1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Peculiarities Of Solar Powered Motorcycle

A solar vehicle is one of the most eco-friendly innovations in the world. With fossil fuels and oil being considered as non-renewable resources, sourcing energy from a non-depleting source can really drive sustainability. These sun-powered vehicles run on solar energy but can be supplemented by a battery to allow it to run even on the absence of sunlight. The technologies used to produce these solar wonders are combined aerospace, bicycle, alternative, and automotive sciences. Itā€™s good news that car enthusiasts...
2 Pages 1024 Words

The Punishment Is Justifiable For The Sin

In Danteā€™s Inferno, written by Dante Alighieri, each of the Cantos signifies a sin, each sin has a punishment created by Dante. In Canto 34, the punishment for betrayal is being chewed in one of Satanā€™s mouth for eternity. The punishment is justifiable towards the sin because each punishment correlates. Each of the levels get lower which mean the sinners lose their ability of movement. In the beginning of the Canto, Dante sees souls frozen in a lake. The souls...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Could There Possibly Be Other Life Existence ?

We should be looking at the possibility of other life existence on Earth. Could there really only be humans on the Earth? There is a high chance that there is another life existence like aliens shown through studies, places, and events.. A reason to think about aliens existing is due to the amount of alleged sightings. In June 1947, an incident occurred in New Mexico. There was an object that was believed to be a UFO that crashed on a...
2 Pages 978 Words

Career Exploration On Becoming A Pediatrician

Choosing a career for a lifetime is one of the most difficult decisions in life. The career paths that an individual chooses can turn into a success or a failure. Therefore it is really important to think about what the goals to achieve and why. But sometimes life happens and things do not go as planned, therefore we have to take a leap of faith and risks. In the past, I have considered many career paths such as social worker,...
2 Pages 1025 Words

The Effects Of Misogyny In Kate Manne's Work

In her article What is Misogyny? A Feminist Analysis, Kate Manne explores and re-conceptualizes the term misogyny from the commonly upheld definition, which she considers naĆÆve and inscrutable. In this paper, I will explain Manneā€™s argument regarding her conception of the term misogyny. I will also provide an objection that a critic may raise to invalidate Manneā€™s argument and ultimately a response that Manne could give. I will then argue that while the objector provides a valid counterargument to Manneā€™s...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Are Humans Fundamentally Good Or Evil?

Do you really know whether you are good or bad since you are born? It is always a question that whether human is good or evil. However, another Chinese philosopher, GaoZi, believed that human nature is neither inherently good nor inherently evil but rather a ā€œblank slateā€ that could be conditioned in both directions. Humans are fundamentally good because of what human actually is, the education they have, and the society they are in. Basically, human is a creature that...
2 Pages 985 Words

LeBron vs. Jordan: Political Activism And Impact On Community

Lebron James once said, ā€œYou know, God gave me a gift to do other things besides play the game of basketball ā€(The Incredible Drive Of LeBron James.) Lebron James isnā€™t just a well-rounded basketball player, but he is also a great role-model for all generations to look up to. Lebron James is a better basketball player and role model than Micheal Jordan because his statistics and this contribution around the community are greater than Jordanā€™s. The first and maybe most...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Police Officers vs. African Americans

Is it ā€œ To Serve & To Protectā€ or ā€œTo Serve & To Disrespectā€ ? Police brutality has existed for decades undetected but got worldwide exposure from the ā€œ leaked footageā€ of the 1991 police incident in Los Angeles displaying the harsh beating of Rodney King by law enforcers. This event , in addition to all of the officers that were shown on tape got acquitted of all charges, led to riots happening all over Los angeles for 6 whole...
2 Pages 985 Words

Women Struggle In The Sport Industry

The struggle for women to acquire sports equality has been a long and incomplete battle. The first time women participated in high-performance sports was in 1900 during the Olympic Games in Paris, France. Even then they were limited to sports that were considered to be less physically demanding such as golf and tennis. (1) The idea that sports are exclusive to men emerged as a result of society's view of what the ideal woman should be. During the Victorian time,...
2 Pages 1034 Words

The Improvement Of Suspension System Of Motorcycles

Early Motorcycles were developed after the inventions of bicycles and engines as an attempt to combine the two. In 1770, the first steam powered tricycle was manufactured by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (3) in France, however presented numerous safety and reliability problems, meaning they would never be mass produced and an alternative source of power was required. In 1885, German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach were the first to produce a motorcycle with a gasoline internal combustion engine, patented as...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Paying College Athletes: Pros And Cons

