1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Does Love Triumph In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice?

‘Pride and Prejudice’, written by Jane Austen and published in 1813, is a love story where, for Elizabeth and Darcy, love can be seen to triumph. However, it is also a love story in which passion is tempered by sensible, pragmatic considerations about economic security. It may well be that Austen’s purpose is to tell us that too much emphasis is placed on romantic love and that its fulfillment is subject to conditions that are almost impossible to satisfy. There...
2 Pages 1002 Words

David Parker Ray: The Toy Box Serial Killer

The Toy Box Killer (David Parker Ray) is one of the most notorious serial killers of the last 100 years. He crimes included the rape, torture and killing of young women from the 1950s to 1999. While the direct reasons for his killings are unknown, it is a well known speculation that Ray killed and abused his victims to feel a sense of control he lost in his childhood. The events he experienced as a child were traumatizing enough to...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Aspects Of Diabetes Among Children

Since 2000, obesity in America has increased by 40 percent (Brown,2003) More than 45 percent of American children are currently either obese or morbidly obese. This does increase in obesity among children has been caused by A, B and C. and into today's world obesity is among children, adolescents have emerged the worldwide prevalence of childhood obesity has increased strikingly over the 3 decades. (1) obesity is a multi-factorial condition and has been described as a phenotype of numerous pathological....
2 Pages 981 Words

The Psychology Of Suicide And Its Prevention

It is my conviction that assuming an ever increasing number of individuals are taught about suicide, the notice signs, whose most in danger, and how to help anticipate suicide; maybe, the suicide death rate will diminish in the US. The requirement for suicide anticipation ought to be very self-evident, on the grounds that suicide resembles an infectious malady in the US. Suicide impacts individuals of all extraordinary age gatherings, distinctive ethnic and social gatherings. As far as I could possibly...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Marijuana as a Schedule of Controlled Substance

Marijuana- also called weed, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane and a whole host of other names in slang, is a greenish-gray mixture of a dried form of the flowers from the Cannabis sativa plant. It contains compounds that alter the mind which include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). It is one of the most abused drugs in the world. It also contains over 400 other chemicals that cause the 'high” in users. THC is the chemical that causes a...
2 Pages 953 Words

Do Video Games Influence The Development Of Young People?

The first video game to ever exist, known as ‘Pong' which was released in 1972 is a far cry from the standards of video games now which make the most of the technological advancements in the last thirty years. The game was a table tennis sports game which featured plain and simplistic graphics. Three years after the release of ‘Pong’, the first violent video game was released. Known as ‘Death Race’, this game featured the same simplistic 8-bit graphics, and...
2 Pages 983 Words

Social Stigmas and Disordered Eating

We live in a time of reckoning when it comes to body image and particularly female body image. From marketing campaigns to hashtag campaigns on Twitter that admonish fat-shaming, to international fashion brands incorporating women with healthy body weight into their print and television advertising, it seems like society, as a whole, has only recently begun to accept that there is a significant connection between self-esteem, via the normalization of unrealistic standards of beauty, and eating. It is crucial to...
2 Pages 989 Words

The Existing Racism In American Courts

The number of people in prison at the end of 2017 was 1,486,000 and out of those 436,500, were white. This means that around 75% of all people in prison are races other than white. Racism in America started when the first people came to America and is still happening today after almost 200 years. White people in the past have had a need to be the most powerful and bring people who pose a threat or seem useful down....
2 Pages 953 Words

The Scarlet Letter: the Theme of Sin and Identity

We all have a best friend, and that person is your best friend because you are so much alike. You spend every minute with that person getting to know then and after spending time with them, you start becoming like them. If they hurt you, you forgive them. However, the puritans were cruel when it came to sin, its punishment, and forgiveness. They established this belief that when you committed a crime that would define who you are now. When...
2 Pages 961 Words

Exploring the World of Biomedical Engineering

The guest speaker, Engineer Maureen Moral, is a graduate of Adamson University with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering. She took her Master’s degree in Engineering Management at the Collegio de San Juan de Letran and is a professional electronics engineer. Since November 2008, she is a part time faculty member at Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna whereas she handles major subjects in Electronics and Communications Engineering. More than that, she is a part time...
2 Pages 989 Words

Family Relationships in the Catcher in the Rye and the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

