1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Application of Sociological Imagination: Argumentative Essay

What makes you unique as an individual? Structurally, it is our DNA that makes us different from others, however, if you were being asked this question you would not start with that, however, you may start by describing your personality. Our personality shapes us as a whole, and based on many factors like where we live, what we have been surrounded by and what we have experienced in life helps make us more unique. We have certain outlooks on life...
2 Pages 972 Words

Improving the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program: Analytical Essay

Sexual assault within the ranks has been a silent threat, ruining the careers of many who had no way of reporting it. According to the New York Times, the Department of Defense had released the annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military showing an increase of 38% from 2016. The report states that the number of incidents not being reported has increased by over 6,000 since 2016 (2019). Now, service members receive repetitive face to face classes throughout the...
2 Pages 980 Words

Impact of US Juvenile Justice System on Teens in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania

Adverse Childhood experiences are highly associated with the juvenile justice system because whatever a child has grown up with can inspire their decisions as they get older, Research has shown that adverse childhood experiences are associated with delinquency, along with violence and more chronic/Severe criminal careers. Adverse childhood experiences are strongly and completely associated with sexual offending, however negatively associated with homicide and serious person/property offending. The same effects of adverse childhood experiences were also seen among African Americans, Hispanics,...
2 Pages 996 Words

Best in Class Margaret Talbot

“Best In Class” can be seen as full of rhetorical strategies and rhetorical appeals. Margaret Talbot uses exemplification as a rhetorical strategy in order to capture the audience's attention. Throughout the essay, she introduces many rhetorical situations, many being about becoming valedictorian. Talbot writes about issues of naming students valedictorian. She states that there are too many factors that can play a role in a students classification. Rules, regulations, circumstances, and agreements are made to title students as number one...
2 Pages 981 Words

General Overview and Analysis of The Comedy Genre

Everyone has various expression forms in their hearts, but the maximum common form is laughter. It facilitates us to relieve pressure and make us feel better about ourselves. Comedy movies play a very important role in helping us laugh. Today's movies have numerous forms. Despite recent action tendencies and horror films, comedy films were always the first choice in the sense that it offers people the opportunity to see life's humor. In the comedy genre, there is a lot of...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Argumentative Essay on the Conditions of the People Affected by the First Industrial Revolution

This essay will argue about the conditions of the people affected by the first Industrial Revolution. More specifically, it will focus on the living conditions of the common people, concerning health, education, consumptions and domestic life. Taking under scrutiny Great Britain, at the end of the 1840s, an analysis of the political context will incur, regarding the mechanisms which influenced society due to the first Industrial Revolution. Furthermore, considering a pessimistic view, ideas of different theorists will be defined, such...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Poor Working Conditions In Nike’s Factories: Verbal Abuse of Workers

How would you feel if you knew that Nike factory workers in Indonesia are payed $1.60 a day for a 40 hour workweek? People who work in some of our favorite company’s factories are being mistreated everyday. One example of people being mistreated in Nike factories are the low wages. Another example is that workers are being abused by other workers and owners. Finally, people who work in Nike factories have unbelievably dangerous working conditions. Low wages is a major...
2 Pages 1016 Words

History of Tobacco: Analysis of the Role of the First American Colony in Jamestown

Tobacco was the first crop grown for money in North America. In 1612 John Rolfe and the settlers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia grew tobacco as a cash crop. It was their main source of money. Other cash crops were corn, cotton, wheat, sugar, and soya beans. Tobacco helped pay for the American Revolution against England. Ralph Hamor, Secretary of Virginia, reported that Rolfe planted the first tobacco seeds that he obtained from somewhere in the Caribbean....
2 Pages 1023 Words

John Brown's Fight against Slavery and Racism: Analytical Essay

John Brown is known as a radically abolitionist that opposed slavery. He is one of the most controversial people in American history. Slavery is wrong. We are all humans and children of God so why treat us blacks differently because of the tone/color of skin. Brown didn’t believe in slavery so he did what he felt was to right to help us blacks get our freedom and put an end to this crime. Brown was aggressive fighting for human rights...
2 Pages 974 Words

Key Theme of Defiance in Purple Hibiscus: Critical Analysis

Adichie's Purple hibiscus is a novel based in post-colonial Nigeria where we are introduced to 15-year old Kambili who shares her narrative on the toxic family environment in which her father, an abusive catholic man oppresses and imposes his beliefs on his family. In the following essay, I will be discussing the key theme of defiance in Purple Hibiscus. To achieve this I will carefully explore Kambili’s experience +with open obedience in terms of the manner in which the characters...
2 Pages 989 Words

