1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Exemplification Essay on Jeff Bezos as a Vivid Example of a Successful Entrepreneur

Jeff Bezos, one of if not the most successful entrepreneurs the world has ever seen, was born in 1964 as Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen to a teenage mother Jacklyn Gise (16 years old at the time), and a teenage father Ted Jorgensen (barely 18 years old), in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jeff was challenged in his life from a very early age when his parents divorced when he was just 17 months old. That was the last time Jeff ever saw his...
2 Pages 1123 Words

Why You Should Go Vegan: Persuasive Speech

Why you should go vegan Do you know how many animals are being killed this year for food in the United States so far? 5,542,850,346 and counting. (accessed on Feb 7, number changes by second) This connects to our water supplies. 1,800 gallons (6,800 liters) of water is used to produce one pound of beef. This matches 7 years of our drinking water for the average person, but instead, this water is being wasted for beef. Becoming a vegan is...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay: 'The Tempest' Vs 'Mystery Is the Precinct Where I Found Peace'

Discoveries can provide new insights that transform an individual’s perception of themselves and the world. Both William Shakespeare’s tragicomedy The Tempest (1611) and Laura Palmer’s memoir, Mystery is the Precinct Where I Found Peace (2002) highlight how introspection enables individuals to be emotionally transformed. Furthermore, both texts reveal how by reconsidering prior assumptions, individuals may discover renewed perspectives and future possibilities. Emotional discoveries can arise from introspection in response to provocative encounters. In The Tempest, Renaissance Humanism’s emphasis upon self-reflection...
2 Pages 1126 Words

Social Justice in Medicine and Healthcare: Persuasive Essay

When addressing the concern about the United States being able to provide fair access to health services there are two popular theories that most people agree with. The two contrasting theories are market justice and social justice and in this paper, the theory of social justice is discussed. Social justice believes healthcare should be on a population level instead of an individual basis and should not consider wealth as a requirement for healthcare. The term “social justice” was invented in...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Social Justice Essay on Deforestation

Maathai is locally and worldwide renowned as a conservation environmentalist and crusader for gender and social justice. A woman of many firsts, amongst them, the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in East and Central Africa (1971) and to head the Veterinary Anatomy Department, at one of Kenya’s oldest and most prestigious Universities - the University of Nairobi (UON) in 1976 to ultimately becoming the winner of one of the most coveted global prizes, the Nobel Peace Prize (2004), (valued...
2 Pages 1102 Words

Persuasive Speech: Sexual harassment Is Thriving on Silence

Sexual harassment is thriving on silence. How often do you hear the word harassment and feel the pain attached to it? I believe everyone should be free from objectification due to their gender, religion, and race. Sexual harassment is one of the most common types of harassment found. Considering gender as a sexual object and making crude jokes, passing remarks, or behaving in any way that makes the other person uncomfortable is not acceptable. We live in a world where...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Foster Care Vs Orphanage: Critical Essay

“An Experiment in Zero Parenting” by Eliot Marshall ia an article that discusses an experiment done by the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP) in Romania. In the 1960’s the dictator felt Romania’s population needed to be boosted, so he started taxing women for having less than five children with no consideration about their financial and physical abilities to care for any or all of the children. This left a heavy burden on Romania to take care of these children when...
2 Pages 1142 Words

Informative Speech on Deforestation

“Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system - the lungs of the planet - and we are the verge of switching it off.” - Prince Charles (“Explore 100 Famous Scientist Quotes Pages”). This quote explains that humans are about to lose most of the trees which are necessary for the existence of life on earth. In addition, deforestation refers to the removal of trees which can occur through natural or accidental means but, it is commonly carried out by humans. Recently,...
2 Pages 1105 Words

Historical Essay on '12 Years a Slave'

Slavery in America around the 1850s was about half free states and half slave states. Even free african americans were treated differently and relationships varied since there is still racism present whether slavery was allowed or not. Relationships definitely varied and were affected by slavery. Before the Reconstruction which took place after the Civil War, many slaves began to acquire their freedom by many things, including escaping plantations, buying their freedom, or being granted freedom from their former owners. Once...
2 Pages 1134 Words

World War 1 and the Russian Revolution: Analytical Essay

The First World War was central to the coming of the 1917 revolution in Russia because it put enormous strains on the population and dramatically increased popular discontent. It also undermined the discipline of the Russian army, thereby reducing the government’s ability to use force to suppress the increased discontent. – whether or not Russia would have avoided revolution had there been no war is difficult to determine, however, it is certainly true that, even if a revolution was probable,...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Why Is It Important to Learn about Holocaust: Persuasive Essay