With many teens in this decade most of them have issues with their family for example their parents being split up, The Catcher in the Rye and the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime both deal with different forms of family relationships. The Catcher in the Rye is a story told by the perspective of Holden Caulfield, it is a story from 4 days in the life of Holden after he has been expelled from his prep school,...
2 Pages 970 Words

Sinful Endeavors in The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a piece of fiction that illustrates an environment heavily luring religious themes that can portray a character’s morality and actions with such reasoning behind them. With the constant usage of sin, Hawthorne implements many mutual dilemmas for Puritan society and their outlook on the protagonists of the plot. Hawthorne suggests that sin is not a simple, black-or-white, either/or proposition. Sin is messy and complicated, but all too often we humans fear what we...
2 Pages 975 Words

Fatherhood: A Pearl of Great Price in The Scarlet Letter

“The best way to learn to be an honest, responsible adult is to live with adults who act honestly and responsibly” (Jarrett Web). These words are announced by Claudia Jewett Jarrett, author of Adopting the Older Child. She is a popular author of books about how to raise difficult children. This quote connotes that children that do not develop with honest and responsible adults will likely not grow up to be honest and responsible themselves. Comparable issues are discussed in...
2 Pages 965 Words

Music Preferences And The Effect Upon Suicide

The World Health Organization estimates that over 800,000 people die by suicide each year, with the 15-29 age group particularly affected. Studies show that adolescents listen to music for approximately two to three hours per day, especially when feeling distressed (Limited, 2019). Different types of music have an effect on all kinds of people. Fans of “Emo” music for example are associated with depression and drugs which can lead into suicide. Sad music has a high psychoticism which means there’s...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Beowulf And The Odyssey: Similarities And Differences

An epic saint is characterized as the focal figure in a long story that mirrors the qualities and brave beliefs of a specific culture. The Odyssey, interpreted by Fitzgerald, is about an epic legend attempting to get to his home in the wake of twenty monotonous years. Beowulf, which is deciphered, by Burton wager, is about a warrior who executed beasts and spared a city. In both epic stories there are similitudes and contrasts; fundamentally these likenesses and contrasts center...
2 Pages 997 Words

The Scarlet Letter: Puritan Law versus Nature

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter is more complex than a simplistic story of an adulterous woman. Nonetheless, if we study the piece in depth, we will find different points of view standing out. Due to its complexity, which makes it a great piece of the American Romantic Literature, it has been given several interpretations. The novel set in New England shows how the puritan community judges Hester Prynne by her act of adultery. The patriarchs decide to punish her, forcing...
2 Pages 1047 Words

The Economics of YouTube

Almost all of us are familiar with YouTube the Google owned video sharing platform, but not all of us are familiar with its beginnings and the impacts it had on the consumer-producer world. YouTube which is now considered a monopoly in its field was founded by three PayPal employees, who ran the company from a small office, which was above a small restaurant, in a Californian city. From such humble beginnings, it has become so prevalent in today’s media landscape,...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Friendship in the Outsiders

What does friendship mean to you? Does it reflect your bond with others, or could it be a type of unseeable scale showing how much you trust and care for someone? No matter what this word means to you, there is no denying that the bonds associated with the word hold special meaning to people, and friendship is something we all truly need. Maybe that is the reason it holds groups of people together. Can you imagine what your life...
2 Pages 1049 Words

The Ethics of Government Censorship of Social Media on the Eastern World

To censor or not to censor? This has been a popular topic of conversation, particularly amongst the younger generations (whose lives essentially revolve around social media). The question is, how much can be deemed too much when it comes to government involvement in their citizens’ online affairs? Several concerns have arisen regarding the matter of whether or not the government should have access to and control over what one chooses to view and publish online. Some governments are less restrictive,...
2 Pages 1048 Words

How Holden's Mindset Made his Life Harder in the Novel Catcher in the Rye

One of the most common unrealized mental illnesses teenagers struggle with today is depression. The state of depression has meaningful effects on a person's thoughts, behavior, and feelings. In The Catcher in the Rye the author J.D Salinger highlights the negative impacts of depression the protagonist, Holden had gone through. Holden has gone through the emotional pain of his younger brother Allie's death which led him to be depressed throughout his life. One of Holden's teachers, Mr. Antolini tries to...
2 Pages 990 Words

