1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Beelzebub within Mankind in William Golding’s Novel ‘Lord of the Flies’: Essay

Today’s society is so egocentric in a way where people’s own selfish wants can blur their vision of what is right and wrong. In Golding’s allegorical novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, a group of boys from ages six through twelve found themselves stranded on a deserted island, completely isolated from the outside world. They quickly developed a way to survive on this island by establishing rules which they must abide by. This false sense of civilization which the boys created...
2 Pages 1124 Words

What Can I Say about Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding: Narrative Essay

Miscommunication means failure to communicate ideas or intentions successfully (Dictionary.Cambridge.org, 2019). It was an interesting topic that can involve lots of perspectives in our daily lives. It can be a common affair and happened without any sense when we get in touch with the new language environment. Misunderstanding has a high frequency appeared in school life, and can be a common issue for most overseas students. As a second-year international student in Australia, there are lots of stories that happened...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Superheroes as a Form of Modern Mythology: Critical Essay

Mythology is defined as a collection of myths or stories about a particular culture or group with shared beliefs. Since the olden days, mankind has utilized storytelling as an attempt to expound on the intricacies of the world as it is. During the Stone Age, the Vikings used tales of Norse mythology, gods, and fabled monsters to explain the world. Similarly, modern man replicates this in the form of ‘godly’ heroes fighting against monstrous and villainous characters with unparalleled strength...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Does Age Matter in Relationships: Argumentative Essay

The debate about whether age is important for a relationship does not lose its relevance. Society is divided into two camps: some believe that the age difference does not harm the quality of the relationship, while others see it as a threat. As for me, I don't think age matters much in relationships, and in this essay, I'm going to argue my point. Some scholars who are for the age gap not being a barrier in marriage state that the...
2 Pages 1142 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s ‘The Death of the Moth’: Essay

The existence of paradoxical literature can be traced back to the birth of literature. However, there are works and instances in which paradox explodes and it is almost impossible to pass them. Virginia Woolf’s ‘The Death of the Moth’ is a paradoxical piece of such, and her analysis would obviously overflow the particulars of limits or descriptions of inventory. Based on the logical variety and vastness of Woolf’s recourse, it would only be proper to investigate how the writer manages...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Quirks of Behaviour in Public Transport: Ethnographic Essay

When I was assigned an ethnographic essay as my first anthropology assignment, I was undoubtedly confused as to what topic I should write on. Feeling slightly defeated, I stumbled into the tram to go home. I stood in front of a girl facing her as there was barely any space to do otherwise. All was well until I looked up from my mobile and accidentally made eye contact with her. I was tired so I didn’t even realize that I...
2 Pages 1109 Words

Why Guns Should Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

Since the independence of America, the United States Bill of Rights in 1791 stated that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. So, the concept of owning guns is very old, but it evolved since the last century because of the increase in crime with laws like the National Firearms Act ('NFA') or the Gun Control Act ('GCA'). However, gun...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Good Vs Evil in Flannery O'Connor's Short Story 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find': Essay

The short story ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ details a family on a car trip from Atlanta to Florida. I believe the story looks at what makes a good person versus a bad person, and how people often believe they are more virtuous than they are. The grandmother in ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ is the protagonist and considers herself morally superior to the other characters in the story. She often and freely passes judgment on...
2 Pages 1085 Words

Education Is a Power to Sustain Democracy and Freedom: Persuasive Essay

In recent discussions of the true power of education, a controversial issue has been whether education is the most powerful means to sustain democracy and freedom. On the one hand, some argue that education is not the most powerful means to sustain democracy and freedom. From this perspective, people see how there could be faults in the educational system and unequal opportunities that can be found in the education system that could cause there to be other factors that carry...
2 Pages 1102 Words

Cultural Clash in Chinua Achebe's Novel 'Things Fall Apart': Critical Essay

Chinua Achebe published his first novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ in 1958. Achebe wrote his novel in response to European novels that depicted Africans as savages who needed to be enlightened by the Europeans. Achebe presents to the reader his people’s history with both strengths and imperfections by describing, for example, Igbo festivals, the worship of their gods and the practices in their ritual ceremonies, their rich culture and other social practices, the colonial era that was both stopping Igbo culture...
2 Pages 1142 Words