The Holocaust was an inevitable atrocity in the 20th Century and consisted of the mass genocide of the Jewish people and other minorities caused by Nazi Germany during WW2. The Holocaust started in 1941 (no specific date was recorded) and ended on 8 May 1945 during which Nazi Germany murdered around 6 million Jews and around 5 million other minorities (any black, Roma, communists, the mentally and physically disabled, and the homosexual). The Holocaust was inevitable as the supporting evidence...
2 Pages 1113 Words

Who Is the Mockingbird in 'To Kill a Mockingbird': Critical Essay

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the author, Harper Lee, tells a story about two young children, who live in a period of racial discrimination against African Americans. The reader learns about the characters’ experiences that shape their moral views about people of different social classes and races. Lee portrays African Americans as a segregated community that was considered inferior and constantly faced social injustice, yet they were respectful to the whites, despite the cruel and unfair treatment they...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Speech for the Legalization of Medical Marijuana

One of the most controversial, social, and legal issues in the United States today is the legalization of marijuana. Just like with every issue, there are pros and cons that come along with it. I believe that the benefits of legalizing marijuana outweigh the negatives that are associated with it. This paper will focus on some of those benefits, which include, the economic, social, and medical standpoints. Taking into consideration the negatives that correspond to each topic. Marijuana is estimated...
2 Pages 1091 Words

Persuasive Speech Outline on Domestic Violence

Good afternoon all, As a citizen of America, I am here to let you know that we are all under attack. World War 3 is rapidly evolving in front of our very eyes and we are oblivious about it. This silent but deadly killer is mutilating over three hundred thousand harmless citizens every 12 months – however, 80% are scared to admit the hardship they face. 85% of its victims are women and children, and the remaining 15% are men....
3 Pages 1136 Words

Main Goal of The American Revolution: Synthesis Essay

What happens when a country, put through continuous mistreatment from a sovereign power and pushed to its limit, must either choose total submission or total independence through all-out war? One historical event that serves as a significant example of this dilemma is the American Revolutionary War. The American Revolution was a lengthy conflict that occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century. It involved American colonists rebelling against their ruling monarchical British government, with all the battles taking place...
3 Pages 1146 Words

How Did World War 1 Change American Society: Analytical Essay

World War I changed America's character forever. Participation in the war confirmed the leading role of the United States in international affairs. World War I marked the first war in which American women were allowed to enlist in the armed forces. While thousands of women did join branches of the army in an official capacity, receiving veterans status and benefits after the war's close, the majority of female involvement was done through voluntary organizations supporting the war effort or through...
3 Pages 1147 Words

How Did Alliances Lead to World War 1: Analytical Essay

New Paradigms within the Study of 'World War 1' Warfare I, conjointly referred to as the primary warfare, the Good War, the Seminal Catastrophe, and at the start in North America because the European War, was a world war originating in Europe that lasted from twenty-eight Gregorian calendar month 1914 to St Martin's Day 1918. Contemporaneously delineated as 'the war to finish all wars', it light-emitting diode to the mobilization of quite seventy million military personnel, together with sixty million...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Euthanasia and The Catholic Church Essay

Euthanasia is described as an act or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering [1]. As such because this is a controversial topic that involves both life and death it falls under the category of being a biological ethical issue [2]. However, recent a form of euthanasia referred to as voluntary euthanasia, where a doctor acts out euthanasia at a patient’s request was legalized in Victoria in June 2019, will be...
3 Pages 1145 Words

Essay on Charrington in '1984'

1984 is a dystopian novel by English novelist George Orwell. George Orwell was known to be against totalitarianism and democratic socialism, throughout 1984 he would constantly warn readers about the extreme effects of a government with unlimited authority, who would strive to regulate every aspect of society. An obvious and collective human experience resident in Oceania share is oppression and conformity. Besides exploiting technologies and training the juniors to spy on all individuals and inflicting fatal physical torment on enemies...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Cons of Child Abuse Essay

In this assignment, I am going to explain the long-term and short-term effects of child abuse. A child’s reaction to abuse and neglect can last a lifetime affecting them in many ways, such as physical, mental, psychological, and behavioral problems, and many more. These problems vary depending on the child and how severe the abuse is. In this assignment, I am going to mainly focus on the psychological and behavioral consequences of child abuse. Child maltreatment is categorized into 4...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Animal Euthanasia Controversy: Critical Essay

