1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Lowering The Age Of Juvenile Delinquency From 15 To 12 Years Old

Diokno, there is one dream that we all Filipino share: that our children may have a better life than we have had. To make this country, our country, a nation for our children. Parents are busy with their jobs, so they are having a hard time taking care of their children, because of the absence of their parents, their children find their happiness and care from the people who are surrounded. Eventually, some people whom they are together with are...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Issues In Canadian Geography: Poverty & Malnutrition

Introduction What is poverty you may ask? According to Google poverty is “the state of being extremely poor” in other words poverty is having an insufficient amount of money to fulfill the basic needs of life. Many Canadians today struggle with the ongoing conflicts of provision of resources due to their social status. Canada is not unaware of the Canadians who are facing poverty in this day and age however they have also neglected this part of the society in...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Criminal Record Discrimination

Millions of people around the world have experienced forms of discrimination or racism. One of the most influential types of discrimination is criminal record discrimination. Each year, thousands of people are denied employment based on past criminal activity. Usually, these people have only committed small acts of improbity, such as minor shoplifting. Despite the fact that they have tried to change their ways, many employers remain obstinate towards these people. INTRODUCTORY What exactly is criminal record discrimination? Criminal record discrimination...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Female Roles In Gothic Novel Dracula

The novel, Dracula, by Bram Stoker is an important piece of gothic literature written to reflect on society’s views on female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Published in 1897, Stoker highlights the role of women in society as purely virgin and devoted to one man in their lives. The introduction of Dracula offsets the innocent side of women bringing forth seductive personalities which was deemed as taboo in the Victorian Era. However, female sexuality is deemed as dangerous in the...
2 Pages 1000 Words

What Impact Does Racial Profiling Have On The Identity And Belonging Of People Of Different Race And Colour?

Recent studies indicate that although racial equality is promoted greatly nowadays, there is still a great deal of discrimination among and towards different racial factions in society (Alex, 1969; Nevels, 2007; Lever, 2007). Such studies postulate that society deems colour and background to be a significant factor in classifying people within their communities, confirming the existence of racial discrimination and exploring the extent of how it is shown. Beginning with an overview of race and some of the issues associated...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Peace and Conflict around the World

The United States federal budget allocated a military budget of approximately $693 billion for it’s Department of Defense. Spending only a quarter of that, i.e. $116 billion annually could have fed 650 million people and end world hunger. However, in a realist world, security and political interests remain a top priority. When the biggest super of the world spends this enormous amount of money on the military, it goes to show how even the modern world has been plagued by...
2 Pages 974 Words

Positioning Emotional Intelligence Aor Project Managers

When times are difficult, leaders are isolated and brought to prominence. A project manager’s push into prominence as a result of the change in the client requirements, the economy, technology, and so on. The above can apply to project environments. An important concept that any project manager or organization has to comprehend is that people's needs have changed as they are expanding and evolving their perceptions of what is meant to be human in this dynamic global economy. It would...
2 Pages 990 Words

Surrogacy as a Reproductive Technology

It has been estimated that more than 80 million people are affected by infertility across the world. When a couple is not able to conceive a child naturally it seems to have a huge impact on the relationship as in most cases women are the normally blamed for being infertile. Society has also created a stereotype for women who are infertile to see themselves as different from the women who can conceive. This results to a crisis in the couple's...
2 Pages 1013 Words

The Reasons Iago Stayed Silent in Othello

In act 5 scene 2 of Othello, Iago had chosen to stay silent when confronted by Othello, after he was caught manipulating him into killing Desdemona. He had done this for various reasons which included keeping Othello and others thinking about his motives, having accomplished everything he had wanted to from the start, and the realization of what he had done and what consequences that lie ahead of him. Iago's choice had helped Iago as it kept everyone, mainly Othello,...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Possible Dystopian Future In Fahrenheit 451

In this American novel written by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian future is said to perhaps be his best writing, because the novel attracted and still catches the attention of people today. At the time of the novels release , Ray Bradbury had taken witness to the inclination of Americans towards book burning in the 1950’s. In today's society the relevance towards the novel stands prevalent in the fact that most of today's writing are shortened...
2 Pages 1034 Words

