mine. First off, my name is Somer Queen, from Houston, TX. I grew up in a townhouse on the south side of Houston Texas with two older sisters. My parents always taught us to value ourselves whether it was in appearance or just how we carried ourselves. These values have stuck with me throughout my life such as treating people how you want...
1 Page 1014 Words

Essay on Oscar Wilde Homosexuality in 'The Importance of Being Earnest'

Oscar Wilde has a tremendous reputation and impact in a satirical context all around the world. He covers his criticism in the text with humor and wit. The Importance of Being Earnest is one of his well-known plays and in that play, we can seize the criticism of the nature of marriage, the constraints of morality, and the distortion of society. However, there is a hidden narrative about the attitudes of society toward homosexuality and sexual interest, especially in 19th-century...
1 Page 977 Words

Essay on 'Divergent' Hero's Journey

The story of Divergent is set in a futuristic dystopian city, Chicago. The city, built by its founders, is divided into five factions that each represent a different virtue, Abnegation: The selfless Amity: The peaceful Candor: The honest Dauntless: The Brave Erudite: And the Intelligent Teenagers have to decide which faction they want to go for the rest of their lives and most teenagers belong to a certain faction. However, Tris Prior is not a normal teenager because she doesn’t...
1 Page 1031 Words

Invisible Man' Comparison Essay

The issue of race and identity can be found in African American communities for many years. Such texts as Jazz by Toni Morrison, The Invisible Man by and Zora's Their Eyes were watching god discuss this theme. This theme covers the three narratives and it is clear in the character's voices and actions. This issue of race affected African Americans' lives, self-perceptions, and identities. In this essay, I will discuss how racial discrimination and the constant search for identity are...
1 Page 971 Words

Essay on Scouts Difficulty in Growing Up

Lee’s notion of growing up over time is of indispensable importance in To Kill a Mockingbird. To Kill a Mockingbird’s structure is one of a bildungsroman as Scout narrates the story. In doing so, it becomes progressively apparent that Scout and Jem’s psychological evolution is essential to the novel’s elucidation. Through several losses of innocence, they gain new perspectives on how the “real” world works. Some of their experiences of loss of innocence were adverse, such as when they learn...
1 Page 1008 Words

Essay on Nationalism Vs Capitalism

The nation defined by Benedict Anderson as an “imagined community” is excellent with regards to the individual creation of the nation as an idea, but it does not examine the effects of acceptance of the idea of the nation on the individual self-identity (Anderson, B., 1983, Page 6). In addition, as being part of a group, we could conversely easily, read the same books, same newspapers, abide by the same law, answer to the same court, and eventually serve in...
1 Page 972 Words

Essay on Why Is Google Important

Introduction to Google as one of the most important technological innovations in 20 years. Google’s Search Engine is one of the most important technological innovations in the last 20 years. Google has played a very vital role in helping millions of people and businesses all over the world. In the early year 1990s Google Search Engine launched, but in 2004, it was finally introduced to the public contributing to its prestigious and established growth. Google transformed and changed the way...
1 Page 971 Words

Essay on Life Changing Event to Europe

I studied abroad in Europe this past summer and I noticed many differences between how Europeans live their lives versus how we Americans live ours. One of the major differences was the modes of transportation used to commute. In Europe, walking, biking, and using the metro system are commonly seen, and driving automobiles is the most recognized form of transportation in the United States. Walking ten miles a day to get to restaurants school or other destinations would be considered...
1 Page 964 Words

My Favourite Korean Drama Essay

At present, most of the people from all around the world have become lazy. That is why, they search for some sort of recreational components which do not require any kind of physical effort. Because of this, watching various kinds of TV series and TV dramas has become one of the most amusing mediums for people. Previously, only American and British TV series were popular among the people worldwide. However, recently Korean drama also become popular among the people of...
1 Page 990 Words

Essay on Family and Honour

“Honor, Huh?” (Coppola 115:56) Kay says to Michael when he sees that the father in the puppet show kills his daughter because his daughter has betrayed her husband and fallen in love with her cousin; when Michael’s old bodyguard tells Michael that Don Tommsino was shot, Kay sighs, “It never ends.” (Coppola 123:26) These two lines said by Kay imply that the honor of the Corleone family has a symbiotic relationship with the violence. In The Godfather Part III, Michael...
1 Page 1002 Words

Disadvantages of Terrorism Essay

Terrorism has hurt the Kenyan image. Moreover, Terrorism has caused a sense of panic through various sectors of the economy. Kenyans lost their lives during the American embassy attacks, Westgate Mall attacks, and even the most recent Dusit D2 hotel attacks. Furthermore, businesses lost their belonging and the country lost billions of shillings from fears caused by the attacks. Investors refused to invest in such uncertainty and thousands of Kenyans lost their jobs. The Nairobi stock exchange was losing heaps....
1 Page 1019 Words

Essay on Why Intersectionality Can't Wait

Criminologists have long been interested in the relationship of crime with race, class, and gender - particularly critical criminologists. There have been ongoing discussions as to which factor is the most important. Intersectionality scholars, however, consider these discussions as pointless, because these modes of power (race, class, gender, etc.) intersect to form particular oppressions that are not a sum of their parts. This actively demonstrates that race, class, and gender are not additive models, but rather, constitutive models. Similar to...
1 Page 996 Words

Essay on Racism in Alabama in the 1930s

The Depression that swept through America in the 1930s greatly affected everyone’s life. One-quarter of the citizens lost their jobs and were looking for work. The fight to find food and a place to live created an increase in tensions among all citizens. Often women became the breadwinners of the family, since their employers could pay them less than men. This scarcity of jobs meant that the men had an even harder time finding them. Many Puerto Ricans and Mexicans...
1 Page 1016 Words