Annotated Bibliography on Charles Dickens

Allen, M. (2013). Robert Gottlieb. Great Expectations: the Sons and Daughters of Charles Dickens. Dickens Quarterly, 30(1), 69-72. The journal explores the resentment that Charles Dickens felt as a result of the conflict he had with how he was raised in a Victorian household and the interactions he had with actual people. The text will be of great essence in exploring the social world of Charles Dickens as it entails the theme, setting, and characters based on events and family...
2 Pages 953 Words

Drug Addiction As One of the Most Important and Serious Problems of Society: Opinion Essay

Drug addiction which is also known as substance use disorder is a chronic disease in which a person cannot stop or control the consumption of illicit drugs such as cocaine, heroine, crack, etc. Drug addiction has terrible consequences socially and economically plus it severely affects your mental and physical health and in the worst cases this can lead to death. People who become addicted to drugs will be unable to control the consumption of drugs and their desire for them,...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Reasons for the Dramatic Rise In Cocaine Drug Addiction in Great Britain over the Past Fifteen Years

Drug use is one of the most important problems in modern society. According to Breakdown Britain 2006, 'Britain is experiencing an explosion in addiction' (Duncan Smith 2006: 40). Based on statistics, one and three quarters million young people in Britain use cocaine. Over the past seven years, their number has increased twice. Over the past 5 years, the cost of heroin has dropped by 45%, the cost of cocaine has fallen by 22%. Thus, Cocaine and heroin are cheaper than...
2 Pages 953 Words

Comparative and Contrastive Analysis of the Due Process and Power Models of Criminal Justice

Part 1: Compare and contrast the due process and power models of criminal justice. Illustrate your answer with examples and evidence from the module materials. Word Count: This essay will explore two models of criminal justice, the due process and power; explaining the similarities and differences between them. The due process is a model that prioritizes the individual suspect, it is a requirement that legal matters should be a fair application of the law before a conviction is to be...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Benefits of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy at Workplace: Analytical Essay

Equality is the idea that people should all be treated fairly (not equally) while diversity is about recognising that there are both individual and group differences and so people should be treated as such. You can look at building an inclusive and diverse workplace in any combination of financial and/or ethical ways but the result is the same: it benefits your organisation to be one. Firms that offer an inclusive environment for a diverse mix of employees stand to innovate,...
2 Pages 951 Words

Impact of Early Adverse Childhood Experiences on Development and Educational Progression of Children

This assessment will explore the impact early Adverse Childhood Experiences can have on the development and educational progression of children and young people who are looked after in Scotland. In order to understand the impact that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have on the behaviour of children in the classroom and attainment, first a definition of “looked after” and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) must be determined. This assignment will also, with reference to literature discuss what support and interventions that are...
2 Pages 960 Words

Analysis of Drug Addiction As a Loss of Executive Control over Maladaptive Incentive Habits

Introduction Drug addiction can be defined as a loss of executive control over maladaptive incentive habits (Belin, Belin-Rauscent, Murray, & Everitt, 2013). In 2018, there were 2,917 registered deaths in England and Wales related to poisoning by drug misuse, which was a 17% increase from 2017 and a 46% increase from 2008 (Statistics on Drug Misuse, England, 2019). According to this study, the number of deaths related to drug misuse are at their highest since 1993. Furthermore, the National Treatment...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Reflection on Group Work with Cognitive Psychology

As a group, we had decided on the topic ‘Cognitive Psychology’ which explores the mental processes related to perceiving, attending, thinking, language, and memory. Throughout the powerpoint we had mainly focused on the four main approaches of cognitive Psychology; cognitive neuroscience, cognitive neuropsychology, computational cognitive psychology and experimental psychology on the other hand I had decided to reflect on the history of cognitive psychology which I found most interesting. The cognitive approach developed in the 1900s, in my research findings...
2 Pages 991 Words

Themes and Ideas in The Brave New World and The Love Song

This essay will discuss The Brave New World book by Aldous Huxley and the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot. The Brave New World was about a perfect society with minor defects. There are some people that want to go beyond what they can do and explore. The government will not allow any exploring of science unless needed or they will get sent off. The poem is about a potential lover. The poem explains the...
2 Pages 1039 Words