Reasoning And Judgment In Medea

Think about the last time you were angry and someone told you to calm down. Did it work? Did you go from angry to complete calmness? Of course not. Human brains have developed over time. We have one brain that can be essentially divided into two sections. The modern brain and the primal brain. The modern brain, the front cortex, is in charge of tasks such as memory, judgment, reasoning, problem solving, and impulse. Your primal brain, the hindbrain and...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Odysseus, Where Art Thou?: The Homeric Odyssey As A Coen Brothers Film

Few myths from the Greek canon have enjoyed as long a life as Homer’s Odyssey. Though written centuries before the contemporary era, retellings of the work continue to exist. Other poets, such as Keats and Pound, make reference to the poem in their own work, and James Joyce, in his Ulysses, uses its thematic and structural elements in his own modernist novel. A uniquely intriguing example, however, lies with the Coen Brothers film O Brother, Where Art Thou? Released in...
2 Pages 993 Words

Marijuana Use in Medical and Recreational Should be Legalized in All of The United States

With voting season right around the corner, many states are considering the future of marijuana on their upcoming ballots. According to According to Governing.com “The District of Columbia and 11 states -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington -- have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use… Most other states allow for limited use of medical marijuana under certain circumstances”. Since these states have already legalized marijuana use in one form...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Discrimination Of Sexual Minorities In Work Environments

For the past few years, the LGBTQ+ community has been making groundbreaking progress towards being accepted in the United States for the past few years. For example, in 2014 the Supreme Court ruled to have same-sex marriage legalized in the across all 50 states. However, sexual minorities continue to face hardships in another area, the workplace. Everyday millions of LGBTQ+ employees across America face discrimination in their jobs from their coworkers, bosses, and clients. This constant discrimination and mistreatment can...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Who, If Either, Showed Greater Resilience: Oedipus Or Hamlet?

As Confucious points out, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” ('Confucius Quotes'). Both Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Sophocles’ Oedipus are tragic heroes and, therefore, are designed to have low resilience. A resilient character would have traits such as optimism, control over their emotions and less dependence on fate. Even though Hamlet seems to be a more resilient character, both heroes lack the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and overcome their traumas....
2 Pages 999 Words

The Morality Behind Each Vote

Since grade ten Civics, most Ontarian students are challenged with the moral implications of political choices, and possibly given some direction towards specific political views. It was taught that every vote counts, literally meaning each vote is counted once. In reality, each vote is actually quite insignificant. The final result of the election is determined based on what everyone votes on as a collective. Although one vote does not have any actual weight, the intentions behind it carry deep meaning....
2 Pages 995 Words

The Challenges of Marijuana Legalization

Eagerly anticipated, the concern for the legalization of marijuana still exists and should be addressed. There are many states that have mandated Medical marijuana laws. Two states specifically, Colorado and Washington have sanctioned cannabis to be used recreationally. Society winds up in a head scratcher on what truly is the better class for the eventual fate of cannabis; an improving plant or perhaps a risky gateway narcotic? Greedy industries and false information have outshined the positive effects that marijuana has...
2 Pages 1012 Words

The Laws for Marijuana Legalization

Much Debate has been conducted on Marjuana legalization, with an unusual amount of contradicting research. There is constant dispute on whether it should be legalized or not, and if legalized, how would the government make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account everyday. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter from all perspectives: medical, political, or economical. However when looking at the benefits, there is no question that marijuana should be...
2 Pages 972 Words

Restoration Of Human Bonds & Relationships

Forgiveness restores relationships, friendships, and families. It is the first step to a process of healing for someone who was holding onto a traumatic situation. There should be restorative justice because it is a powerful and important tool to rehabilitate the offender, victim and community to come together in reconcile without being against one another. The person who was credited with creating the name “restorative justice” was American psychologist Albert Eglash. Eglash wrote in “1959 article “Creative Restitution: Its Roots...
2 Pages 1031 Words

The Issue Of Racial Profiling And The Use Of Force

Racial profiling is an issue that has been witnessed for many years and is still seen increasing today. It is an affair that affects millions of citizens every day. Individuals now in our societies are scared of the police officers that swear to protect the wellbeing of all the citizens in the community. This constant fear of being targetted breaches the ability of individuals to make their own decisions and do what they desire without facing any consequences. There are...
2 Pages 976 Words
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