Why Should We Protect Endangered Species: Argumentative Essay

In the year 2018, it was recorded that only 11 white lions were left in the wild. This record is shocking because it shows how the white lions are endangered and how mankind should take measures to save these beasts and all kinds of species. On the other hand, this topic is controversial for some believe that this issue must be taken into consideration, while others believe that this issue is useless and that time and money are being wasted....
2 Pages 987 Words

Immigration in the Early 20th Century: Essay

Imagine having to leave one country for another with different people but more opportunity. What would that be like for a person? This is what crossed early immigrants’ minds on their journey to America, along with what they were aspiring to do within our country. That could’ve included better employment options, escaping economic and political unrest, buying more land, and a more stable life. Many immigrants, however, probably didn’t think about the impact they would have on American cities, as...
2 Pages 976 Words

Essay on Statistics in Nursing

Holland and Rees (2010) framework guided the appraisal of the paper by Duncombe (2017). The purpose of a framework is to analyze and evaluate the strengths and limitations of the research process and to determine the validity of the paper (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber, 2017). Duncombe (2017) adopted a quantitative methodology for this study. According to Polit and Beck (2017), quantitative research is the scientific process involving large groups of participants and data, worthy of improving the understanding of nursing. Presented...
2 Pages 971 Words

Exemplification Essay on Renewable Energy

“It’s a definition that if it’s not renewable, it’s going to run out at some point” (Elon Musk). The inexpensive, concentrated, and portable nonrenewable energy stored in these remarkable compounds has long brought significant economic benefits. During the last couple of centuries, It has paved the way for previously inconceivable industrial advancement. So why not just keep burning fossil fuels? That is just not an option in the long run, for two reasons. The first is the ethical concern that...
2 Pages 989 Words

Profile Essay on Divorce

Introduction Divorce is something that nobody ever imagines themselves having to go through, but unfortunately, nobody can control what happens throughout life. Couples grow apart for many different reasons such as emotional distress, cheating, and many other contributing factors. Marriage is a goal in life for most individuals, but life happens, and marriage does not always last. Analyzing and comparing the divorce rates between different countries can provide some insight as to some factors and influences on marriage in areas...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Essay about Pop Culture in 1980s

The 1980s was the most influential decade in the history of the United States because it changed the course of the U.S. through drugs, culture, and terrorism. To set the scene for the 1980s, the Vietnam War had ended 5 years before 1980, resulting in an American loss. Anti-Communist sentiments were at a high, and the Cold War was at one of its many peaks before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 80s were probably the most intense period...
2 Pages 995 Words

Essay on University Days

Deciding whether or not to go to University was a very difficult decision for me. I was so indecisive about every thought that went through my brain. I would think about all the positives and negatives of whether I went to university or not and if it was the right choice for me. My family and friends also helped me to think about what would be best for me for my future career as I was confused about what I...
2 Pages 970 Words

Poverty Statistics in America Essay

How does one become homeless? Homelessness is a global problem that affects many. As statistics show there is a huge population that are homeless and those individuals are exposed to a lot of negative environmental factors. It takes a toll on an individual’s well-being. Homelessness could happen to anyone. Homeless are unstable in housing and need help. Research shows that there are many different causes as to how people get here but we need to shine more light and attention...
2 Pages 956 Words

Argumentative Essay on Transcendentalism

When was the last time you sat down in nature and looked around? For many people, the hustle and bustle of our daily lives means that we do not often find ourselves contemplating the beauty of nature. Even the simplest and ordinary aspects of nature, such as a single blade of grass, can become complex and extraordinary when we view it from different perspectives. In transcendentalist poetry and literature, nature is a key aspect that many authors use to highlight...
2 Pages 966 Words

Renewable and Non Renewable Energy Essay

Many countries, including large nations like the USA, in the status quo rely largely on energy from nonrenewable sources. For example, coal, petroleum, and natural gas from fossil fuels. These fossil fuels generate about 85% of the world’s energy. This brings about two issues. Firstly, nonrenewable energy is finite and will run out if our consumption of this energy is more than the amount of nonrenewable energy that can be replenished naturally by the Earth. Research shows that at the...
2 Pages 975 Words

Marxist Literary Criticism Essay

Literary theories provide limitless perspectives on the way individuals read the text making each interpretation unique. Through different literary criticisms, individuals appreciate Fitzgerald’s portrayal of a theme, event, or character in The Great Gatsby. The Marxist theory analyzes the amount of power in numerous socioeconomic classes, the consequences of these power differences, and the interactions between characters from different classes. Psychological criticism examines the character’s state of mind and feelings which can reveal the author’s psychological conflicts. These literary theories...
2 Pages 993 Words

Of Mice and Men': Essay on Loyalty

The Danger of Loyalty Imagine doing everything for someone worthwhile and then knowing that you won’t get that in return. Loyalty is one of the most kingly traits in the eyes of past and current generations. This is why it receives so much attention, as it can be a part of a healthy and inspiring relationship or as a character in certain literature. Besides its traditional importance, it also finds a place in the world today. Many people today struggle...
2 Pages 1046 Words

King Lear' Essay on Blind Loyalty

William Shakespeare's 'King Lear' is one of his four great tragedies and one of his most acclaimed plays. His greatest tragedies come from his second and third periods. Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet come under the second period whereas the third period includes Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony, and Cleopatra. Self-delusion is the tragic flaw of the tragic protagonist in this play. Recent criticisms of King Lear were alert to how Lear's status as a king and as...
2 Pages 1028 Words
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