The Ideas of Humanism in Italian Renaissance

The Renaissance refers to an era of intellectual excitement when art, literature, and science blossomed and groundbreaking humanistic ideas started to make way. The impact of the Renaissance was powerful and has endured for centuries. This important era changed the concept of what it means to be human and emphasized the beauty and intelligence of the individual forming the principle of the Italian Renaissance, the philosophy known as “humanism.” However, what did change man’s view of man in this bonanza...
2 Pages 994 Words

Medea: Empathizing With A Murderer And Psychopath

For 2,448 years, “Medea” has been a notable playwright and story, thanks to Euripides’ craftsmanship and eloquent characterization of the infamous main character, Medea. Even though Euripides writes Medea as a complex character having many characteristics, there is one characteristic that dominates all the others, and for a good reason. Throughout the entirety of “Medea,” Euripides depicts Medea as hopeless to enable the audience to empathize with her. Euripides portrays this feeling in Medea’s first line, where she is shown...
2 Pages 972 Words

The Aspects of Public School and Homeschooling

Education has been a very important issue for many individuals in today’s society. For some having access to better education is extremely necessary. There are two types of general education: homeschooling and public schools. Homeschooling is taught at home in an isolated place with a private teacher. Public school is. However, Public school are completely different, children are able to grow and connect with others. This is often the foremost general method students study. Both homeschooling and the public school...
2 Pages 973 Words

Walmart as a Global Company

American corporations currently hold leading positions in the world. This concerns both their size and their competitiveness and role in world markets and in the global economic system. The leadership foundation of the American companies in the global economy is a socioeconomic and institutional system formed as a result of many years of historical development based on liberal economic and democratic political principles. There are large and successful corporations in many developed countries, but nowhere else do they have such...
2 Pages 959 Words

The Impacts Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

It would be hard to imagine the government censoring the data being fed to the public in a world of diversity and cultural differences. Bradbury uses the characters of Mildred and Montag, both mindless and common members of society, in this speculative fiction book, Fahrenheit 451, to reinforce his theme that creating a highly controlled society kills individuality and terminates or represses human emotions and individual thinking. By creating a society that strives to be a perfect utopian city, the...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Morals and Values in Antigone

The question of what is right or legal had been always a subject of discussion. What is right can be defined as subjective which, is based on people’s understanding of morality, ethics, and values and what is legal as objective which, is based on people’s understanding of the laws of their community or nation. What is legal does not mean it is right and what is right should not be illegal. It is why sometimes people do what they think...
2 Pages 1017 Words

The Types Of Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination takes place as a result of sexism, According to (Merriam -Webster), sexism is discrimination based on sex especially in the form against women.it is the unfair treatment of people based on their sex or gender.it is based on the idea that women are inferior to men and functions to oppress women in the society. (Integrity Ethics Module 9 Key Issues: Forms of Gender Discrimination, 2020). Sexism is manifested in countries and cultures around the world through the socialization...
2 Pages 1031 Words

The Effects of Refugee Camps

Refugees are regular people forced to flee from their home country because of the fear of persecution for many different reasons such as war and natural disasters. While fleeing home, their lives turn inside out because of many reasons. Some are war, the fear of persecution, and natural disasters. While finding a home, their lives turn back again because of resettling in a new country, adapting to their environment, and moving on to the present to try and make the...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Similarities And Differences Of The Hunger Games And The Giver

Many of us tend to imagine what an alternative world could look and feel like. Science fiction explores our hopes and dreams for the near future. Having this power makes us escape the everyday world and the challenges we face. The Hunger Games that is produced by both Nina Jacobson, Jon Kilik and The Giver, written by Lois Lowry demonstrates the topic, Nature of Power. The themes Privilege,Survival and Love and sacrifice all represent the overall topic. These three themes...
2 Pages 981 Words

The Aspects of Bipolar Disorder

“It’s a disorder NOT a decision.” Bipolar Illness is a health issue that creates imbalanced mood changes with a certain amount of time and strength of each emotion. Some may call the mood changes mood switches or even an episode. This mental disorder can influence the person who may have been diagnosed and whomever cares for that person. It usually starts in children or young adults and can have effects on their mental and physical health, educational/occupational functioning, and interpersonal...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Cardiovascular And Respiratory Response To Isometric Exercise

Due to the environmental conditions this experimental work was conducted under, and that the study itself is not entirely novel, this content is not to be submitted by MEDI2101 students to a peer-review journal, or any other place, other than submission for assessment in MEDI2101 Cardiovascular and Respiratory System. Background [bookmark: aim]An isometric exercise contracts skeletal muscle of a specific compartment, without the movement of joints. With regards to a hand grip assessment, contraction of the muscles of the upper...
2 Pages 1018 Words
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