Many children start off playing sports at a young age. From there, itā€™s when they decide if itā€™s something they want to continue or discontinue. As they become of age the question: ā€œIs this something I want to take serious?ā€, surfaces. Student athletes work twice as hard as anyone else in school. Not only are they focusing on keeping their grades at an acceptable range, but theyā€™re also working to perfect their sports skills. Playing at a college level makes...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Should Teens Be Allowed To Do Tattoos And Piercing

ā€œGet a tattoo! Pierce your body where? Are you crazy!ā€ this is a common response of a parent when their teen asks for a tattoo or piercing. Tattoos and piercings among teenagers are more popular than ever. Research shows that 36 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo. I strongly agree with many others that teens should not be allowed to get tattoos and piercings without parentā€™s consent. Getting such procedures done...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Hume vs. Mill On Women Chastity

While Hume directly references and considers the status of women only once in his Treatise on Human Nature he makes various implicit references to the differences of the sexes throughout the work. In Book III Hume lays out his argument that moral judgement is derived from mental impressions, emotions that attach to particular ideas, and not rational distinctions as we like to believe. Reason, Hume holds, is has no meaningful footing in discussions of morality. The way things ought to...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Practitioner Essay

Nurse Practitioner is a great occupation for me because it satisfies my personality, interests, and values. I took two personality tests and it told me what kind of work I enjoy and how am I as a person. To begin with, my personality type according to the 16 personalities Myers Briggs test, is INFJ-A. My character resulted in an advocate. They are the kind of people, if something is important to them, they go out of their way for it....
2 Pages 1012 Words

Neil Armstrong And Significance Of Moon Landing

The Apollo 11 mission trip to the moon was very significant in american history. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch or listen to history being made in the United States. For once in the United States history everybody honestly came together as one to root on the astronauts. The Apollo 11 mission trip brought the United States together as they sent astronauts to the moon and safely back. Apollo 11 was the very first time in all of...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Prerequisites Of Superstition Behaviour

Step on a crack break your mother's back, the number 13, the number 17, breaking a mirror, cross paths with a black cat. These are some of the most common superstitions among people in the world. As a child, you would hear your mother tell you not to walk under a ladder, or when you say something terrible that it might happen, so you better knock on wood. Children grew up hearing these superstitions never aware of where they came...
2 Pages 985 Words

Why People Like Cricket

Cricket is a game played with bat and ball. Cricket is played between two teams of Eleven players on each side on a field at the Stadium. The Cricket is played many types of formats, twenty (20), Fifty Overs 50 ,one Day, and Test Series game goes on 5 Days, But the most popular are in World Cup. One Day game is most popular in cricket because each team getting 300 balls to chase the score runs. According to the...
2 Pages 1022 Words

The Similarities And Differences Between Martin Luther King And Emmeline Pankhurst

As leaders of British Womenā€™s Suffrage Movement and American Civil Rights Movement respectively, both Emmeline Pankhurst and Martin Luther King Jr. played a significant role. Due to different historical backgrounds and personal experiences, differences occurred while similarities also existed between them when they were fighting for rights. Considering the methods they used and the influences they had in the process of the movements, we believe that Martin Luther King Jr. was a more effective leader. Both Emmeline and King targeted...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Ethos, Logos, And Pathos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King's ā€œA Letter from Birmingham Jailā€ was written within the edges of a letter denoted by the Clergymen of Alabama without delay that started his advantage and keeping in mind that he occupied the cell for strutting around while not a license. This point allowable him the capability to react wholeheartedly to the current negative mistreating. Kingā€™s letter tends to specific focuses displayed within the Clergymen's and this immediate reaction acknowledges King's solid focuses through his unbelievable composition....
2 Pages 1004 Words

Letter To My Future Self

Dear Future Self, We have graduated from college and now we are getting ready to start our life as a working adult in this world. I know there have been so many ups and downs throughout these last 4 years but we have overcome them. As we go on to the next chapter in our life, I want to look back on freshman year, which was an interesting but fun year. In literature class, some of the readings that stood...
2 Pages 994 Words

Parental Perception On Fathersā€™ Role In Child Rearing To Ensure Childrenā€™s Development And Well-being