The Meaning Of Fredrick Douglass To American History

Frederick Douglass was previously a slave who broke free from the chains of his masters before becoming a well known advocate against slavery. Conceived and taken from a slave mother when only a newborn child, against his will received much harsh treatments, for example, experiencing hunger, and abuse. Frederick was one of the few slaves that received any education although to a limited degree by the wife of a slave owner. In the age of twenty, Frederick got away from...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Grades Do Not Measure Intelligence

In today’s society the average parent’s main focus is to ensure that their child does remarkably well in school. With the basic grading scheme being “A” for excellent and “F” for failure, can this be used to measure someone’s intelligence? How many of the A grades you have achieved in school helped you with your job today? Did finding “x”, or finding Pythagoras Theorem helped you to figure out what to say to your big marketing meeting? While growing up,...
2 Pages 973 Words

William Shakespeare and Gender

Did you know that in Shakespeare’s time, the decision to marry was in the hands of a girl’s father? Sexuality and gender are vital themes in Shakespeare’s plays. Depending on any type of play or genre sexuality and gender can be used as a tool of manipulation. During the time of Shakespeare, there was a social construct of gender and sexuality norms just as there are today. There was a hierarchy of sexes and each had their own role in...
2 Pages 956 Words

Themes and Messages in To Kill a Mockingbird

From analysing Harper Lee’s renowned novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, it becomes apparent Harper Lee expertly explores and incorporates various themes and values in “TKAM” to challenge societal attitudes. Harper Lee explores various significant themes, formulating her perspective, then cleverly incorporating her perspective through the book’s various ideologies, textual convention and literacy devices. These themes were revolutionising, innovating her controversial book in a revolutionising society experiencing social reformation. Her usage of these themes challenged the prominent societal attitude, influencing the...
2 Pages 1020 Words

HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a recurring health issue with flu-like symptoms that continues to affect millions of people around the world, transmitted through bodily fluids and sexual contact. Additionally, the virus has the ability to progress into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This sexually transmitted disease (STD) originated from a chimpanzee carrying the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), known to be closely related to HIV, in West Africa in the 1920s. The virus was then crossed to humans as a result...
2 Pages 985 Words

The Features of Obesity Epidemic in Australia

In Olivia Willis’ article “Obesity rates are rising in Australia but its where you live that matters”, the health reporter highlights on the issue of obesity in Australia and its relation to how wealthy communities are. When it comes to health and wellbeing, Australia matches or outperforms many other countries with comparable income. However, Australia’s level of obesity has slowly but steadily risen to become the worst in the developed world, ranking in the worst third of OECD countries for...
2 Pages 986 Words

Ethical Considerations and Governance

I believe ethical decision making refers to the actions of taking alternatives possibilities with commitment in doing the right thing as well as having consciousness in that one’s actions must apply moral convictions and competency to be able to foresee potential consequences. In doing this, the decision-maker will demonstrate respect and most of all responsibility. This is why I will be doing a critical analysis of four articles by drawing out key ethical decision-making that will be exposed as well...
2 Pages 973 Words

Paving The Way For A Woman President

Why can't a woman be president? Is it because they are not strong enough, or intelligent enough to rule a country? It has always been argued that women are not strong enough or smart enough to do certain jobs to accomplish and succeed. Women are no less intelligent than men and it should go without saying that women are capable of doing anything let alone holding a spot in the political system. In most countries, we don’t see a woman...
2 Pages 987 Words

Basic Perspectives On Motivation: Evaluating Three Perspectives For Understanding Sleep And Sleep Deprivation In Australian Adults

Abstract No one knows precisely what the main function of sleep serves, what we do know is that on average individuals sleep for a third of their life, equivalent to 25 years. Sleep plays an essential role in emotional and physical wellness. Some researchers believe that the role of sleep is to conserve energy as it lowers the body’s thermostat. Other researchers emphasise on the belief that sleep works as a restoration function, meaning sleep restores both body and mind...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Twelfth Night: Play And Screen Adaptation

Shakespeare endeavors to make a dreary distress inside twelfth night, accentuating the torment got by the detested characters, while additionally including a detailed storyline that finishes in the traditional Elizabethan manner; marriage. Be that as it may, Trevor Nunn, with the additional component of visuals, weakens the play's content by utilizing stage activities and camera developments. In Nunn's 1996 adjustment of twelfth night, the adventure to rejoin couples is made more comedic and pleasant, as opposed to discouraging. This is...
2 Pages 956 Words

Why Youths Should Care about Youth Anxiety Disorder

Intro Feeling edgy, feeling tense and worried, Chest pains, sleepless nights, these are just some symptoms of anxiety and there are more. We all at some point in our lives whether it was good or bad have had anxiety. But some has an anxiety disorder which can affect their own lives as well as affect their families. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in today’s society. As the people of the future we must knowledge this...
2 Pages 965 Words

Does Golding’s Novel, Lord Of The Flies Imply A Positive Or Negative View Of The Nature Of Man?