My Experience of Observing Human Behaviour: Personal Narrative Essay

Observations allow you to shortly see into a person’s life. From observing people, you can analyze behavior to see what stage of development they are in. In my observation, I will be studying a five-year-old girl I babysit for thirty minutes in her home. She is of Caucasian ethnicity. She has light brown hair and light blue eyes. The setting is her living room/playroom. During this time, I will be examining aspects such as actions, interaction with others, and body...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Psychoanalysis of Sirius Black from the Story of Harry Potter: Critical Essay

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory was the idea that the mind is made of different parts that have the potential to conflict with one another. The three main parts are known as the id, ego, and superego. The id is irrational and emotional thought, while the superego is moral thought. The ego is rational thought and functions as a peacemaker between the id and the superego. Other important parts of the mind are assumptions and libido. An assumption is the part of...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Theme of Alienation in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Novel 'The Scarlet Letter': Critical Essay

In Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel 'The Scarlet Letter', Hester is the perfect example of one who experiences alienation alongside her daughter from the Puritans she lives around. She separates herself from them to work and take care of Pearl. Dealing with the guilt from her grave sin, Hester grows to learn how to cope with a judgmental society, where everyone around her is looking down upon her and her child. There is a noticeable conflict between herself and the community she...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System and Its Use in the US Navy and US Army

The Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System (LPWS) is part of the Air Defense Artillery (ADA) within the Department of the Army. In this paper, I will lay out a brief timeline for the LPWS from its concept in the US Navy to its employment overseas with the US Army, known as the C-RAM. I will also discuss the development of the LPWS and its impact on the US Military and its mission overseas. The idea and concept of the LPWS first...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Essay on Core Values of the Army

The Army has six core values that all officers and non-commissioned officers must adhere to. These values are taught at the very beginning of a soldier’s career, whether that be officer recruit at RMAS or junior recruit at phase one training. The first value is selfless commitment. Selfless commitment is being able to put the needs of your colleagues and those around you above your own. This could be the needs of the mission you have been given or the...
2 Pages 1092 Words

How Have Gender Roles Changed: Argumentative Essay

South African women have been courageous across all racial lines. When Thabo Mbeki was still the president of South Africa, he stated that 'No government in South Africa could ever claim to represent the will of the people if it failed to address the central task of emancipation of women in all its element and this includes the government we are privileged to lead' (www.sahistory.org.za). This clearly shows that the 1956 march to Union buildings was not in vain. Men...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Essay on Confidentiality in Psychology

Broadly speaking, it is no doubt true that clinical psychologists come across the complexity of human nature through their practice every day (Forman, 2010). Human thinking and behavior are not something fixed. Biological, psychological, and social factors are combined together and interact with each other leading to unique results in clients’ lives. When people enter into therapy, regardless of their mental health issues, oftentimes their common aim is to eliminate their discomfort and distress and learn how to cope better...
3 Pages 1137 Words

Child Rights Essay

India as a country is home to a lot of regressive cultures that will be deemed to be inhumane and barbaric in most of the world. With our history being plagued by the infamous ‘sati’ system the life of some women has never been a fairy tale in this country. Jogini, Devadasi or call them ‘India’s forgotten sex slaves’, India has already become the hub of child trafficking where every eight minutes a child goes missing. “Devadasi system is a...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Bell Hooks Essay

‘Education is one of the most valuable gifts a parent can give to their child’, people say, who do we thank for this valuable gift? In this essay, I will be speaking about one person in particular who has contributed greatly to education and has helped shape educational practices in past years. The key figure in critical and creative thinking that I have chosen to speak about is Bell Hooks. Hooks is a very renowned professor, author, and writer. Bell...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Being Successful Essay

Carolina Kluft, a Swedish athlete once said “Success for me is not to have all the medals. Success for me is to always do your best and try to develop and get better at every event.” We often hear these words from our parents that in order for us to be successful in life and have a good future is that we need to have high grades in school and always receive medals at the end of each school year....
3 Pages 1143 Words