Perception on Role Differences between Parents There are varied opinions from parents regarding parental role. Most of the parents expressed that role differences exist between the father and mother in childrenā€™s development and well-being. But the roles are equally significant. Most of the parents (especially fathers) said, ā€œThe role of the mother is greater than father. It is determined by society. Father has to go out for earning livelihood. The mother is with the child very often, so the mother...
2 Pages 990 Words

Life, Liberty, And Laughter

If the metaphor ā€œlaughter is the best medicineā€ reigns true, there is no wonder why Nurse Ratched takes exhaustive measures to keep laughter out of her ward. In an effort to keep her ward under control, Nurse Ratched strips patients of comfortable environments, such as the environment to laugh in. When an individual is no longer capable of laughing, he is also no longer capable of being in control of himself. This happens when a greater authority has the power...
2 Pages 996 Words

Loneliness And Isolation In Of Mice And Men

Loneliness is an inevitable part of lifestyles, which many people war with. It is an emotional response to a lack of companionship and verbal exchange with others, which has a huge effect in a singleā€™s normal conduct. Some impacted individuals can also try to stop their loneliness; others come to be hopeless and bitter. The topic of loneliness is supplied in John Steinbeckā€™s Of Mice and Men. The novel Of Mice and Men portrays loneliness as a complicated emotion that...
2 Pages 954 Words

College Athletes Do Not Deserve To Get Paid

On February 20, the best college basketball player in the nation Zion Williamson, ripped through his shoe and had an apparent knee injury 30 seconds into Dukeā€™s basketball game against the University of North Carolina. Fans erupted on Twitter thinking it was the last college game weā€™d ever see him play. Professional basketball players were tweeting that he should sit out the season because the NCAA was making way too much money off him and he was receiving none. Unfortunately,...
2 Pages 964 Words

Apoptosis And Necrosis Through Differential Staining With Hoechst 33342 And Propidium Iodide

Apoptosis and necrosis Cellular death is a naturally occurring phenomenon. Cells often die due to a harmful environment or through a regulated process of death, with the former termed necrosis and the latter termed apoptosis. While apoptosis is regarded as cell death resulting from normal healthy processes, necrosis results from external factors or disease. (Fink and Cookson, 2005) When cells are exposed to toxins or extreme conditions, damage of the internal cellular environment occurs. Environments such as increased temperatures or...
2 Pages 982 Words

Good Habits And Bad Habits

The goal of this study is to try and decipher how habits form in the brain, why they stick, and why we cannot shake bad habits even though we consciously know that they are detrimental. This is achieved by studying the formation of habits in rats and seeing what changes when we activate or deactivate certain areas of the brain. Before we can delve into the formation of habits in the brain it is important to first know what a...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Jewish Concept Of Afterlife

The topic I chose to discuss for this research paper is the Jewish concept of the afterlife. I find this topic to be particularly interesting as I have learned a lot about it while taking this class. For example, something that I did not know before taking this class was that Jewish people do not believe in the existence of Hell. While on the topic of Hell, I believe it is crucial to start with how the ancient Jews in...
2 Pages 1019 Words

The Representation Of Dwarfs In Snow White

The movie made by Disney, Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs, the representation of the characters change lots over the time to suit the full audience being shown to. Visual codes have been used differently to depict the dwarfs over each of the movies, snow white and the seven dwarfs and snow white mirror, mirror. Firstly, in both of the movies the costumes are used to show the audience what type of Character the dwarfs are. Although one of the...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Ojibwe as Endangered Language

Ojibwe is a language that is spoken by early native people in Minnesota. This language is one of the worldā€™s most endangered languages. The reason why Ojibwe is dying is because of the age range of speakers in this language. Not many children are learning this language anymore and it is because ā€˜ā€œthe government banned the practice of native traditional practices and established ā€˜English onlyā€™ boarding schools which children were required to attendā€ā€™ (Unknown. Ojibwe: An endangered Minnesota Language). Most...
2 Pages 962 Words

Stem Education - Synthesis Essay

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are inarguably the foundation and backbone of our world and life as we know it. They are constantly interfacing tools of evolution, globalization and interconnectivity built on the backs of observation, experimentation, design, building and application, changing the world through ground-breaking innovation, modernizing the way we live and ensuring the continuity of mankind. STEM is vital across all industries and is constantly transforming and influencing; agriculture, manufacturing, communication, transportation, banking, medicine, marketing, investment, insurance, politics,...
2 Pages 997 Words
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