The literary masterpiece of William Golding, Lord of the Flies, gives a deep insight into human nature, unrestricted by the conventions of a civil society. Golding suggests that the more humankind dissociates itself from society and its morals, the more they are drawn towards barbarity, their true nature. Throughout the novel he tries to convey his fundamental assertion that humans possess innate savagery and are driven by urges towards power and dominance over others. The range of literary devices such...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Themes Of Justice And Revenge In Medea And Antigone

Justice is a theme present in most in Greek Literature, to punish one’s actions or words that are considered wrong or to uphold ideals seen as good. Justice is used to instil that wrongs in society are stopped, and rights will be upheld. Revenge is the act of committing a harmful action towards a person or a group in response to a grievance however in many cases revenge can be seen as justice. While Medea and Antigone are alike in...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Freedom and Confinement in the Poem Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Abstract Literature is essentially, an appearance of life through the medium of language. A subaltern may refer to someone who is of low ranking in social, political, or other step. Denoted by a person who is marginalized or oppressed, many subaltern studies writers like Ranajit Guha, Gyan Prakash, Ajay Skaria and Saurabh Dubehad produced so many works in English on their own style. Among them Paul Laurence Dunbar was an African American poet, novelist, and playwright who had composed the...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Ethical Issues And Dilemmas In Society

Imagine yourself being unable to walk, unable to see, unable to breath let alone speak. You can’t even scratch an itch. But the worst part of all this, is you still feel sensations of pain, hunger, loneliness and fear, yet you’re unable to react. The topic of euthanasia is one that is cloaked with much ethical deliberation and ambiguity. Numerous forms of euthanasia are recognised, primarily active voluntary euthanasia, assisted suicide and physician- assisted suicide elicit the most controversy. Broadly...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Comparison of Primary and Secondary Literature Through the Lens of Sleep Deprivation

The similarities and differences between primary and secondary literature will be thoroughly compared in this essay through a secondary review article and primary research article both exploring the impacts of chronic sleep deprivation on the human brain. The topic falls under the discipline of neuropsychology as it examines changes in behaviour and cognitive ability as a result of chronic sleep deprivation. The review article, ‘The sleep-deprived human brain’ synthesises existing knowledge of the consequences of sleep loss on the human...
2 Pages 1034 Words

Artificial Intelligence May Not Equal Human Experts

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science which deals with building machines that are smart and capable of performing tasks that require human-like intelligence. Most AI systems rely heavily on machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP). John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence in 1956. AI has become more popular today because of advanced algorithms and improvements in computing power, storage, and availability of large volumes of data to train and test the algorithms. The...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Setting, Language And Symbolism In The Social Network And The Catcher In The Rye

Both J.D. Salinger and David Fincher use similar techniques to tell a story to make the viewer/reader feel attached to the main character in more of a personal way. Some techniques that are present in both The Social Network and The Catcher in the Rye are, setting, language and symbolism. Setting in a big theme in both movies, it is used to give more information about the main character and the environment that they are in. Scene 2 in The...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Ethics and Professional Conduct

Introduction In relation to the context of Australia, it can be mentioned that ethical codes and conducts can support workplace management. IT can help to mitigate the dilemma within a workplace. Based on six codes of ethics, it can provide support to professional conduct in the job roles of ICT. This study discussed a real-life case study to explain ethical dilemma. Description of the incident One.Tel is considered as such a company which has achieved second position in Australian telecommunication...
2 Pages 985 Words

In what Way does Shakespeare Question Aspects of his Context and How is this Mirrored by Kurosawa’s Ran?

Love, greed, jealousy. These are all emotions that a normal human being may experience, you can’t deny that, right? Emotions are like bullets in a gun, once fired, can cause disasters. This is all part of human nature, there is no way a person can hold on to their emotions forever. For example, your friend offended you, will you be able to keep it in and continue to be all friendly with her? Of course not. Maybe, you will befriend...
2 Pages 958 Words
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