Becoming Proud of My LGBT Identity Essay

Human rights can commonly be accessed through everyday life. The majority of the population receives these rights at birth, for just being human. However, there are specific groups in today’s society that struggle to access these rights. This can be said about the LGBT community, who have been fighting for basic human rights for decades on end. The past century has really shown some terror but also growth for this profound community. Homosexuality is not a term that people shy...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Arna Bontemps Poems: Essay on Harlem Renaissance

As history progress, many accounts of literature are likely to be encountered by authors and directors who attempt to inform and invite us to live inside the world of slavery. Living inside the fiction we learn to discern truth from falsehood, good from evil, and learn to find who we are, where we are, and where we are going. The plethora of literature produced regarding the issue of slavery doesn’t do the work of discernment for us, but by inviting...
2 Pages 1136 Words

Argumentative Essay on Tattoos

People should not be judged on their outward appearance. Tattoos, Piercings, dyed hair, and makeup should be accepted regardless of the job and should not alter a person's perception of the employee. The stigma around a person's outward appearance is very controversial in the workplace. For instance, according to “The Howler” Chick-fil-A does not allow any colored hair, piercings, or tattoos, “Hair coloring is permissible, but only naturally occurring hair colors are allowed. The Chick-Fil-A team member appearance pamphlet states,...
2 Pages 1063 Words

AMHCA Code of Ethics Essay

In this paper, I will point out four sections of the ACA Code of Ethics and four sections of the AMHCA Code of Ethics that a counselor has broken. Then I will work thru an ethical decision-making model for this ethical dilemma. Ethics are an integral part of counseling and it is imperative that we are able to recognize issues when they arise. Linnea is an LPCC, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in New Mexico and she has her own private...
2 Pages 1055 Words

1920s DBQ Essay

After I read F. L. Allen’s Only Yesterday Frederick Lewis Allen’s Only Yesterday is the first book that I have read about history. I really learned a lot of historical events from the author during the decade of the 1920s. Frederick Lewis Allen was an editor of Harper’s Magazine, and he was also an American historian of the first half of the twentieth century. In particular, he wrote about recent and popular history. Allen’s most famous book is the popular...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Shameless' Mental Illness Essay

In this assignment, I will deal with issues arising in a section from the US television series “Shameless” developed by John Wells on Showtime about an impoverished family with an alcoholic father and their struggles to go through life in Chicago. In the course of the essay, I will present the arguments and issues through the perspective of gender and class, with the help of the academic book series The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families (2004). I will...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Thesis Statement on 'The Story of an Hour'

Self-identity is defined as an understanding of an individual that has been displayed to them. According to “The Story of an Hour” written by Kate Chopin, it states that “She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been.” Ms. Mallard is a representation of people's thoughts about what they may become, what they might want...
2 Pages 1144 Words

Technology Ruins Society: Persuasive Essay

Despite piles of evidence that the earth’s climate is rapidly changing, the United States government actively ignores the crisis. People around the world are becoming extremely anxious about our planet’s future. Sadly, this anxiety is often outweighed by the pressures of our consumerist society. Either way, anxiety, and other mental health issues are serious problems that are just now being dealt with. Having a relationship with nature is crucial to a healthy mental state, but as the modern world grows...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Reflective Essay on Adverse Childhood Experience

In this report, I will be speaking about adverse childhood experiences also known as ACEs. ACEs are traumatic events that have happened in a person's childhood, this can include violence, abuse, or growing up with parents or guardians with poor mental health or drug and alcohol problems ('Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences', 2021). The experiences we have when we are children will have a huge impact on the way we develop and grow. It will affect our physical and mental health,...
2 Pages 1090 Words

Poverty and Its Impact on Education Today and Tomorrow: Thesis Statement

The relationship between poverty and education is widely acknowledged to be bidirectional. Poor individuals frequently lack access to adequate education, and those who do not have access to adequate education are often forced to live in poverty. However, before discussing the interconnections between poverty and education, it is necessary to define poverty. Poverty has numerous characteristics and is not solely defined by income or expenditure levels. Amartya Sen's (1999, 2001) work has widened our understanding of poverty by characterizing it...
2 Pages 1124 Words
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