1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Persuasive Speech on Ocean Pollution

Introduction Attention Getter: This year, on January 1st, the ban on plastic straws in restaurants and other service businesses began. The anti-straw movement started after a video of a turtle with straws stuck in its nostrils went viral on social media. Background: However, plastic straws are a tiny percent of the plastic waste left in the ocean. Globally 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean per year. The matter of fact is that ocean pollution is a complex issue...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Ocean Pollution Speech

Since mankind existed, humans have taken advantage of many landscapes such as the ocean, killing animals and resources produced for survival. Humans have made the costly mistake of taking the earth for granted as they believe the earth also needs humans. Humans are altering Earth’s natural landscapes so radically that as many plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction. According to Brad Pulmer, writer for the New York Times, overdoing agriculture activities such as farming, logging, poaching,...
2 Pages 1112 Words

The Healing Power of Music: Critical Essay

Ever since it was possible, humans have been finding ways to communicate and express their feelings, discoveries, and knowledge. One such popular form has been music. Although it is mostly associated with entertainment, music possesses a mental healing factor that has been utilized throughout the progression of history. In addition to traditional medicine, music therapy is an effective treatment option because of its proven use throughout human history, the effect music has on the brain, and its various, unique methods....
2 Pages 1067 Words

‘Should Everyone Go to College?’ by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill: Evaluation Essay

In ‘Should Everyone Go to College?’ by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill, they make a very good statement about how beneficial college may or may not be. For some students, college can be very beneficial, but for others, high school might be all that is needed. Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill make it clear that there are many factors in deciding whether to go to college or not to go to college. The essay ‘Should Everyone Go to College?’ is...
2 Pages 1114 Words

High Schools Should Start Later: Persuasive Essay

Not many people can honestly say that they are one hundred percent a ‘morning person’, and for those that identify as such, morning hardly ever means 4:30 or 5 a.m. Waking up this early in the morning is something that many high schoolers are required to do in order to make it to school on time. In this essay, I will explain why high schools should push their start times back so that classes begin later in the morning. Later...
2 Pages 1115 Words

Healthy Eating Needed in the Learning Environment: Persuasive Essay

Most people will say that the United States focuses more on healthy eating today, but that does not mean that our eating habits are better than they were years ago. They have actually become worse due to an increase in the production of processed and refined foods that are low in nutrients and high in fat and sugar. The most efficient way to turn this situation around and get the country’s health back on track is by applying better nutrition...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist

Recently, I have had an increasing interest in dental hygiene. The reason behind my choice could be influenced by the history of my family, in which dental care was the least of their concerns. This caused them to face an overall impact on their health later on in their life. On the other hand, I have always been taking care of my teeth and I want to show everyone else how important it can be and how it can greatly...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Cultural Diversity in Nursing: Informative Essay

Culture refers to the developed spiritual values as well as all materials created in the line of social development, including the tools engaged in creation as well as in the handing over of social values to the upcoming generations, showing the extent of people's authority and control based on their social and natural development. Culture is a term that diversifies in every community; hence, it is perceived differently in every community. Culture also interferes with people's perception of different phenomena,...
2 Pages 1115 Words

Women Should Have Access to Abortions: Persuasive Essay

It is common knowledge that abortions is a touchy subject all over the world. It is an absolute necessity that women have the option of having an abortion. Three important reasons are made for abortion: women suffer when abortion is prohibited, women should have the choice as it’s their body, and women who are raped should be permitted to get an abortion. There are also many other reasons why women should be allowed to get an abortion. Especially when it...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Essay on Technology in Healthcare and Its Impacts

Medical treatment in so many countries has progressed and is still technological advancement, and many lives and many patients who continue to live without any illness have been saved by technological developments. Medical and healthcare technology is changing and new medical developments and technologies have enhanced healthcare. Electronic health records (EHRs), population science, and guidelines on clinical practices are the major changes in the medical sector. Public health improvements include electronic health records (EHRs) that provide cost-free data to clinical...
2 Pages 1086 Words