Each year, around 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized to make room for new strays, to whom the same process would undergo the following year (qtd. in ASPCA). Even more are “put down” due to age, health, and personal reasons. Regardless of the purpose behind it, is euthanizing animals ethical? For some background information, ethics as defined by Merriam-Webster are “a set of moral principles: a theory or system of moral values” or “the principles of conduct governing an individual...
2 Pages 1129 Words

Analysis of Mechanical Hound in 'Fahrenheit 451': Critical Essay

In order to repress individualism, the freedom to express emotion is eliminated, removing citizens’ ability to distinguish their own sense of reality. “It’s an important thing for you to remember, Montag, is we’re the Happiness Boys, the Dixie Duo, you and I and the others. We stand against the small tide of those who want to make everyone unhappy with conflicting theory and thought. We have our fingers in the dike. Hold steady. Don’t let the torrent of melancholy and...
2 Pages 1107 Words

Gap Inc Essay

History Gap Inc. was established in 1969 by Donald and Doris Fisher as a single store in San Francisco. After becoming irritated with their struggle to locate fit pants, the Fishers imagined a store offering a broad range of sizes. The "generation gap" between Baby Boomers and their parents was referenced in the store's name. The original Gap business strategy of selling Levi's pants and records rapidly changed. The corporation started creating private-label products in the middle of the 1970s,...
4 Pages 1111 Words

Essay on Photoshop

History When Thomas and John Knoll started working on the application in 1987, it was only the beginning of Adobe Photoshop, a pioneer in digital image modification. It was initially designed to put on view grayscale pictures on a monochrome feature and was first named "Display" by Thomas Knoll. His brother John recommended developing it into a whole picture editing program after seeing its potential. Following several improvements, the software was renamed Photoshop and presented to Apple and Adobe in...
4 Pages 1142 Words

Noam Chomsky Essay

Introduction Renowned linguist, philosopher, and political activist Noam Chomsky has had a lasting impression on some academic fields. He is one of the most prominent philosophers of our time because of the breadth of his work, which includes contributions to linguistics, cognitive science, and political philosophy. Chomsky has sparked controversy and altered academic and popular conversation with his profound insights into language learning and his critique of the mainstream media and political power structures. Biography A complex intellectual giant, Noam...
4 Pages 1141 Words

Popularity Essay

Introduction A universal and complex phenomenon, popularity has long attracted human civilization's attention. This attraction spans age, culture, and context and is sometimes characterized as the state of being liked, appreciated, or sought after by a significant percentage of people. It's a notion prevalent in classrooms, social media, political settings, and even the entertainment industry. The desire for popularity may significantly influence people's lives, affecting their self-esteem, interactions, and decisions. It may be a source of belonging and validation for...
4 Pages 1098 Words

Force Essay

What is Force? The fundamental physics notion of force describes an interaction between two things or a push-pull that can modify an object's motion or shape. Its magnitude (strength), direction, and point of application are frequently used to quantify it. Essential elements include: Magnitude The International System of Units (SI) uses units like newtons (N) to quantify this, which measures the physical quantity size or extent. Direction Direction is the route that a physical quantity follows as it operates, it...
4 Pages 1104 Words

Informative Speech on Stress

I want to talk about theories, causes, and effects of stress. Stress is an inevitable consequence of life and is a state of mental or emotional tension that results in various or demanding circumstances. Stress is not always harmful, but it can trigger multiple biological responses. All people are stressed however, everyone interprets stress differently, and our coping strategies vary from individual to individual. According to Lazarus (1999), stress is a two-way process; that involves the production of stressors by...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Charlotte Perkins Gilman 'The Yellow Wallpaper' Summary Essay

The Yellow Wallpaper tells about the narrator's husband, John, who has rented a house in us for the summer while his spouse recovers from brief frightened despair shortly after the birth of their baby. The narrator decides to hold a secret journal, in which she describes her forced passivity and expresses her dislike for her bedroom wallpaper, a dislike that regularly intensifies into obsession, and completely identifies herself with the female imprisoned in the wallpaper. Now absolutely recognized as the...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Analysis of Setting of 'The Yellow Wallpaper': Critical Essay

'The Yellow Wallpaper' takes a gander at the unforgiving thought of sex occupations as they have been compelled on young women in the past due nineteenth century. The storyteller is made wild-eyed by her inability to express her character. The Yellow Wallpaper is made as a solicitation out of journal areas from the perspective of a young woman who is tormented by post-pregnancy tension. The storyteller begins by depicting the tremendous, beautifying home that she and her significant other, John,...
2 Pages 1059 Words
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