Why I Want to Be a Physician Assistant Essay

As a healthcare professional with a passion for helping others, the role of a Physician Assistant has always stood out to me. The opportunity to work alongside physicians, make a difference in patients' lives, and continually learn and grow in the medical field is what draws me to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant. Personal Background My personal background has played a significant role in shaping my desire to pursue a career as a physician assistant. Growing up, I...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Essay on Child Labour

Child labor is a critical issue that has been prevalent throughout history and continues to impact millions of children worldwide. Defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, child labor has been a persistent problem in many countries and industries, from agriculture and mining to manufacturing and domestic work. The historical background of child labor reveals that it has been a common practice for centuries. Today, despite global efforts to eradicate child labor, it...
2 Pages 1124 Words

14 Leadership Traits USMC Essay

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is one of the most respected and revered branches of the US military, known for its discipline, dedication, and leadership. The Marine Corps has identified 14 key leadership traits that are essential for its officers and enlisted personnel to possess. These traits are not only important in military service but also in civilian life. In this essay, we will discuss each of these 14 leadership traits in detail and explore why they are critical...
2 Pages 1114 Words

Critical Essay on Whether Technology Is Mediated by the Society

Technology was, is, and will be mediated by society. In order to understand it, we need to understand the roles played by technology in human existence and society. When technology is used, it helps to shape the relations between human beings and the world. People have always panicked about the implications of new technologies. They always worried about the nature of technological change today, and also about its pace. We went from having no World Wide Web to a full-blown...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Juveniles in Solitary Confinement: Informative Essay

There are many concerning issues within juvenile corrections. One of those pressing issues is solitary confinement. Solitary confinement is defined as the isolation of a prisoner in a separate cell as a form of punishment. Every day across the United States, young people under the age of 18 are placed in solitary confinement. In this essay, I will discuss the issue surrounding juveniles in solitary confinement compared to Germany’s treatment of juveniles and the ways it has improved. According to...
3 Pages 1133 Words

Essay about College Room-mates and Their Types: Informative Essay

During most college students’ four years of studies, they are required to live in dorms. As expected, dorms are usually shared between two or more people, which automatically makes them your roommates. Throughout these four years every student gets to meet many different types of people, coming from various countries and backgrounds, and most times students are required to share their living spaces with those same people. As time progresses, we, students, are predisposed to live with a variety of...
2 Pages 1122 Words

Analysis of Oceans Through Economics: Analytical Essay

Traditionally, oceans did not find their place in economic analysis. They were considered to be a part of the natural resources that could be exploited. The factors of production included land, labor, and capital, with oceans being a fixed factor in production. Oceans were classified as public goods, which means they are non-excludable and non-rival. In recent years, the finite nature of the oceans and fish stock and the ecological degradation of oceans due to harmful effluents have been analyzed...
2 Pages 1125 Words

Taking Things for Granted: Persuasive Essay

You really don't know what you have until it's gone. We complain every day about not liking the food that's on the table and complaining about not having the latest model of phone. If we searched around us, we could find at least a hundred things that we are not thankful for. However, people less fortunate would be grateful for it. We never stop and realize how lucky we are as we take our family and friends as normal things...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Critical Essay on Jerry Spinelli's Book ‘Star-girl’

‘Stargirl’ is a novel by the author Jerry Spinelli. Jerry is an American writer that grew up in Norristown, Pennsylvania, and he now lives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. He decided to become a writer at the age of 16 after a poem he wrote about sports was published in a local newspaper. Jerry went to Gettysburg College and he got his master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University. Jerry has written over 45 books and ‘Stargirl’ is one of them. In 1991,...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Informative Essay on the Reproductive System as a Significant Framework

Do you know how you were conceived? Do you know how you became? The reproductive system is the framework that made that all conceivable. Without the regenerative framework, you wouldn't have been conceived. So as to create posterity, the male and female regenerative frameworks must be unique. Every system has various parts, issues, and care. Every framework has various purposes: the male conceptive framework's capacity is to create sperm, while the female regenerative framework's capacity is to deliver ova, store...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Funerals in Hinduism and Judaism: Informative Essay

The final milestone in a person’s life – funerals – carries many significant meanings in both Judaism and Hinduism, the various traditional rituals help overcome the heartbreak of funerals. Looking firstly at a Jewish funeral. According to Levison (2002), “All Jews believe as long as they follow the laws laid out in the Old Testament, they will attain holiness”. As soon as possible after death, the Chevra Kadisha, a Jewish organization that arranges funerals, must be notified, as Jews believe...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Analysis of the Romantic Comedy Genre Using the Example of the Movie 'Rocky': Critical Essay

Genre theory is utilized to explore films and place them into a category, so people are aware of what genre of film it is before seeing it. Genres are classifications based on the tale of the movie. All movies belong to a genre or sub-genre type. One of the better well-known but missed genres is a romantic comedy. The cheesy back-and-forth, clever actions, sexual pressures, good-heartedness soliloquies, and the conflict betwixt the central two people in the film, are why...
2 Pages 1097 Words

Do You Really Love Thy Neighbour: Critical Essay on Freedom of Religion

“The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth” (The Australian Constitution, Chapter 5, Section 116). Freedom of religion is a concept prevalent in most countries around the world. Australia, as a multicultural and diverse country, consists of many citizens who practice the world’s...
2 Pages 1065 Words

Critical Essay on the Necessity of Peer Review in the Scientific Field

Peer review is an essential step when it comes to publishing an article or even a book. It is when you get someone in the same field or a field similar to evaluate work ready to be published. Peer review is extremely necessary as it ensures the quality of work is up to a good standard and has reliable information referenced. Peer-reviewed articles are important as they keep up with current trends and any other research in a variety of...
2 Pages 1107 Words

Digestion and the Role of Intestinal Flora in the Elderly: Analytical Essay

This essay will explore the role of gut flora in the digestion process, specifically the role of gut flora in digestion in the elderly population. The gut microbiota has the largest number of bacteria compared to any other part of the body. Gut flora develops in humans one to two years after birth, by this time the intestinal epithelium and the intestinal mucosal barrier that is secreted would have developed together in a way which supports and is tolerant to...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Critical Essay on Moral Dilemmas and Making the Right Decision

Morality is the relationship between right and wrong in human behavior. Simply put, it is a system of right and wrong principles. A dilemma is just a difficult decision, which means that you must choose between two or more. In other words, a dilemma is a situation where there are two possible solutions. A moral dilemma is a situation or problem in which a person is faced with a dilemma between good and evil. There are several types and common...
2 Pages 1134 Words

Clausewitz's Fog of War in the Modern Enterprise Information Environment: Analytical Essay

Today with more people dependent on information technology, cybersecurity has become a major issue that is considered by all the IT services across the world. Even if there have been great advancements in information technologies, not much has been improved when it comes to ensuring security, more great security measures have to be adopted for protecting the data transferred throughout the network. Hence in this essay, various aspects, depending upon the uncertainties, are included in this aspect of the information...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Informative Essay on the Endocrine System as One of the Body’s Major Systems

This essay will describe the structure, function, and interrelationship of one of the body’s major systems, the endocrine system, and illustrate its malfunction and associated causes, symptoms, and treatment. A sporadic network across the body, the endocrine system, consisting of glands and organs with no physical connections, produce and secrete chemical messages called hormones. The term hormone, derived from the Greek word ‘hormao’, meaning ‘I excite’, refers to each hormone exiting or stimulating a particular part of the body or...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Sherlock Holmes and His Sociopathic Characteristics: Critical Essay

In BBC’s ‘Sherlock’, Sherlock Holmes is portrayed as a ‘high functioning sociopath’ who considers himself married to his work and despises working with others. After John Watson returns from war and needs a roommate, the two meet each other and decide to room together. Once Sherlock asks John to accompany him on a case, they become partners: Sherlock is the consulting detective and John is the blogger of the cases. Throughout their many adventures together, Sherlock seems to have growing...
2 Pages 1070 Words

Destruction of the Library of Alexandria as a Tragedy for Humanity: Critical Essay

Euclid of Alexandria is one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, and his work, ‘Elements’, remains one of the most published books to this day. Considering the legacy he left behind, it is unimaginable how much of his research was truly lost. Some sources claim that as much as half of his works did not survive, especially the ones regarding conics and mechanics. Another field of ancient science that was lost with the Library of Alexandria is optics. While...
2 Pages 1079 Words
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